public void Run()
            _logger.LogTrace("Running game");
            // Init random number generator and re-use so we don't keep
            // rolling the same numbers.
            Random rng = new Random();

            // Get player information.
            this.p1 = NewPlayer(1);
            this.p2 = NewPlayer(2);

            // Main game loop.
            _logger.LogTrace("Begin game loop");
                // Add 1 since there will have been no rounds played on the first iteration.
                int roundNumber = rounds.Count + 1;

                // Play the round.
                _logger.LogTrace($"Playing round number {roundNumber}");
                Round round = new Round(this.p1, this.p2, roundNumber, rng, _logger);

                // Display the result for the round.

                // Save the round data.
            } while (this.p1.wins < 2 && this.p2.wins < 2);
            _logger.LogTrace("Game over");

            // # of ties is (number of rounds played - total wins);
            int ties = rounds.Count - (this.p1.wins + this.p2.wins);

            // Change word plurality based on number of ties.
            string tieDisplay = ties == 1 ? "tie" : "ties";

            if (this.p1.wins > this.p2.wins)
                Console.WriteLine($"{} wins {this.p1.wins}-{this.p2.wins} with {ties} {tieDisplay}.");
                Console.WriteLine($"{} wins {this.p2.wins}-{this.p1.wins} with {ties} {tieDisplay}.");