public override IEnumerable <FiringIncident> MakeIntervalIncidents(IIncidentTarget target) { float mtb = this.IncidentMTBDays; if (mtb >= 0f) { if (Rand.MTBEventOccurs(mtb, 60000f, 1000f)) { Map map = target as Map; if (map != null && map.dangerWatcher.DangerRating >= StoryDanger.High) { IncidentDef incident = null; if (this.UsableIncidentsInCategory(IncidentCategory.AllyAssistance, target).TryRandomElementByWeight((IncidentDef d) => d.baseChance, out incident)) { yield return(new FiringIncident(incident, this, this.GenerateParms(incident.category, target))); } } } } }
private bool ShouldDoRefireCheckWith(IncidentDef other) { if (other.tags == null) { return(false); } if (other == this) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < other.tags.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.refireCheckTags.Count; j++) { if (other.tags[i] == this.refireCheckTags[j]) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public override IEnumerable <FiringIncident> MakeIntervalIncidents(IIncidentTarget target) { int num = IntervalsPassed; if (Props.minColonistCount > 0) { if (target.StoryState.lastFireTicks.ContainsKey(Props.incident) || PawnsFinder.AllMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_FreeColonists.Count < Props.minColonistCount) { yield break; } num -= target.StoryState.GetTicksFromColonistCount(Props.minColonistCount) / 1000; } if (num != Props.fireAfterDaysPassed * 60) { yield break; } if (Props.skipIfColonistHasMinTitle != null) { List <Pawn> allMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_FreeColonists = PawnsFinder.AllMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_FreeColonists; for (int i = 0; i < allMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_FreeColonists.Count; i++) { if (allMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_FreeColonists[i].royalty != null && allMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_FreeColonists[i].royalty.AllTitlesForReading.Any() && allMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_FreeColonists[i].royalty.MainTitle().seniority >= Props.skipIfColonistHasMinTitle.seniority) { yield break; } } } Map anyPlayerHomeMap = Find.AnyPlayerHomeMap; if (!Props.skipIfOnExtremeBiome || (anyPlayerHomeMap != null && !anyPlayerHomeMap.Biome.isExtremeBiome)) { IncidentDef incident = Props.incident; if (incident.TargetAllowed(target)) { yield return(new FiringIncident(incident, this, GenerateParms(incident.category, target))); } } }
public bool MoveNext() { uint num = (uint)this.$PC; this.$PC = -1; switch (num) { case 0u: this.$current = IncidentDefOf.Eclipse; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 1; } return(true); case 1u: this.$current = IncidentDefOf.ToxicFallout; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 2; } return(true); case 2u: this.$current = IncidentDefOf.SolarFlare; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 3; } return(true); case 3u: this.$PC = -1; break; } return(false); }
public float CommonalityOfDisease(IncidentDef diseaseInc) { if (this.cachedDiseaseCommonalities == null) { this.cachedDiseaseCommonalities = new Dictionary <IncidentDef, float>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.diseases.Count; i++) { this.cachedDiseaseCommonalities.Add(this.diseases[i].diseaseInc, this.diseases[i].commonality); } foreach (IncidentDef incidentDef in DefDatabase <IncidentDef> .AllDefs) { if (incidentDef.diseaseBiomeRecords != null) { for (int j = 0; j < incidentDef.diseaseBiomeRecords.Count; j++) { if (incidentDef.diseaseBiomeRecords[j].biome == this) { this.cachedDiseaseCommonalities.Add(incidentDef.diseaseBiomeRecords[j].diseaseInc, incidentDef.diseaseBiomeRecords[j].commonality); } } } } } float num; float result; if (this.cachedDiseaseCommonalities.TryGetValue(diseaseInc, out num)) { result = num; } else { result = 0f; } return(result); }
private static string <DoIncidentEditInterface> m__0(IncidentDef id) { return(id.LabelCap); }
public override void Randomize() { this.incident = this.RandomizableIncidents().RandomElement <IncidentDef>(); }
private static string <DebugTablesIncidentChances> m__5(IncidentDef d) { return(StorytellerUtilityPopulation.PopulationIntent.ToString("F3")); }
internal IncidentParms <> m__0(IncidentDef x) { return(this.$this.GenerateParms(,; }
private static string <DebugTablesIncidentChances> m__3(IncidentDef d) { return(d.Worker.AdjustedChance.ToString()); }
private static string <DebugTablesIncidentChances> m__4(IncidentDef d) { return(PawnsFinder.AllMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_Colonists.Count <Pawn>().ToString()); }
private static string <DebugTablesIncidentChances> m__1(IncidentDef d) { return(d.defName); }
