Esempio n. 1
        public void CreateFailStudentReport(int id, String FileName)

            //Tao 1 roll call book rong
            ExcelPackage Package = new ExcelPackage();

            ExcelWorksheet GeneralWorksheet = CreateGeneralWorksheet(id);
            Package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(GeneralWorksheet.Name, GeneralWorksheet);

            RollCallBusiness rc = new RollCallBusiness();
            SubjectBusiness sub = new SubjectBusiness();
            List<RollCall> rollcalls = new List<RollCall>();
            rollcalls = rc.GetList().Where(r => r.SemesterID == id).ToList();
            List<Subject> subjectlist = new List<Subject>();
            List<int> subj = new List<int>();

            foreach (var rollcall in rollcalls)
                AttendanceBusiness BO = new AttendanceBusiness();
                var AttendanceLogs = BO.GetRollCallAttendanceLog(rollcall.RollCallID);

                int NumberOfSlot = rollcall.StudySessions.Count;
                var Students = rollcall.Students;
                for (int i = 0; i < Students.Count; i++)
                    int RowIndex = 7 + i;
                    Student CurrentStudent = Students.ElementAt(i);

                    double AbsentSession = CurrentStudent.
                            StudentAttendances.Count(sa => AttendanceLogs.Select(a => a.LogID)
                            .Contains(sa.AttendanceLog.LogID) && !sa.IsPresent);

                    double AbsentRate = AbsentSession / NumberOfSlot * 100;
                    //Neu nghi qua 20%
                    if (AbsentRate > 20)
                        bool checkfailsubject = subj.Exists(r => r == rollcall.SubjectID);
                        if (!checkfailsubject)
                            var subject = sub.GetSubjectByID(rollcall.SubjectID);

            foreach (var subject in subjectlist)
                //Tao detail sheet
                ExcelWorksheet RollWorkSheet = CreateDetailWorksheet(subject.SubjectID, id);
                Package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(RollWorkSheet.Name, RollWorkSheet);
            ExcelWriter.WriteExcelFile(Package, FileName);
Esempio n. 2
        public bool Insert(RollCall InRollCall)
            SubjectBusiness SubBO   = new SubjectBusiness(this.RollSystemDB);
            ClassBusiness   ClassBO = new ClassBusiness(this.RollSystemDB);

            RollCall rollcall = InRollCall;
            //Set thoi gian EndTime, dua vao start time
            var rollSubject = SubBO.GetSubjectByID(InRollCall.SubjectID);

            rollcall.EndTime = rollcall.StartTime.
                               Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(90 * rollSubject.NumberOfSlot)).
                               Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15 * (rollSubject.NumberOfSlot - 1)));

            //VD: 20 slot se la 28 ngay. 15 slot la 21 ngay, 18 slot van 28 ngay
            int TotalDate = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)rollSubject.NumberOfSession / 5) * 7;

            //Tru 1 ngay de ket thuc vao chu nhat
            rollcall.EndDate = rollcall.BeginDate.AddDays(TotalDate).AddDays(-1);

            //Dua toan bo hoc sinh hien tai cua class vao
            var rollClass = ClassBO.GetClassByID(InRollCall.ClassID);

            foreach (var Student in rollClass.Students)

            //Tao cac studying session cua roll call nay
            DateTime SessionDate = rollcall.BeginDate;

            for (int i = 0; i < rollSubject.NumberOfSession; i++)
                StudySession StuSes = new StudySession()
                    InstructorID = InRollCall.InstructorID,
                    ClassID      = rollcall.ClassID,
                    StartTime    = rollcall.StartTime,
                    EndTime      = rollcall.EndTime,
                    SessionDate  = SessionDate,
                    Note         = SessionDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + " : "
                    SessionDate = SessionDate.AddDays(1);
                } while (SessionDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || SessionDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday);

            //Set trang thai của roll call la incoming
            rollcall.Status = 1;

