Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the HTML preview.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communication">The communication.</param>
        /// <param name="person">The person.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string GetHtmlPreview( Model.Communication communication, Person person )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            // Requery the Communication object
            communication = new CommunicationService( rockContext ).Get( communication.Id );

            var globalAttributes = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.Read();
            var mergeValues = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.GetMergeFields( null );

            if ( person != null )
                mergeValues.Add( "Person", person );

                var recipient = communication.Recipients.Where( r => r.PersonAlias != null && r.PersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                if ( recipient != null )
                    // Add any additional merge fields created through a report
                    foreach ( var mergeField in recipient.AdditionalMergeValues )
                        if ( !mergeValues.ContainsKey( mergeField.Key ) )
                            mergeValues.Add( mergeField.Key, mergeField.Value );

            string message = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "Message" );
            return message.ResolveMergeFields( mergeValues );
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the specified communication.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communication">The communication.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override void Send( Rock.Model.Communication communication )
            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                // Requery the Communication object
                communication = new CommunicationService( rockContext )
                    .Queryable( "CreatedByPersonAlias.Person" )
                    .FirstOrDefault( c => c.Id == communication.Id );

                if ( communication != null &&
                    communication.Status == Model.CommunicationStatus.Approved &&
                    communication.Recipients.Where( r => r.Status == Model.CommunicationRecipientStatus.Pending ).Any() &&
                    ( !communication.FutureSendDateTime.HasValue || communication.FutureSendDateTime.Value.CompareTo( RockDateTime.Now ) <= 0 ) )
                    var currentPerson = communication.CreatedByPersonAlias.Person;
                    var globalAttributes = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.Read();
                    var globalConfigValues = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.GetMergeFields( currentPerson );

                    // From - if none is set, use the one in the Organization's GlobalAttributes.
                    string fromAddress = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "FromAddress" );
                    if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( fromAddress ) )
                        fromAddress = globalAttributes.GetValue( "OrganizationEmail" );

                    string fromName = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "FromName" );
                    if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( fromName ) )
                        fromName = globalAttributes.GetValue( "OrganizationName" );

                    // Resolve any possible merge fields in the from address
                    fromAddress = fromAddress.ResolveMergeFields( globalConfigValues, currentPerson );
                    fromName = fromName.ResolveMergeFields( globalConfigValues, currentPerson );

                    MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
                    message.From = new MailAddress( fromAddress, fromName );

                    // Reply To
                    string replyTo = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "ReplyTo" );
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( replyTo ) )
                        message.ReplyToList.Add( new MailAddress( replyTo ) );

                    CheckSafeSender( message, globalAttributes );

                    // CC
                    string cc = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "CC" );
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( cc ) )
                        foreach ( string ccRecipient in cc.SplitDelimitedValues() )
                            message.CC.Add( new MailAddress( ccRecipient ) );

                    // BCC
                    string bcc = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "BCC" );
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( bcc ) )
                        foreach ( string bccRecipient in bcc.SplitDelimitedValues() )
                            message.Bcc.Add( new MailAddress( bccRecipient ) );

                    message.IsBodyHtml = true;
                    message.Priority = MailPriority.Normal;

                    using ( var smtpClient = GetSmtpClient() )
                        // Add Attachments
                        string attachmentIds = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "Attachments" );
                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( attachmentIds ) )
                            var binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );

                            foreach ( string idVal in attachmentIds.SplitDelimitedValues() )
                                int binaryFileId = int.MinValue;
                                if ( int.TryParse( idVal, out binaryFileId ) )
                                    var binaryFile = binaryFileService.Get( binaryFileId );
                                    if ( binaryFile != null )
                                        message.Attachments.Add( new Attachment( binaryFile.ContentStream, binaryFile.FileName ) );

                        var historyService = new HistoryService( rockContext );
                        var recipientService = new CommunicationRecipientService( rockContext );

                        var personEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Person" ).Id;
                        var communicationEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Communication" ).Id;
                        var communicationCategoryId = CategoryCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.Category.HISTORY_PERSON_COMMUNICATIONS.AsGuid(), rockContext ).Id;

