private void numericSSAR_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (info.block[1].nEntries == 0) { return; } Info.SEQARC ssar = new Info.SEQARC(); ssar.fileID = (ushort)numericSSARfileID.Value; ssar.unknown = (ushort)numericSSARunknown.Value; info.block[1].entries[(int)numericSSARrecord.Value] = ssar; }
private void numericSSAR_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (info.block[1].nEntries == 0) return; Info.SEQARC ssar = new Info.SEQARC(); ssar.fileID = (ushort)numericSSARfileID.Value; ssar.unknown = (ushort)numericSSARunknown.Value; info.block[1].entries[(int)numericSSARrecord.Value] = ssar; }
private sSDAT Read_SDAT(sFile file) { sSDAT sdat = new sSDAT(); =; sdat.archivo = file.path; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(file.path, FileMode.Open)); string h = new String(br.ReadChars(4)); if (h == "SWAV") { = 0x0F000; = "SWAV"; sdat.files.root.files = new List<Sound>(); Sound swavFile = new Sound(); = 0x00; =; swavFile.offset = 0x00; swavFile.size = file.size; swavFile.type = FormatSound.SWAV; swavFile.path = sdat.archivo; sdat.files.root.files.Add(swavFile); br.Close(); return sdat; } if (h == "STRM") // Quick fix { = 0x0F000; = "STRM"; sdat.files.root.files = new List<Sound>(); Sound swavFile = new Sound(); = 0x00; =; swavFile.offset = 0x00; swavFile.size = file.size; swavFile.type = FormatSound.STRM; swavFile.path = sdat.archivo; sdat.files.root.files.Add(swavFile); br.Close(); return sdat; } br.BaseStream.Position = 0x00; #region Cabecera genérica = br.ReadChars(4); sdat.generico.endianess = br.ReadUInt16(); sdat.generico.constant = br.ReadUInt16(); sdat.generico.file_size = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.generico.header_size = br.ReadUInt16(); sdat.generico.nSection = br.ReadUInt16(); #endregion #region Cabecera SDAT sdat.cabecera.symbOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.symbSize = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.infoOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.infoSize = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.fatOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.fatSize = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.fileOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.fileSize = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.reserved = br.ReadBytes(16); #endregion #region Bloque Symbol if (sdat.cabecera.symbSize == 0x00) // no hay sección Symbol goto Info; br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.symbOffset; = br.ReadChars(4); sdat.symbol.size = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetSeq = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetSeqArc = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetBank = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetWaveArch = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetPlayer = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetGroup = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetPlayer2 = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetStream = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.reserved = br.ReadBytes(24); // Lectura de las entradas de cada record sdat.symbol.records = new Record[7]; uint[] offsets = new uint[7] { sdat.symbol.offsetSeq, sdat.symbol.offsetBank, sdat.symbol.offsetWaveArch, sdat.symbol.offsetPlayer, sdat.symbol.offsetGroup, sdat.symbol.offsetPlayer2, sdat.symbol.offsetStream }; #region Other Record for (int i = 0; i < offsets.Length; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 + offsets[i]; sdat.symbol.records[i] = new Record(); sdat.symbol.records[i].nEntries = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.records[i].entriesOffset = new uint[sdat.symbol.records[i].nEntries]; sdat.symbol.records[i].entries = new string[sdat.symbol.records[i].nEntries]; for (int j = 0; j < sdat.symbol.records[i].nEntries; j++) sdat.symbol.records[i].entriesOffset[j] = br.ReadUInt32(); for (int k = 0; k < sdat.symbol.records[i].nEntries; k++) { if (sdat.symbol.records[i].entriesOffset[k] == 0x00) continue; br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 + sdat.symbol.records[i].entriesOffset[k]; char c = '\0'; do { c = (char)br.ReadByte(); sdat.symbol.records[i].entries[k] += c; } while (c != 0x0); } } #endregion #region SEQARC Record br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 + sdat.symbol.offsetSeqArc; sdat.symbol.record2 = new Record2(); sdat.symbol.record2.nEntries = br.ReadUInt32(); = new Group[sdat.symbol.record2.nEntries]; // Lee los offset de cada grupo for (int i = 0; i < sdat.symbol.record2.nEntries; i++) {[i].groupOffset = br.ReadUInt32();[i].subRecOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); } // Lee los subgrupos de cada grupo for (int i = 0; i < sdat.symbol.record2.nEntries; i++) { char c = '\0'; if ([i].groupOffset == 0x00) // En caso de que no exista el nombre[i].groupName = "SEQARC_" + i.ToString(); else { // Lee el nombre del grupo br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 +[i].groupOffset; c = '\0'; do { c = (char)br.ReadByte();[i].groupName += c; } while (c != 0x0); } // Lee los offset de las entradas del subgrupo if ([i].subRecOffset == 0x00) // En caso de que no haya subgrupos {[i].subRecord = new Record(); continue; } br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 +[i].subRecOffset; Record subRecord = new Record(); subRecord.nEntries = br.ReadUInt32(); subRecord.entriesOffset = new uint[subRecord.nEntries]; subRecord.entries = new string[subRecord.nEntries]; for (int j = 0; j < subRecord.nEntries; j++) subRecord.entriesOffset[j] = br.ReadUInt32(); // Lee las entradas del subgrupo for (int j = 0; j < subRecord.nEntries; j++) { if (subRecord.entriesOffset[j] == 0x00) continue; br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 + subRecord.entriesOffset[j]; c = '\0'; do { c = (char)br.ReadByte(); subRecord.entries[j] += c; } while (c != 0x0); }[i].subRecord = subRecord; } #endregion #endregion #region Bloque Info Info: br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset; Info info = new Info(); // Header = br.ReadChars(4); info.header.size = br.ReadUInt32(); info.header.offsetRecords = new uint[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) info.header.offsetRecords[i] = br.ReadUInt32(); info.header.reserved = br.ReadBytes(24); // Blocks info.block = new Info.Block[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.header.offsetRecords[i]; info.block[i].nEntries = br.ReadUInt32(); info.block[i].offsetEntries = new uint[info.block[i].nEntries]; info.block[i].entries = new object[info.block[i].nEntries]; for (int j = 0; j < info.block[i].nEntries; j++) info.block[i].offsetEntries[j] = br.ReadUInt32(); } // Entries // SEQ for (int i = 0; i < info.block[0].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[0].offsetEntries[i]; Info.SEQ seq = new Info.SEQ(); seq.fileID = br.ReadUInt16(); seq.unknown = br.ReadUInt16(); seq.bnk = br.ReadUInt16(); seq.vol = br.ReadByte(); seq.cpr = br.ReadByte(); seq.ppr = br.ReadByte(); seq.ply = br.ReadByte(); seq.unknown2 = br.ReadBytes(2); info.block[0].entries[i] = seq; } // SEQARC for (int i = 0; i < info.block[1].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[1].offsetEntries[i]; Info.SEQARC seq = new Info.SEQARC(); seq.fileID = br.ReadUInt16(); seq.unknown = br.ReadUInt16(); info.block[1].entries[i] = seq; } // BANK for (int i = 0; i < info.block[2].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[2].offsetEntries[i]; Info.BANK bank = new Info.BANK(); bank.fileID = br.ReadUInt16(); bank.unknown = br.ReadUInt16(); bank.wa = new ushort[4]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) bank.wa[j] = br.ReadUInt16(); info.block[2].entries[i] = bank; } // WAVEARC for (int i = 0; i < info.block[3].