public static RSR_CalItems GetCalendarItemsForTeam(string sLinkID) { SqlWhere sw = new SqlWhere(); RSR rsr; RSR_CalItems rci; RwpSlots slots = new RwpSlots(); sw.AddAliases(RwpSlot.s_mpAliases); try { sw.Add(String.Format("$$rwllpractice$$.Reserved = (select TeamID from rwllcalendarlinks where linkid='{0}')", Sql.Sqlify(sLinkID)), SqlWhere.Op.And); rsr = RSR.FromSR(Sql.ExecuteQuery(null, sw.GetWhere(RwpSlot.s_sSqlQueryString), slots, Startup._sResourceConnString)); if (!rsr.Succeeded) { rci = RSR_CalItems.FromRSR(rsr); rci.Reason = String.Format("{0} {1}", rci.Reason, Startup._sResourceConnString); return(rci); } rci = RSR_CalItems.FromRSR(RSR.FromSR(SR.Success())); List <CalItem> plci = new List <CalItem>(); if (slots.Slots != null) { foreach (RwpSlot slot in slots.Slots) { CalItem ci = new CalItem(); ci.Start = slot.SlotStart; ci.End = slot.SlotStart.AddMinutes(slot.SlotLength); ci.Location = String.Format("{0}: {1}", slot.Venue, slot.Field); ci.Title = String.Format("Team Practice: {0}", slot.Reserved); ci.Description = String.Format("Redmond West Little League team practice at {0} ({1}), for team {2}", slot.Venue, slot.Field, slot.Reserved); ci.UID = String.Format("{0}-rwllpractice-{1}", slot.Slot, slot.SlotStart.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); plci.Add(ci); } } rci.TheValue = plci; return(rci); } catch (Exception e) { rci = RSR_CalItems.FromRSR(RSR.Failed(e)); rci.Reason = String.Format("{0} ({1})", rci.Reason, sLinkID); return(rci); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * %%Function: GetCalendarLinksForTeam * %%Qualified: RwpApi.CalendarLinks.GetCalendarLinksForTeam * %%Contact: rlittle * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static RSR_CalendarLinks GetCalendarLinksForTeam(string sTeam) { SqlWhere sw = new SqlWhere(); RSR rsr; RSR_CalendarLinks rci; CalendarLinks links = new CalendarLinks(); sw.AddAliases(CalendarLinkItem.s_mpAliases); try { sw.Add(String.Format("$$rwllcalendarlinks$$.TeamID = '{0}'", Sql.Sqlify(sTeam)), SqlWhere.Op.And); rsr = RSR.FromSR(Sql.ExecuteQuery(null, sw.GetWhere(RwpSlots.RwpSlot.s_sSqlQueryString), links, Startup._sResourceConnString)); if (!rsr.Succeeded) { rci = RSR_CalendarLinks.FromRSR(rsr); rci.Reason = String.Format("{0} {1}", rci.Reason, Startup._sResourceConnString); return(rci); } rci = RSR_CalendarLinks.FromRSR(RSR.FromSR(SR.Success())); List <CalendarLink> plcall = new List <CalendarLink>(); if (links.Links != null) { foreach (CalendarLinkItem linkItem in links.Links) { CalendarLink link = new CalendarLink() { Link = linkItem.Link, Team = linkItem.Team, Authority = linkItem.Authority, CreateDate = linkItem.CreateDate, Comment = linkItem.Comment }; plcall.Add(link); } } rci.TheValue = plcall; return(rci); } catch (Exception e) { rci = RSR_CalendarLinks.FromRSR(RSR.Failed(e)); rci.Reason = String.Format("{0} ({1})", rci.Reason, sTeam); return(rci); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * %%Function: AddCalendarLinkItem * %%Qualified: RwpApi.CalendarLinks.CalendarLinkItem.AddCalendarLinkItem * %%Contact: rlittle * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static RSR AddCalendarLinkItem(CalendarLink link) { CalendarLinkItem item = FromCalendarLink(link); RSR sr = item.Preflight(null); if (!sr.Succeeded) { return(sr); } Sql sql; sr = RSR.FromSR(Sql.OpenConnection(out sql, Startup._sResourceConnString)); if (!sr.Result) { return(sr); } sr = RSR.FromSR(sql.BeginTransaction()); if (!sr.Result) { sql.Close(); return(sr); } try { string sAdd = item.SGenerateUpdateQuery(sql, true); SqlCommand sqlcmd = sql.CreateCommand(); sqlcmd.CommandText = sAdd; sqlcmd.Transaction = sql.Transaction; sqlcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception exc) { sql.Rollback(); sql.Close(); return(RSR.Failed(exc)); } sql.Commit(); sql.Close(); return(RSR.Success()); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * %%Function: RevokeCalendarLink * %%Qualified: RwpApi.CalendarLinks.CalendarLinkItem.RevokeCalendarLink * %%Contact: rlittle * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static RSR RevokeCalendarLink(Guid guidLink) { RSR sr; if (guidLink == Guid.Empty) { return(RSR.Failed("empty link id")); } Sql sql; sr = RSR.FromSR(Sql.OpenConnection(out sql, Startup._sResourceConnString)); if (!sr.Result) { return(sr); } sr = RSR.FromSR(sql.BeginTransaction()); if (!sr.Result) { sql.Close(); return(sr); } try { string sDelete = String.Format(s_sSqlDelete, guidLink.ToString()); SqlCommand sqlcmd = sql.CreateCommand(); sqlcmd.CommandText = sDelete; sqlcmd.Transaction = sql.Transaction; sqlcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception exc) { sql.Rollback(); sql.Close(); return(RSR.Failed(exc)); } sql.Commit(); sql.Close(); return(RSR.Success()); }
public static RSR ClearYear(int nYear) { return(RSR.FromSR(Sql.ExecuteNonQuery( String.Format("DELETE FROM rwllpractice WHERE ([Date] >= '{0}-01-01' And [Date] <= '{0}-12-31')", nYear), Startup._sResourceConnString))); }
public static RSR ClearAll() { return(RSR.FromSR(Sql.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM rwllpractice", Startup._sResourceConnString))); }
/* I M P O R T C S V */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * %%Function: ImportCsv * %%Qualified: RwpSvc.Practice:RwpSlots.ImportCsv * %%Contact: rlittle * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static RSR ImportCsv(Stream stm, TimeZoneInfo tzi) { RSR sr; Sql sql; CsvSlots csv = new CsvSlots(); TextReader tr = new StreamReader(stm); // process each line sr = RSR.FromSR(Sql.OpenConnection(out sql, Startup._sResourceConnString)); if (!sr.Result) { return(sr); } sr = RSR.FromSR(sql.BeginTransaction()); if (!sr.Result) { sql.Close(); return(sr); } bool fHeadingRead = false; string sLine; int iLine = 0; RwpSlot rwps; bool fAdd; List <string> plsDiff; try { while ((sLine = tr.ReadLine()) != null) { iLine++; if (sLine.Length < 2) { continue; } if (!fHeadingRead) { sr = csv.ReadHeaderFromString(sLine); if (!sr.Result) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to make heading at line {0}: {1}", iLine - 1, sr.Reason)); } fHeadingRead = true; continue; } sr = csv.LoadRwpsFromCsv(sLine, sql, out rwps, out fAdd, out plsDiff, tzi); if (!sr.Result) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to process line {0}: {1}", iLine - 1, sr.Reason)); } if (rwps == null) // this means it was an empty csv line { continue; } // at this point, rwps is a fully loaded team; check for errors and generate a passowrd if necessary sr = rwps.Preflight(sql); if (!sr.Result) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to preflight line {0}: {1}", iLine - 1, sr.Reason)); } // at this point, we would insert... string sInsert = rwps.SGenerateUpdateQuery(sql, fAdd); SqlCommand sqlcmd = sql.CreateCommand(); sqlcmd.CommandText = sInsert; sqlcmd.Transaction = sql.Transaction; sqlcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (Exception e) { sql.Rollback(); sql.Close(); return(RSR.Failed(e)); } sql.Commit(); sql.Close(); return(RSR.Success()); }