Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new LineItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">A title describing the product </param>
        /// <param name="price">The product price in the currency matching the one used in the whole order and set in the "Currency" field</param>
        /// <param name="quantityPurchased">Quantity purchased of the item</param>
        /// <param name="productId">The Product ID number (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="sku">The stock keeping unit of the product (optional)</param>
        public LineItem(string title,
            double price,
            int quantityPurchased,
            string productId = null,
            string sku = null,
            string condition = null,
            bool? requiresShipping = null,
            Seller seller = null,
            DeliveredToType? deliveredTo = null,
            DateTime? delivered_at = null,
            ProductType? productType = null,
            string brand = null,
            string category = null,
            string subCategory = null)
            Title = title;
            Price = price;
            QuantityPurchased = quantityPurchased;

            // optional
            ProductId = productId;
            Sku = sku;
            Condition = condition;
            RequiresShipping = requiresShipping;
            Seller = seller;
            DeliveredTo = deliveredTo;
            ProductType = productType;
            Category = category;
            SubCategory = subCategory;
            DeliveredAt = delivered_at;
            Brand = brand;
Esempio n. 2
 public TravelTicketLineItem(
     // inherited
     string title,
     double price,
     int quantityPurchased,
     string productId = null,
     string sku = null,
     string condition = null,
     bool? requiresShipping = null,
     string category = null,
     string subCategory = null,
     string brand = null,
     Seller seller = null,
     DeliveredToType? deliveredTo = null,
     DateTime? deliveredAt = null,
     // travel ticket specific
     string legId = null,
     string departurePortCode = null,
     string departureCity = null,
     string departureCountryCode = null,
     string arrivalPortCode = null,
     string arrivalCity = null,
     string arrivalCountryCode = null,
     DateTime? departureDate = null,
     DateTime? arrivalDate = null,
     string carrierName = null,
     string carrierCode = null,
     int? routeIndex = null,
     int? legIndex = null,
     string ticketClass = null,
     TransportMethodType? transportMethod = null
     : base(title: title, price: price, quantityPurchased: quantityPurchased, productId: productId, sku: sku,
         condition: condition,
         requiresShipping: requiresShipping, seller: seller, deliveredTo: deliveredTo, delivered_at: deliveredAt,
         category: category, subCategory: subCategory, brand: brand,
         productType: OrderElements.ProductType.TravelTicket)
     LegId = legId;
     DeparturePortCode = departurePortCode;
     DepartureCity = departureCity;
     DepartureCountryCode = departureCountryCode;
     ArrivalPortCode = arrivalPortCode;
     ArrivalCity = arrivalCity;
     ArrivalCountryCode = arrivalCountryCode;
     DepartureDate = departureDate;
     ArrivalDate = arrivalDate;
     CarrierName = carrierName;
     CarrierCode = carrierCode;
     RouteIndex = routeIndex;
     LegIndex = legIndex;
     TicketClass = ticketClass;
     TransportMethod = transportMethod;
Esempio n. 3
 public DigitalLineItem(
     // inherited
     string title,
     double price,
     int quantityPurchased,
     string productId = null,
     string sku = null,
     string condition = null,
     bool? requiresShipping = null,
     string category = null,
     string subCategory = null,
     string brand = null,
     Seller seller = null,
     DeliveredToType? deliveredTo = null,
     DateTime? deliveredAt = null,
     // giftcard specific
     string senderName = null,
     string displayName = null,
     bool? photoUploaded = null,
     string photoUrl = null,
     string greetingPhotoUrl = null,
     string message = null,
     string greetingMessage = null,
     string cardType = null,
     string cardSubType = null,
     string senderEmail = null,
     Recipient recipient = null
     : base(title: title, price: price, quantityPurchased: quantityPurchased, productId: productId, sku: sku,
         condition: condition,
         requiresShipping: requiresShipping, seller: seller, deliveredTo: deliveredTo, delivered_at: deliveredAt,
         category: category, subCategory: subCategory, brand: brand,
         productType: OrderElements.ProductType.Digital)
     SenderName = senderName;
     DisplayName = displayName;
     PhotoUploaded = photoUploaded;
     PhotoUrl = photoUrl;
     GreetingPhotoUrl = greetingPhotoUrl;
     Message = message;
     GreetingMessage = greetingMessage;
     CardType = cardType;
     CardSubtype = cardSubType;
     SenderEmail = senderEmail;
     Recipient = recipient;
Esempio n. 4
 public AccommodationLineItem(
     // inherited
     string title, 
     double price, 
     int quantityPurchased, 
     string productId = null, 
     string sku = null, 
     string condition = null, 
     bool? requiresShipping = null,
     string category = null,
     string subCategory = null,
     string brand = null,
     Seller seller = null, 
     DeliveredToType? deliveredTo = null, 
     DateTime? deliveredAt = null,
     // accommodation specific
     string roomType = null,
     string city = null,
     string countryCode = null,
     DateTime? checkInDate = null,
     DateTime? checkOutTime = null,
     string rating = null,
     ushort? numberOfGuests = null,
     string cancellationPolicy = null,
     string accommodationType = null
     : base(title: title, price: price, quantityPurchased: quantityPurchased, productId: productId, sku: sku, condition: condition, 
              requiresShipping: requiresShipping, seller: seller, deliveredTo: deliveredTo, delivered_at: deliveredAt,
              category: category, subCategory: subCategory, brand: brand, productType: OrderElements.ProductType.Accommodation)
     RoomType = roomType;
     City = city;
     CountryCode = countryCode;
     CheckInDate = checkInDate;
     CheckOutTime = checkOutTime;
     Rating = rating;
     NumberOfGuests = numberOfGuests;
     CancellationPolicy = cancellationPolicy;
     AccommodationType = accommodationType;
Esempio n. 5
 public EventTicketLineItem(
     // inherited
     string title,
     double price,
     int quantityPurchased,
     string productId = null,
     string sku = null,
     string condition = null,
     bool? requiresShipping = null,
     string category = null,
     string subCategory = null,
     string brand = null,
     Seller seller = null,
     DeliveredToType? deliveredTo = null,
     DateTime? deliveredAt = null,
     // event ticket specific
     string eventName = null,
     string eventSectionName = null,
     DateTime? eventDate = null,
     string eventCity = null,
     string eventCountry = null,
     string eventCountryCode = null,
     float? latitude = null,
     float? longitude = null
     : base(title: title, price: price, quantityPurchased: quantityPurchased, productId: productId, sku: sku,
         condition: condition,
         requiresShipping: requiresShipping, seller: seller, deliveredTo: deliveredTo, delivered_at: deliveredAt,
         category: category, subCategory: subCategory, brand: brand,
         productType: OrderElements.ProductType.EventTicket)
     EventName = eventName;
     EventSectionName = eventSectionName;
     EventDate = eventDate;
     EventCountryCode = eventCountryCode;
     EventCity = eventCity;
     Latitude = latitude;
     Longitude = longitude;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new LineItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">A title describing the product </param>
        /// <param name="price">The product price in the currency matching the one used in the whole order and set in the "Currency" field</param>
        /// <param name="quantityPurchased">Quantity purchased of the item</param>
        /// <param name="productId">The Product ID number (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="sku">The stock keeping unit of the product (optional)</param>
        public LineItem(string title,
                        double price, 
                        int quantityPurchased,