                        bool recipientFound = true;
                        while ( recipientFound )
                            var recipient = Rock.Model.Communication.GetNextPending( communication.Id, rockContext );
                            if ( recipient != null )
                                if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( recipient.PersonAlias.Person.Email ) )
                                    recipient.Status = CommunicationRecipientStatus.Failed;
                                    recipient.StatusNote = "No Email Address";

                                        message.To.Add( new MailAddress( recipient.PersonAlias.Person.Email, recipient.PersonAlias.Person.FullName ) );

                                        // Create merge field dictionary
                                        var mergeObjects = recipient.CommunicationMergeValues( globalConfigValues );

                                        // Subject
                                        message.Subject = communication.Subject.ResolveMergeFields( mergeObjects, currentPerson );

                                        // convert any special microsoft word characters to normal chars so they don't look funny (for example "Hey “double-quotes” from ‘single quote’")
                                        message.Subject = message.Subject.ReplaceWordChars();

                                        // Add any additional headers that specific SMTP provider needs
                                        AddAdditionalHeaders( message, recipient );

                                        // Add text view first as last view is usually treated as the preferred view by email readers (gmail)
                                        string plainTextBody = Rock.Communication.Medium.Email.ProcessTextBody( communication, globalAttributes, mergeObjects, currentPerson );

                                        // convert any special microsoft word characters to normal chars so they don't look funny
                                        plainTextBody = plainTextBody.ReplaceWordChars();

                                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( plainTextBody ) )
                                            AlternateView plainTextView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString( plainTextBody, new System.Net.Mime.ContentType( MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain ) );
                                            message.AlternateViews.Add( plainTextView );

                                        // Add Html view
                                        string htmlBody = Rock.Communication.Medium.Email.ProcessHtmlBody( communication, globalAttributes, mergeObjects, currentPerson );

                                        // convert any special microsoft word characters to normal chars so they don't look funny
                                        htmlBody = htmlBody.ReplaceWordChars();

                                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( htmlBody ) )
                                            AlternateView htmlView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString( htmlBody, new System.Net.Mime.ContentType( MediaTypeNames.Text.Html ) );
                                            message.AlternateViews.Add( htmlView );

                                        smtpClient.Send( message );
                                        recipient.Status = CommunicationRecipientStatus.Delivered;

                                        string statusNote = StatusNote;
                                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( statusNote ) )
                                            recipient.StatusNote = statusNote;

                                        recipient.TransportEntityTypeName = this.GetType().FullName;

                                        historyService.Add( new History
                                            CreatedByPersonAliasId = communication.SenderPersonAliasId,
                                            EntityTypeId = personEntityTypeId,
                                            CategoryId = communicationCategoryId,
                                            EntityId = recipient.PersonAlias.PersonId,
                                            Summary = string.Format( "Sent communication from <span class='field-value'>{0}</span>.", message.From.DisplayName ),
                                            Caption = message.Subject,
                                            RelatedEntityTypeId = communicationEntityTypeId,
                                            RelatedEntityId = communication.Id
                                        } );

                                    catch ( Exception ex )
                                        recipient.Status = CommunicationRecipientStatus.Failed;
                                        recipient.StatusNote = "Exception: " + ex.Message;

                                recipientFound = false;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes this instance.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute()
            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                var communication = new CommunicationService( rockContext ).Get( CommunicationId );

                if ( communication != null && communication.Status == CommunicationStatus.PendingApproval )
                    // get notification group
                    var approvers = new GroupService( rockContext ).Get(SystemGuid.Group.GROUP_COMMUNICATION_APPROVERS.AsGuid());

                    if ( approvers != null )
                        var mergeFields = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                        var globalAttributeFields = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.GetMergeFields( null );
                        globalAttributeFields.ToList().ForEach( d => mergeFields.Add( d.Key, d.Value ) );

                        string fromName = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.Value("OrganizationName");
                        string fromEmail = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.Value( "OrganizationEmail" );
                        string subject = "Pending Communication Requires Approval";
                        var appRoot = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.Read( rockContext ).GetValue( "ExternalApplicationRoot" );
                        string communicationDetails = string.Empty;
                        string typeName = string.Empty;

