Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the GridReorder event of the grdFinancialBatch control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="GridReorderEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void rGridBatch_GridReorder(object sender, GridReorderEventArgs e)
            var batchService = new Rock.Model.FinancialBatchService();
            var queryable    = batchService.Queryable();

            List <Rock.Model.FinancialBatch> items = queryable.ToList();

            batchService.Reorder(items, e.OldIndex, e.NewIndex, CurrentPersonId);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the GridReorder event of the gBatchList control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="GridReorderEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void gBatchList_GridReorder(object sender, GridReorderEventArgs e)
            var rockContext  = new RockContext();
            var batchService = new Rock.Model.FinancialBatchService(rockContext);
            var queryable    = batchService.Queryable();

            List <Rock.Model.FinancialBatch> items = queryable.ToList();

            batchService.Reorder(items, e.OldIndex, e.NewIndex);
        /// <summary>
        /// When implemented by a class, enables a server control to process an event raised when a form is posted to the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventArgument">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents an optional event argument to be passed to the event handler.</param>
        public void RaisePostBackEvent( string eventArgument )
            if ( eventArgument == "StatusUpdate" &&
                ddlAction != null &&
                ddlAction.SelectedValue != null &&
                !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ddlAction.SelectedValue ) )
                var batchesSelected = new List<int>();

                gBatchList.SelectedKeys.ToList().ForEach( b => batchesSelected.Add( b.ToString().AsInteger() ) );

                if ( batchesSelected.Any() )
                    var newStatus = ddlAction.SelectedValue == "OPEN" ? BatchStatus.Open : BatchStatus.Closed;

                    var rockContext = new RockContext();
                    var batchService = new FinancialBatchService( rockContext );
                    var batchesToUpdate = batchService.Queryable()
                        .Where( b =>
                            batchesSelected.Contains( b.Id ) &&
                            b.Status != newStatus )

                    foreach ( var batch in batchesToUpdate )
                        batch.Status = newStatus;


                    nbResult.Text = string.Format(
                        "{0} batches were {1}.",
                        batchesToUpdate.Count().ToString( "N0" ),
                        newStatus == BatchStatus.Open ? "opened" : "closed" );

                    nbResult.NotificationBoxType = NotificationBoxType.Success;
                    nbResult.Visible = true;
                    nbResult.Text = string.Format( "There were not any batches selected." );
                    nbResult.NotificationBoxType = NotificationBoxType.Warning;
                    nbResult.Visible = true;

                ddlAction.SelectedIndex = 0;
        private List<BatchRow> GetData()
            var batchService = new FinancialBatchService( new RockContext() );
            var qry = batchService.Queryable()
                .Where( b => b.BatchStartDateTime.HasValue );

            // filter by date
            string dateRangeValue = gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Date Range" );
            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( dateRangeValue ) )
                var drp = new DateRangePicker();
                drp.DelimitedValues = dateRangeValue;
                if ( drp.LowerValue.HasValue )
                    qry = qry.Where( b => b.BatchStartDateTime >= drp.LowerValue );

                if ( drp.UpperValue.HasValue )
                    var endOfDay = drp.UpperValue.Value.AddDays( 1 );
                    qry = qry.Where( b => b.BatchStartDateTime < drp.UpperValue );

            // filter by status
            var status = gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Status" ).ConvertToEnumOrNull<BatchStatus>();
            if ( status.HasValue )
                qry = qry.Where( b => b.Status == status );

            // filter by title
            string title = gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Title" );
            if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( title ) )
                qry = qry.Where( batch => batch.Name.StartsWith( title ) );

            // filter by accounting code
            if ( tbAccountingCode.Visible )
                string accountingCode = gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Accounting Code" );
                if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( accountingCode ) )
                    qry = qry.Where( batch => batch.AccountingSystemCode.StartsWith( accountingCode ) );

            // filter by campus
            var campus = CampusCache.Read( gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Campus" ).AsInteger() );
            if ( campus != null )
                qry = qry.Where( b => b.CampusId == campus.Id );

            IOrderedQueryable<FinancialBatch> sortedQry = null;

