/// <summary> Removes the sync logic for member _message</summary>
 /// <param name="signalRelatedEntity">If set to true, it will call the related entity's UnsetRelatedEntity method</param>
 /// <param name="resetFKFields">if set to true it will also reset the FK fields pointing to the related entity</param>
 private void DesetupSyncMessage(bool signalRelatedEntity, bool resetFKFields)
     this.PerformDesetupSyncRelatedEntity( _message, new PropertyChangedEventHandler( OnMessagePropertyChanged ), "Message", SD.HnD.DAL.RelationClasses.StaticAuditDataMessageRelatedRelations.MessageEntityUsingMessageIDStatic, true, signalRelatedEntity, "AuditDataMessageRelated", resetFKFields, new int[] { (int)AuditDataMessageRelatedFieldIndex.MessageID } );
     _message = null;
 /// <summary> setups the sync logic for member _message</summary>
 /// <param name="relatedEntity">Instance to set as the related entity of type entityType</param>
 private void SetupSyncMessage(IEntityCore relatedEntity)
         DesetupSyncMessage(true, true);
         _message = (MessageEntity)relatedEntity;
         this.PerformSetupSyncRelatedEntity( _message, new PropertyChangedEventHandler( OnMessagePropertyChanged ), "Message", SD.HnD.DAL.RelationClasses.StaticAuditDataMessageRelatedRelations.MessageEntityUsingMessageIDStatic, true, ref _alreadyFetchedMessage, new string[] {  } );
 /// <summary>Private CTor for deserialization</summary>
 /// <param name="info"></param>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 protected AuditDataMessageRelatedEntityBase(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     : base(info, context)
     _message = (MessageEntity)info.GetValue("_message", typeof(MessageEntity));
         _message.AfterSave+=new EventHandler(OnEntityAfterSave);
     _messageReturnsNewIfNotFound = info.GetBoolean("_messageReturnsNewIfNotFound");
     _alwaysFetchMessage = info.GetBoolean("_alwaysFetchMessage");
     _alreadyFetchedMessage = info.GetBoolean("_alreadyFetchedMessage");
     this.FixupDeserialization(FieldInfoProviderSingleton.GetInstance(), PersistenceInfoProviderSingleton.GetInstance());
     // __LLBLGENPRO_USER_CODE_REGION_START DeserializationConstructor
 /// <summary> Retrieves the related entity of type 'MessageEntity', using a relation of type 'n:1'</summary>
 /// <param name="forceFetch">if true, it will discard any changes currently in the currently loaded related entity and will refetch the entity from the persistent storage</param>
 /// <returns>A fetched entity of type 'MessageEntity' which is related to this entity.</returns>
 public virtual MessageEntity GetSingleMessage(bool forceFetch)
     if( ( !_alreadyFetchedMessage || forceFetch || _alwaysFetchMessage) && !this.IsSerializing && !this.IsDeserializing  && !this.InDesignMode)
         bool performLazyLoading = this.CheckIfLazyLoadingShouldOccur(Relations.MessageEntityUsingMessageID);
         MessageEntity newEntity = new MessageEntity();
         bool fetchResult = false;
             fetchResult = newEntity.FetchUsingPK(this.MessageID);
             newEntity = (MessageEntity)GetFromActiveContext(newEntity);
                 newEntity = null;
         this.Message = newEntity;
         _alreadyFetchedMessage = fetchResult;
     return _message;
Esempio n. 5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int messageID = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["MessageID"]);
            _message = MessageGuiHelper.GetMessage(messageID);
            if(_message == null)
                // not found
                Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true);

            _sourceType = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["SourceType"]);
                case 1:
                    // new message, or message view, for now no action needed
                case 2:
                    // new thread, for now no action needed
                    // unknown, redirect
                    Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true);

            // We could have used Lazy loading here, but for the sake of separation, we use the BL method.
            _thread = ThreadGuiHelper.GetThread(_message.ThreadID);
            if(_thread == null)
                // not found. Orphaned message.
                Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true);

            _forum = CacheManager.GetForum(_thread.ForumID);
            if(_forum == null)
                // not found.
                Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true);

            // check if this forum accepts attachments.
            if(_forum.MaxNoOfAttachmentsPerMessage <= 0)
                // no, so no right to be here nor is the user here via a legitimate route.
                Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true);

            // Check credentials
            bool userHasAccess = SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.AccessForum);
                // doesn't have access to this forum. redirect
                Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true);