                        // get custom details by type
                        switch ( communication.Medium.TypeName )
                            case "Rock.Communication.Medium.Email":
                                string emailFromName = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "FromName" );
                                string emailFromAddress = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "FromAddress" );
                                communicationDetails = string.Format( @"
                                        <strong>From Name:</strong> {0}<br/>
                                        <strong>From Address:</strong> {1}<br/>
                                        <strong>Subject:</strong> {2}<br/>"
                                            , emailFromName
                                            , emailFromAddress
                                            , communication.Subject );
                                typeName = "Email";
                            case "Rock.Communication.Medium.Sms":
                                int fromValueId = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "FromValue" ).AsInteger();
                                var fromValue = new DefinedValueService( rockContext ).Get( fromValueId );
                                typeName = "SMS";

                                if ( fromValue != null )
                                    communicationDetails = string.Format( "<strong>SMS Number:</strong> {0} ({1})<br/>", fromValue.Description, fromValue.Value );

                        // create approval link if one was not provided
                        if ( ApprovalPageUrl == null )
                            ApprovalPageUrl = string.Format( "{0}Communication/{1}", Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.Read( rockContext ).GetValue( "InternalApplicationRoot" ), communication.Id );

                        foreach ( var approver in approvers.Members )
                            string message = string.Format( @"
                                    {{{{ 'Global' | Attribute:'EmailHeader' }}}}


                                    <p>A new communication requires approval. Information about this communication can be found below.</p>

                                        <strong>From:</strong> {1}<br />
                                        <strong>Type:</strong> {2}<br />
                                        <strong>Recipient Count:</strong> {4}<br />

                                        <a href='{5}'>View Communication</a>

                                    {{{{ 'Global' | Attribute:'EmailFooter' }}}}",

                            var recipients = new List<string>();
                            recipients.Add( approver.Person.Email );

                            Email.Send( fromEmail, fromName, subject, recipients, message.ResolveMergeFields( mergeFields ), appRoot, string.Empty, null, false );
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the specified communication.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communication">The communication.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override void Send( Rock.Model.Communication communication )
            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                // Requery the Communication
                communication = new CommunicationService( rockContext ).Get( communication.Id );

                if ( communication != null &&
                    communication.Status == CommunicationStatus.Approved &&
                    communication.Recipients.Any(r => r.Status == CommunicationRecipientStatus.Pending) &&
                    ( !communication.FutureSendDateTime.HasValue || communication.FutureSendDateTime.Value.CompareTo( RockDateTime.Now ) <= 0 ) )
                    // Remove all non alpha numeric from fromValue
                    string fromValue = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "NoReply_FromValue" );
                    //Ensure that the fromValue is correct
                    fromValue = new string( fromValue.ToCharArray().Where( c => char.IsLetterOrDigit( c ) || char.IsWhiteSpace( c ) ).Take( 11 ).ToArray() ) ;
                    string senderGuid = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "SenderGuid" );
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( fromValue ) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( senderGuid ) )
                        string accountSid = GetAttributeValue( "SID" );
                        string authToken = GetAttributeValue( "Token" );

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountSid) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authToken))
                            throw new Exception("Either SID or Token not provided");
                        var twilio = new TwilioRestClient( accountSid, authToken );
                        var historyService = new HistoryService( rockContext );

                        int personEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Person" ).Id;
                        int communicationEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Communication" ).Id;
                        int communicationCategoryId = CategoryCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.Category.HISTORY_PERSON_COMMUNICATIONS.AsGuid(), rockContext ).Id;
                        var sender = new PersonService( rockContext ).Get( senderGuid.AsGuid() );
                        var mergeFields = GlobalAttributesCache.GetMergeFields( null );
                        if ( sender != null )
                            mergeFields.Add( "Sender", sender );

                        bool recipientFound = true;
                        while ( recipientFound )
                            var recipient = Rock.Model.Communication.GetNextPending( communication.Id, rockContext );
                            if ( recipient != null )
                                    var phoneNumber = recipient.PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers
                                        .FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsMessagingEnabled);