            SortProperty sortProperty = gBatchList.SortProperty;
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                switch ( sortProperty.Property )
                    case "TransactionCount":
                            if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending )
                                sortedQry = qry.OrderBy( b => b.Transactions.Count() );
                                sortedQry = qry.OrderByDescending( b => b.Transactions.Count() );


                    case "TransactionAmount":
                            if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending )
                                sortedQry = qry.OrderBy( b => b.Transactions.Sum( t => (decimal?)( t.TransactionDetails.Sum( d => (decimal?)d.Amount ) ?? 0.0M ) ) ?? 0.0M );
                                sortedQry = qry.OrderByDescending( b => b.Transactions.Sum( t => (decimal?)( t.TransactionDetails.Sum( d => (decimal?)d.Amount ) ?? 0.0M ) ) ?? 0.0M );


                            sortedQry = qry.Sort( sortProperty );
                sortedQry = qry
                    .OrderByDescending( b => b.BatchStartDateTime )
                    .ThenBy( b => b.Name );

            return sortedQry
                .Select( b => new BatchRow
                    Id = b.Id,
                    BatchStartDateTime = b.BatchStartDateTime.Value,
                    Name = b.Name,
                    AccountingSystemCode = b.AccountingSystemCode,
                    TransactionCount = b.Transactions.Count(),
                    TransactionAmount = b.Transactions.Sum( t => (decimal?)( t.TransactionDetails.Sum( d => (decimal?)d.Amount ) ?? 0.0M ) ) ?? 0.0M,
                    ControlAmount = b.ControlAmount,
                    CampusName = b.Campus != null ? b.Campus.Name : "",
                    Status = b.Status,
                    UnMatchedTxns = b.Transactions.Any( t => !t.AuthorizedPersonAliasId.HasValue )
                } )
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            var batchService = new FinancialBatchService();
            var batches = batchService.Queryable();
            SortProperty sortProperty = rGridBatch.SortProperty;

            if ( dtBatchDate.SelectedDate.HasValue )
                batches = batches.Where( batch => batch.BatchStartDateTime >= dtBatchDate.SelectedDate );

            if ( (ddlStatus.SelectedValueAsInt() ?? 0) > 0 )
                var batchStatus = ddlStatus.SelectedValueAsEnum<BatchStatus>();
                batches = batches.Where( Batch => Batch.Status == batchStatus );

            if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( txtTitle.Text ) )
                batches = batches.Where( Batch => Batch.Name == txtTitle.Text );

            if ( ddlCampus.SelectedCampusId.HasValue )
                batches = batches.Where( Batch => Batch.CampusId == ddlCampus.SelectedCampusId.Value );
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                rGridBatch.DataSource = batches.Sort( sortProperty ).ToList();
                rGridBatch.DataSource = batches.OrderBy( b => b.Name ).ToList();

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the GridReorder event of the grdFinancialBatch control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="GridReorderEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void rGridBatch_GridReorder( object sender, GridReorderEventArgs e )
            var batchService = new Rock.Model.FinancialBatchService();
            var queryable = batchService.Queryable();

            List<Rock.Model.FinancialBatch> items = queryable.ToList();
            batchService.Reorder( items, e.OldIndex, e.NewIndex, CurrentPersonId );
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the GridReorder event of the gBatchList control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="GridReorderEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void gBatchList_GridReorder( object sender, GridReorderEventArgs e )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var batchService = new Rock.Model.FinancialBatchService( rockContext );
            var queryable = batchService.Queryable();

            List<Rock.Model.FinancialBatch> items = queryable.ToList();
            batchService.Reorder( items, e.OldIndex, e.NewIndex );
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            var batchService = new FinancialBatchService( new RockContext() );
            var batches = batchService.Queryable();

            if ( dpBatchDate.SelectedDate.HasValue )
                batches = batches.Where( batch => batch.BatchStartDateTime >= dpBatchDate.SelectedDate );

            string status = gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Status" );
            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( status ) )
                var batchStatus = (BatchStatus)Enum.Parse( typeof( BatchStatus ), status );
                batches = batches.Where( batch => batch.Status == batchStatus );

            if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( tbTitle.Text ) )
                batches = batches.Where( batch => batch.Name == tbTitle.Text );

            if ( campCampus.SelectedCampusId.HasValue )
                batches = batches.Where( batch => batch.CampusId == campCampus.SelectedCampusId.Value );

