public void calculateDistancesThenOrientate()
            RFrame_Strut strutPull;

            foreach (GameObject strutObject in struts)
                strutPull = strutObject.GetComponent <RFrame_Strut>();
                GameObject    v1Obj = allVertices[strutPull.v1];
                GameObject    v2Obj = allVertices[strutPull.v2];
                RFrame_Vertex v1    = v1Obj.GetComponent <RFrame_Vertex>();
                RFrame_Vertex v2    = v2Obj.GetComponent <RFrame_Vertex>();
                strutPull.length = Mathf.Abs(v1.distanceToVertex(v2, false)[0]);

                // Update the line renderers.
                Vector3[] positions = { v1Obj.transform.localPosition, v2Obj.transform.localPosition };
        public void performCyclesV2(RFrame_Object[] frameObjects, int affirmPerCycle)
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            RFrame_Strut strut;

            if (frameObjects != null)
                if (frameObjects.Length == 0)
                }                                                      // Bin out if there's nothing to work on.
                //Debug.Log("Frame objects detected. Peforming cycles");
                for (int i = 0; i < affirmPerCycle; i++)
                    // Update the work align switch - Moved to here from the start of the function
                    // on the 20 March 2019.
                    workAlignSwitch = !workAlignSwitch;                     // Swap over the work alignment

                    // Pass through each frame in the array and process their vertices and struts.
                    foreach (RFrame_Object frameObject in frameObjects)
                        // Set the adjustment values per frame.
                        //adjustmentThreshhold = 0.0f; //frameObject.GetShortestStrutLength() * 0.05f;
                        affirmRatio = 1.0f;                        //adjustmentThreshhold * 0.2f;
                        // Work through strut array and affirm strut lengths
                        foreach (GameObject strutGameObject in frameObject.struts)
                            strut = strutGameObject.GetComponent <RFrame_Strut>();
                            // Collect the vertices involved with this strut.
                            RFrame_Vertex v1 = frameObject.allVertices[strut.v1].GetComponent <RFrame_Vertex>();
                            RFrame_Vertex v2 = frameObject.allVertices[strut.v2].GetComponent <RFrame_Vertex>();
                            // Get the distance between the two, along with normalised
                            // axis vector pointing in the direction of the two.
                            float[] distNormV1 = v1.distanceToVertex(v2, true);
                            strut.actualLength = distNormV1[0];                             // Record the current length to the strut.
                            // No need to call the method for the other way round.
                            // Just reverse the normals.

                            float limitDiff = strut.distanceOutFromAcceptableRange(distNormV1[0]);                            // strut.length - distNormV1[0];
                            // If the difference between the length and measured distance
                            // between the two vertices, is greater than the adjustmentThreshold
                            // variable, then adjust the vertices to the correct distance
                            // IDEA - Have a think about percentage shift bias for each vertex, depending on how many struts are connected to it.
                            //if (Mathf.Abs(limitDiff)>adjustmentThreshhold) {
                            // Calculate the translation for each vertex.
                            float v1xShift = -(limitDiff * affirmRatio * distNormV1[1]);
                            float v1yShift = -(limitDiff * affirmRatio * distNormV1[2]);
                            float v1zShift = -(limitDiff * affirmRatio * distNormV1[3]);
                            // This will simply be the reverse direction.
                            float v2xShift = -v1xShift;
                            float v2yShift = -v1yShift;
                            float v2zShift = -v1zShift;
                            // Applying the translations to the vertices.
                            // Only apply if not locked in place.
                            if (!v1.lockedInPlace)
                                v1.applyTranslationV2(v1xShift, v1yShift, v1zShift, this);
                                v1.applyTranslationV2(0, 0, 0, this);
                            if (!v2.lockedInPlace)
                                v2.applyTranslationV2(v2xShift, v2yShift, v2zShift, this);
                                v2.applyTranslationV2(0, 0, 0, this);
                        // For each vertex that was effected, have it's movement divided
                        // by the amount of effects applied to it.
                        // foreach (GameObject vertex in frameObject.allVertices) {
                        //  vertex.GetComponent<RFrame_Vertex>().finaliseTranslations(this);
                        // }
                        // Updating the line renderers
                        // RFrame_Strut strutPull;
                        // foreach (GameObject strutObj in frameObject.struts) {
                        //  strutPull = strutObj.GetComponent<RFrame_Strut>();
                        //  GameObject v1Obj = frameObject.allVertices[strutPull.v1];
                        //  GameObject v2Obj = frameObject.allVertices[strutPull.v2];
                        //  Vector3[] positions = {v1Obj.transform.position,v2Obj.transform.position};
                        //  strutPull.updateLineRenderPositions(positions);
                        // }

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