Esempio n. 3
        private ExcelWorksheet CreateDetailWorksheet(int subjectID, int semesterID)
            SubjectBusiness SuBO = new SubjectBusiness();
            SemesterBusiness sem = new SemesterBusiness();
                        //get value semester, student, subject
            String semestername = sem.GetSemesterByID(semesterID).SemesterName;
            String subjectname = SuBO.GetSubjectByID(subjectID).FullName;
            String subshortname = SuBO.GetSubjectByID(subjectID).ShortName;

            ExcelWorksheet DetailWorkSheet = new ExcelPackage().Workbook.Worksheets.Add(subshortname + "_" + semestername);
            // get student list absent > 20%
            RollCallBusiness RoBO = new RollCallBusiness();
            AttendanceBusiness BO = new AttendanceBusiness();
            List<Student> students = new List<Student>();
            List<RollCall> rollcalls = RoBO.GetList().Where(r => r.SubjectID == subjectID && r.SemesterID == semesterID).ToList();
            List<int> studentID = new List<int>();

            foreach (var rollcall in rollcalls)
                var AttendanceLogs = BO.GetRollCallAttendanceLog(rollcall.RollCallID);

                int NumberOfSlot = rollcall.StudySessions.Count;
                var Students = rollcall.Students;

                for (int i = 0; i < Students.Count; i++)
                    int RowIndex = 7 + i;
                    Student CurrentStudent = Students.ElementAt(i);

                    double AbsentSession = CurrentStudent.
                            StudentAttendances.Count(sa => AttendanceLogs.Select(a => a.LogID)
                            .Contains(sa.AttendanceLog.LogID) && !sa.IsPresent);

                    double AbsentRate = AbsentSession / NumberOfSlot * 100;
                    //Neu nghi qua 20%
                    if (AbsentRate > 20)
                        // check student is exist in list
                        bool checkstuexit = studentID.Exists(r => r == CurrentStudent.StudentID);
                        if (!checkstuexit)

            //write file
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["A:XFD"].Style.Font.Name = "Arial";
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C2"].Value = "List of student unqualified for examination report";
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C2"].Style.Font.Size = 18;
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C2"].Style.Font.Bold = true;

            //semester detail
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C3"].Value = "Semester";
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C4"].Value = "Subject";
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C3:C4"].Style.Font.Size = 12;
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C3:C4"].Style.Font.Bold = true;

            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["D3"].Value = semestername;
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["D4"].Value = subjectname;

            //title table
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["B6"].Value = "No.";
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C6"].Value = "Student Name";
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["D6"].Value = "Student Code";
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["E6"].Value = "Class";
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["B6:E6"].Style.Font.Size = 12;
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["B6:E6"].Style.Font.Bold = true;

            //body table
            var studentlist = students;
            for (int i = 0; i < studentlist.Count(); i++)
                int RowIndex = 7 + i;
                DetailWorkSheet.Cells["B" + RowIndex].Value = i + 1;
                DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C" + RowIndex].Value = studentlist.ElementAt(i).FullName;
                DetailWorkSheet.Cells["D" + RowIndex].Value = studentlist.ElementAt(i).StudentCode;
                DetailWorkSheet.Cells["E" + RowIndex].Value = studentlist.ElementAt(i).Class.ClassName;
            //set border table
            for (int column = 2; column <= 5; column++)
                for (int row = 6; row <= 6 + studentlist.Count(); row++)
                    DetailWorkSheet.Cells[row, column].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, Color.Black);
            //set height , width
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C2:D2"].Merge = true;
            DetailWorkSheet.Cells["C2:D2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
            DetailWorkSheet.Column(2).Width = 5;
            DetailWorkSheet.Column(3).Width = 25;
            DetailWorkSheet.Column(4).Width = 60;
            DetailWorkSheet.Column(5).Width = 12;
            return DetailWorkSheet;
Esempio n. 4
        private ExcelWorksheet CreateGeneralWorksheet(int id)

            ExcelWorksheet GeneralWorksheet = new ExcelPackage().Workbook.Worksheets.Add("General Report");
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["A:XFD"].Style.Font.Name = "Arial";
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C2"].Value = "List of student unqualified for examination report";
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C2"].Style.Font.Size = 18;
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C2"].Style.Font.Bold = true;