                                    if ( phoneNumber != null )
                                        // Create merge field dictionary
                                        var mergeObjects = recipient.CommunicationMergeValues( mergeFields );
                                        string message = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "NoReply_Message" );
                                        string footer = GetAttributeValue( "footer" );
                                        if ( communication.GetMediumDataValue( "NoReply_AppendUserInfo" ).AsBoolean() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( footer ) )
                                            message += "\n " + footer;
                                            message += "\n This message was sent on behalf of {{ GlobalAttribute.OrganizationName }} from a no reply number.";

                                        message = message.ReplaceWordChars();
                                        message = message.ResolveMergeFields( mergeObjects );

                                        string twilioNumber = phoneNumber.Number;
                                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( phoneNumber.CountryCode ) )
                                            twilioNumber = "+" + phoneNumber.CountryCode + phoneNumber.Number;

                                        var globalAttributes = GlobalAttributesCache.Read();
                                        if (globalAttributes == null)
                                            throw  new Exception("Error getting Global Attributes");
                                        string callbackUrl = globalAttributes.GetValue( "PublicApplicationRoot" ) + "Webhooks/Twilio.ashx";

                                        var response = twilio.SendMessage( fromValue, twilioNumber, message, callbackUrl );

                                        if (response != null)
                                            recipient.Status = GetCommunicationRecipientStatus(response);

                                            recipient.TransportEntityTypeName = GetType().FullName;
                                            recipient.UniqueMessageId = response.Sid;

                                                historyService.Add(new History
                                                    CreatedByPersonAliasId = communication.SenderPersonAliasId,
                                                    EntityTypeId = personEntityTypeId,
                                                    CategoryId = communicationCategoryId,
                                                    EntityId = recipient.PersonAlias.PersonId,
                                                    Summary = "Sent an alphanumeric SMS message from " + fromValue + ".",
                                                    Caption = message.Truncate(200),
                                                    RelatedEntityTypeId = communicationEntityTypeId,
                                                    RelatedEntityId = communication.Id
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                ExceptionLogService.LogException(ex, null);
                                            recipient.Status = CommunicationRecipientStatus.Failed;
                                            recipient.StatusNote = "No response from Twilio";

                                        recipient.Status = CommunicationRecipientStatus.Failed;
                                        recipient.StatusNote = "No phone number with messaging enabled";
                                catch ( Exception ex )
                                    recipient.Status = CommunicationRecipientStatus.Failed;
                                    recipient.StatusNote = "Twilio Exception: " + ex.Message;
                                    ExceptionLogService.LogException( ex, null );
                                recipientFound = false;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the specified communication.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communication">The communication.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override void Send( Rock.Model.Communication communication )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            // Requery the Communication
            communication = new CommunicationService( rockContext ).Get( communication.Id );

            if ( communication != null &&
                communication.Status == Model.CommunicationStatus.Approved &&
                communication.Recipients.Where( r => r.Status == Model.CommunicationRecipientStatus.Pending ).Any() &&
                ( !communication.FutureSendDateTime.HasValue || communication.FutureSendDateTime.Value.CompareTo( RockDateTime.Now ) <= 0 ) )
                string fromPhone = string.Empty;
                string fromValue = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "FromValue" );
                int fromValueId = int.MinValue;
                if ( int.TryParse( fromValue, out fromValueId ) )
                    fromPhone = DefinedValueCache.Read( fromValueId, rockContext ).Value;

                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( fromPhone ) )
                    string accountSid = GetAttributeValue( "SID" );
                    string authToken = GetAttributeValue( "Token" );
                    var twilio = new TwilioRestClient( accountSid, authToken );

                    var historyService = new HistoryService( rockContext );
                    var recipientService = new CommunicationRecipientService( rockContext );

                    var personEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Person" ).Id;
                    var communicationEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Communication" ).Id;
                    var communicationCategoryId = CategoryCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.Category.HISTORY_PERSON_COMMUNICATIONS.AsGuid(), rockContext ).Id;

                    var globalConfigValues = GlobalAttributesCache.GetMergeFields( null );

                    bool recipientFound = true;
                    while ( recipientFound )
                        var recipient = recipientService.Get( communication.Id, CommunicationRecipientStatus.Pending ).FirstOrDefault();
                        if ( recipient != null )
                                var phoneNumber = recipient.PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers
                                    .Where( p => p.IsMessagingEnabled )

