Esempio n. 1
        public static ISet<CharacterClassElement> NormaliseAST(RegexNode rootNode)
            //walk the tree and find all char classes
            var matchClassLink = new Dictionary<CharacterClass, CharacterClassMatchNode>();

            Action<RegexNode> classFinder = null;
            classFinder = (rxNode) =>
                var curAltNode = rxNode.FirstAlternative;

                while (curAltNode != null)
                    var curMatchNode = curAltNode.FirstFactor;

                    while (curMatchNode != null)
                        if (curMatchNode is GroupMatchNode)
                            var g = (GroupMatchNode) curMatchNode;
                        else if (curMatchNode is CharacterClassMatchNode)
                            var cn = (CharacterClassMatchNode) curMatchNode;
                            matchClassLink[cn.MatchingCharacterClass] = cn;

                        curMatchNode = curMatchNode.Next;

                    curAltNode = curAltNode.Next;


            //that's filled, now map them
            //but hide a [min-max] class to make sre the alphabet is total
            var allClass = new CharacterClass();
            allClass.Elements.Add(new CharacterClassElement(char.MinValue, char.MaxValue));
            //matchClassLink[allClass] = null;
            var rStruct = NormaliseCharacterClasses(matchClassLink.Keys.ToList());
            foreach (var cClass in matchClassLink.Keys)
                //if (cClass != allClass) //skip the one we added
                    matchClassLink[cClass].MatchingCharacterClass = rStruct.Mapping[cClass];
            return rStruct.Alphabet;
Esempio n. 2
 public GroupMatchNode(RegexNode body = null, bool capturing = true)
     Body = body;
     Capturing = capturing;
Esempio n. 3
        public NFAGraph(RegexNode rxNode, StateFactory fac = null)
            Alphabet = CharacterClassMapper.NormaliseAST(rxNode);

            StateFac = fac ?? new StateFactory();
            AdjList = new Dictionary<NFAState, IDictionary<CharacterClassElement, ISet<NFAState>>>();

            //begin from the start
            StartState = MakeState();
            FinalState = MakeState();
            //every alternative is connected to this
            for (var altNode = rxNode.FirstAlternative; altNode != null; altNode = altNode.Next)
                //node for this alt
                var altPosNode = MakeState();
                LinkStates(StartState, altPosNode, Empty);
                NFAState oldPosNode = null;

                //Iter the and matches
                for (var matchNode = altNode.FirstFactor; matchNode != null; matchNode = matchNode.Next)
                    oldPosNode = altPosNode;
                    if (matchNode is CharacterClassMatchNode)
                        var ccn = (CharacterClassMatchNode) matchNode;
                        var thisState = MakeState();
                        LinkStates(altPosNode, thisState, ccn.MatchingCharacterClass);
                        altPosNode = thisState;
                    else if (matchNode is GroupMatchNode)
                        var gn = (GroupMatchNode) matchNode;
                        //Create a NFA for the group and join it in
                        var groupGraph = new NFAGraph(gn.Body, StateFac);
                        //Merge all their states into ours
                        foreach (var oState in groupGraph.AdjList.Keys)
                            AdjList[oState] = groupGraph.AdjList[oState];
                        LinkStates(altPosNode, groupGraph.StartState, Empty);

                        //tag it
                        groupGraph.FinalState.Tags.Remove(FAStateTags.Final); //destroys final tag as intended

                        altPosNode = groupGraph.FinalState;

                    switch (matchNode.OpType)
                        case UnaryOperatorType.NoneMany: //kleene star
                            //link the state we just made back via e
                            LinkStates(altPosNode, oldPosNode, Empty);
                            var newTermination = MakeState();
                            LinkStates(oldPosNode, newTermination, Empty);
                            oldPosNode = altPosNode;
                            altPosNode = newTermination;
                        case UnaryOperatorType.Optional:
                            LinkStates(oldPosNode, altPosNode, Empty); //skip path we just made
                        case UnaryOperatorType.OneMany:
                            LinkStates(altPosNode, oldPosNode, Empty); //make a cycle


                //join it into the end
                LinkStates(altPosNode, FinalState, Empty);