            // check if the user can view this thread. If not, don't continue.
            if((_thread.StartedByUserID != SessionAdapter.GetUserID()) &&
                !SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.ViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers) &&
                // can't view this thread, it isn't visible to the user
                Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true);

            // Check if the current user is allowed to manage attachments of this message, and other rights.
            _userMayManageAttachments = ((_message.PostedByUserID==SessionAdapter.GetUserID())||
                                        SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.ManageOtherUsersAttachments));
            _userCanAddAttachments = (((_message.PostedByUserID==SessionAdapter.GetUserID()) ||
                                        SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.ManageOtherUsersAttachments)) &&
                                        SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.AddAttachment));
            _userCanApproveAttachments = SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.ApproveAttachment);

            phAttachmentLimits.Visible = _userMayManageAttachments;

                // fill the page's content
                lnkThreads.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_forum.ForumName);
                lnkThreads.NavigateUrl += "?ForumID=" + _thread.ForumID;
                lblSectionName.Text = CacheManager.GetSectionName(_forum.SectionID);
                lnkMessages.NavigateUrl += _message.ThreadID;
                lnkMessages.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_thread.Subject);

                lblMaxFileSize.Text = String.Format("{0} KB", _forum.MaxAttachmentSize);
                lblMaxNoOfAttachmentsPerMessage.Text = _forum.MaxNoOfAttachmentsPerMessage.ToString();
                lnkMessage.Text += messageID.ToString();
                lnkMessage.NavigateUrl += String.Format("MessageID={0}&ThreadID={1}", messageID, _thread.ThreadID);

                phAddNewAttachment.Visible = _userCanAddAttachments;

                object numberOfAttachments = ViewState["numberOfAttachments"];
                if(numberOfAttachments != null)
                    _numberOfAttachments = (int)numberOfAttachments;
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Inserts a new message in thread given. All exceptions are passed upwards, caller has full control over transaction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="threadID">Thread wherein the new message will be placed</param>
 /// <param name="userID">User who posted this message</param>
 /// <param name="messageText">Message text</param>
 /// <param name="messageAsHTML">Message text as HTML</param>
 /// <param name="userIDIPAddress">IP address of user calling this method</param>
 /// <param name="messageAsXML">Message text as XML, which is the result of the parse action on MessageText.</param>
 /// <param name="transactionToUse">the open transaction to use for saving this message.</param>
 /// <param name="postingDate">The posting date.</param>
 /// <returns>new messageid</returns>
 private static int InsertNewMessage(int threadID, int userID, string messageText, string messageAsHTML, string userIDIPAddress, 
     string messageAsXML, Transaction transactionToUse, DateTime postingDate)
     MessageEntity message = new MessageEntity();
     message.MessageText = messageText;
     message.MessageTextAsHTML = messageAsHTML;
     message.PostedByUserID = userID;
     message.PostingDate = postingDate;
     message.ThreadID = threadID;
     message.PostedFromIP = userIDIPAddress;
     message.MessageTextAsXml = messageAsXML;
     bool result = message.Save();
         return message.MessageID;
         return 0;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new thread in the given forum and places the passed in message as the first message in the thread.
        /// Caller should validate input parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forumID">Forum wherein the new thread will be placed</param>
        /// <param name="userID">User who started this thread</param>
        /// <param name="subject">Subject of the thread</param>
        /// <param name="messageText">First message of the thread</param>
        /// <param name="messageAsHTML">Message text as HTML</param>
        /// <param name="isSticky">Flag if the thread is sticky / pinned (true) or not (false)</param>
        /// <param name="userIDIPAddress">IP address of user calling this method</param>
        /// <param name="defaultSupportQueueID">The ID of the default support queue for this forum. If not null, the thread created will be
        /// added to the support queue with the ID specified.</param>
        /// <param name="messageID">The message ID of the new message, which is the start message in the thread.</param>
        /// <returns>ThreadID if succeeded, 0 if not.</returns>
        public static int CreateNewThreadInForum(int forumID, int userID, string subject, string messageText, string messageAsHTML, bool isSticky, 
            string userIDIPAddress, int? defaultSupportQueueID, bool subscribeToThread, out int messageID)
            Transaction trans = new Transaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, "NewThread");
                DateTime postDate = DateTime.Now;

