public inBloomCustom(String accessToken) { AccessToken = accessToken; _authenticateUser = new AuthenticateUser(); _slcApi = new inBloomApi(accessToken); _sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Session[SessionEnum.AccessToken.ToString()] != null) { _inBloomApi = new inBloomApi(Session[SessionEnum.AccessToken.ToString()].ToString()); _sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); _user = (User)Session["UserDetail"]; //Label lbl = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblUser"); lblUser.Text = _user.FullName; _user = _inBloomApi.UserDetails(); if (_user == null) Response.Redirect("Search.aspx"); else if (Session["UserDetail"] == null) { Session.Add("UserDetail", _user); } if (!IsPostBack) { DropDownListSection.Items.Clear(); GetFlag(); if (Session["FlagId"] == null && Session["FlagType"] == null) { } else { String SelectFlag = Session["FlagId"].ToString() + "_" + Session["FlagType"].ToString(); DropDownListSection.SelectedValue = SelectFlag; } } if (Session["Success"] != null) { //lblSuccess.Text = Session["Success"].ToString(); hdnFieldMessage.Value = Session["Success"].ToString(); Session["Success"] = null; } else { hdnFieldMessage.Value = ""; } if (!IsPostBack) { if (_user.IsAdminUser || IsLeader()) { GetDistrictList(); } else { DropDownListDistrict.Visible = false; LabelDistrict.Visible = false; } //|| IsLeader() need to add if (IsEducator()) { dropDownListStaff.Visible = false; LabelStaff.Visible = false; } if (Session["School"] == null) { GetSchoolList(); } else { try { DropDownListSchool.Items.Clear(); School school = (School)Session["School"]; DropDownListSchool.Items.AddRange(school.GetSchoolList()); DropDownListSchool.SelectedValue = Session[SessionEnum.SchoolId.ToString()].ToString(); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } if (Session["Staff"] == null) { if (!IsEducator()) GetStaffList(); } else if (!IsEducator()) { dropDownListStaff.Items.Clear(); Staff staff = (Staff)Session["Staff"]; dropDownListStaff.Items.AddRange(staff.GetStaffList()); dropDownListStaff.SelectedValue = Session[SessionEnum.StaffID.ToString()].ToString(); } if (Session["Course"] == null) { GetCourseListNew(); //GetCourseList(); } else { try { Course course = (Course)Session["Course"]; ListItem[] _courseList = course.GetCourseList(); //DropDownListCourse.Items.AddRange(course.GetCourseList()); for (int i = 0; i < _courseList.Count(); i++) { if (_courseList[i] != null) DropDownListCourse.Items.Add(_courseList[i]); } DropDownListCourse.SelectedValue = Session[SessionEnum.CourseId.ToString()].ToString(); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } if (Session["Section"] == null) { GetSectionListNew(); //GetSectionList(); } else { try { Section section = (Section)Session["Section"]; ListItem[] _listSection = section.GetSectionList(); if (_listSection != null) { for (int Index = 0; Index < _listSection.Length; Index++) { if (_listSection[Index] != null) { DropDownListSection.Items.Add(new ListItem(_listSection[Index].Text, _listSection[Index].Value.ToString())); } } } DropDownListSection.SelectedValue = Session[SessionEnum.SectionId.ToString()].ToString(); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } try { Session.Add(SessionEnum.SchoolId.ToString(), DropDownListSchool.SelectedValue); Session.Add(SessionEnum.CourseId.ToString(), DropDownListCourse.SelectedValue); Session.Add(SessionEnum.SectionId.ToString(), DropDownListSection.SelectedValue); Session.Add(SessionEnum.StaffID.ToString(), dropDownListStaff.SelectedValue); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } } else { Response.Redirect("Search.aspx"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; //Response.Redirect("Search.