Represents a store category for packages.
Inheritance: StoreModel
        private void ProcessInstall( PurchaseResponse purchaseResponse )
            if ( purchaseResponse.PackageInstallSteps != null )
                RockSemanticVersion rockVersion = RockSemanticVersion.Parse( VersionInfo.GetRockSemanticVersionNumber() );

                foreach ( var installStep in purchaseResponse.PackageInstallSteps.Where( s => s.RequiredRockSemanticVersion <= rockVersion ))
                    string appRoot = Server.MapPath( "~/" );
                    string rockShopWorkingDir = appRoot + "App_Data/RockShop";
                    string packageDirectory = string.Format( "{0}/{1} - {2}", rockShopWorkingDir, purchaseResponse.PackageId, purchaseResponse.PackageName );
                    string sourceFile = installStep.InstallPackageUrl;
                    string destinationFile = string.Format("{0}/{1} - {2}.plugin", packageDirectory, installStep.VersionId, installStep.VersionLabel);

                    // check that the RockShop directory exists
                    if ( !Directory.Exists( rockShopWorkingDir ) )
                        Directory.CreateDirectory( rockShopWorkingDir );

                    // create package directory
                    if ( !Directory.Exists( packageDirectory ) )
                        Directory.CreateDirectory( packageDirectory );

                    // download file
                        WebClient wc = new WebClient();
                        wc.DownloadFile( sourceFile, destinationFile );
                    catch ( Exception ex )
                        CleanUpPackage( destinationFile );
                        lMessages.Text = string.Format( "<div class='alert alert-warning margin-t-md'><strong>Error Downloading Package</strong> An error occurred while downloading package from the store. Please try again later. <br><em>Error: {0}</em></div>", ex.Message );

                   // process zip folder
                        using ( ZipArchive packageZip = ZipFile.OpenRead( destinationFile ) )
                            // unzip content folder and process xdts
                            foreach ( ZipArchiveEntry entry in packageZip.Entries.Where(e => e.FullName.StartsWith("content/")) )
                               if ( entry.FullName.EndsWith( _xdtExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                                    // process xdt
                                    string filename = entry.FullName.Replace( "content/", "" );
                                    string transformTargetFile = appRoot + filename.Substring( 0, filename.LastIndexOf( _xdtExtension ) );

                                    // process transform
                                    using ( XmlTransformableDocument document = new XmlTransformableDocument() )
                                        document.PreserveWhitespace = true;
                                        document.Load( transformTargetFile );

                                        using ( XmlTransformation transform = new XmlTransformation( entry.Open(), null))
                                            if ( transform.Apply( document ) )
                                                document.Save( transformTargetFile );
                                    // process all content files
                                    string fullpath = Path.Combine( appRoot, entry.FullName.Replace("content/", "") );
                                    string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName( fullpath ).Replace("content/", "");

                                    // if entry is a directory ignore it
                                    if ( entry.Length != 0 )
                                        if ( !Directory.Exists( directory ) )
                                            Directory.CreateDirectory( directory );

                                        entry.ExtractToFile( fullpath, true );


                            // process install.sql
                                var sqlInstallEntry = packageZip.Entries.Where( e => e.FullName == "install/run.sql" ).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (sqlInstallEntry != null) {
                                    string sqlScript = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(sqlInstallEntry.Open().ReadBytesToEnd());

                                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( sqlScript ) )
                                        using ( var context = new RockContext() )
                                            context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( sqlScript );
                            catch ( Exception ex )
                                lMessages.Text = string.Format( "<div class='alert alert-warning margin-t-md'><strong>Error Updating Database</strong> An error occurred while updating the database. <br><em>Error: {0}</em></div>", ex.Message );

                            // process deletefile.lst
                                var deleteListEntry = packageZip.Entries.Where( e => e.FullName == "install/deletefile.lst" ).FirstOrDefault();
                                if ( deleteListEntry != null )

                                    string deleteList = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString( deleteListEntry.Open().ReadBytesToEnd() );

                                    string[] itemsToDelete = deleteList.Split( new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None );

                                    foreach ( string deleteItem in itemsToDelete )
                                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( deleteItem ) )
                                            string deleteItemFullPath = appRoot + deleteItem;

                                            if ( Directory.Exists( deleteItemFullPath ) )
                                                Directory.Delete( deleteItemFullPath, true);

                                            if ( File.Exists( deleteItemFullPath ) )
                                                File.Delete( deleteItemFullPath );

                            catch ( Exception ex )
                                lMessages.Text = string.Format( "<div class='alert alert-warning margin-t-md'><strong>Error Modifing Files</strong> An error occurred while modifing files. <br><em>Error: {0}</em></div>", ex.Message );

                    catch ( Exception ex )
                        lMessages.Text = string.Format( "<div class='alert alert-warning margin-t-md'><strong>Error Extracting Package</strong> An error occurred while extracting the contents of the package. <br><em>Error: {0}</em></div>", ex.Message );

                    // update package install json file
                    InstalledPackageService.SaveInstall( purchaseResponse.PackageId, purchaseResponse.PackageName, installStep.VersionId, installStep.VersionLabel, purchaseResponse.VendorId, purchaseResponse.VendorName, purchaseResponse.InstalledBy );

                    // Clear all cached items

                    // Clear the static object that contains all auth rules (so that it will be refreshed)

                    // show result message
                    lMessages.Text = string.Format( "<div class='alert alert-success margin-t-md'><strong>Package Installed</strong><p>{0}</p>", installStep.PostInstallInstructions );
                lMessages.Text = "<div class='alert alert-warning margin-t-md'><strong>Error</strong> Install package was not valid. Please try again later.";