public Author getAuthStatistics(string authUrl) { CSXAuth a = new CSXAuth(authUrl); Author authObj = new Author(a.authName, a.affiliation, a.homePageURL, a.hIndex, a.i10Index); for (int i = 0; i < a.numPub; i++) { Paper p = new Paper(a.publiList[i].title, a.authName, a.publiList[i].year, a.publiList[i].journal, "", a.publiList[i].numCit,a.publiList[i].url,0); authObj.addPaper(p); } return authObj; }
public CitationsTab(Paper paper, int type) { InitializeComponent(); authorResultsListView.ColumnClick += new ColumnClickEventHandler(authorResultsListView_ColumnClick); authorResultsListView.FullRowSelect = true; authorResultsListView.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(authorResultsListView_MouseClick); authorResultsListView.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler(authorResultsListView_MouseDoubleClick); authorResultsListView.DrawItem += ListView_DrawItem; authorResultsListView.DrawColumnHeader += ListView_DrawColumnHeader; abstractBox.GotFocus += abstractBox_GotFocus; CSParser = new CSXParser(); GSScraper = new GSScraper(); MSParser = new MicrosoftScholarParser(); this.paper = paper; this.type = type; lastCount = 0; STOP = false; showStatistics(); getCitations(); }
//add a paper p to the list of citations of the Paper - read only public void addCitation(Paper p) { citations.Add(p); }
//url pointing to web page of a paper public List<Paper> getCitations(string url) { CSXPubli c = new CSXPubli(url); List<Paper> p=new List<Paper>(); Paper pEle; if (c.citeList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < c.citeList.Count; i++) { pEle = new Paper(c.citeList[i].title, c.citeList[i].url, c.citeList[i].authNames, c.citeList[i].abs, c.citeList[i].year, "", "", c.citeList[i].numCit, c.citeList[i].url, 0); p.Add(pEle); } } return p; }
public bool getCitationsNext(string url,ref List<Paper> p) { HtmlWeb web; web = new HtmlWeb(); HtmlDocument doc; HtmlNode n; if (url.Contains("viewdoc"))//e.g. { doc = web.Load(url); HtmlNode citUrl = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id=\"docCites\"]/td[2]/a"); if (citUrl == null) return false; url = "" + citUrl.GetAttributeValue("href", ""); } SettingsRecord sr = new SettingsRecord(); Settings s = sr.ReadSettings(); if (p.Count % 10 != 0 || p.Count >= s.CiteSeerMaxResults) return false; int pagen = p.Count; url = url + "&sort=cite&start=" + p.Count; doc = web.Load(url); if (doc != null) Console.WriteLine("Document Loaded!"); else { Console.WriteLine("Load Error!"); return false; } HtmlNodeCollection rows; Paper tempPaperObj; rows = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@id=\"result_list\"]/div"); if(rows==null) { Console.WriteLine("Load Error! Next page doesn't exist! Returned."); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++) { int numCit=0, year=0; string title="", authNames="", abs, pUrl=""; if (rows[i].SelectSingleNode("div[3]/a[@title=\"number of citations\"]") != null) { try { int comI = rows[i].SelectSingleNode("div[3]/a[@title=\"number of citations\"]").InnerText.Substring(9).IndexOf(' '); if (rows[i].SelectSingleNode("div[3]/a[@title=\"number of citations\"]").InnerText.Substring(9).Remove(comI) != null) numCit = Convert.ToInt32((rows[i].SelectSingleNode("div[3]/a[@title=\"number of citations\"]").InnerText.Substring(9).Remove(comI))); } catch (Exception e) { } } else numCit = 0; try { title = rows[i].SelectSingleNode("h3/a").InnerText.Trim(); authNames = rows[i].SelectSingleNode("div[1]/span[1]").InnerText.Substring(3).Trim(); } catch (Exception e) { } String tempYear; if (rows[i].SelectSingleNode("div[1]/span[@class=\"pubyear\"]") != null) { try { tempYear = rows[i].SelectSingleNode("div[1]/span[@class=\"pubyear\"]").InnerText; if (tempYear != null) year = Convert.ToInt32(tempYear.Substring(2)); } catch (Exception e) { } } else year = 0; if (rows[i].SelectSingleNode("div[2]") != null) abs = rows[i].SelectSingleNode("div[2]").InnerText; else abs = ""; try { pUrl = "" + rows[i].SelectSingleNode("h3/a").GetAttributeValue("href", ""); } catch (Exception e) { } tempPaperObj = new Paper(title, pUrl, authNames, abs, year, "", "", numCit, pUrl, 0); //if (tempPaperObj.NumberOfCitations > 0) p.Add(tempPaperObj); } return true; }
