public void ClearPages_Should_Set_TempData_Message_And_Clear_Cache_And_Clear_All_Pages()
            // Arrange
            _repository.AddNewPage(new Page()
                Id = 1
            }, "text", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);
            _repository.AddNewPage(new Page()
                Id = 2
            }, "text", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);

            _pageCache.Add(1, new PageViewModel());
            _listCache.Add("list.somekey", new List <string>());
            _siteCache.AddMenu("should not be cleared");

            // Act
            RedirectToRouteResult result = _toolsController.ClearPages() as RedirectToRouteResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null, "RedirectToRouteResult");
            Assert.That(result.RouteValues["action"], Is.EqualTo("Index"));

            Assert.That(_toolsController.TempData["SuccessMessage"], Is.EqualTo(SiteStrings.SiteSettings_Tools_ClearDatabase_Message));
            Assert.That(_cache.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(_repository.AllPages().Count(), Is.EqualTo(0));
Esempio n. 2
        public void Code_Blocks_Should_Allow_Quotes()
            // Issue #82
            // Arrange
            Page page = new Page()
                Id = 1, Title = "My first page"

            RepositoryMock repositoryStub = new RepositoryMock();

            repositoryStub.AddNewPage(page, "My first page", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);

            ApplicationSettings settings = new ApplicationSettings();

            settings.Installed       = true;
            settings.UpgradeRequired = false;

            MarkupConverter converter = new MarkupConverter(settings, repositoryStub, _pluginFactory);

            string markdownText = "Here is some `// code with a 'quote' in it and another \"quote\"`\n\n" +
                                  "    var x = \"some tabbed code\";\n\n"; // 2 line breaks followed by 4 spaces (tab stop) at the start indicates a code block

            string expectedHtml = "<p>Here is some <code>// code with a 'quote' in it and another \"quote\"</code></p>\n\n" +
                                  "<pre><code>var x = \"some tabbed code\";\n" +

            // Act
            string actualHtml = converter.ToHtml(markdownText);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualHtml, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
Esempio n. 3
        public void Code_Blocks_Should_Allow_Quotes()
            // Issue #82
            // Arrange
            Page page = new Page() { Id = 1, Title = "My first page" };

            RepositoryMock repositoryStub = new RepositoryMock();
            repositoryStub.AddNewPage(page, "My first page", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);
            repositoryStub.SiteSettings = new SiteSettings() { MarkupType = "Markdown" };

            ApplicationSettings settings = new ApplicationSettings();
            settings.Installed = true;
            settings.UpgradeRequired = false;

            MarkupConverter converter = new MarkupConverter(settings, repositoryStub, _pluginFactory);

            string markdownText = "Here is some `// code with a 'quote' in it and another \"quote\"`\n\n" +
                "    var x = \"some tabbed code\";\n\n"; // 2 line breaks followed by 4 spaces (tab stop) at the start indicates a code block

            string expectedHtml = "<p>Here is some <code>// code with a 'quote' in it and another \"quote\"</code></p>\n\n" +
                                "<pre><code>var x = \"some tabbed code\";\n" +

            // Act
            string actualHtml = converter.ToHtml(markdownText);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualHtml, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
Esempio n. 4
        public void Images_Should_Support_Dimensions()
            // Arrange
            Page page = new Page() { Id = 1, Title = "My first page" };

            RepositoryMock repositoryStub = new RepositoryMock();
            repositoryStub.AddNewPage(page, "My first page", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);
            repositoryStub.SiteSettings = new SiteSettings() { MarkupType = "Markdown" };

            ApplicationSettings settings = new ApplicationSettings();
            settings.Installed = true;
            settings.UpgradeRequired = false;

            MarkupConverter converter = new MarkupConverter(settings, repositoryStub, _pluginFactory);

            string markdownText = "Here is an image:![Image](/Image1.png) \n\n" +
                                  "And another with equal dimensions ![Square](/Image1.png =250x) \n\n" +
                                  "And this one is a rectangle ![Rectangle](/Image1.png =250x350)";

            string expectedHtml = "<p>Here is an image:<img src=\"/Attachments/Image1.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Image\" width=\"\" height=\"\" /> </p>\n\n" +
                                    "<p>And another with equal dimensions <img src=\"/Attachments/Image1.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Square\" width=\"250px\" height=\"\" /> </p>\n\n" +
                                    "<p>And this one is a rectangle <img src=\"/Attachments/Image1.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Rectangle\" width=\"250px\" height=\"350px\" /></p>\n";