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[3].offsetEntries[i]; Info.WAVEARC wave = new Info.WAVEARC(); wave.fileID = br.ReadUInt16(); wave.unknown = br.ReadUInt16(); info.block[3].entries[i] = wave; } // PLAYER for (int i = 0; i < info.block[4].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[4].offsetEntries[i]; Info.PLAYER player = new Info.PLAYER(); player.unknown = br.ReadByte(); player.padding = br.ReadBytes(3); player.unknown2 = br.ReadUInt32(); info.block[4].entries[i] = player; } // GROUP for (int i = 0; i < info.block[5].nEntries; i++) { if (info.block[5].offsetEntries[i] == 0x00) { info.block[5].entries[i] = new Info.GROUP(); continue; } br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[5].offsetEntries[i]; Info.GROUP group = new Info.GROUP(); group.nCount = br.ReadUInt32(); group.subgroup = new Info.GROUP.Subgroup[group.nCount]; for (int j = 0; j < group.nCount; j++) { group.subgroup[j].type = br.ReadUInt32(); group.subgroup[j].nEntry = br.ReadUInt32(); } info.block[5].entries[i] = group; } // PLAYER2 for (int i = 0; i < info.block[6].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[6].offsetEntries[i]; Info.PLAYER2 player = new Info.PLAYER2(); player.nCount = br.ReadByte(); player.v = br.ReadBytes(16); player.reserved = br.ReadBytes(7); info.block[6].entries[i] = player; } // STRM for (int i = 0; i < info.block[7].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[7].offsetEntries[i]; Info.STRM strm = new Info.STRM(); strm.fileID = br.ReadUInt16(); strm.unknown = br.ReadUInt16(); strm.vol = br.ReadByte(); strm.pri = br.ReadByte(); strm.ply = br.ReadByte(); strm.reserved = br.ReadBytes(5); info.block[7].entries[i] = strm; } = info; #endregion #region Bloque FAT br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.fatOffset; FAT fat = new FAT(); // Header = br.ReadChars(4); fat.header.size = br.ReadUInt32(); fat.header.nRecords = br.ReadUInt32(); // Records fat.records = new FAT.Record[fat.header.nRecords]; for (int i = 0; i < fat.header.nRecords; i++) { fat.records[i].offset = br.ReadUInt32(); fat.records[i].size = br.ReadUInt32(); fat.records[i].reserved = br.ReadBytes(8); } sdat.fat = fat; #endregion #region Bloque File br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.fileOffset; // Header = br.ReadChars(4); sdat.files.header.size = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.files.header.nSounds = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.files.header.reserved = br.ReadUInt32(); #endregion br.Close(); try { System.Xml.Linq.XElement xml = System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Plugins" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "SDATLang.xml"); xml = xml.Element(pluginHost.Get_Language()).Element("Messages"); Console.WriteLine(xml.Element("S00").Value); Console.WriteLine(xml.Element("S01").Value, sdat.files.header.nSounds.ToString()); } catch { throw new Exception("There was an error reading the XML file of language."); } FileSystem(ref sdat, file.path); Set_Data(ref sdat); return sdat; }
private void ReadRecord(int page) { switch (page) { case 0: if (info.block[0].nEntries == 0) { numericSSEQfileID.Enabled = false; numericSSEQunknown.Enabled = false; numericSSEQBnk.Enabled = false; numericSSEQVol.Enabled = false; numericSSEQcpr.Enabled = false; numericSSEQppr.Enabled = false; numericSSEQply.Enabled = false; return; } Info.SEQ seq = (Info.SEQ)info.block[0].entries[(int)numericSSEQrecord.Value]; numericSSEQfileID.Value = seq.fileID; numericSSEQunknown.Value = seq.unknown; numericSSEQBnk.Value = seq.bnk; numericSSEQVol.Value = seq.vol; numericSSEQcpr.Value = seq.cpr; numericSSEQppr.Value = seq.ppr; numericSSEQply.Value = seq.ply; break; case 1: if (info.block[1].nEntries == 0) { numericSSARfileID.Enabled = false; numericSSARunknown.Enabled = false; return; } Info.SEQARC ssar = (Info.SEQARC)info.block[1].entries[(int)numericSSARrecord.Value]; numericSSARfileID.Value = ssar.fileID; numericSSARunknown.Value = ssar.unknown; break; case 2: if (info.block[2].nEntries == 