public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); Display.ReadOnly = true; game = new RPS(); Display.Text = "Player Wins: " + game.tally[0] + "\tCPU Wins: " + game.tally[1]; }
public override RPS GenerateRPS() { var random = new Random(); RPS randomEnum = (RPS)random.Next(0, 3); return(randomEnum); }
static void Main(string[] args) { do { Console.WriteLine($"Human player registers a {RPS.PlayOneGame()}"); Console.WriteLine(); } while (RPS.Continue()); Console.WriteLine("Record of wins, losses, and draws:"); RPS.PrintResults(); RPS.PrintHistory(); }
private void UserSelected(RPS option) { yourSelection = option; pictureBoxYou.Image = rpsPicture[option]; panelRPS.Enabled = false; if (socketClient != null) { socketClient.Send(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)option)); Result(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Connection Failed!"); } }
static bool userWon(RPS playerOne, RPS playerTwo) { if (playerOne == RPS.r && playerTwo == RPS.p) { return(true); } else if ((playerOne == RPS.r && playerTwo == RPS.p) || playerOne == playerTwo) { return(false); } else { return(playerOne < playerTwo); } }
public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors!"); string playerInput = Console.ReadLine(); string playerPlay = playerInput.ToLower(); Console.WriteLine("You played: {0}", playerPlay); RPS game = new RPS(); string cpuPlay = game.generateCpuPlay(); Console.WriteLine("The cpu played: {0}", cpuPlay); RPS gameOutcome = new RPS(); gameOutcome.comparePlays(cpuPlay, playerPlay); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Random RNG = new Random(); RPS playerOne = (RPS)RNG.Next(0, 3), playerTwo; Console.Write("Pick a character (r,p,s): "); if (!Enum.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out playerTwo)) { playerTwo = (RPS)RNG.Next(0, 3); } string finalMessage = string.Format("The computer picked: {0}, you picked: {1}.", ((rockPS)playerOne).ToString(), ((rockPS)playerTwo).ToString()); if (userWon(playerOne, playerTwo)) { finalMessage += " You won!"; } else { finalMessage += " You didn't win!"; } Console.WriteLine(finalMessage); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { RPS rps = new RPS(); string player1Name = ""; string player2Name = ""; string player1Choice = ""; string opponentOption = ""; string playAgain = "yes"; Dictionary <string, string> postDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var urlPlayer = "http://localhost/RPS/index.php?id=playersave"; var urlMatch = "http://localhost/RPS/index.php?id=matchsave"; using var client = new HttpClient(); FormUrlEncodedContent content; HttpResponseMessage response; string responseString; while (playAgain == "yes") { rps.choiceCount.Add("rock", 0); rps.choiceCount.Add("paper", 0); rps.choiceCount.Add("scissors", 0); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name:\n"); player1Name = Console.ReadLine(); postDict.Add("player1", player1Name); Console.WriteLine("Welcome " + player1Name + " to Rock Paper Scissors!\n"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter an option; 1 (to play against another player), 2 (to play me... if you dare...)\n"); opponentOption = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (opponentOption == "1") { string player2Choice = ""; Console.WriteLine("\nWise choice " + player1Name + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your opponents name:\n"); player2Name = Console.ReadLine(); while (postDict.ContainsValue(player2Name)) { Console.WriteLine("That name has already been taken!\n"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your opponents name:\n"); player2Name = Console.ReadLine(); } postDict.Add("player2", player2Name); content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(postDict); response = await client.PostAsync(urlPlayer, content); responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Console.WriteLine("\nWelcome " + player2Name + " to a best of 3 match of Rock Paper Scissors against " + player1Name + "\n"); while (rps.player1Score < 3 && rps.player2Score < 3) { rps.matchCounter++; Console.WriteLine("Match: " + rps.matchCounter + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(player1Name + ", make your choice:\n"); player1Choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower().Trim(); while (!rps.isValidChoice(player1Choice)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice! " + player1Name + ", make your choice:\n"); player1Choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower().Trim(); } Console.WriteLine(player2Name + ", make your choice:\n"); player2Choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower().Trim(); while (!rps.isValidChoice(player2Choice)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice! " + player2Name + ", make your choice:\n"); player2Choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower().Trim(); } rps.fight(player1Choice, player2Choice, player1Name, player2Name); } Console.WriteLine("Would you like to play again? (yes/no)\n"); playAgain = Console.ReadLine(); while (!playAgain.Equals("yes") && !playAgain.Equals("no")) { Console.WriteLine("That isn't an option! Please enter 'yes' or 'no'\n"); playAgain = Console.ReadLine(); } } else if (opponentOption == "2") { Console.WriteLine("\nYou fool! I will destroy you!