            // Act
            string actualHtml = converter.ToHtml(markdownText);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualHtml, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
Esempio n. 5
        public void Internal_Links_Should_Resolve_With_Id()
            // Bug #87

            // Arrange
            Page page = new Page() { Id = 1, Title = "My first page"};

            RepositoryMock repositoryStub = new RepositoryMock();
            repositoryStub.AddNewPage(page, "My first page", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);
            repositoryStub.SiteSettings = new SiteSettings() { MarkupType = "Markdown" };

            ApplicationSettings settings = new ApplicationSettings();
            settings.Installed = true;
            settings.UpgradeRequired = false;

            UrlResolverMock resolver = new UrlResolverMock();
            resolver.InternalUrl = "blah";
            MarkupConverter converter = new MarkupConverter(settings, repositoryStub, _pluginFactory);
            converter.UrlResolver = resolver;

            string markdownText = "[Link](My-first-page)";
            string invalidMarkdownText = "[Link](My first page)";

            // Act
            string expectedHtml = "<p><a href=\"blah\">Link</a></p>\n";
            string expectedInvalidLinkHtml = "<p>[Link](My first page)</p>\n";

            string actualHtml = converter.ToHtml(markdownText);
            string actualHtmlInvalidLink = converter.ToHtml(invalidMarkdownText);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualHtml, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
            Assert.That(actualHtmlInvalidLink, Is.EqualTo(expectedInvalidLinkHtml));
Esempio n. 6
        public void Should_Replace_Markdown_With_Internal_Link()
            // Arrange
            string menuMarkup   = "* [First link](my-page)\r\n";
            string expectedHtml = "<ul><li><a href=\"/wiki/1/my-page\">First link</a></li></ul>";

            RepositoryMock repository = new RepositoryMock();

            repository.AddNewPage(new Page()
                Title = "my page", Id = 1
            }, "text", "user", DateTime.Now);

            repository.SiteSettings            = new SiteSettings();
            repository.SiteSettings.MarkupType = "Markdown";
            repository.SiteSettings.MenuMarkup = menuMarkup;

            UserContextStub     userContext         = new UserContextStub();
            ApplicationSettings applicationSettings = new ApplicationSettings();

            applicationSettings.Installed = true;

            CacheMock cache     = new CacheMock();
            SiteCache siteCache = new SiteCache(applicationSettings, cache);

            MarkupConverter converter = new MarkupConverter(applicationSettings, repository, _pluginFactory);
            MenuParser      parser    = new MenuParser(converter, repository, siteCache, userContext);

            // Act
            string actualHtml = parser.GetMenu();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualHtml, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a page to the mock repository (which is just a list of Page and PageContent objects in memory).
        /// </summary>
        public PageViewModel AddToMockedRepository(int id, string createdBy, string title, string tags, DateTime createdOn, string textContent = "")
            Page page = new Page();

            page.Id        = id;
            page.CreatedBy = createdBy;
            page.Title     = title;
            page.Tags      = tags;
            page.CreatedOn = createdOn;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textContent))
                textContent = title + "'s text";

            PageContent   content = _repository.AddNewPage(page, textContent, createdBy, createdOn);
            PageViewModel model   = new PageViewModel()
                Id        = id,
                Title     = title,
                Content   = textContent,
                RawTags   = tags,
                CreatedBy = createdBy,
                CreatedOn = createdOn

Esempio n. 8
        public void External_Links_With_Anchor_Tag_Should_Retain_The_Anchor()
            // Issue #172
            // Arrange
            _repository.AddNewPage(new Page()
                Id = 1, Title = "foo"
            }, "foo", "admin", DateTime.Today);
            _markupConverter = new MarkupConverter(_applicationSettings, _repository, _pluginFactory);

            string expectedHtml = "<p><a href=\"http&#x3A;&#x2F;&#x2F;www&#x2E;google&#x2E;com&#x2F;&#x3F;blah&#x3D;xyz&#x23;myanchor\">Some link text</a>\n</p>";

            // Act
            string actualHtml = _markupConverter.ToHtml("[[|Some link text]]");

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualHtml, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml), actualHtml);
        public void PageToolbar_Should_Return_PartialView()
            // Arrange
            _repository.AddNewPage(new Page()
                Title = "Title"
            }, "text", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);