0) { numericSBNKfileID.Enabled = false; numericSBNKunknown.Enabled = false; numericSBNKwa1.Enabled = false; numericSBNKwa2.Enabled = false; numericSBNKwa3.Enabled = false; numericSBNKwa4.Enabled = false; return; } Info.BANK sbnk = (Info.BANK)info.block[2].entries[(int)numericSBNKrecord.Value]; numericSBNKfileID.Value = sbnk.fileID; numericSBNKunknown.Value = sbnk.unknown; numericSBNKwa1.Value = sbnk.wa[0]; numericSBNKwa2.Value = sbnk.wa[1]; numericSBNKwa3.Value = sbnk.wa[2]; numericSBNKwa4.Value = sbnk.wa[3]; break; case 3: if (info.block[3].nEntries == 0) { return; } Info.WAVEARC swar = (Info.WAVEARC)info.block[3].entries[(int)numericSWARrecord.Value]; numericSWARfileID.Value = swar.fileID; numericSWARunknown.Value = swar.unknown; break; case 4: if (info.block[4].nEntries == 0) { btnPLAYERremove.Enabled = false; numericPLAYERunknown.Enabled = false; numericPLAYERunknown2.Enabled = false; return; } btnPLAYERremove.Enabled = true; numericPLAYERunknown.Enabled = true; numericPLAYERunknown2.Enabled = true; Info.PLAYER player = (Info.PLAYER)info.block[4].entries[(int)numericPLAYERrecord.Value]; numericPLAYERunknown.Value = player.unknown; numericPLAYERunknown2.Value = player.unknown2; break; case 5: if (info.block[5].nEntries == 0) { btnGROUPremove.Enabled = false; btnGROUPsubgroupAdd.Enabled = false; btnGROUPsubgroupRemove.Enabled = false; labelGROUPsubgroupTotal.Text = "no group"; numericGROUPcurrentSubgroup.Enabled = false; comboBoxGROUPtype.Enabled = false; numericGROUPentry.Enabled = false; return; } btnGROUPremove.Enabled = true; btnGROUPsubgroupRemove.Enabled = true; btnGROUPsubgroupAdd.Enabled = true; numericGROUPcurrentSubgroup.Enabled = true; comboBoxGROUPtype.Enabled = true; numericGROUPentry.Enabled = true; Info.GROUP group = (Info.GROUP)info.block[5].entries[(int)numericGROUPrecord.Value]; if (group.nCount == 0) { btnGROUPsubgroupRemove.Enabled = false; comboBoxGROUPtype.Enabled = false; numericGROUPentry.Enabled = false; labelGROUPsubgroupTotal.Text = "of none"; numericGROUPcurrentSubgroup.Enabled = false; return; } labelGROUPsubgroupTotal.Text = "of " + (group.nCount - 1); numericGROUPcurrentSubgroup.Maximum = group.nCount - 1; numericGROUPcurrentSubgroup.Value = 0; numericGROUPcurrentGroup_ValueChanged(null, null); break; case 6: if (info.block[6].nEntries == 0) { btnPLAYER2remove.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2count.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v1.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v2.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v3.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v4.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v5.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v6.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v7.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v8.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v9.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v10.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v11.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v12.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v13.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v14.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v15.Enabled = false; numericPLAYER2v16.Enabled = false; return; } btnPLAYER2remove.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2count.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v1.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v2.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v3.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v4.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v5.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v6.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v7.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v8.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v9.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v10.