public void DepthImageToColorImage(double depthX, double depthY, double depthMeters, out double colorX, out double colorY)
            double xUndistorted, yUndistorted;

            // convert to depth camera space
            float fx = (float)depthCameraMatrix[0, 0];
            float fy = (float)depthCameraMatrix[1, 1];
            float cx = (float)depthCameraMatrix[0, 2];
            float cy = (float)depthCameraMatrix[1, 2];

            float[] kappa = new float[] { (float)depthLensDistortion[0], (float)depthLensDistortion[1] };
            // flip y because our calibration expects y up (right handed coordinates at all times)
            CameraMath.Undistort(fx, fy, cx, cy, kappa, depthX, (depthImageHeight - depthY), out xUndistorted, out yUndistorted);

            var depthCamera = new Matrix(4, 1);

            depthCamera[0] = xUndistorted * depthMeters;
            depthCamera[1] = yUndistorted * depthMeters;
            depthCamera[2] = depthMeters;
            depthCamera[3] = 1;

            // convert to color camera space
            var colorCamera = new Matrix(4, 1);

            colorCamera.Mult(depthToColorTransform, depthCamera);

            // project to color image
            CameraMath.Project(colorCameraMatrix, colorLensDistortion, colorCamera[0], colorCamera[1], colorCamera[2], out colorX, out colorY);

            // convert back to Y down
            colorY = colorImageHeight - colorY;
        public System.Drawing.PointF[] ComputeColorFrameToCameraSpaceTable(int tableWidth = colorImageWidth, int tableHeight = colorImageHeight)
            float fx = (float)colorCameraMatrix[0, 0];
            float fy = (float)colorCameraMatrix[1, 1];
            float cx = (float)colorCameraMatrix[0, 2];
            float cy = (float)colorCameraMatrix[1, 2];

            float[] kappa = new float[] { (float)colorLensDistortion[0], (float)colorLensDistortion[1] };

            var table = new System.Drawing.PointF[tableWidth * tableHeight];

            for (int y = 0; y < tableHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < tableWidth; x++)
                    double xout, yout;
                    double framex = (double)x / (double)tableWidth * colorImageWidth;   // in color camera image coordinates
                    double framey = (double)y / (double)tableHeight * colorImageHeight;

                    CameraMath.Undistort(fx, fy, cx, cy, kappa, framex, (colorImageHeight - framey), out xout, out yout);

                    var point = new System.Drawing.PointF();
                    point.X = (float)xout;
                    point.Y = (float)yout;
                    table[tableWidth * y + x] = point;
        public void ColorImageToDepthImage(double colorX, double colorY, ShortImage depthImage, out Matrix depthPoint, out double depthX, out double depthY)
            double xUndistorted, yUndistorted;

            // convert to color camera space
            float fx = (float)colorCameraMatrix[0, 0];
            float fy = (float)colorCameraMatrix[1, 1];
            float cx = (float)colorCameraMatrix[0, 2];
            float cy = (float)colorCameraMatrix[1, 2];

            float[] kappa = new float[] { (float)colorLensDistortion[0], (float)colorLensDistortion[1] };
            // flip y because our calibration expects y up (right handed coordinates at all times)
            CameraMath.Undistort(fx, fy, cx, cy, kappa, colorX, (colorImageHeight - colorY), out xUndistorted, out yUndistorted);

            var colorToDepthTransform = new Matrix(4, 4);


            var colorPoint = new Matrix(4, 1);

            depthPoint = new Matrix(4, 1);
            depthX     = 0; depthY = 0;

            // walk along ray in color camera
            bool found = false;

            for (int s = 400; (s < 4500) && !found; s++) // TODO: confirm these limits (mm)
                // convert to a 3D point along ray, in meters
                colorPoint[0] = xUndistorted * s / 1000.0;
                colorPoint[1] = yUndistorted * s / 1000.0;
                colorPoint[2] = s / 1000.0;
                colorPoint[3] = 1;

                // transform to depth camera 3D point and project
                depthPoint.Mult(colorToDepthTransform, colorPoint);
                CameraMath.Project(depthCameraMatrix, depthLensDistortion, depthPoint[0], depthPoint[1], depthPoint[2], out depthX, out depthY);

                int x = (int)depthX;
                // Y down, since we are indexing into an image
                int y = depthImageHeight - (int)depthY;
                if ((x >= 0) && (x < depthImageWidth) && (y >= 0) && (y < depthImageHeight))
                    int z = depthImage[x, y];
                    if ((z != 0) && (z < s))
                        found = true;
            // convert back to Y down
            depthY = depthImageHeight - depthY;