                ThreadEntity newThread = new ThreadEntity();
                newThread.ForumID = forumID;
                newThread.IsClosed = false;
                newThread.IsSticky = isSticky;
                newThread.StartedByUserID = userID;
                newThread.Subject = subject;
                newThread.ThreadLastPostingDate = postDate;

                    // a support queue has been specified as the default support queue for this forum. Add the new thread to this support queue.
                    SupportQueueThreadEntity supportQueueThread = new SupportQueueThreadEntity();
                    supportQueueThread.QueueID = defaultSupportQueueID.Value;
                    supportQueueThread.PlacedInQueueByUserID = userID;
                    supportQueueThread.PlacedInQueueOn = DateTime.Now;
                    // assign the Thread property to the newly created thread entity, so this supportqueuethreadentity will be part of the graph
                    // of objects which will be saved.
                    supportQueueThread.Thread = newThread;

                DateTime postingDate = DateTime.Now;
                MessageEntity newMessage = new MessageEntity();
                newMessage.MessageText = messageText;
                newMessage.MessageTextAsHTML = messageAsHTML;
                newMessage.PostedByUserID = userID;
                newMessage.PostingDate = postingDate;
                newMessage.PostedFromIP = userIDIPAddress;
                newMessage.Thread = newThread;

                // add the newMessage entity to the transaction object. All entities saved recursively will be added automatically

                // save the complete graph

                messageID = newMessage.MessageID;
                int threadID = newMessage.ThreadID;

                // update thread statistics, this is the task for the message manager, and we pass the transaction object so the actions will run in
                // the same transaction.
                MessageManager.UpdateStatisticsAfterMessageInsert(threadID, userID, trans, postingDate, false, subscribeToThread);

                return newThread.ThreadID;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the user with the ID passed in. Will reset all posts made by the user to the userid 0. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user ID.</param>
        /// <remarks>Can't delete user 0</remarks>
        /// <returns>true if succeeded, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool DeleteUser(int userID)
            if(userID == 0)
                // can't delete the Anonymous coward user.
                return false;

            UserEntity toDelete = UserGuiHelper.GetUser(userID);
                // user doesn't exist
                return false;

            // all actions have to take place in a transaction.
            Transaction trans = new Transaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, "DeleteUser");

                // we'll first update all PostedByUserId fields of all messages which are posted by the user to delete.
                MessageEntity messageUpdater = new MessageEntity();
                messageUpdater.PostedByUserID = 0;	// reset to AC.
                MessageCollection messages = new MessageCollection();
                trans.Add(messages);	// add to the transaction
                // update all entities directly in the DB, which match the following filter and update them with the new values set in messageUpdater.
                messages.UpdateMulti(messageUpdater, (MessageFields.PostedByUserID == userID));

                // set the startuser of threads started by this user to 0
                ThreadEntity threadUpdater = new ThreadEntity();
                threadUpdater.StartedByUserID = 0;
                ThreadCollection threads = new ThreadCollection();
                threads.UpdateMulti(threadUpdater, (ThreadFields.StartedByUserID == userID));

                // remove the user from the UserRoles set, as the user shouldn't be in any roles.
                RoleUserCollection roleUsersDeleter = new RoleUserCollection();
                // delete all entities directly from the DB which match the following filter.
                roleUsersDeleter.DeleteMulti(RoleUserFields.UserID == userID);

                // delete all bookmarks of user
                BookmarkCollection bookmarkDeleter = new BookmarkCollection();
                // delete all bookmarks for this user directly from the DB using the following filter.
                bookmarkDeleter.DeleteMulti(BookmarkFields.UserID == userID);

                // delete all audit data
                AuditDataCoreCollection auditDataDeleter = new AuditDataCoreCollection();
                // first fetch it, then delete all entities from the collection, as the audit data is in an inheritance hierarchy of TargetPerEntity which can't
                // be deleted directly from the db.
                auditDataDeleter.GetMulti(AuditDataCoreFields.UserID == userID);

                // set IP bans set by this user to userid 0
                IPBanEntity ipbanUpdater = new IPBanEntity();
                ipbanUpdater.IPBanSetByUserID = 0;
                IPBanCollection ipBans = new IPBanCollection();
                ipBans.UpdateMulti(ipbanUpdater, (IPBanFields.IPBanSetByUserID == userID));