public override IEnumerable<FiringIncident> MakeIntervalIncidents(IIncidentTarget target) { _003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator0 _003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator = (_003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator0)/*Error near IL_003e: stateMachine*/; if (target == Find.Maps.Find((Map x) => x.IsPlayerHome)) { if (IntervalsPassed == 150) { IncidentDef inc2 = IncidentDefOf.VisitorGroup; if (inc2.TargetAllowed(target)) { yield return new FiringIncident(inc2, this) { parms = { target = target, points = (float)Rand.Range(40, 100) } }; /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } if (IntervalsPassed == 204) { _003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator0 _003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator2 = (_003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator0)/*Error near IL_015f: stateMachine*/; IncidentCategoryDef threatCategory = (!Find.Storyteller.difficulty.allowIntroThreats) ? IncidentCategoryDefOf.Misc : IncidentCategoryDefOf.ThreatSmall; if ((from def in DefDatabase<IncidentDef>.AllDefs where def.TargetAllowed(target) && def.category == threatCategory select def).TryRandomElementByWeight(base.IncidentChanceFinal, out IncidentDef incDef2)) { yield return new FiringIncident(incDef2, this) { parms = StorytellerUtility.DefaultParmsNow(incDef2.category, target) }; /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } if (IntervalsPassed == 264 && (from def in DefDatabase<IncidentDef>.AllDefs where def.TargetAllowed(target) && def.category == IncidentCategoryDefOf.Misc select def).TryRandomElementByWeight(base.IncidentChanceFinal, out IncidentDef incDef)) { yield return new FiringIncident(incDef, this) { parms = StorytellerUtility.DefaultParmsNow(incDef.category, target) }; /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } if (IntervalsPassed == 324) { IncidentDef inc = IncidentDefOf.RaidEnemy; if (!Find.Storyteller.difficulty.allowIntroThreats) { inc = (from def in DefDatabase<IncidentDef>.AllDefs where def.TargetAllowed(target) && def.category == IncidentCategoryDefOf.Misc select def).RandomElementByWeightWithFallback(base.IncidentChanceFinal); } if (inc != null && inc.TargetAllowed(target)) { FiringIncident fi = new FiringIncident(inc, this); fi.parms = GenerateParms(inc.category, target); fi.parms.points = 40f; fi.parms.raidForceOneIncap = true; fi.parms.raidNeverFleeIndividual = true; yield return fi; /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } } }
public bool MoveNext() { uint num = (uint)this.$PC; this.$PC = -1; switch (num) { case 0u: this.$current = IncidentDefOf.TraderCaravanArrival; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 1; } return(true); case 1u: this.$current = IncidentDefOf.OrbitalTraderArrival; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 2; } return(true); case 2u: this.$current = IncidentDefOf.WandererJoin; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 3; } return(true); case 3u: this.$current = IncidentDefOf.Eclipse; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 4; } return(true); case 4u: this.$current = IncidentDefOf.ToxicFallout; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 5; } return(true); case 5u: this.$current = IncidentDefOf.SolarFlare; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 6; } return(true); case 6u: this.$PC = -1; break; } return(false); }
private static string <DebugTablesIncidentChances> m__5(IncidentDef d) { return(Find.Storyteller.intenderPopulation.PopulationIntent.ToString("F3")); }
public override IEnumerable <FiringIncident> MakeIntervalIncidents(IIncidentTarget target) { if (target == Find.Maps.Find((Map x) => x.IsPlayerHome)) { if (this.IntervalsPassed == 150) { IncidentDef inc = IncidentDefOf.VisitorGroup; if (inc.TargetAllowed(target)) { yield return(new FiringIncident(inc, this, null) { parms = { target = target, points = (float)Rand.Range(40, 100) } }); } } if (this.IntervalsPassed == 204) { IncidentCategory threatCategory = (!Find.Storyteller.difficulty.allowIntroThreats) ? IncidentCategory.Misc : IncidentCategory.ThreatSmall; IncidentDef incDef; if ((from def in DefDatabase <IncidentDef> .AllDefs where def.TargetAllowed(target) && def.category == threatCategory select def).TryRandomElementByWeight(new Func <IncidentDef, float>(base.IncidentChanceFinal), out incDef)) { yield return(new FiringIncident(incDef, this, null) { parms = StorytellerUtility.DefaultParmsNow(Find.Storyteller.def, incDef.category, target) }); } } IncidentDef incDef2; if (this.IntervalsPassed == 264 && (from def in DefDatabase <IncidentDef> .AllDefs where def.TargetAllowed(target) && def.category == IncidentCategory.Misc select def).TryRandomElementByWeight(new Func <IncidentDef, float>(base.IncidentChanceFinal), out incDef2)) { yield return(new FiringIncident(incDef2, this, null) { parms = StorytellerUtility.DefaultParmsNow(Find.Storyteller.def, incDef2.category, target) }); } if (this.IntervalsPassed == 324) { IncidentDef inc2 = IncidentDefOf.RaidEnemy; if (!Find.Storyteller.difficulty.allowIntroThreats) { inc2 = (from def in DefDatabase <IncidentDef> .AllDefs where def.TargetAllowed(target) && def.category == IncidentCategory.Misc select def).RandomElementByWeightWithFallback(new Func <IncidentDef, float>(base.IncidentChanceFinal), null); } if (inc2 != null && inc2.TargetAllowed(target)) { yield return(new FiringIncident(inc2, this, null) { parms = this.GenerateParms(inc2.category, target) }); } } } }
