static public PooledList <T> Alloc(IEnumerable <T> inSource) { PooledList <T> list = Alloc(); foreach (var element in inSource) { list.Add(element); } return(list); }
static public PooledList <T> Alloc() { PooledList <T> list = null; if (s_Pool.Count > 0) { list = s_Pool.Pop(); } else { list = new PooledList <T>(); } list.OnAlloc(); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// Restores persistent data to the given runtime entity and its components. /// </summary> static public bool Restore(RSEnvironment inEnvironment, RSPersistEntityData inData, IRSRuntimeEntity inEntity, IReadOnlyList <IRSRuntimeComponent> inComponents, int inFlags) { if (inEntity == null) { return(false); } using (PooledList <IRSPersistListener> persistListeners = PooledList <IRSPersistListener> .Alloc()) { IRSPersistListener entityPersistListener = inEntity as IRSPersistListener; if (entityPersistListener != null) { entityPersistListener.OnPreRestore(inEnvironment); persistListeners.Add(entityPersistListener); } inEntity.SetActiveWithoutNotify(inData.Active); inEntity.RuleTable?.Restore(inData.TableData); for (int i = 0, length = inData.ComponentData.Length; i < length; ++i) { RSPersistComponentData componentData = inData.ComponentData[i]; RSComponentInfo componentInfo = inEnvironment.Library.GetComponent(componentData.ComponentType); if (componentInfo == null) { continue; } IRSRuntimeComponent component = inEntity.GetRSComponent(componentInfo.OwnerType); if (component == null) { continue; } if (inComponents != null) { bool bIncluded = false; for (int allCompIdx = 0, allCompLength = inComponents.Count; allCompIdx < allCompLength; ++allCompIdx) { IRSRuntimeComponent includedComponent = inComponents[allCompIdx]; if (includedComponent == component) { bIncluded = true; break; } } if (!bIncluded) { continue; } } IRSPersistListener componentListener = component as IRSPersistListener; if (componentListener != null) { componentListener.OnPreRestore(inEnvironment); persistListeners.Add(componentListener); } componentInfo.Restore(component, componentData, inEnvironment, inFlags); } IRSCustomPersistDataProvider customDataProvider = inEntity as IRSCustomPersistDataProvider; if (customDataProvider != null) { customDataProvider.RestoreCustomPersistData(inData.CustomData, inFlags, inEnvironment); } foreach (var listener in persistListeners) { listener.OnPostRestore(inEnvironment); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Generates persistent data from the given runtime entity and its components. /// </summary> static public bool Persist(RSLibrary inLibrary, IRSRuntimeEntity inEntity, IReadOnlyList <IRSRuntimeComponent> inComponents, int inFlags, ref RSPersistEntityData outData) { if (inEntity == null) { return(false); } if (outData == null) { outData = new RSPersistEntityData(); } outData.EntityId = inEntity.Id; outData.Active = inEntity.IsActive(); inEntity.RuleTable?.Persist(ref outData.TableData); using (PooledList <IRSPersistListener> persistListeners = PooledList <IRSPersistListener> .Alloc()) { IRSPersistListener entityPersistListener = inEntity as IRSPersistListener; if (entityPersistListener != null) { entityPersistListener.OnPrePersist(); persistListeners.Add(entityPersistListener); } using (PooledList <RSPersistComponentData> persistedComponentData = PooledList <RSPersistComponentData> .Alloc()) { for (int i = 0, length = inComponents.Count; i < length; ++i) { IRSRuntimeComponent component = inComponents[i]; if (component == null) { continue; } IRSPersistListener componentListener = component as IRSPersistListener; if (componentListener != null) { componentListener.OnPrePersist(); persistListeners.Add(componentListener); } RSComponentInfo componentInfo = inLibrary.GetComponent(component.GetType()); if (componentInfo == null) { continue; } RSPersistComponentData compData = outData.FindComponentData(componentInfo.IdHash); componentInfo.Persist(component, inFlags, ref compData); persistedComponentData.Add(compData); } Array.Resize(ref outData.ComponentData, persistedComponentData.Count); for (int i = 0; i < outData.ComponentData.Length; ++i) { outData.ComponentData[i] = persistedComponentData[i]; } } IRSCustomPersistDataProvider customDataProvider = inEntity as IRSCustomPersistDataProvider; if (customDataProvider != null) { customDataProvider.GetCustomPersistData(ref outData.CustomData, inFlags); } foreach (var listener in persistListeners) { listener.OnPostPersist(); } } return(true); }