public bool returnJournalNext(ref Journal journ) { HtmlNode mainTable = CiteDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id=\"result_list\"]"); HtmlNode entryNoNode, paperNode, authorNode, journalNode, yearNode, citationNode; string paperName, authorName, journalName, publishYear, noCitations, citationLink, paperURL; int citno; if (noResult == 0) return false; if (CiteDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id=\"result_list\"]") == null) return false; mainTable = CiteDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id=\"result_list\"]"); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { entryNoNode = mainTable.SelectSingleNode("div[" + i + "]"); if (entryNoNode == null) break; paperURL = ""; paperNode = entryNoNode.SelectSingleNode("h3/a"); if (paperNode == null) { paperNode = entryNoNode.SelectSingleNode("h3/span"); paperName = paperNode.InnerText; paperName = paperName.Substring(37); } else { paperName = paperNode.InnerText.Substring(19); if (paperNode.Attributes["href"] != null) paperURL = "" + paperNode.Attributes["href"].Value; } //Console.WriteLine(paperName); //Now remove unwanted preceding character and spaces from paperName authorNode = entryNoNode.SelectSingleNode("div[1]/span[1]"); authorName = authorNode.InnerText; authorName = authorName.Substring(22); //Now remove unwanted preceding character and spaces from authorName if (entryNoNode.SelectSingleNode("div[1]/span[3]") == null) { journalName = ""; yearNode = entryNoNode.SelectSingleNode("div[1]/span[2]"); if (yearNode == null) publishYear = "0"; else { publishYear = yearNode.InnerText; publishYear = publishYear.Substring(2); } } else { journalNode = entryNoNode.SelectSingleNode("div[1]/span[2]"); journalName = journalNode.InnerText; journalName = journalName.Substring(2); yearNode = entryNoNode.SelectSingleNode("div[1]/span[3]"); publishYear = yearNode.InnerText; publishYear = publishYear.Substring(2); } //Process publishYear and journalNode to get important data citationNode = entryNoNode.SelectSingleNode("div[3]/a"); if (citationNode.InnerText == "Abstract") citationNode = entryNoNode.SelectSingleNode("div[3]/a[2]"); noCitations = citationNode.InnerText; //remove unnecessary details from the number of citations noCitations = noCitations.Substring(9); // Console.WriteLine(noCitations); if (citationNode.Attributes["href"] == null) citationLink = ""; else citationLink = "" + citationNode.Attributes["href"].Value; citno = 0; if (noCitations[0] != 't') for (int j = 0; noCitations[j] != ' '; j++) { citno = citno * 10 + Convert.ToInt32(noCitations[j]) - 48; } //Now the processed strings are to be entered on the type of author int year; try { year = Convert.ToInt32(publishYear); } catch (Exception e) { year = 0; } Paper paper1 = new Paper(paperName, paperURL, authorName, year, journalName, "", citno, citationLink, (PageNo - 1) * 10 + i); journ.addPaper(paper1); } int check = LoadNextPage(); if (check == 1) return true; else return false; }
//function to add paper to the paper list public void addPaper(Paper p) { papers.Add(p); }
private void viewCitationsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) MessageBox.Show("Warning: Please check your Internet connection!"); else { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) prevSortedColum[i] = false; citationIndex = authorResultsListView.FocusedItem.Index; if (Papers[citationIndex].NumberOfCitations != 0) { paper = Papers[citationIndex]; showStatistics(); getCitations(); } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public List<Paper> generatePaper(Request request, int numberofResult, int initialNO=0) { List<Paper> papers = new List<Paper>(); Response response; try { response = client.Search(request); } catch (Exception e) { return papers; } if (response.Publication == null) return papers; for (int i = 0; i <response.Publication.Result.Length; i++) { initialNO++; if (initialNO > masMaxResults) break; Paper paper; String title, authors, publication, pap_abstract, url, id_; int numOfCitations, year; authors = ""; title = response.Publication.Result[i].Title; for (int j = 0; j < response.Publication.Result[i].Author.Length; j++) { authors = authors + generateName(response.Publication.Result[i].Author[j].FirstName, response.Publication.Result[i].Author[j].MiddleName, response.Publication.Result[i].Author[j].LastName) + ", "; } numOfCitations = Convert.ToInt32(response.Publication.Result[i].CitationCount); year = Convert.ToInt32(response.Publication.Result[i].Year); publication = ""; if (response.Publication.Result[i].Journal != null) publication = response.Publication.Result[i].Journal.FullName; url = ""; if (response.Publication.Result[i].FullVersionURL.Length != 0) url = response.Publication.Result[i].FullVersionURL[0]; id_ = Convert.ToString(response.Publication.Result[i].ID); pap_abstract = response.Publication.Result[i].Abstract; if (pap_abstract == null) pap_abstract = ""; paper = new Paper(title, url, authors, pap_abstract, year, publication, "", numOfCitations, id_, 0); papers.Add(paper); } return papers; }
