Esempio n. 1
        //traverse down a trace (List<Block>). At each program point:
        // -Write the new SymbolicStore at each AssignCmd.
        // -Write the guard condition for each AssumeCmd.
        //the latter will be overwritten by an ExecUp
        public static SymbolicTrace ExecDown(List <Block> bs, List <Variable> args)
                curStore = new SymbolicStore(),

            ////initialize args with symbolic values
            List <Variable> symbolicConstants = new List <Variable>();

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
                var v = args[i];
                symbolicConstants.Add(B.Factory.MakeConstant(v.Name, v.TypedIdent.Type));
                curStore.Add(new StoreLhs(v), Expr.Ident(symbolicConstants[i]));

            var newTrace = new SymbolicTrace();

            foreach (Block b in bs)
                var tmp = ExecBlockDown(b, curStore, out nextStore);
                newTrace.Add(ExecBlockDown(b, curStore, out nextStore));
                curStore = nextStore;
Esempio n. 2
        public static SymbolicBlock ExecBlockDown(Block b, SymbolicStore gammaIntoBlock, out SymbolicStore gammaOutOfBlock)
            var duper = new Duplicator();
            var sb    = new SymbolicBlock(b);

            SymbolicStore gammaIntoCmd = gammaIntoBlock;

            foreach (Cmd c in b.Cmds)
                var sc = new SymbolicCmd(c);
                if (c is AssumeCmd)
                    if (!((AssumeCmd)c).Expr.Equals(Expr.True))
                        var tmp = ((AssumeCmd)c).Expr;
                else if (c is AssignCmd)
                    SymbolicStore newGamma; //= new SymbolicStore(gammaIntoCmd);

                    AssignCmd assgn = c as AssignCmd;
                    if (assgn.Lhss.Count != assgn.Rhss.Count)
                        Console.WriteLine("Bizzare: uneven assignment command in ExecDown");
                    //each AssignCmd contains a list of assignments
                    for (int i = 0; i < assgn.Lhss.Count; i++)
                        var lhsrhs = StoreLhs.Make(assgn.Lhss[i], assgn.Rhss[i]);
                        var lhs    = lhsrhs.fst;
                        var rhs    = lhsrhs.snd;

                        Expr oldrhs;
                        gammaIntoCmd.TryGetValue(lhs, out oldrhs);

                        //if lhs was uninitialized, we just add the new binding to the old gamma
                        if (oldrhs == null)
                            newGamma = new SymbolicStore(gammaIntoCmd);
                            newGamma.Add(lhs, rhs);
                        //otherwise we have to do substitution over everything
                            newGamma = new SymbolicStore();
                            newGamma.Add(lhs, Substituter.Apply(x => (x == lhs.Var) ? duper.VisitExpr(oldrhs) : null, rhs));

                            //otherwise, we need to substitute the old value for lhs into Gamma
                            foreach (var entry in gammaIntoCmd)
                                if (!entry.Key.Equals(lhs))
                                    newGamma.Add(entry.Key, Substituter.Apply(x => (x == lhs.Var) ? duper.VisitExpr(oldrhs) : null, entry.Value));
                        gammaIntoCmd = newGamma;
                else if (c is HavocCmd)
                    Log.Out(Log.Warning, "Help! HavocCmd in ExecBlockDown!");

                // if(sc.Gammas.Count != 0)

            gammaOutOfBlock = gammaIntoCmd;