\n"); Console.WriteLine("This is a best of 3 match of Rock Paper Scissors, you against me\n"); player2Name = "Computer"; content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(postDict); response = await client.PostAsync(urlPlayer, content); responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); while (rps.player1Score < 3 && rps.player2Score < 3) { rps.matchCounter++; Console.WriteLine("Match: " + rps.matchCounter + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(player1Name + ", make your choice:\n"); player1Choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower().Trim(); while (!rps.isValidChoice(player1Choice)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice! " + player1Name + ", make your choice:\n"); player1Choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower().Trim(); } Random rdm = new Random(); var random = rdm.Next(0, 3); string[] computerChoices = { "rock", "paper", "scissors" }; string computerChoice = computerChoices[random]; rps.fight(player1Choice, computerChoice, player1Name, player2Name); } if (rps.player1Score == 3) { Console.WriteLine("NOOOO.... I will have my revenge!\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("HA! Too easy.\n"); } Console.WriteLine("Would you like to play again? (yes/no)\n"); playAgain = Console.ReadLine(); while (!playAgain.Equals("yes") && !playAgain.Equals("no")) { Console.WriteLine("That isn't an option! Please enter 'yes' or 'no'\n"); playAgain = Console.ReadLine(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("That wasn't an option!\n"); } if (opponentOption == "1" || opponentOption == "2") { postDict.Clear(); postDict.Add("player1", player1Name); postDict.Add("player2", player2Name); postDict.Add("player1Score", rps.player1Score.ToString()); postDict.Add("player2Score", rps.player2Score.ToString()); postDict.Add("mostCommonChoice", "Rock: " + rps.choiceCount["rock"] + ", Paper: " + rps.choiceCount["paper"] + ", Scissors: " + rps.choiceCount["scissors"]); content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(postDict); response = await client.PostAsync(urlMatch, content); responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } rps.matchCounter = 0; rps.player1Score = 0; rps.player2Score = 0; rps.choiceCount.Clear(); postDict.Clear(); } Console.WriteLine("Thank you for playing. Goodbye.\n"); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { game = new RPS(); }
public void Play() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the RPS Championships!" + "\n"); Console.ResetColor(); HumanPlayer human = new HumanPlayer(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.Write("Enter your name: "); human.Name = Console.ReadLine(); do { Player opponent = GetPlayer(); RPS humanChoice = human.GenerateRPS(); RPS playerChoice = opponent.GenerateRPS(); Console.WriteLine($"You chose: {humanChoice}"); Console.WriteLine($"Opponent chose: {playerChoice}"); if (humanChoice == RPS.Rock && playerChoice == RPS.Rock) { Console.WriteLine("Draw!"); } else if (humanChoice == RPS.Paper && playerChoice == RPS.Paper) { Console.WriteLine("Draw!"); } else if (humanChoice == RPS.Scissors && playerChoice == RPS.Scissors) { Console.WriteLine("Draw!"); } else if (humanChoice == RPS.Paper && playerChoice == RPS.Rock) { Console.WriteLine("You win!"); HumanScore++; } else if (humanChoice == RPS.Scissors && playerChoice == RPS.Paper) { Console.WriteLine("You win!"); HumanScore++; } else if (humanChoice == RPS.Rock && playerChoice == RPS.Scissors) { Console.WriteLine("You win!"); HumanScore++; } else if (humanChoice == RPS.Rock && playerChoice == RPS.Paper) { Console.WriteLine("You lose!"); OpponentScore++; } else if (humanChoice == RPS.Paper && playerChoice == RPS.Scissors) { Console.WriteLine("You lose!"); OpponentScore++; } else if (humanChoice == RPS.Scissors && playerChoice == RPS.Rock) { Console.WriteLine("You lose!"); OpponentScore++; } Console.WriteLine($"Your score: {HumanScore}"); Console.WriteLine($"Opponent score: {OpponentScore}"); } while (PlayAgain()); }