            SortProperty sortProperty = gBatchList.SortProperty;
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                gBatchList.DataSource = batches.Sort( sortProperty ).ToList();
                gBatchList.DataSource = batches.OrderBy( batch => batch.Name ).ToList();

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the family's addresses, phone numbers, photos, viewed records, and people.
        /// TODO: delete attendance codes for attendance data that's about to be deleted when
        /// we delete the person record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="families">The families.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        private void DeleteExistingFamilyData( XElement families, RockContext rockContext )
            PersonService personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
            PhoneNumberService phoneNumberService = new PhoneNumberService( rockContext );
            PersonViewedService personViewedService = new PersonViewedService( rockContext );
            PageViewService pageViewService = new PageViewService( rockContext );
            BinaryFileService binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );
            PersonAliasService personAliasService = new PersonAliasService( rockContext );
            PersonDuplicateService personDuplicateService = new PersonDuplicateService( rockContext );
            NoteService noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
            AuthService authService = new AuthService( rockContext );
            CommunicationService communicationService = new CommunicationService( rockContext );
            CommunicationRecipientService communicationRecipientService = new CommunicationRecipientService( rockContext );
            FinancialBatchService financialBatchService = new FinancialBatchService( rockContext );
            FinancialTransactionService financialTransactionService = new FinancialTransactionService( rockContext );
            PersonPreviousNameService personPreviousNameService = new PersonPreviousNameService( rockContext );
            ConnectionRequestService connectionRequestService = new ConnectionRequestService( rockContext );
            ConnectionRequestActivityService connectionRequestActivityService = new ConnectionRequestActivityService( rockContext );

            // delete the batch data
            List<int> imageIds = new List<int>();
            foreach ( var batch in financialBatchService.Queryable().Where( b => b.Name.StartsWith( "SampleData" ) ) )
                imageIds.AddRange( batch.Transactions.SelectMany( t => t.Images ).Select( i => i.BinaryFileId ).ToList() );
                financialTransactionService.DeleteRange( batch.Transactions );
                financialBatchService.Delete( batch );

            // delete all transaction images
            foreach ( var image in binaryFileService.GetByIds( imageIds ) )
                binaryFileService.Delete( image );

            foreach ( var elemFamily in families.Elements( "family" ) )
                Guid guid = elemFamily.Attribute( "guid" ).Value.Trim().AsGuid();

                GroupService groupService = new GroupService( rockContext );
                Group family = groupService.Get( guid );
                if ( family != null )
                    var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );
                    var members = groupMemberService.GetByGroupId( family.Id, true );

                    // delete the people records
                    string errorMessage;
                    List<int> photoIds = members.Select( m => m.Person ).Where( p => p.PhotoId != null ).Select( a => (int)a.PhotoId ).ToList();

                    foreach ( var person in members.Select( m => m.Person ) )
                        person.GivingGroup = null;
                        person.GivingGroupId = null;
                        person.PhotoId = null;

                        // delete phone numbers
                        foreach ( var phone in phoneNumberService.GetByPersonId( person.Id ) )
                            if ( phone != null )
                                phoneNumberService.Delete( phone );

                        // delete communication recipient
                        foreach ( var recipient in communicationRecipientService.Queryable().Where( r => r.PersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                            communicationRecipientService.Delete( recipient );

                        // delete communication
                        foreach ( var communication in communicationService.Queryable().Where( c => c.SenderPersonAliasId == person.PrimaryAlias.Id ) )
                            communicationService.Delete( communication );

                        // delete person viewed records
                        foreach ( var view in personViewedService.GetByTargetPersonId( person.Id ) )
                            personViewedService.Delete( view );

                        // delete page viewed records
                        foreach ( var view in pageViewService.GetByPersonId( person.Id ) )
                            pageViewService.Delete( view );

                        // delete notes created by them or on their record.
                        foreach ( var note in noteService.Queryable().Where ( n => n.CreatedByPersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id
                            || (n.NoteType.EntityTypeId == _personEntityTypeId && n.EntityId == person.Id ) ) )
                            noteService.Delete( note );

                        // delete previous names on their records
                        foreach ( var previousName in personPreviousNameService.Queryable().Where( r => r.PersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                            personPreviousNameService.Delete( previousName );

