public void OnSCP914Activate(SCP914ActivateEvent ev)
     /// <summary>
     ///  This is the event handler for when a SCP914 is activated
     /// </summary>
     plugin.SendMessageAsync(plugin.GetConfigString("discord_channel_onscp914activate"), plugin.MultiLanguage(43) + ev.KnobSetting + ".");
 public void OnDecideTeamRespawnQueue(DecideRespawnQueueEvent ev)
     /// <summary>
     /// Called at the start, when the team respawn queue is being read. This happens BEFORE it fills it to full with filler_team_id.
     /// <summary>
     plugin.SendMessageAsync(plugin.GetConfigString("discord_channel_ondecideteamrespawnqueue"), plugin.MultiLanguage(5));
 public void OnAdminQuery(AdminQueryEvent ev)
     ///Triggered whenever an adming uses an admin command, both gui and commandline RA
     plugin.SendMessageAsync(plugin.GetConfigString("discord_channel_onadminquery"), plugin.MultiLanguage(48) + ev.Admin.Name + " (" + ev.Admin.SteamId + plugin.MultiLanguage(49) + ev.Query + "'.");
 public void OnRoundStart(RoundStartEvent ev)
     /// <summary>
     ///  This is the event handler for Round start events (before people are spawned in)
     /// </summary>
     plugin.SendMessageAsync(plugin.GetConfigString("discord_channel_onroundstart"), plugin.MultiLanguage(11));
 public void OnPlayerHurt(PlayerHurtEvent ev)
     /// <summary>
     /// This is called before the player is going to take damage.
     /// In case the attacker can't be passed, attacker will be null (fall damage etc)
     /// This may be broken into two events in the future
     /// </summary>
     plugin.SendMessageAsync(plugin.GetConfigString("discord_channel_onplayerhurt"), ev.Player.Name + " (" + ev.Player.SteamId + plugin.MultiLanguage(24) + ev.Attacker.Name + " (" + ev.Attacker.SteamId + plugin.MultiLanguage(25) + ev.DamageType + ".");