            // Act
            ActionResult result = _wikiController.PageToolbar(1);

            // Assert
            PartialViewResult partialResult = result.AssertResultIs <PartialViewResult>();

Esempio n. 10
        public void Internal_Links_Should_Resolve_With_Id()
            // Bug #87

            // Arrange
            Page page = new Page()
                Id = 1, Title = "My first page"

            RepositoryMock repositoryStub = new RepositoryMock();

            repositoryStub.AddNewPage(page, "My first page", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);
            repositoryStub.SiteSettings = new SiteSettings()
                MarkupType = "Markdown"

            ApplicationSettings settings = new ApplicationSettings();

            settings.Installed       = true;
            settings.UpgradeRequired = false;

            UrlResolverMock resolver = new UrlResolverMock();

            resolver.InternalUrl = "blah";
            MarkupConverter converter = new MarkupConverter(settings, repositoryStub, _pluginFactory);

            converter.UrlResolver = resolver;

            string markdownText        = "[Link](My-first-page)";
            string invalidMarkdownText = "[Link](My first page)";

            // Act
            string expectedHtml            = "<p><a href=\"blah\">Link</a></p>\n";
            string expectedInvalidLinkHtml = "<p>[Link](My first page)</p>\n";

            string actualHtml            = converter.ToHtml(markdownText);
            string actualHtmlInvalidLink = converter.ToHtml(invalidMarkdownText);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualHtml, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
            Assert.That(actualHtmlInvalidLink, Is.EqualTo(expectedInvalidLinkHtml));
        public void CompareVersions_Has_Last_Two_Versions()
            // Arrange
            DateTime    createdDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
            Page        page        = NewPage("admin");
            PageContent v1Content   = _repository.AddNewPage(page, "v1 text", "admin", createdDate);
            PageContent v2Content   = _repository.AddNewPageContentVersion(page, "v2 text", "admin", createdDate.AddHours(1), 2);
            PageContent v3Content   = _repository.AddNewPageContentVersion(page, "v3 text", "admin", createdDate.AddHours(2), 3);
            PageContent v4Content   = _repository.AddNewPageContentVersion(page, "v4 text", "admin", createdDate.AddHours(3), 4);

            // Act
            List <PageViewModel> versionList = _historyService.CompareVersions(v4Content.Id).ToList();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(versionList.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(versionList[0].Id, Is.EqualTo(v3Content.Page.Id));
            Assert.That(versionList[1].Id, Is.EqualTo(v4Content.Page.Id));
Esempio n. 12
        public void Images_Should_Support_Dimensions_And_Titles()
            // Arrange
            Page page = new Page()
                Id = 1, Title = "My first page"

            RepositoryMock repositoryStub = new RepositoryMock();

            repositoryStub.AddNewPage(page, "My first page", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);
            repositoryStub.SiteSettings = new SiteSettings()
                MarkupType = "Markdown"

            ApplicationSettings settings = new ApplicationSettings();

            settings.Installed       = true;
            settings.UpgradeRequired = false;

            MarkupConverter converter = new MarkupConverter(settings, repositoryStub, _pluginFactory);

            string markdownText = "Here is an image with a title:![Image](/Image1.png \"Image\") \n\n" +
                                  "And another with equal dimensions ![Square](/Image1.png \"Square\" =250x) \n\n" +
                                  "And this one is a rectangle ![Rectangle](/Image1.png \"Rectangle\" =250x350)";

            string expectedHtml = "<p>Here is an image with a title:<img src=\"/Attachments/Image1.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Image\" width=\"\" height=\"\" title=\"Image\" /> </p>\n\n" +
                                  "<p>And another with equal dimensions <img src=\"/Attachments/Image1.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Square\" width=\"250px\" height=\"\" title=\"Square\" /> </p>\n\n" +
                                  "<p>And this one is a rectangle <img src=\"/Attachments/Image1.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Rectangle\" width=\"250px\" height=\"350px\" title=\"Rectangle\" /></p>\n";

            // Act
            string actualHtml = converter.ToHtml(markdownText);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualHtml, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
Esempio n. 13
        public void ExportAsXml_Should_Return_Non_Empty_Stream()
            // Arrange
            _repository.AddNewPage(new Page()
                Id = 1
            }, "text", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);
            _repository.AddNewPage(new Page()
                Id = 2
            }, "text", "admin", DateTime.UtcNow);