            //get value semester, student, subject
            SemesterBusiness sem = new SemesterBusiness();
            SubjectBusiness sub = new SubjectBusiness();
            String semestername = sem.GetSemesterByID(id).SemesterName;
            String begindate = sem.GetSemesterByID(id).BeginDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
            String enddate = sem.GetSemesterByID(id).EndDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");

            RollCallBusiness rc = new RollCallBusiness();
            List<RollCall> rollcalls = new List<RollCall>();

            int numsub = 0;
            int numstu = 0;
            int numfstu = 0;

            rollcalls = rc.GetList().Where(r => r.SemesterID == id).ToList();
            List<int> subid = new List<int>();
            List<int> stuid = new List<int>();
            List<int> fstuid = new List<int>();

            // list num student absent for each subject
            List<int> numabsent = new List<int>();

            // list check subject list have student relearn.
            List<int> subj = new List<int>();
            List<Subject> subjectlist = new List<Subject>();

            foreach (var rollcall in rollcalls)
                // check subject is exit in list
                bool checksub = subid.Exists(r => r == rollcall.SubjectID);
                if (!checksub)

                List<Student> students = new List<Student>();
                students = rollcall.Students.ToList();
                foreach (var student in students)
                    bool checkstu = stuid.Exists(r => r == student.StudentID);
                    if (!checkstu)

                AttendanceBusiness BO = new AttendanceBusiness();
                var AttendanceLogs = BO.GetRollCallAttendanceLog(rollcall.RollCallID);

                int NumberOfSlot = rollcall.StudySessions.Count;
                var Students = rollcall.Students;

                for (int i = 0; i < Students.Count; i++)
                    int RowIndex = 7 + i;
                    Student CurrentStudent = Students.ElementAt(i);

                    double AbsentSession = CurrentStudent.
                            StudentAttendances.Count(sa => AttendanceLogs.Select(a => a.LogID)
                            .Contains(sa.AttendanceLog.LogID) && !sa.IsPresent);

                    double AbsentRate = AbsentSession / NumberOfSlot * 100;
                    //Neu nghi qua 20%
                    if (AbsentRate > 20)
                        bool checkfstu = fstuid.Exists(r => r == CurrentStudent.StudentID);
                        if (!checkfstu)
                        bool checkfailsubject = subj.Exists(r => r == rollcall.SubjectID);
                        if (!checkfailsubject)
                            var subject = sub.GetSubjectByID(rollcall.SubjectID);

            //write file
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C2:D2"].Merge = true;
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C2:D2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C3"].Value = "Semester ";
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C4"].Value = "Time ";
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C5"].Value = "Total subjects";
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C6"].Value = "Total students";
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C7"].Value = "Total students unqualified for examination";

            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C3:C7"].Style.Font.Size = 12;
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C3:C7"].Style.Font.Bold = true;

            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["D3"].Value = semestername;
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["D4"].Value = "From " + begindate + " to " + enddate;
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["D5"].Value = numsub;
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["D6"].Value = numstu;
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["D7"].Value = numfstu;

            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["B9"].Value = "No.";
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C9"].Value = "Subject";
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["D9"].Value = "Number of students unqualified for examination";
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["B9:D9"].Style.Font.Size = 12;
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["B9:D9"].Style.Font.Bold = true;

            var subjects = subjectlist;
            for (int i = 0; i < subjects.Count(); i++)
                int RowIndex = 10 + i;
                GeneralWorksheet.Cells["B" + RowIndex].Value = i + 1;
                GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C" + RowIndex].Value = subjects.ElementAt(i).FullName;
                GeneralWorksheet.Cells["D" + RowIndex].Value = numabsent.Count(r => r == subjects.ElementAt(i).SubjectID);

            //set border table
            for (int column = 2; column <= 4; column++)
                for (int row = 9; row <= 9 + subjects.Count(); row++)
                    GeneralWorksheet.Cells[row, column].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, Color.Black);
            //set height , width
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C2:D2"].Merge = true;
            GeneralWorksheet.Cells["C2:D2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

            GeneralWorksheet.Column(2).Width = 8;
            GeneralWorksheet.Column(3).Width = 47;
            GeneralWorksheet.Column(4).Width = 53;

            return GeneralWorksheet;