                                if ( phoneNumber != null )
                                    // Create merge field dictionary
                                    var mergeObjects = recipient.CommunicationMergeValues( globalConfigValues );
                                    string message = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "Message" );
                                    message = message.ResolveMergeFields( mergeObjects );
                                    string twilioNumber = phoneNumber.Number;
                                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( phoneNumber.CountryCode ) )
                                        twilioNumber = "+" + phoneNumber.CountryCode + phoneNumber.Number;

                                    var globalAttributes = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.Read();
                                    string callbackUrl = globalAttributes.GetValue( "PublicApplicationRoot" ) + "Webhooks/Twilio.ashx";

                                    var response = twilio.SendMessage( fromPhone, twilioNumber, message, callbackUrl );

                                    recipient.Status = CommunicationRecipientStatus.Delivered;
                                    recipient.TransportEntityTypeName = this.GetType().FullName;
                                    recipient.UniqueMessageId = response.Sid;

                                        historyService.Add( new History
                                            CreatedByPersonAliasId = communication.SenderPersonAliasId,
                                            EntityTypeId = personEntityTypeId,
                                            CategoryId = communicationCategoryId,
                                            EntityId = recipient.PersonAlias.PersonId,
                                            Summary = "Sent SMS message.",
                                            Caption = message.Truncate( 200 ),
                                            RelatedEntityTypeId = communicationEntityTypeId,
                                            RelatedEntityId = communication.Id
                                        } );
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        ExceptionLogService.LogException( ex, null );
                                    recipient.Status = CommunicationRecipientStatus.Failed;
                                    recipient.StatusNote = "No Phone Number with Messaging Enabled";
                            catch ( Exception ex )
                                recipient.Status = CommunicationRecipientStatus.Failed;
                                recipient.StatusNote = "Twilio Exception: " + ex.Message;

                            recipientFound = false;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the HTML preview.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communication">The communication.</param>
        /// <param name="person">The person.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string GetHtmlPreview( Model.Communication communication, Person person )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            StringBuilder sbContent = new StringBuilder();

            var globalAttributes = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.Read();
            var mergeValues = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.GetMergeFields( null );

            // Requery the Communication object
            communication = new CommunicationService( rockContext ).Get( communication.Id );
            mergeValues.Add( "Communication", communication );

            if ( person != null )
                mergeValues.Add( "Person", person );

                var recipient = communication.Recipients.Where( r => r.PersonAlias != null && r.PersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                if ( recipient != null )
                    // Add any additional merge fields created through a report
                    foreach ( var mergeField in recipient.AdditionalMergeValues )
                        if ( !mergeValues.ContainsKey( mergeField.Key ) )
                            mergeValues.Add( mergeField.Key, mergeField.Value );

            // Body
            string htmlContent = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "HtmlMessage" );
            sbContent.Append( Email.ProcessHtmlBody( communication, globalAttributes, mergeValues ) );

            // Attachments
            StringBuilder sbAttachments = new StringBuilder();
            string attachmentIds = communication.GetMediumDataValue( "Attachments" );
            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( attachmentIds ) )
                sbContent.Append( "<br/><br/>" );

                var binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );

                foreach ( string idVal in attachmentIds.SplitDelimitedValues() )
                    int binaryFileId = int.MinValue;
                    if ( int.TryParse( idVal, out binaryFileId ) )
                        var binaryFile = binaryFileService.Get( binaryFileId );
                        if ( binaryFile != null )
                            sbContent.AppendFormat( "<a target='_blank' href='{0}GetFile.ashx?id={1}'>{2}</a><br/>",
                                System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute( "~" ), binaryFile.Id, binaryFile.FileName );

            return sbContent.ToString();