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v11.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v12.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v13.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v14.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v15.Enabled = true; numericPLAYER2v16.Enabled = true; Info.PLAYER2 player2 = (Info.PLAYER2)info.block[6].entries[(int)numericPLAYER2record.Value]; numericPLAYER2count.Value = player2.nCount; numericPLAYER2v1.Value = player2.v[0]; numericPLAYER2v2.Value = player2.v[1]; numericPLAYER2v3.Value = player2.v[2]; numericPLAYER2v4.Value = player2.v[3]; numericPLAYER2v5.Value = player2.v[4]; numericPLAYER2v6.Value = player2.v[5]; numericPLAYER2v7.Value = player2.v[6]; numericPLAYER2v8.Value = player2.v[7]; numericPLAYER2v9.Value = player2.v[8]; numericPLAYER2v10.Value = player2.v[9]; numericPLAYER2v11.Value = player2.v[10]; numericPLAYER2v12.Value = player2.v[11]; numericPLAYER2v13.Value = player2.v[12]; numericPLAYER2v14.Value = player2.v[13]; numericPLAYER2v15.Value = player2.v[14]; numericPLAYER2v16.Value = player2.v[15]; break; case 7: if (info.block[7].nEntries == 0) { numericSTRMfileID.Enabled = false; numericSTRMunknown.Enabled = false; numericSTRMpri.Enabled = false; numericSTRMvol.Enabled = false; numericSTRMply.Enabled = false; return; } Info.STRM strm = (Info.STRM)info.block[7].entries[(int)numericSTRMrecord.Value]; numericSTRMfileID.Value = strm.fileID; numericSTRMunknown.Value = strm.unknown; numericSTRMpri.Value = strm.pri; numericSTRMvol.Value = strm.vol; numericSTRMply.Value = strm.ply; break; } }
private sSDAT Read_SDAT(sFile file) { sSDAT sdat = new sSDAT(); =; sdat.archivo = file.path; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(file.path, FileMode.Open)); string h = new String(br.ReadChars(4)); if (h == "SWAV") { = 0x0F000; = "SWAV"; sdat.files.root.files = new List <Sound>(); Sound swavFile = new Sound(); = 0x00; =; swavFile.offset = 0x00; swavFile.size = file.size; swavFile.type = FormatSound.SWAV; swavFile.path = sdat.archivo; sdat.files.root.files.Add(swavFile); br.Close(); return(sdat); } if (h == "STRM") // Quick fix { = 0x0F000; = "STRM"; sdat.files.root.files = new List <Sound>(); Sound swavFile = new Sound(); = 0x00; =; swavFile.offset = 0x00; swavFile.size = file.size; swavFile.type = FormatSound.STRM; swavFile.path = sdat.archivo; sdat.files.root.files.Add(swavFile); br.Close(); return(sdat); } br.BaseStream.Position = 0x00; #region Cabecera genérica = br.ReadChars(4); sdat.generico.endianess = br.ReadUInt16(); sdat.generico.constant = br.ReadUInt16(); sdat.generico.file_size = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.generico.header_size = br.ReadUInt16(); sdat.generico.nSection = br.ReadUInt16(); #endregion #region Cabecera SDAT sdat.cabecera.symbOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.symbSize = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.infoOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.infoSize = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.fatOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.fatSize = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.fileOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.fileSize = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.cabecera.reserved = br.ReadBytes(16); #endregion #region Bloque Symbol if (sdat.cabecera.symbSize == 0x00) // no hay sección Symbol { goto Info; } br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.symbOffset; = br.ReadChars(4); sdat.symbol.size = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetSeq = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetSeqArc = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetBank = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetWaveArch = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetPlayer = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetGroup = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetPlayer2 = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.offsetStream = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.reserved = br.ReadBytes(24); // Lectura de las entradas de cada record sdat.symbol.records = new Record[7]; uint[] offsets = new uint[7] { sdat.symbol.offsetSeq, sdat.symbol.offsetBank, sdat.symbol.offsetWaveArch, sdat.symbol.offsetPlayer, sdat.symbol.offsetGroup, sdat.symbol.offsetPlayer2, sdat.symbol.offsetStream }; #region Other Record for (int i = 0; i < offsets.Length; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 + offsets[i]; sdat.symbol.records[i] = new Record(); sdat.symbol.records[i].nEntries = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.symbol.records[i].entriesOffset = new uint[sdat.symbol.records[i].nEntries]; sdat.symbol.records[i].entries = new string[sdat.symbol.records[i].nEntries]; for (int j = 0; j < sdat.symbol.records[i].nEntries; j++) { sdat.symbol.records[i].entriesOffset[j] = br.ReadUInt32(); } for (int k = 0; k < sdat.symbol.records[i].nEntries; k++) { if (sdat.symbol.records[i].entriesOffset[k] == 0x00) { continue; } br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 + sdat.symbol.records[i].entriesOffset[k]; char c = '\0'; do { c = (char)br.ReadByte(); sdat.symbol.records[i].entries[k] += c; } while (c != 0x0); } } #endregion #region SEQARC Record br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 + sdat.symbol.offsetSeqArc; sdat.symbol.record2 = new Record2(); sdat.symbol.record2.nEntries = br.ReadUInt32(); = new Group[sdat.symbol.record2.nEntries]; // Lee los offset de cada grupo for (int i = 0; i < sdat.symbol.record2.nEntries; i++) {[i].groupOffset = br.ReadUInt32();[i].subRecOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); } // Lee los subgrupos de cada grupo for (int i = 0; i < sdat.symbol.record2.nEntries; i++) { char c = '\0'; if ([i].groupOffset == 0x00) // En caso de que no exista el nombre {[i].groupName = "SEQARC_" + i.ToString(); } else { // Lee el nombre del grupo br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 +[i].groupOffset; c = '\0'; do { c = (char)br.ReadByte();[i].groupName += c; } while (c != 0x0); } // Lee los offset de las entradas del subgrupo if ([i].subRecOffset == 0x00) // En caso de que no haya subgrupos {[i].subRecord = new Record(); continue; } br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 +[i].subRecOffset; Record subRecord = new Record(); subRecord.nEntries = br.ReadUInt32(); subRecord.entriesOffset = new uint[subRecord.nEntries]; subRecord.entries = new string[subRecord.nEntries]; for (int j = 0; j < subRecord.nEntries; j++) { subRecord.entriesOffset[j] = br.ReadUInt32(); } // Lee las entradas del subgrupo for (int j = 0; j < subRecord.nEntries; j++) { if (subRecord.entriesOffset[j] == 0x00) { continue; } br.BaseStream.Position = 0x40 + subRecord.entriesOffset[j]; c = '\0'; do { c = (char)br.ReadByte(); subRecord.entries[j] += c; } while (c != 0x0); }[i].subRecord = subRecord; } #endregion #endregion #region Bloque Info Info: br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset; Info info = new Info(); // Header = br.ReadChars(4); info.header.size = br.ReadUInt32(); info.header.offsetRecords = new uint[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { info.header.offsetRecords[i] = br.ReadUInt32(); } info.header.reserved = br.ReadBytes(24); // Blocks info.block = new Info.Block[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.header.offsetRecords[i]; info.block[i].nEntries = br.ReadUInt32(); info.block[i].offsetEntries = new uint[info.block[i].nEntries]; info.block[i].entries = new object[info.block[i].nEntries]; for (int j = 0; j < info.block[i].nEntries; j++) { info.block[i].offsetEntries[j] = br.ReadUInt32(); } } // Entries // SEQ for (int i = 0; i < info.block[0].