Esempio n. 1
        // Sends a test message to a specified friend
        static public bool sendTestMessage(TestFriend friend)
            // Search for the relay ip
            string relayip = friend.searchForRelay();

            if (relayip == null)
                Logging.error("No relay ip found.");

  "Relay: {0}", relayip));

            // Check if we're connected to the relay node
            TestStreamClient stream_client = TestStreamClientManager.isConnectedTo(relayip);

            if (stream_client == null)
                // In a normal client, this should be done in a different thread and wait for the
                // connection to be established
                stream_client = TestStreamClientManager.connectTo(relayip);

                if (stream_client == null)
                    Logging.error(string.Format("Error sending message. Could not connect to stream node: {0}", relayip));

            // Generate encryption keys
            byte[] keys_data = friend.generateKeys();

            // Generate the transaction
            Transaction transaction = new Transaction((int)Transaction.Type.Normal);

            transaction.amount = CoreConfig.relayPriceInitial;
            transaction.toList.Add(friend.relayWallet, transaction.amount);
            transaction.fee = CoreConfig.transactionPrice;
            transaction.fromList.Add(new byte[1] {
            }, transaction.amount + transaction.fee);
            transaction.blockHeight = Node.blockHeight;
            transaction.pubKey      = Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryPublicKey(); // TODO: check if it's in the walletstate already
            transaction.checksum    = Transaction.calculateChecksum(transaction);

            // Prepare the stream message
            StreamMessage message = new StreamMessage();

            message.recipient   = friend.walletAddress;
            message.sender      = Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress();
            message.transaction = transaction.getBytes();

            // Encrypt the message
            byte[] text_message = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello Ixian World!");
            message.encryptMessage(text_message, friend.aesPassword, friend.chachaKey);

            // Encrypt the transaction signature
            byte[] tx_signature = transaction.getSignature(transaction.checksum);
            message.encryptSignature(tx_signature, friend.aesPassword, friend.chachaKey);

            stream_client.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.s2data, message.getBytes());

        // Connects to a specified node, with the syntax host:port
        // Returns the connected stream client
        // Returns null if connection failed
        public static TestStreamClient connectTo(string host)
  "Connecting to S2 node: {0}", host));

            if (host == null || host.Length < 3)
                Logging.error(String.Format("Invalid host address {0}", host));

            string[] server = host.Split(':');
            if (server.Count() < 2)
                Logging.warn(string.Format("Cannot connect to invalid hostname: {0}", host));

            // Resolve the hostname first
            string resolved_server_name = NetworkUtils.resolveHostname(server[0]);

            // Skip hostnames we can't resolve
            if (resolved_server_name.Length < 1)
                Logging.warn(string.Format("Cannot resolve IP for {0}, skipping connection.", server[0]));

            string resolved_host = string.Format("{0}:{1}", resolved_server_name, server[1]);

            // Verify against the publicly disclosed ip
            // Don't connect to self
            if (resolved_server_name.Equals(IxianHandler.publicIP, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                if (server[1].Equals(string.Format("{0}", IxianHandler.publicPort), StringComparison.Ordinal))
          "Skipping connection to public self seed node {0}", host));

            // Get all self addresses and run through them
            List <string> self_addresses = CoreNetworkUtils.GetAllLocalIPAddresses();

            foreach (string self_address in self_addresses)
                // Don't connect to self
                if (resolved_server_name.Equals(self_address, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    if (server[1].Equals(string.Format("{0}", IxianHandler.publicPort), StringComparison.Ordinal))
              "Skipping connection to self seed node {0}", host));

            lock (connectingClients)
                foreach (string client in connectingClients)
                    if (resolved_host.Equals(client, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // We're already connecting to this client

                // The the client to the connecting clients list

            // Check if node is already in the client list
            lock (streamClients)
                foreach (TestStreamClient client in streamClients)
                    if (client.getFullAddress(true).Equals(resolved_host, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // Address is already in the client list

            // Connect to the specified node
            TestStreamClient new_client = new TestStreamClient();
            // Recompose the connection address from the resolved IP and the original port
            bool result = new_client.connectToServer(resolved_server_name, Convert.ToInt32(server[1]));

            // Add this node to the client list if connection was successfull
            if (result == true)
                // Add this node to the client list
                lock (streamClients)

            // Remove this node from the connecting clients list
            lock (connectingClients)
