Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Check the email agains the time of day and day of week criteria
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static bool CheckEmailTODDOW(string emailAddress)
            bool         result = false;
            EmailOptions option = EmailAddresses.GetEmailOptions(emailAddress);

            if (null != option)
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

                if (option.AllTheTime)
                    result = true;
                    // First check the day of week
                    int day;
                    for (day = 0; day < 7; day++)
                        if (option.DaysOfWeek[day])
                            if (day == (int)now.DayOfWeek)

                    if (day < 7)
                        // OK, the day was correct.  Let's look at the time.  Can't just compare DateTime because we never look at the date
                        if (now.Hour == option.StartTime.Hour)
                            // need to check minutes too
                            if (now.Minute >= option.StartTime.Minute)
                                result = true; // tentative

                            if (option.EndTime.Minute > now.Minute)
                                result = false; // It was greater than start, but also greater than end - unusual, but....
                        else if (now.Hour > option.StartTime.Hour)
                            result = true;
                        } // less than remains false

Esempio n. 2
        // Here we have a list of frames (sorted in picture date/time).
        // We have all the information necessary to actually send the emails, so we
        // might as well do it here.
        // We may have multiple email recipients.  Each email recipient may want 0 to many pictures attached.
        // We may have many more frames than the recipient wants.  In that case we first sort out the
        // interesting ones.  We always start an email with the first interesting picture.  From there
        // the following ones may or may not be interesting.  The ones with the highest priority (type Door)
        // are included before others (in the limited email space).  From there we prefer interesting
        // pictures.  If we have room we include the others..
        // Note type frames list is in sorted order since it was copied from a SortedList
        public override void ProcessAccumulatedFrames(List <Frame> frames)
            // The priority and interesting list contain indexes into the frames list
            List <int> priority    = new List <int>(); // door events have high priority, everything else, not
            List <int> interesting = new List <int>(); // frames with objects but not "priority

            // The collection of area descriptions does not depend on the number of outgoing pictures.
            // It depends on all the pictures.  Each picture may have zero or more than, each object may
            // be in a different area. Only frames with Interesting Objects have areas, and therefore descriptions
            HashSet <string> descriptions = new HashSet <string>();

            // First, let's get lists of priority and interesting indexes
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var frame in frames)
                if (frame.Interesting != null && frame.Interesting.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var io in frame.Interesting)
                        descriptions.Add(io.Area.AOIName + ": " + io.FoundObject.Label);
                        if (io.Area.AOIType == AOIType.Door)
                            if (!priority.Contains(i)) // a frame may have interesting and priority objects, but only add it to one list
                                descriptions.Add(io.Area.AOIName + ": " + io.FoundObject.Label);


            // This is out of place codewise, but....
            if (priority.Count > 0)
                // signal the camera to wait the full interval regardless of door events in following frame since we already reported a door object
                frames[0].Item.CamData.LastAccumulateType = AOIType.Door;
                frames[0].Item.CamData.LastAccumulateType = AOIType.IgnoreObjects; // respect the email interval

            // Now, let's get the list of email addresses to send to based on time of day, day of week, normally just 1 to a small number
            Dictionary <string, string> emailAddresses = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Yes, these could be combined, but for debugging we look at them separately
            // Go through the "priority"/door frames we already selected and add the related email addresses

            foreach (int index in priority)
                foreach (var ii in frames[index].Interesting)
                    foreach (var email in ii.Area.Notifications.Email)
                        emailAddresses[email] = email;

            // Go through the "interesting "non-door" frames we already selected and add the related email addresses
            foreach (int index in interesting)
                foreach (var ii in frames[index].Interesting)
                    foreach (var email in ii.Area.Notifications.Email)
                        emailAddresses[email] = email;

            // Now, go through all email addresses to see if we are in a period we would at least consider sending emails to
            bool removedOne;

                removedOne = false;

                foreach (string emailAddress in emailAddresses.Values)
                    bool timeOK = CheckEmailTODDOW(emailAddress);
                    if (!timeOK)
                        removedOne = true;
                        break; // go through the entire list again - it may have changed (not the most efficient, but a small list so....
            } while (emailAddresses.Count > 0 && removedOne);

            // ok, we know that we MAY want to notify some email address, but each
            // address may have a different cool down time, so we cull the list further (yes we could do it differently)
                removedOne = false;

                foreach (string emailAddress in emailAddresses.Values)
                    EmailOptions option = EmailAddresses.GetEmailOptions(emailAddress);
                    if (null != option)
                        TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - option.CoolDown.LastSent;
                        if (span.TotalMinutes < option.CoolDown.CooldownTime)
                            Dbg.Write("Email address in cool down: " + emailAddress);
                            removedOne = true;
                            break; // go through the entire list again - it may have changed (not the most efficient, but a small list so....)
            } while (emailAddresses.Count > 0 && removedOne);

            // OK, we have FINALLY culled the list of email addreses to send to.
            // Now, we need to go through email recipients and then select the frames we want to send and then
            // send them.
            SortedList <DateTime, Frame> outgoing = new SortedList <DateTime, Frame>();

            foreach (string addr in emailAddresses.Values)

                EmailOptions opt = EmailAddresses.GetEmailOptions(addr);
                if (null != opt)
                    // The follwing is done the way it is done for debugging.
                    // TODO: Reorganize
                    int maxPic = opt.NumberOfImages;
                    if (priority.Count >= maxPic)
                        // No decisions to make, just use priority until reached the max (debugging)
                        for (i = 0; i < maxPic; i++)
                            outgoing.Add(frames[priority[i]].Timestamp, frames[priority[i]]);
                        // Here we have some decisions to make.  First add priority frames
                        for (i = 0; i < priority.Count; i++)
                            outgoing[frames[priority[i]].Timestamp] = frames[priority[i]];

                        // In addition to the priority, add frames with "interesting" objects
                        for (i = 0; i < interesting.Count && outgoing.Count < maxPic; i++)
                            outgoing[frames[interesting[i]].Timestamp] = frames[interesting[i]];

                        // OK, we had some space left after the priority and interesting frames
                        // If there ares some frames remaining, add from the beginning of the frames.
                        // Note that the ones at the beginning of the frame list that aren't priority or
                        // interesting will be favored over the ones later in the list.  This may or may not be
                        // good thing.  That is, you may want to favor picures of people approaching the door
                        // over pictures of them leaving.  You are more likely to get faces for one.
                        for (i = 0; i < frames.Count && outgoing.Count < maxPic; i++)
                            if (!(priority.Contains(i)) && !(interesting.Contains(i))) // No duplication of the ones we added6
                                outgoing.Add(frames[i].Timestamp, frames[i]);
                    } // end else
                }     // end we do have an option (which we should)

                // We copy off the list of files and the list of descriptions because we are
                // going to clear these lists for the next email address
                string[] theFiles = new string[outgoing.Count]; // also, we may be resizing the images
                int      count    = 0;
                foreach (Frame frame in outgoing.Values)
                    theFiles[count] = frame.Item.PendingFile;

                string[] theDescriptions = new string[outgoing.Count];

                // OK, here we have collected all the frames for this email address.
                // It is time to resize the pictures if necessary.  Resizing is based on the email
                // address since photos going to a phone should be smaller than those going to a PC, etc.

                count = 0;
                foreach (string file in theFiles)
                    if (opt.SizeDownToPercent != 100)
                        theFiles[count] = ResizeImage(theFiles[count], opt.SizeDownToPercent);

                // theFiles has both resized and not resized files
                Task.Run(() => SendEmail(addr, theFiles, theDescriptions));