                        // delete any GroupMember records they have
                        foreach ( var groupMember in groupMemberService.Queryable().Where( gm => gm.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                            groupMemberService.Delete( groupMember );

                        //// delete any Authorization data
                        //foreach ( var auth in authService.Queryable().Where( a => a.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                        //    authService.Delete( auth );

                        // delete their aliases
                        foreach ( var alias in personAliasService.Queryable().Where( a => a.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                            foreach ( var duplicate in personDuplicateService.Queryable().Where( d => d.DuplicatePersonAliasId == alias.Id ) )
                                personDuplicateService.Delete( duplicate );

                            personAliasService.Delete( alias );

                        // delete any connection requests tied to them
                        foreach ( var request in connectionRequestService.Queryable().Where( r => r.PersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id || r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                            connectionRequestActivityService.DeleteRange( request.ConnectionRequestActivities );
                            connectionRequestService.Delete( request );

                        // Save these changes so the CanDelete passes the check...
                        rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );

                        if ( personService.CanDelete( person, out errorMessage ) )
                            personService.Delete( person );
                            //rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );
                            throw new Exception( string.Format( "Trying to delete {0}, but: {1}", person.FullName, errorMessage ) );

                    rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );

                    // delete all member photos
                    foreach ( var photo in binaryFileService.GetByIds( photoIds ) )
                        binaryFileService.Delete( photo );

                    DeleteGroupAndMemberData( family, rockContext );
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// When implemented by a class, enables a server control to process an event raised when a form is posted to the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventArgument">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents an optional event argument to be passed to the event handler.</param>
        public void RaisePostBackEvent( string eventArgument )
            if ( eventArgument == "StatusUpdate" &&
                ddlAction != null &&
                ddlAction.SelectedValue != null &&
                !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ddlAction.SelectedValue ) )
                var batchesSelected = new List<int>();

                gBatchList.SelectedKeys.ToList().ForEach( b => batchesSelected.Add( b.ToString().AsInteger() ) );

                if ( batchesSelected.Any() )
                    var newStatus = ddlAction.SelectedValue == "OPEN" ? BatchStatus.Open : BatchStatus.Closed;

                    var rockContext = new RockContext();
                    var batchService = new FinancialBatchService( rockContext );
                    var batchesToUpdate = batchService.Queryable()
                        .Where( b =>
                            batchesSelected.Contains( b.Id ) &&
                            b.Status != newStatus )

                    foreach ( var batch in batchesToUpdate )
                        var changes = new List<string>();
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Status", batch.Status, newStatus );
                        batch.Status = newStatus;

                        if ( !batch.IsValid )
                            string message = string.Format( "Unable to update status for the selected batches.<br/><br/>{0}", batch.ValidationResults.AsDelimited( "<br/>" ) );
                            maWarningDialog.Show( message, ModalAlertType.Warning );

                            typeof( FinancialBatch ),
                            false );


                    nbResult.Text = string.Format(
                        "{0} batches were {1}.",
                        batchesToUpdate.Count().ToString( "N0" ),
                        newStatus == BatchStatus.Open ? "opened" : "closed" );

                    nbResult.NotificationBoxType = NotificationBoxType.Success;
                    nbResult.Visible = true;
                    nbResult.Text = string.Format( "There were not any batches selected." );
                    nbResult.NotificationBoxType = NotificationBoxType.Warning;
                    nbResult.Visible = true;

                ddlAction.SelectedIndex = 0;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the confirmation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errorMessage">The error message.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ProcessConfirmation( out string errorMessage )
            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( TransactionCode ) )
                GatewayComponent gateway = hfPaymentTab.Value == "ACH" ? _achGateway : _ccGateway;
                if ( gateway == null )
                    errorMessage = "There was a problem creating the payment gateway information";
                    return false;

                Person person = GetPerson( true );
                if ( person == null )
                    errorMessage = "There was a problem creating the person information";
                    return false;

                PaymentInfo paymentInfo = GetPaymentInfo();
                if ( paymentInfo == null )
                    errorMessage = "There was a problem creating the payment information";
                    return false;
                    paymentInfo.FirstName = person.FirstName;
                    paymentInfo.LastName = person.LastName;

                if ( paymentInfo.CreditCardTypeValue != null )
                    CreditCardTypeValueId = paymentInfo.CreditCardTypeValue.Id;