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[0].offsetEntries[i]; Info.SEQ seq = new Info.SEQ(); seq.fileID = br.ReadUInt16(); seq.unknown = br.ReadUInt16(); seq.bnk = br.ReadUInt16(); seq.vol = br.ReadByte(); seq.cpr = br.ReadByte(); seq.ppr = br.ReadByte(); seq.ply = br.ReadByte(); seq.unknown2 = br.ReadBytes(2); info.block[0].entries[i] = seq; } // SEQARC for (int i = 0; i < info.block[1].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[1].offsetEntries[i]; Info.SEQARC seq = new Info.SEQARC(); seq.fileID = br.ReadUInt16(); seq.unknown = br.ReadUInt16(); info.block[1].entries[i] = seq; } // BANK for (int i = 0; i < info.block[2].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[2].offsetEntries[i]; Info.BANK bank = new Info.BANK(); bank.fileID = br.ReadUInt16(); bank.unknown = br.ReadUInt16(); bank.wa = new ushort[4]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { bank.wa[j] = br.ReadUInt16(); } info.block[2].entries[i] = bank; } // WAVEARC for (int i = 0; i < info.block[3].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[3].offsetEntries[i]; Info.WAVEARC wave = new Info.WAVEARC(); wave.fileID = br.ReadUInt16(); wave.unknown = br.ReadUInt16(); info.block[3].entries[i] = wave; } // PLAYER for (int i = 0; i < info.block[4].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[4].offsetEntries[i]; Info.PLAYER player = new Info.PLAYER(); player.unknown = br.ReadByte(); player.padding = br.ReadBytes(3); player.unknown2 = br.ReadUInt32(); info.block[4].entries[i] = player; } // GROUP for (int i = 0; i < info.block[5].nEntries; i++) { if (info.block[5].offsetEntries[i] == 0x00) { info.block[5].entries[i] = new Info.GROUP(); continue; } br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[5].offsetEntries[i]; Info.GROUP group = new Info.GROUP(); group.nCount = br.ReadUInt32(); group.subgroup = new Info.GROUP.Subgroup[group.nCount]; for (int j = 0; j < group.nCount; j++) { group.subgroup[j].type = br.ReadUInt32(); group.subgroup[j].nEntry = br.ReadUInt32(); } info.block[5].entries[i] = group; } // PLAYER2 for (int i = 0; i < info.block[6].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[6].offsetEntries[i]; Info.PLAYER2 player = new Info.PLAYER2(); player.nCount = br.ReadByte(); player.v = br.ReadBytes(16); player.reserved = br.ReadBytes(7); info.block[6].entries[i] = player; } // STRM for (int i = 0; i < info.block[7].nEntries; i++) { br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.infoOffset + info.block[7].offsetEntries[i]; Info.STRM strm = new Info.STRM(); strm.fileID = br.ReadUInt16(); strm.unknown = br.ReadUInt16(); strm.vol = br.ReadByte(); strm.pri = br.ReadByte(); strm.ply = br.ReadByte(); strm.reserved = br.ReadBytes(5); info.block[7].entries[i] = strm; } = info; #endregion #region Bloque FAT br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.fatOffset; FAT fat = new FAT(); // Header = br.ReadChars(4); fat.header.size = br.ReadUInt32(); fat.header.nRecords = br.ReadUInt32(); // Records fat.records = new FAT.Record[fat.header.nRecords]; for (int i = 0; i < fat.header.nRecords; i++) { fat.records[i].offset = br.ReadUInt32(); fat.records[i].size = br.ReadUInt32(); fat.records[i].reserved = br.ReadBytes(8); } sdat.fat = fat; #endregion #region Bloque File br.BaseStream.Position = sdat.cabecera.fileOffset; // Header = br.ReadChars(4); sdat.files.header.size = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.files.header.nSounds = br.ReadUInt32(); sdat.files.header.reserved = br.ReadUInt32(); #endregion br.Close(); try { System.Xml.Linq.XElement xml = System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Plugins" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "SDATLang.xml"); xml = xml.Element(pluginHost.Get_Language()).Element("Messages"); Console.WriteLine(xml.Element("S00").Value); Console.WriteLine(xml.Element("S01").Value, sdat.files.header.nSounds.ToString()); } catch { throw new Exception("There was an error reading the XML file of language."); } FileSystem(ref sdat, file.path); Set_Data(ref sdat); return(sdat); }