            // Act
            Stream stream = _wikiExporter.ExportAsXml();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(stream.Length, Is.GreaterThan(1));
Esempio n. 14
        public void About_Should_Return_ViewResult_And_Page_With_About_Tag_As_Model()
            // Arrange
            Page aboutPage = new Page()
                Id    = 1,
                Title = "about",
                Tags  = "about"

            _repository.AddNewPage(aboutPage, "text", "nobody", DateTime.Now);

            // Act
            ViewResult result = _helpController.About() as ViewResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null);

            PageViewModel model = result.ModelFromActionResult <PageViewModel>();

            Assert.NotNull(model, "Null model");
            Assert.That(model.Id, Is.EqualTo(aboutPage.Id));
            Assert.That(model.Title, Is.EqualTo(aboutPage.Title));
        public void Should_Export_Pages_With_Content()
            // Arrange
            RepositoryMock repository = new RepositoryMock();

            repository.SiteSettings.PluginLastSaveDate = DateTime.Today;

            DateTime page1CreatedOn  = new DateTime(2013, 01, 01, 12, 00, 00);
            DateTime page1ModifiedOn = new DateTime(2013, 01, 01, 13, 00, 00);
            DateTime page2CreatedOn  = new DateTime(2013, 01, 02, 12, 00, 00);
            DateTime page2ModifiedOn = new DateTime(2013, 01, 02, 13, 00, 00);
            DateTime page3CreatedOn  = new DateTime(2013, 01, 03, 12, 00, 00);
            DateTime page3ModifiedOn = new DateTime(2013, 01, 03, 13, 00, 00);

            Guid page1ContentId = new Guid("13a8ad19-b203-46f5-be10-11e0ebf6f812");
            Guid page2ContentId = new Guid("143b0023-329a-49b9-97a4-5094a0e378a2");
            Guid page3ContentId = new Guid("15ee19ef-c093-47de-97d2-83dec406d92d");

            string page1Text = @"the text ;'''

								"" more text """                                ;

            string page2Text = @"the text ;''' #### sdfsdfsdf ####

								"" blah text """                                ;

            string page3Text = @"the text ;''' #### dddd **dddd** ####			

								"" pppp text """                                ;

            Page page1 = new Page()
                CreatedBy  = "created-by-user1",
                CreatedOn  = page1CreatedOn,
                Id         = 1,
                IsLocked   = true,
                ModifiedBy = "modified-by-user2",
                ModifiedOn = page1ModifiedOn,
                Tags       = "tag1,tag2,tag3",
                Title      = "Page 1 title"

            Page page2 = new Page()
                CreatedBy  = "created-by-user2",
                CreatedOn  = page2CreatedOn,
                Id         = 2,
                IsLocked   = true,
                ModifiedBy = "modified-by-user2",
                ModifiedOn = page2ModifiedOn,
                Tags       = "tagA,tagB,tagC",
                Title      = "Page 2 title"

            Page page3 = new Page()
                CreatedBy  = "created-by-user3",
                CreatedOn  = page3CreatedOn,
                Id         = 3,
                IsLocked   = false,
                ModifiedBy = "modified-by-user3",
                ModifiedOn = page3ModifiedOn,
                Tags       = "tagX,tagY,tagZ",
                Title      = "Page 3 title"

            PageContent pageContent1 = repository.AddNewPage(page1, page1Text, "modified-by-user1", page1ModifiedOn);

            pageContent1.Id = page1ContentId;

            PageContent pageContent2 = repository.AddNewPage(page2, page2Text, "modified-by-user2", page2ModifiedOn);

            pageContent2.Id = page2ContentId;

            PageContent pageContent3 = repository.AddNewPage(page3, page3Text, "modified-by-user3", page3ModifiedOn);

            pageContent3.Id = page3ContentId;

            SqlExportBuilder builder = new SqlExportBuilder(repository, new PluginFactoryMock());

            builder.IncludeConfiguration = false;
            builder.IncludePages         = true;

            string expectedSql = ReadEmbeddedResource("expected-pages-export.sql");

            // Act
            string actualSql = builder.Export();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualSql, Is.EqualTo(expectedSql), actualSql);
Esempio n. 16
		public void Should_Replace_Markdown_With_Internal_Link()
			// Arrange
			string menuMarkup = "* [First link](my-page)\r\n";
			string expectedHtml = "<ul><li><a href=\"/wiki/1/my-page\">First link</a></li></ul>";