                // delete threadsubscriptions
                ThreadSubscriptionCollection threadSubscriptionsDeleter = new ThreadSubscriptionCollection();
                threadSubscriptionsDeleter.DeleteMulti(ThreadSubscriptionFields.UserID == userID);

                // remove supportqueuethread claims
                SupportQueueThreadCollection supportQueueThreads = new SupportQueueThreadCollection();
                supportQueueThreads.DeleteMulti(SupportQueueThreadFields.ClaimedByUserID == userID);

                // set all placed in queue references to userid 0, so the threads stay in the queues.
                SupportQueueThreadEntity supportQueueThreadUpdater = new SupportQueueThreadEntity();
                supportQueueThreads.UpdateMulti(supportQueueThreadUpdater, (SupportQueueThreadFields.PlacedInQueueByUserID == userID));

                // now delete the actual user entity

                // all done
                return true;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the given message with the message passed, and logs the user passed as the changer of this
        /// message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="editorUserID">ID of user who changed the message</param>
        /// <param name="editedMessageID">ID of message which was changed</param>
        /// <param name="messageText">Changed message text</param>
        /// <param name="messageAsHTML">Changed message text in HTML</param>
        /// <param name="editorUserIDIPAddress">IP address used to make the modification. This IP address is logged with the
        /// change to keep evidence who made which change from which IP address</param>
        /// <param name="messageAsXML">Message text as XML, which is the result of the parse action on MessageText.</param>
        /// <returns>True if succeeded, false otherwise</returns>
        /// <remarks>This routine is migrated to LLBLGen Pro</remarks>
        public static bool UpdateEditedMessage(int editorUserID, int editedMessageID, string messageText, string messageAsHTML, 
            string editorUserIDIPAddress, string messageAsXML)
            // now save the message. First pull it from the db
            MessageEntity message = new MessageEntity(editedMessageID);

            //update the fields with the new passed values
            message.MessageText = messageText;
            message.MessageTextAsHTML = messageAsHTML;
            message.MessageTextAsXml = messageAsXML;
            return message.Save();
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            _message = MessageGuiHelper.GetMessage(_editMessageID);
                // not found

            // We could have used Lazy loading here, but for the sake of separation, we use the BL method.
            _thread = ThreadGuiHelper.GetThread(_message.ThreadID);
                // not found. Orphaned message.

            // Check credentials
            bool userHasAccess = SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.AccessForum);
                // doesn't have access to this forum. redirect
                Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true);

            // Check if the current user is allowed to edit the message.
            bool userMayEditMessages=false;
                    userMayEditMessages = SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.AddAndEditMessageInSticky);
                    userMayEditMessages = SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.AddAndEditMessage);

            // User has the right to generally edit messages. Check if the user has the right to edit other peoples messages
            // and if not, if the user is the poster of this message. If not, no can do.
            if(!SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.EditDeleteOtherUsersMessages))
                // cannot edit other people's messages. Check if this message is posted by the current user.
                if(_message.PostedByUserID != SessionAdapter.GetUserID())
                    // not allowed
                // is not allowed to edit the message
                Response.Redirect("Messages.aspx?ThreadID=" + _message.ThreadID, true);

            // use BL class. We could have used Lazy loading, though for the sake of separation, we'll call into the BL class.
            ForumEntity forum = CacheManager.GetForum(_thread.ForumID);
            if(forum == null)
                // orphaned thread

            // check if the user can view the thread the message is in. If not, don't continue.
            if((_thread.StartedByUserID != SessionAdapter.GetUserID()) &&
                !SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.ViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers))
                // can't edit this message, it's in a thread which isn't visible to the user
                Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true);

            _startAtMessageIndex = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["StartAtMessage"]);

            // User may edit current message.
                // fill the page's content
                lnkThreads.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(forum.ForumName);
                lnkThreads.NavigateUrl += "?ForumID=" + _thread.ForumID;
                meMessageEditor.ForumName = forum.ForumName;
                meMessageEditor.ThreadSubject = _thread.Subject;
                lblSectionName.Text = CacheManager.GetSectionName(forum.SectionID);
                lnkMessages.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_thread.Subject);

                meMessageEditor.OriginalMessageText = _message.MessageText;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-parses all messages from start date till now or when amountToIndex is reached. This routine will read messagetext for a message,
        /// parse it, and update the MessageTextAsXML field with the parse result. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amountToParse">Amount to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">Start date.</param>
        /// <param name="reGenerateHTML">If true, the HTML is also re-generated and saved.</param>
        /// <returns>the amount of messages re-parsed</returns>
        public static int ReParseMessages(int amountToParse, DateTime startDate, bool reGenerateHTML, ParserData parserData)
            // index is blocks of 100 messages.
            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q = qf.Create()
                        .Select(MessageFields.MessageID, MessageFields.MessageText)
                        .Where(MessageFields.PostingDate >= new DateTime(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0));

            if(amountToParse <= 0)
                // If we don't have a specific amount of messages to parse, then parse all messages posted till Now.
                q.AndWhere(MessageFields.PostingDate <= DateTime.Now);

