public customer_class Select_Cust(int cust_ref) { //cust_ref = Int32.Parse(txtBox_select_cust.Text); //sets the value of variable cust ref to what is in the select text box bool custExists = false; sql = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE cust_ref = " + cust_ref + ";"; //Sql query to set the value of the sql variable in the database_facade cmd.CommandText = sql; //set the cmd command text to the sql statement sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // set the data reader equal tot the execute reader method customer_class cust = new customer_class(); while (sdr.Read()) { if (sdr.GetString(0) == cust_ref.ToString()) //if the value of the first column of the database table is equal to the customer reference { custExists = true; cust.Ref = Int32.Parse(sdr.GetString(0)); //Get the value of the first column from the database table cust.LastName = sdr.GetString(1); //Get the value of the second column from the database table cust.Firstname = sdr.GetString(2); cust.Address = sdr.GetString(3); } } if (custExists == false) //if the customer does not exist { MessageBox.Show("Customer does not exist. Try a diffrent customer reference"); } else { Cur_customer_Singleton cur_cust = Cur_customer_Singleton.Instance(cust); Customer cust_Win = new Customer(); //create a new customer window //cust_Win.Owner = this; cust_Win.Show(); /* * The next lines will set the value of the text boxes to the previously save values * This will make the text boxes fill in with their correct values */ cust_Win.txtBox_cust_ref.Text = cust.Ref.ToString(); cust_Win.txtBox_cust_last.Text = cust.LastName; cust_Win.txtBox_cust_first.Text = cust.Firstname; cust_Win.txtBox_cust_address.Text = cust.Address; } sdr.Close(); //closes the data reader - prevents leaks return(cust); }
public static Cur_customer_Singleton Instance(customer_class cust) //Instance of customer where the customer data exists //a new instance of customer will be made, calling the previous method //if the customer instance is already non-existant { if (instance == null) { instance = new Cur_customer_Singleton(); instance.cust = cust; return(instance); } else //otherwise the existing instance of customer will be called { instance.cust = cust; return(instance); } }
public int place_cust_ref() { int result = 0; sql = "SELECT MAX(cust_ref) FROM customer;"; //ovverides the sql cariable contents cmd.CommandText = sql; //set command text equal to the sql variable sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (sdr.Read()) { result = Int32.Parse(sdr.GetString(0)); //set variable equal to the first column of the table } sdr.Close(); //creating a new instance of the customer singelton customer_class cust = Select_Cust(result); Cur_customer_Singleton cust_sin = Cur_customer_Singleton.Instance(cust); return(result); }