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); try { _inBloomApi = new inBloomApi(Session[SessionEnum.AccessToken.ToString()].ToString()); } catch (Exception Ex) { Response.Redirect("Search.aspx"); } if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["CopyAggregateFlag"] != null) { _aggregateFlagId = Convert.ToInt16(Session["CopyAggregateFlag"].ToString()); IList<AggregateFlag> _AggregateFlag = _sqlHelper.GetAggregateFlag(_aggregateFlagId); txtFlagName.Text = _AggregateFlag[0].AggregateFlagName; txtDescription.Text = _AggregateFlag[0].AggregateFlagDescription; txtFlag.Text = _AggregateFlag[0].Keyword; _user = (User)Session["UserDetail"]; if (_user == null) { Session[SessionEnum.AccessToken.ToString()] = null; Response.Redirect("Search.aspx"); } else { if (_user.IsAdminUser) { String IsPublic = _AggregateFlag[0].IsPublic.ToString(); if (IsPublic == "True") { radioFlagType.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { radioFlagType.SelectedIndex = 1; } } else { PanelFlagType.Visible = false; } _user = (User)Session["UserDetail"]; //gridStudentInfo.DataSource = _sqlHelper.GetFlagList(_user.ExternalId); //gridStudentInfo.DataBind(); IList<Flag> _flagForGrid = _sqlHelper.GetFlagList(_user.ExternalId); IList<Flag> _flagListTemp = null; String EducationOrganizationId = Session["EducationOrganizationId"].ToString(); String[] AdminUserId = _inBloomApi.GetAdminIdByEducationOrganizationId(EducationOrganizationId); if (AdminUserId != null) { for (int i = 0; i < AdminUserId.Count(); i++) { _flagListTemp = _sqlHelper.GetPublicFlagListForAdmin(AdminUserId[i]); if (_flagForGrid == null) { _flagForGrid = _flagListTemp; } else { for (int j = 0; j < _flagListTemp.Count; j++) { _flagForGrid.Add(_flagListTemp[j]); } } } } gridStudentInfo.DataSource = _flagForGrid; gridStudentInfo.DataBind(); // add to listbox IList<Flag> _flag = _sqlHelper.GetFlagAddedForInAggregate(_aggregateFlagId); for (int i = 0; i < _flag.Count; i++) { int FlagId = _flag[i].FlagId; String FlagName = _flag[i].FlagName; lstcategory.Items.Add(new ListItem(FlagName, FlagId.ToString())); } foreach (GridViewRow row in gridStudentInfo.Rows) { int FlagId = Convert.ToInt16(row.Cells[4].Text); for (int i = 0; i < _flag.Count; i++) { if (_flag[i].FlagId == FlagId) { row.Visible = false; break; } } } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); try { _inBloomApi = new inBloomApi(Session[SessionEnum.AccessToken.ToString()].ToString()); } catch (Exception Ex) { Response.Redirect("Search.aspx"); } if (!IsPostBack) { _user = (User)Session["UserDetail"]; if (_user == null) { Session[SessionEnum.AccessToken.ToString()] = null; Response.Redirect("Search.aspx"); } else { //gridStudentInfo.DataSource = _sDACEntities.Flags; //gridStudentInfo.DataSource = _sqlHelper.GetFlagList(_user.ExternalId); //gridStudentInfo.DataBind(); IList<Flag> _flag = _sqlHelper.GetFlagList(_user.ExternalId); IList<Flag> _flagListTemp = null; String EducationOrganizationId = Session["EducationOrganizationId"].ToString(); String[] AdminUserId = _inBloomApi.GetAdminIdByEducationOrganizationId(EducationOrganizationId); if (AdminUserId != null) { for (int i = 0; i < AdminUserId.Count(); i++) { _flagListTemp = _sqlHelper.GetPublicFlagListForAdmin(AdminUserId[i]); if (_flag == null) { _flag = _flagListTemp; } else { for (int j = 0; j < _flagListTemp.Count; j++) { _flag.Add(_flagListTemp[j]); } } } } gridStudentInfo.DataSource = _flag; gridStudentInfo.DataBind(); if (_user.IsAdminUser) { } else { PanelFlagType.Visible = false; } } } String script = "function abc() {" + "var count = 0;" + "$('#lstcategory option').each(function (e) {" + "count = count + 1;" + "});" + "$('#gridStudentInfo tr input:checkbox').each(function () {" + "if (this.checked) {" + "count = count + 1;" + "}" + "});" + "if (count > 5) {" + "DisplayErrorPopup('You can select only 5 flags.');" + "return false;" + "}" + "return true;" + "}"; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), script, true); }