                PaymentSchedule schedule = GetSchedule();
                if ( schedule != null )
                    schedule.PersonId = person.Id;

                    var scheduledTransaction = gateway.AddScheduledPayment( schedule, paymentInfo, out errorMessage );
                    if ( scheduledTransaction != null )
                        scheduledTransaction.TransactionFrequencyValueId = schedule.TransactionFrequencyValue.Id;
                        scheduledTransaction.AuthorizedPersonId = person.Id;
                        scheduledTransaction.GatewayEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( gateway.TypeGuid ).Id;

                        foreach ( var account in SelectedAccounts.Where( a => a.Amount > 0 ) )
                            var transactionDetail = new FinancialScheduledTransactionDetail();
                            transactionDetail.Amount = account.Amount;
                            transactionDetail.AccountId = account.Id;
                            scheduledTransaction.ScheduledTransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );

                        var transactionService = new FinancialScheduledTransactionService();
                        transactionService.Add( scheduledTransaction, CurrentPersonId );
                        transactionService.Save( scheduledTransaction, CurrentPersonId );

                        ScheduleId = scheduledTransaction.GatewayScheduleId;
                        TransactionCode = scheduledTransaction.TransactionCode;
                        return false;
                    var transaction = gateway.Charge( paymentInfo, out errorMessage );
                    if ( transaction != null )
                        transaction.TransactionDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                        transaction.AuthorizedPersonId = person.Id;
                        transaction.GatewayEntityTypeId = gateway.TypeId;
                        transaction.Amount = paymentInfo.Amount;
                        transaction.TransactionTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read(new Guid(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.TRANSACTION_TYPE_CONTRIBUTION)).Id;
                        transaction.CurrencyTypeValueId = paymentInfo.CurrencyTypeValue.Id;
                        transaction.CreditCardTypeValueId = CreditCardTypeValueId;

                        Guid sourceGuid = Guid.Empty;
                        if (Guid.TryParse(GetAttributeValue("Source"), out sourceGuid))
                            transaction.SourceTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read(sourceGuid).Id;
                        foreach ( var account in SelectedAccounts.Where( a => a.Amount > 0 ) )
                            var transactionDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                            transactionDetail.Amount = account.Amount;
                            transactionDetail.AccountId = account.Id;
                            transaction.TransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );

                        // Get the batch name
                        string ccSuffix = string.Empty;
                        if ( paymentInfo.CreditCardTypeValue != null )
                            ccSuffix = paymentInfo.CreditCardTypeValue.GetAttributeValue( "BatchNameSuffix" );
                        if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ccSuffix ) )
                            ccSuffix = paymentInfo.CurrencyTypeValue.Name;
                        string batchName = GetAttributeValue( "BatchNamePrefix" ).Trim() + " " + ccSuffix;

                        using ( new UnitOfWorkScope() )
                            var batchService = new FinancialBatchService();
                            var batch = batchService.Queryable()
                                .Where( b =>
                                    b.Status == BatchStatus.Open &&
                                    b.BatchStartDateTime <= transaction.TransactionDateTime &&
                                    b.BatchEndDateTime > transaction.TransactionDateTime &&
                                    b.Name == batchName )
                            if ( batch == null )
                                batch = new FinancialBatch();
                                batch.Name = batchName;
                                batch.Status = BatchStatus.Open;
                                batch.BatchStartDateTime = transaction.TransactionDateTime.Value.Date.Add( gateway.BatchTimeOffset );
                                if ( batch.BatchStartDateTime > transaction.TransactionDateTime )
                                    batch.BatchStartDateTime.Value.AddDays( -1 );
                                batch.BatchEndDateTime = batch.BatchStartDateTime.Value.AddDays( 1 ).AddMilliseconds( -1 );
                                batch.CreatedByPersonId = person.Id;
                                batchService.Add( batch, CurrentPersonId );
                                batchService.Save( batch, CurrentPersonId );

                                batch = batchService.Get( batch.Id );

                            batch.ControlAmount += transaction.Amount;
                            batchService.Save( batch, CurrentPersonId );

