Esempio n. 1
        private static void InitFloorToContext(TestFloorPlan floorPlan, Loc size, Rect[] rooms, Rect[] halls, Tuple <char, char>[] links)
            floorPlan.InitSize(new Loc(size.X, size.Y));

            // a quick way to set up rooms, halls, and connections
            // a list of rects for rooms, a list of rects for halls
            for (int ii = 0; ii < rooms.Length; ii++)
                var gen = new TestFloorPlanGen((char)('A' + ii));
                floorPlan.PublicRooms.Add(new FloorRoomPlan(gen));

            for (int ii = 0; ii < halls.Length; ii++)
                var gen = new TestFloorPlanGen((char)('a' + ii));
                floorPlan.PublicHalls.Add(new FloorHallPlan(gen));

            // and finally a list of tuples that link rooms to rooms and halls to halls
            for (int ii = 0; ii < links.Length; ii++)
                bool           hall1  = links[ii].Item1 >= 'a';
                int            index1 = hall1 ? links[ii].Item1 - 'a' : links[ii].Item1 - 'A';
                bool           hall2  = links[ii].Item2 >= 'a';
                int            index2 = hall2 ? links[ii].Item2 - 'a' : links[ii].Item2 - 'A';
                var            link1  = new RoomHallIndex(index1, hall1);
                var            link2  = new RoomHallIndex(index2, hall2);
                IFloorRoomPlan from1  = floorPlan.GetRoomHall(link1);
                IFloorRoomPlan from2  = floorPlan.GetRoomHall(link2);
Esempio n. 2
        public void PlaceRoomsOnFloorIntrusiveHalls()
            // place a ring of rooms connected by halls
            string[] inGrid =
                ". .",
                ". .",

            TestGridFloorPlan gridPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid, 5, 5);

            for (int ii = 0; ii < gridPlan.RoomCount; ii++)
                var gen = new TestFloorPlanGen(((TestGridRoomGen)gridPlan.GetRoom(ii)).Identifier)
                    ProposedSize = new Loc(2, 2),

                gridPlan.PublicArrayRooms[ii].RoomGen = gen;

            gridPlan.PublicHHalls[0][1].SetGen(new TestFloorPlanGen('a'));

            TestFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestFloorPlan.InitFloorToContext(
                new Rect[] { new Rect(0, 0, 2, 2), new Rect(9, 15, 2, 2) },
                new Rect[] { new Rect(2, 1, 4, 10), new Rect(6, 6, 3, 10) },
                new Tuple <char, char>[] { Tuple.Create('A', 'a'), Tuple.Create('a', 'b'), Tuple.Create('b', 'B') });

            ((TestFloorPlanGen)compareFloorPlan.PublicHalls[1].RoomGen).Identifier = 'a';

            Mock <IRandom> testRand = new Mock <IRandom>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            Moq.Language.ISetupSequentialResult <int> seq = testRand.SetupSequence(p => p.Next(4));
            seq = seq.Returns(0);
            seq = seq.Returns(3);
            seq = testRand.SetupSequence(p => p.Next(10));
            seq = seq.Returns(0);
            seq = seq.Returns(9);

            var floorPlan = new TestFloorPlan();


            Mock <IFloorPlanTestContext> mockMap = new Mock <IFloorPlanTestContext>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockMap.SetupGet(p => p.Rand).Returns(testRand.Object);
            mockMap.SetupGet(p => p.RoomPlan).Returns(floorPlan);


            TestFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan);
Esempio n. 3
        public void AddRoomToOutOfBounds(int x, int y)
            // attempt to touch out of bounds
            var floorPlan = new TestFloorPlan();

            floorPlan.InitSize(new Loc(22, 14));
            Mock <TestFloorPlanGen> gen = new Mock <TestFloorPlanGen>(MockBehavior.Loose);

            gen.SetupGet(p => p.Draw).Returns(new Rect(x, y, 2, 3));
            gen.Object.Identifier = 'A';

            // check the rooms
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => { floorPlan.AddRoom(gen.Object, false); });
Esempio n. 4
        public void PlaceRoomsOnFloorDefault()
            // place a line of rooms with one default
            string[] inGrid =
                ". . .",

