public static Embed GetEmbedMessage(string messageTitle, string fieldTitle, string fieldContents, SocketUser user, EmbedFooterBuilder fb = null) { EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder(); if (user != null) { if (fb == null && user != null) { fb = new EmbedFooterBuilder(); fb.WithText(PremiumUtils.SelectFooterEmbedText(user));; fb.WithIconUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl()); } eb.WithTitle($"{messageTitle}"); eb.AddField($"{fieldTitle}", $"{fieldContents}"); eb.WithColor(PremiumUtils.SelectEmbedColour(user)); eb.WithFooter(fb); return(eb.Build()); } else { eb.WithTitle($"{messageTitle}"); eb.AddField($"{fieldTitle}", $"{fieldContents}"); eb.WithColor(Color.Red); eb.WithFooter(fb); return(eb.Build()); } }
public async Task MainAsync() { _client = new DiscordSocketClient(); _commands = new CommandService(); _services = ConfigureServices(); //Add all required EventHandlers _client.Log += Log; _client.JoinedGuild += GuildJoinedHandler; _client.LeftGuild += GuildLeftHandler; _client.Ready += _client_Ready; _commands.CommandExecuted += _commands_CommandExecuted; //Installs all command modules await InstallCommandsAsync(); //Loads the bot token from the token config file var token = File.ReadAllText("Config/token.cfg"); //Logs in to the bot account and starts the client await _client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token); await _client.StartAsync(); //Loads various stored data PremiumUtils.LoadRanks(); TeamUtils.teamData = TeamUtils.LoadTeams(); TeamUtils.userSettings = TeamUtils.LoadSettings(); GuildUtils.guildData = GuildUtils.LoadSettings(); //Loads the Top.GG API key from the topggToken config file LoggingUtils.apiKey = File.ReadAllText("Config/topggToken.cfg"); await Task.Delay(-1); }
public static EmbedFooterBuilder GetFooter(SocketUser user, Stopwatch sw) { EmbedFooterBuilder fb = new EmbedFooterBuilder(); fb.WithText(PremiumUtils.SelectFooterEmbedText(user, sw)); fb.WithIconUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl()); return(fb); }