public override IEnumerable <FiringIncident> MakeIntervalIncidents(IIncidentTarget target) { _003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator0 _003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator = (_003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_003e: stateMachine*/; if (target == Find.Maps.Find((Map x) => x.IsPlayerHome)) { if (this.IntervalsPassed == 150) { IncidentDef inc2 = IncidentDefOf.VisitorGroup; if (inc2.TargetAllowed(target)) { yield return(new FiringIncident(inc2, this, null) { parms = { target = target, points = (float)Rand.Range(40, 100) } }); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } if (this.IntervalsPassed == 204) { _003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator0 _003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator2 = (_003CMakeIntervalIncidents_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_015f: stateMachine*/; IncidentCategory threatCategory = (IncidentCategory)((!Find.Storyteller.difficulty.allowIntroThreats) ? 1 : 2); IncidentDef incDef2; if ((from def in DefDatabase <IncidentDef> .AllDefs where def.TargetAllowed(target) && def.category == threatCategory select def).TryRandomElementByWeight <IncidentDef>((Func <IncidentDef, float>)base.IncidentChanceFinal, out incDef2)) { yield return(new FiringIncident(incDef2, this, null) { parms = StorytellerUtility.DefaultParmsNow(Find.Storyteller.def, incDef2.category, target) }); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } IncidentDef incDef; if (this.IntervalsPassed == 264 && (from def in DefDatabase <IncidentDef> .AllDefs where def.TargetAllowed(target) && def.category == IncidentCategory.Misc select def).TryRandomElementByWeight <IncidentDef>((Func <IncidentDef, float>)base.IncidentChanceFinal, out incDef)) { yield return(new FiringIncident(incDef, this, null) { parms = StorytellerUtility.DefaultParmsNow(Find.Storyteller.def, incDef.category, target) }); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } if (this.IntervalsPassed != 324) { yield break; } IncidentDef inc = IncidentDefOf.RaidEnemy; if (!Find.Storyteller.difficulty.allowIntroThreats) { inc = (from def in DefDatabase <IncidentDef> .AllDefs where def.TargetAllowed(target) && def.category == IncidentCategory.Misc select def).RandomElementByWeightWithFallback(base.IncidentChanceFinal, null); } if (inc == null) { yield break; } if (!inc.TargetAllowed(target)) { yield break; } yield return(new FiringIncident(inc, this, null) { parms = this.GenerateParms(inc.category, target) }); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } }
private static string <DebugLogTestFutureIncidents> m__3(IncidentDef x) { return(x.defName); }
private static DiaOption RequestAICoreQuest(Map map, Faction faction, Pawn negotiator) { string text = "RequestAICoreInformation".Translate(new object[] { ThingDefOf.AIPersonaCore.label, 1500.ToString() }); if (faction.PlayerGoodwill < 40) { DiaOption diaOption = new DiaOption(text); diaOption.Disable("NeedGoodwill".Translate(new object[] { 40.ToString("F0") })); return(diaOption); } IncidentDef def = IncidentDefOf.Quest_ItemStashAICore; bool flag = PlayerItemAccessibilityUtility.ItemStashHas(ThingDefOf.AIPersonaCore); IncidentParms coreIncidentParms = StorytellerUtility.DefaultParmsNow(IncidentCategoryDefOf.Misc, Find.World); coreIncidentParms.faction = faction; bool flag2 = def.Worker.CanFireNow(coreIncidentParms, false); if (flag || !flag2) { DiaOption diaOption2 = new DiaOption(text); diaOption2.Disable("NoKnownAICore".Translate(new object[] { 1500 })); return(diaOption2); } if (FactionDialogMaker.AmountSendableSilver(map) < 1500) { DiaOption diaOption3 = new DiaOption(text); diaOption3.Disable("NeedSilverLaunchable".Translate(new object[] { 1500 })); return(diaOption3); } DiaOption diaOption4 = new DiaOption(text); diaOption4.action = delegate { if (def.Worker.TryExecute(coreIncidentParms)) { TradeUtility.LaunchThingsOfType(ThingDefOf.Silver, 1500, map, null); } Current.Game.GetComponent <GameComponent_OnetimeNotification>().sendAICoreRequestReminder = false; }; string text2 = "RequestAICoreInformationResult".Translate(new object[] { faction.leader.LabelIndefinite() }).CapitalizeFirst(); = new DiaNode(text2) { options = { FactionDialogMaker.OKToRoot(faction, negotiator) } }; return(diaOption4); }
private static string <DebugTablesIncidentChances> m__2(IncidentDef d) { return(d.baseChance.ToString()); }
public override void Randomize() { incident = RandomizableIncidents().RandomElement(); }
private static float <TryChooseIncident> m__0(IncidentDef d) { return(d.baseChance); }