            TypedListDAO dao = new TypedListDAO();

            bool parsingFinished = false;
            int amountProcessed = 0;
            int pageSize = 100;
            int pageNo = 1;

                q.Page(pageNo, pageSize);
                DataTable messagesToParse = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);
                parsingFinished = (messagesToParse.Rows.Count <= 0);

                    foreach(DataRow row in messagesToParse.Rows)
                        MessageEntity directUpdater = new MessageEntity();
                        directUpdater.IsNew = false;

                        string messageXML = string.Empty;
                        string messageHTML = string.Empty;
                        TextParser.ReParseMessage((string)row["MessageText"], reGenerateHTML, parserData, out messageXML, out messageHTML);

                        // use the directupdater entity to create an update query without fetching the entity first.
                        directUpdater.MessageTextAsXml = messageXML;


                        // no transactional update.

                    amountProcessed += messagesToParse.Rows.Count;

                    if(amountToParse > 0)
                        parsingFinished = (amountToParse <= amountProcessed);
            return amountProcessed;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>Creates a new, empty MessageEntity object.</summary>
        /// <returns>A new, empty MessageEntity object.</returns>
        public override IEntity Create()
            IEntity toReturn = new MessageEntity();

            // __LLBLGENPRO_USER_CODE_REGION_START CreateNewMessage
            return toReturn;
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary> setups the sync logic for member _belongsToMessage</summary>
 /// <param name="relatedEntity">Instance to set as the related entity of type entityType</param>
 private void SetupSyncBelongsToMessage(IEntityCore relatedEntity)
         DesetupSyncBelongsToMessage(true, true);
         _belongsToMessage = (MessageEntity)relatedEntity;
         this.PerformSetupSyncRelatedEntity( _belongsToMessage, new PropertyChangedEventHandler( OnBelongsToMessagePropertyChanged ), "BelongsToMessage", SD.HnD.DAL.RelationClasses.StaticAttachmentRelations.MessageEntityUsingMessageIDStatic, true, ref _alreadyFetchedBelongsToMessage, new string[] {  } );
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary> Removes the sync logic for member _belongsToMessage</summary>
 /// <param name="signalRelatedEntity">If set to true, it will call the related entity's UnsetRelatedEntity method</param>
 /// <param name="resetFKFields">if set to true it will also reset the FK fields pointing to the related entity</param>
 private void DesetupSyncBelongsToMessage(bool signalRelatedEntity, bool resetFKFields)
     this.PerformDesetupSyncRelatedEntity( _belongsToMessage, new PropertyChangedEventHandler( OnBelongsToMessagePropertyChanged ), "BelongsToMessage", SD.HnD.DAL.RelationClasses.StaticAttachmentRelations.MessageEntityUsingMessageIDStatic, true, signalRelatedEntity, "Attachments", resetFKFields, new int[] { (int)AttachmentFieldIndex.MessageID } );
     _belongsToMessage = null;
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary> Removes the sync logic for member _belongsToMessage</summary>
 /// <param name="signalRelatedEntity">If set to true, it will call the related entity's UnsetRelatedEntity method</param>
 /// <param name="resetFKFields">if set to true it will also reset the FK fields pointing to the related entity</param>
 private void DesetupSyncBelongsToMessage(bool signalRelatedEntity, bool resetFKFields)
     this.PerformDesetupSyncRelatedEntity(_belongsToMessage, new PropertyChangedEventHandler(OnBelongsToMessagePropertyChanged), "BelongsToMessage", SD.HnD.DAL.RelationClasses.StaticAttachmentRelations.MessageEntityUsingMessageIDStatic, true, signalRelatedEntity, "Attachments", resetFKFields, new int[] { (int)AttachmentFieldIndex.MessageID });
     _belongsToMessage = null;