            TestGridFloorPlan gridPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid, 5, 5);

                var gen = new TestFloorPlanGen('A')
                    ProposedSize = new Loc(5, 5)
                gridPlan.PublicArrayRooms[0].RoomGen = gen;

                gridPlan.PublicArrayRooms[1].RoomGen    = new RoomGenDefault <IFloorPlanTestContext>();
                gridPlan.PublicArrayRooms[1].PreferHall = true;

                var gen = new TestFloorPlanGen('B')
                    ProposedSize = new Loc(5, 5)
                gridPlan.PublicArrayRooms[2].RoomGen = gen;

            gridPlan.PublicHHalls[0][0].SetGen(new TestFloorPlanGen('b'));
            gridPlan.PublicHHalls[1][0].SetGen(new TestFloorPlanGen('c'));

            TestFloorPlan compareFloorPlan = TestFloorPlan.InitFloorToContext(
                new Rect[] { new Rect(0, 0, 5, 5), new Rect(12, 0, 5, 5) },
                new Rect[] { new Rect(6, 0, 1, 1), new Rect(5, 0, 1, 5), new Rect(7, 0, 5, 5) },
                new Tuple <char, char>[] { Tuple.Create('A', 'b'), Tuple.Create('b', 'a'), Tuple.Create('a', 'c'), Tuple.Create('c', 'B') });

            Mock <IRandom> testRand = new Mock <IRandom>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            testRand.Setup(p => p.Next(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(0);

            var floorPlan = new TestFloorPlan();


            Mock <IFloorPlanTestContext> mockMap = new Mock <IFloorPlanTestContext>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockMap.SetupGet(p => p.Rand).Returns(testRand.Object);
            mockMap.SetupGet(p => p.RoomPlan).Returns(floorPlan);


            // check the rooms
            Assert.That(floorPlan.RoomCount, Is.EqualTo(compareFloorPlan.RoomCount));
            for (int ii = 0; ii < floorPlan.RoomCount; ii++)
                FloorRoomPlan plan        = floorPlan.PublicRooms[ii];
                FloorRoomPlan comparePlan = compareFloorPlan.PublicRooms[ii];
                Assert.That(plan.RoomGen, Is.EqualTo(comparePlan.RoomGen));
                Assert.That(plan.Adjacents, Is.EqualTo(comparePlan.Adjacents));

            Assert.That(floorPlan.HallCount, Is.EqualTo(compareFloorPlan.HallCount));
            for (int ii = 0; ii < floorPlan.HallCount; ii++)
                FloorHallPlan plan        = floorPlan.PublicHalls[ii];
                FloorHallPlan comparePlan = compareFloorPlan.PublicHalls[ii];
                if (ii != 0)
                    Assert.That(plan.RoomGen, Is.EqualTo(comparePlan.RoomGen));
                    // special case for the default
                    Assert.That(plan.RoomGen, Is.TypeOf <RoomGenDefault <IFloorPlanTestContext> >());
                    Assert.That(plan.RoomGen.Draw, Is.EqualTo(comparePlan.RoomGen.Draw));

                Assert.That(plan.Adjacents, Is.EqualTo(comparePlan.Adjacents));
Esempio n. 5
        public void PlaceRoomsOnFloorRing()
            // place a ring of rooms connected by halls
            string[] inGrid =
                "# #",

            TestGridFloorPlan gridPlan = TestGridFloorPlan.InitGridToContext(inGrid, 5, 5);

            for (int ii = 0; ii < gridPlan.RoomCount; ii++)
                var gen = new TestFloorPlanGen(((TestGridRoomGen)gridPlan.GetRoom(ii)).Identifier)
                    ProposedSize = new Loc(5, 5),
                gridPlan.PublicArrayRooms[ii].RoomGen = gen;

            gridPlan.PublicVHalls[0][0].SetGen(new TestFloorPlanGen('a'));
            gridPlan.PublicVHalls[1][0].SetGen(new TestFloorPlanGen('b'));
            gridPlan.PublicHHalls[0][0].SetGen(new TestFloorPlanGen('c'));
            gridPlan.PublicHHalls[0][1].SetGen(new TestFloorPlanGen('d'));