                            var transactionService = new FinancialTransactionService();
                            transaction.BatchId = batch.Id;
                            transactionService.Add( transaction, CurrentPersonId );
                            transactionService.Save( transaction, CurrentPersonId );

                        TransactionCode = transaction.TransactionCode;
                        return false;

                tdTransactionCode.Description = TransactionCode;
                tdTransactionCode.Visible = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( TransactionCode );

                tdScheduleId.Description = ScheduleId;
                tdScheduleId.Visible = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ScheduleId );

                // If there was a transaction code returned and this was not already created from a previous saved account, 
                // show the option to save the account.
                if ( !( paymentInfo is ReferencePaymentInfo ) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( TransactionCode ) )
                    cbSaveAccount.Visible = true;
                    pnlSaveAccount.Visible = true;
                    txtSaveAccount.Visible = true;

                    // If current person does not have a login, have them create a username and password
                    phCreateLogin.Visible = !new UserLoginService().GetByPersonId( person.Id ).Any();
                    pnlSaveAccount.Visible = false;

                return true;
                pnlDupWarning.Visible = true;
                errorMessage = string.Empty;
                return false;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the query.  Set the timeout to 90 seconds in case the user
        /// has not set any filters and they've imported N years worth of
        /// batch data into Rock.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IOrderedQueryable<FinancialBatch> GetQuery()
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var batchService = new FinancialBatchService( rockContext );
            rockContext.Database.CommandTimeout = 90;
            var qry = batchService.Queryable()
                .Where( b => b.BatchStartDateTime.HasValue );

            // filter by date
            string dateRangeValue = gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Date Range" );
            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( dateRangeValue ) )
                var drp = new DateRangePicker();
                drp.DelimitedValues = dateRangeValue;
                if ( drp.LowerValue.HasValue )
                    qry = qry.Where( b => b.BatchStartDateTime >= drp.LowerValue.Value );

                if ( drp.UpperValue.HasValue )
                    var endOfDay = drp.UpperValue.Value.AddDays( 1 );
                    qry = qry.Where( b => b.BatchStartDateTime < endOfDay );

            // filter by status
            var status = gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Status" ).ConvertToEnumOrNull<BatchStatus>();
            if ( status.HasValue )
                qry = qry.Where( b => b.Status == status );

            // filter by batches that contain transactions of the specified transaction type
            var transactionTypeValueId = gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Contains Transaction Type" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( transactionTypeValueId.HasValue )
                qry = qry.Where( a => a.Transactions.Any( t => t.TransactionTypeValueId == transactionTypeValueId.Value ) );

            // filter by title
            string title = gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Title" );
            if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( title ) )
                qry = qry.Where( batch => batch.Name.StartsWith( title ) );

            // filter by accounting code
            if ( tbAccountingCode.Visible )
                string accountingCode = gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Accounting Code" );
                if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( accountingCode ) )
                    qry = qry.Where( batch => batch.AccountingSystemCode.StartsWith( accountingCode ) );

            // filter by campus
            var campus = CampusCache.Read( gfBatchFilter.GetUserPreference( "Campus" ).AsInteger() );
            if ( campus != null )
                qry = qry.Where( b => b.CampusId == campus.Id );

            IOrderedQueryable<FinancialBatch> sortedQry = null;

            SortProperty sortProperty = gBatchList.SortProperty;
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                switch ( sortProperty.Property )
                    case "TransactionCount":
                            if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending )
                                sortedQry = qry.OrderBy( b => b.Transactions.Count() );
                                sortedQry = qry.OrderByDescending( b => b.Transactions.Count() );


                    case "TransactionAmount":
                            if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending )
                                sortedQry = qry.OrderBy( b => b.Transactions.Sum( t => (decimal?)( t.TransactionDetails.Sum( d => (decimal?)d.Amount ) ?? 0.0M ) ) ?? 0.0M );
                                sortedQry = qry.OrderByDescending( b => b.Transactions.Sum( t => (decimal?)( t.TransactionDetails.Sum( d => (decimal?)d.Amount ) ?? 0.0M ) ) ?? 0.0M );


                            sortedQry = qry.Sort( sortProperty );
                sortedQry = qry
                    .OrderByDescending( b => b.BatchStartDateTime )
                    .ThenBy( b => b.Name );

            return sortedQry;