                        int? productId = null, 
                        string sku = null, 
                        string condition = null,
                        bool? requiresShipping = null, 
                        Seller seller = null,
                        DeliveredToType? deliveredTo = null,

                        // These are for events tickets industry
                        string category = null,
                        string subCategory = null, 
                        string eventName = null, 
                        string eventSectionName = null, 
                        DateTimeOffset? eventDate = null, 
                        string eventCity = null,
                        string eventCountry = null,
                        string eventCountryCode = null,
                        float? latitude = null,
                        float? longitude = null,
                        // These are for digital goods (gift card) industry
                        string sender_name = null, 
                        string display_name = null, 
                        bool   photo_uploaded = false,
                        string photo_url = null,
                        string greeting_photo_url = null,
                        string message = null,
                        string greeting_message = null,
                        string card_type = null,
                        string card_sub_type = null,
                        DateTime? delivered_at = null,
                        string sender_email = null,
                        Recipient recipient = null)
            Title = title;
            Price = price;
            QuantityPurchased = quantityPurchased;

            // optional
            ProductId = productId;
            Sku = sku;
            Condition = condition;
            RequiresShipping = requiresShipping;
            Seller = seller;
            DeliveredTo = deliveredTo;

            // Events Tickets Industry
            Category = category;
            SubCategory = subCategory;
            EventName = eventName;
            EventSectionName = eventSectionName;
            EventDate = eventDate;
            EventCountryCode = eventCountryCode;
            EventCity = eventCity;
            Latitude = latitude;
            Longitude = longitude;

            // Digital Goods (gift cards)
            SenderName = sender_name;
            DisplayName = display_name;
            PhotoUploaded = photo_uploaded;
            PhotoUrl = photo_url;
            GreetingPhotoUrl = greeting_photo_url;
            Message = message;
            GreetingMessage = greeting_message;
            CardType = card_type;
            CardSubtype = card_sub_type;
            DeliveredAt = delivered_at;
            SenderEmail = sender_email;

            // Recipient details 
            Recipient = recipient;