public bool getCitationsNext(String id, ref List<Paper> cited) { int no = cited.Count; int flag = 0; UInt32 paperID; try { paperID = Convert.ToUInt32(id); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } int stIndex, endIndex; Request requestCitedPaper = new Request(); requestCitedPaper.AppID = "c49b4e59-08dd-4f27-a53b-53cc72f169af"; Response response; stIndex = cited.Count + 1; endIndex = cited.Count + 100; requestCitedPaper.ResultObjects = ObjectType.Publication; requestCitedPaper.ReferenceType = ReferenceRelationship.Citation; requestCitedPaper.PublicationID = paperID; requestCitedPaper.StartIdx = Convert.ToUInt32(stIndex); requestCitedPaper.EndIdx = Convert.ToUInt32(endIndex); try { response = client.Search(requestCitedPaper); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < response.Publication.Result.Length; i++) { no++; if (no > masMaxResults) { flag = 1; break; } Paper paper; String title, authors, publication, pap_abstract; int numOfCitations, year; authors = ""; title = response.Publication.Result[i].Title; for (int j = 0; j < response.Publication.Result[i].Author.Length; j++) { authors = authors + generateName(response.Publication.Result[i].Author[j].FirstName, response.Publication.Result[i].Author[j].MiddleName, response.Publication.Result[i].Author[j].LastName) + ", "; } numOfCitations = Convert.ToInt32(response.Publication.Result[i].CitationCount); year = Convert.ToInt32(response.Publication.Result[i].Year); publication = ""; if (response.Publication.Result[i].Journal != null) publication = response.Publication.Result[i].Journal.FullName; String url = ""; if (response.Publication.Result[i].FullVersionURL.Length != 0) url = response.Publication.Result[i].FullVersionURL[0]; String id_ = Convert.ToString(response.Publication.Result[i].ID); pap_abstract = response.Publication.Result[i].Abstract; if (pap_abstract == null) pap_abstract = ""; paper = new Paper(title, url, authors, pap_abstract, year, publication, "", numOfCitations, id_, 0); cited.Add(paper); } if (response.Publication.Result.Length < 100 || flag==1) return false; else return true; }
public List<Paper> getCitations(String id, int noResults=20) { //Console.WriteLine("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); List<Paper> cited = new List<Paper>(); UInt32 paperID; try { paperID = Convert.ToUInt32(id); } catch (Exception e) { return cited; } Request requestCitedPaper = new Request(); requestCitedPaper.AppID = "c49b4e59-08dd-4f27-a53b-53cc72f169af"; Response response; requestCitedPaper.ResultObjects = ObjectType.Publication; requestCitedPaper.ReferenceType = ReferenceRelationship.Citation; requestCitedPaper.PublicationID = paperID; requestCitedPaper.StartIdx = 1; requestCitedPaper.EndIdx = Convert.ToUInt32(noResults); try { response = client.Search(requestCitedPaper); } catch (Exception e) { return cited; } uint range = response.Publication.TotalItem; range = range > noResults ? Convert.ToUInt32(noResults) : range; for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) { Paper paper; String title, authors, publication, pap_abstract; int numOfCitations, year; authors = ""; title = response.Publication.Result[i].Title; for (int j = 0; j < response.Publication.Result[i].Author.Length; j++) { authors = authors + generateName(response.Publication.Result[i].Author[j].FirstName, response.Publication.Result[i].Author[j].MiddleName, response.Publication.Result[i].Author[j].LastName) + ", "; } numOfCitations = Convert.ToInt32(response.Publication.Result[i].CitationCount); year = Convert.ToInt32(response.Publication.Result[i].Year); publication = ""; if (response.Publication.Result[i].Journal != null) publication = response.Publication.Result[i].Journal.FullName; String url = ""; if (response.Publication.Result[i].FullVersionURL.Length != 0) url = response.Publication.Result[i].FullVersionURL[0]; String id_ = Convert.ToString(response.Publication.Result[i].ID); pap_abstract = response.Publication.Result[i].Abstract; if (pap_abstract == null) pap_abstract = ""; paper = new Paper(title, url, authors,pap_abstract, year, publication, "", numOfCitations, id_, Convert.ToInt32(i + (range / 100) * 100)); cited.Add(paper); /*Console.WriteLine(title); Console.WriteLine(authors); Console.WriteLine(year); Console.WriteLine(numOfCitations); Console.ReadLine();*/ } return cited; }