            TestFloorPlan compareFloorPlan;
                var links = new Tuple <char, char>[]
                    Tuple.Create('A', 'a'),
                    Tuple.Create('a', 'D'),
                    Tuple.Create('B', 'b'),
                    Tuple.Create('b', 'C'),
                    Tuple.Create('A', 'c'),
                    Tuple.Create('c', 'B'),
                    Tuple.Create('D', 'd'),
                    Tuple.Create('d', 'C'),
                compareFloorPlan = TestFloorPlan.InitFloorToContext(
                    new Rect[] { new Rect(0, 0, 5, 5), new Rect(6, 0, 5, 5), new Rect(6, 6, 5, 5), new Rect(0, 6, 5, 5) },
                    new Rect[] { new Rect(0, 5, 5, 1), new Rect(6, 5, 5, 1), new Rect(5, 0, 1, 5), new Rect(5, 6, 1, 5) },

            Mock <IRandom> testRand = new Mock <IRandom>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            testRand.Setup(p => p.Next(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(0);

            var floorPlan = new TestFloorPlan();


            Mock <IFloorPlanTestContext> mockMap = new Mock <IFloorPlanTestContext>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockMap.SetupGet(p => p.Rand).Returns(testRand.Object);
            mockMap.SetupGet(p => p.RoomPlan).Returns(floorPlan);


            TestFloorPlan.CompareFloorPlans(floorPlan, compareFloorPlan);
Esempio n. 6
        public void TransferBorderToAdjacents(int index, bool isHall, int expectedRoom, int expectedHall)
            List <Mock <IRoomGen> >           roomGenTarget = new List <Mock <IRoomGen> >();
            List <Mock <IPermissiveRoomGen> > hallGenTarget = new List <Mock <IPermissiveRoomGen> >();

            var floorPlan = new TestFloorPlan();

            floorPlan.InitSize(new Loc(22, 14));

            for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++)
                Mock <IRoomGen> roomGen = new Mock <IRoomGen>(MockBehavior.Strict);
                roomGen.SetupGet(p => p.Draw).Returns(Rect.Empty);
                if (ii == 1 || ii == 3)
                    roomGen.Setup(p => p.ReceiveOpenedBorder(It.IsAny <IRoomGen>(), It.IsAny <Dir4>()));

                var roomPlan = new FloorRoomPlan(roomGen.Object);
                roomPlan.Adjacents.Add(new RoomHallIndex(1, false));
                roomPlan.Adjacents.Add(new RoomHallIndex(3, false));
                roomPlan.Adjacents.Add(new RoomHallIndex(1, true));
                roomPlan.Adjacents.Add(new RoomHallIndex(3, true));

            for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++)
                Mock <IPermissiveRoomGen> roomGen = new Mock <IPermissiveRoomGen>(MockBehavior.Strict);
                roomGen.SetupGet(p => p.Draw).Returns(Rect.Empty);
                if (ii == 1 || ii == 3)
                    roomGen.Setup(p => p.ReceiveOpenedBorder(It.IsAny <IRoomGen>(), It.IsAny <Dir4>()));

                var roomPlan = new FloorHallPlan(roomGen.Object);
                roomPlan.Adjacents.Add(new RoomHallIndex(1, false));
                roomPlan.Adjacents.Add(new RoomHallIndex(3, false));
                roomPlan.Adjacents.Add(new RoomHallIndex(1, true));
                roomPlan.Adjacents.Add(new RoomHallIndex(3, true));

            IRoomGen from = floorPlan.GetRoomHall(new RoomHallIndex(index, isHall)).RoomGen;

            floorPlan.TransferBorderToAdjacents(new RoomHallIndex(index, isHall));

            for (int ii = 0; ii < roomGenTarget.Count; ii++)
                if (ii >= roomGenTarget.Count - expectedRoom)
                    roomGenTarget[ii].Verify(p => p.ReceiveOpenedBorder(from, It.IsAny <Dir4>()), Times.Exactly(1));
                    roomGenTarget[ii].Verify(p => p.ReceiveOpenedBorder(from, It.IsAny <Dir4>()), Times.Exactly(0));

            for (int ii = 0; ii < hallGenTarget.Count; ii++)
                if (ii >= hallGenTarget.Count - expectedHall)
                    hallGenTarget[ii].Verify(p => p.ReceiveOpenedBorder(from, It.IsAny <Dir4>()), Times.Exactly(1));
                    hallGenTarget[ii].Verify(p => p.ReceiveOpenedBorder(from, It.IsAny <Dir4>()), Times.Exactly(0));