			RepositoryMock repository = new RepositoryMock();
			repository.AddNewPage(new Page() { Title = "my page", Id = 1 }, "text", "user", DateTime.Now);

			repository.SiteSettings = new SiteSettings();
			repository.SiteSettings.MarkupType = "Markdown";
			repository.SiteSettings.MenuMarkup = menuMarkup;

			UserContextStub userContext = new UserContextStub();
			ApplicationSettings applicationSettings = new ApplicationSettings();
			applicationSettings.Installed = true;

			CacheMock cache = new CacheMock();
			SiteCache siteCache = new SiteCache(applicationSettings, cache);

			MarkupConverter converter = new MarkupConverter(applicationSettings, repository, _pluginFactory);
			MenuParser parser = new MenuParser(converter, repository, siteCache, userContext);

			// Act
			string actualHtml = parser.GetMenu();

			// Assert
			Assert.That(actualHtml, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
Esempio n. 17
		public void Should_Export_Pages_With_Content()
			// Arrange
			RepositoryMock repository = new RepositoryMock();
			repository.SiteSettings.PluginLastSaveDate = DateTime.Today;

			DateTime page1CreatedOn  = new DateTime(2013, 01, 01, 12, 00, 00);
			DateTime page1ModifiedOn = new DateTime(2013, 01, 01, 13, 00, 00);
			DateTime page2CreatedOn  = new DateTime(2013, 01, 02, 12, 00, 00);
			DateTime page2ModifiedOn = new DateTime(2013, 01, 02, 13, 00, 00);
			DateTime page3CreatedOn  = new DateTime(2013, 01, 03, 12, 00, 00);
			DateTime page3ModifiedOn = new DateTime(2013, 01, 03, 13, 00, 00);

			Guid page1ContentId = new Guid("13a8ad19-b203-46f5-be10-11e0ebf6f812");
			Guid page2ContentId = new Guid("143b0023-329a-49b9-97a4-5094a0e378a2");
			Guid page3ContentId = new Guid("15ee19ef-c093-47de-97d2-83dec406d92d");

			string page1Text = @"the text ;'''

								"" more text """;

			string page2Text = @"the text ;''' #### sdfsdfsdf ####

								"" blah text """;

			string page3Text = @"the text ;''' #### dddd **dddd** ####			

								"" pppp text """;

			Page page1 = new Page()
				CreatedBy = "created-by-user1",
				CreatedOn = page1CreatedOn,
				Id = 1,
				IsLocked = true,
				ModifiedBy = "modified-by-user2",
				ModifiedOn = page1ModifiedOn,
				Tags = "tag1,tag2,tag3",
				Title = "Page 1 title"

			Page page2 = new Page()
				CreatedBy = "created-by-user2",
				CreatedOn = page2CreatedOn,
				Id = 2,
				IsLocked = true,
				ModifiedBy = "modified-by-user2",
				ModifiedOn = page2ModifiedOn,
				Tags = "tagA,tagB,tagC",
				Title = "Page 2 title"

			Page page3 = new Page()
				CreatedBy = "created-by-user3",
				CreatedOn = page3CreatedOn,
				Id = 3,
				IsLocked = false,
				ModifiedBy = "modified-by-user3",
				ModifiedOn = page3ModifiedOn,
				Tags = "tagX,tagY,tagZ",
				Title = "Page 3 title"

			PageContent pageContent1 = repository.AddNewPage(page1, page1Text, "modified-by-user1", page1ModifiedOn);
			pageContent1.Id = page1ContentId;

			PageContent pageContent2 = repository.AddNewPage(page2, page2Text, "modified-by-user2", page2ModifiedOn);
			pageContent2.Id = page2ContentId;

			PageContent pageContent3 = repository.AddNewPage(page3, page3Text, "modified-by-user3", page3ModifiedOn);
			pageContent3.Id = page3ContentId;

			SqlExportBuilder builder = new SqlExportBuilder(repository, new PluginFactoryMock());
			builder.IncludeConfiguration = false;
			builder.IncludePages = true;

			string expectedSql = ReadEmbeddedResource("expected-pages-export.sql");

			// Act
			string actualSql = builder.Export();

			// Assert
			Assert.That(actualSql, Is.EqualTo(expectedSql), actualSql);