public void LaunchNuclearBomb(PlayerShip ship) { NBombWasUsedThisWave = true; for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++) { BaseEnemy e = Entities[i] as BaseEnemy; if (e != null) { if (e.Location.Y + e.AABB.Height > 0) { e.TakeDamage(999, ship.Owner); } } } ABH.Reset(); }
public void Visit(PlayerShip pShip) { if (Location.X < Engine.Instance.Width / 2) { VelocityX = -1.5f; } else { VelocityX = 1.5f; } VelocityY = 9f; Engine.Instance.ActiveState = new Shop(pShip.Owner); Shop.IsFirstVisit = false; IsGoingHome = true; }
void PickupWeapon(PlayerShip pShip, eEnemyGunType gunType) { BaseGun wpn = pShip.GetGun(gunType); if (wpn != null) { if (wpn.CanUpgradeTier) { wpn.UpgradeTier(); pShip.UpdateAquiredGuns(); // This is needed to set the background box from green to purple. } else { pShip.Heal(DOUBLE_PICKUP_HEAL_AMOUNT); } } else { pShip.AddGun(gunType); } }
void HandleCollision() { #region Pickups foreach (PlayerShip pShip in PlayerShips) { for (int i = 0; i < Pickups.Count; i++) { if (pShip.AABB.Intersects(new Rectangle(Pickups[i].Location.Xi(), Pickups[i].Location.Yi(), 32, 32))) { switch (Pickups[i].PickupType) { case ePickupType.HP: pShip.Heal(65); break; case ePickupType.Boom1: PickupWeapon(pShip, eEnemyGunType.Boom1Enemy); break; case ePickupType.Aim: PickupWeapon(pShip, eEnemyGunType.AutoAim); break; case ePickupType.Missile: PickupWeapon(pShip, eEnemyGunType.Missile); break; case ePickupType.Speed: if (!pShip.UpgradeSpeed()) { pShip.Heal(DOUBLE_PICKUP_HEAL_AMOUNT); } break; case ePickupType.Shield: if (!pShip.UpgradeShield()) { pShip.Heal(DOUBLE_PICKUP_HEAL_AMOUNT); } pShip.Shield.CurrentHP += 7; break; case ePickupType.DualMissile: PickupWeapon(pShip, eEnemyGunType.DualMissile45); break; case ePickupType.ShieldRegen: if (!pShip.UpgradeShieldRegen()) { pShip.Heal(DOUBLE_PICKUP_HEAL_AMOUNT); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } Pickups[i].IsDisposed = true; pShip.Owner.Score += (int)((5 + WaveNr) * Level.Instance.ScoreModifier); } } } #endregion #region Scrapstation if (ActiveScrapStation != null && !ActiveScrapStation.IsGoingHome) { if (PlayerShips[0].AABB.Intersects(ActiveScrapStation.AABB)) { foreach (Rectangle2 rect in PlayerShips[0].CollisionRects) { foreach (Rectangle2 rect2 in ActiveScrapStation.CollisionRects) { if (rect.Absolute.Intersects(rect2.Absolute)) { ActiveScrapStation.Visit(PlayerShips[0]); return; } } } } } #endregion #region Other Collisions // A note about the 'is' operator performance: for (int y = 0; y < BroadPhase.GRID_CNT; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < BroadPhase.GRID_CNT; x++) { if (BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities.Count; i++) { PlayerShip pShip = BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities[i] as PlayerShip; if (pShip != null) { for (int j = 0; j < BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities.Count; j++) { // Player <--> enemy projectile BaseProjectile p = BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities[j] as BaseProjectile; if (p != null) { if (p.Owner == null && !p.IsDisposed && pShip.AABB.Intersects(BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities[j].AABB)) { foreach (Rectangle2 rect in pShip.CollisionRects) { if (p.AABB.Intersects(rect.Absolute)) { pShip.TakeDamage(p.Damage); p.IsDisposed = true; break; } } } } // Player <--> enemy collision else { BaseEnemy e = BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities[j] as BaseEnemy; if (e != null) { if (!e.IsDisposed && pShip.AABB.Intersects(e.AABB)) { foreach (Rectangle2 rect in pShip.CollisionRects) { if (e.AABB.Intersects(rect.Absolute)) { pShip.TakeDamage(e.CollisionDamage); pShip.Owner.Kills++; e.Die(); break; } } } } } } } // enemy <--> player projectile else if (BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities[i] is BaseEnemy) { BaseEnemy e = (BaseEnemy)BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities[i]; for (int j = 0; j < BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities.Count; j++) { BaseProjectile p = BroadPhase.Instance.Blocks[x, y].Entities[j] as BaseProjectile; if (p != null) { if (p.Owner != null && e.AABB.Intersects(p.AABB) && !p.IsDisposed) { e.TakeDamage(p.Damage, p.Owner); p.IsDisposed = true; } } } } } } } } #endregion }
public Level(int startingWave, int dropRateModifier, int waveDelayInMS, int area, float scoreModifier, string music, ePlaneType planeType, string shipName) { // Music Music = music; MP3MusicMgr.Instance.PlayMusic(music); ScoreModifier = scoreModifier; WaveNr = startingWave; ItemEnemy.LastWaveSpawn = WaveNr; DropRateModifier = dropRateModifier; SpawnDelayTimer = new SimpleTimer(waveDelayInMS); ScrollBG = new ScrollBG("bg0" + area.ToString()); Shop.IsFirstVisit = true; if (area == 3 || area == 4) { MG1.MGDrawColor = Color.DarkRed; MG2.MGDrawColor = Color.DarkBlue; } else { MG1.MGDrawColor = MG2.MGDrawColor = Color.White; } WaveNrSB = new StringBuilder(startingWave.ToString(), 2); BroadPhase.Instance = new BroadPhase(128); BroadPhase.Instance.Init(); Level.Instance = this; #region Generic Pools MGPool = new Pool <MG1>(25, true, g => !g.IsDisposed, () => MG1.PoolConstructor()); MG2Pool = new Pool <MG2>(1, true, g => !g.IsDisposed, () => MG2.PoolConstructor()); AutoAimPool = new Pool <AutoAim>(100, true, g => !g.IsDisposed, () => AutoAim.PoolConstructor()); BoomPool = new Pool <Boom1>(100, true, g => !g.IsDisposed, () => Boom1.PoolConstructor()); MissilePool = new Pool <Missile>(80, true, g => !g.IsDisposed, () => Missile.PoolConstructor()); DualMissile45Pool = new Pool <DualMissile45>(80, true, g => !g.IsDisposed, () => DualMissile45.PoolConstructor()); // Enemies StraightEnemyPool = new Pool <StraightEnemy>(200, true, e => !e.IsDisposed, () => StraightEnemy.PoolConstructor()); SuiciderEnemyPool = new Pool <SuiciderEnemy>(60, true, e => !e.IsDisposed, () => SuiciderEnemy.PoolConstructor()); ItemEnemyPool = new Pool <ItemEnemy>(10, true, e => !e.IsDisposed, () => ItemEnemy.PoolConstructor()); ZigZagEnemyPool = new Pool <ZigZagEnemy>(130, true, e => !e.IsDisposed, () => ZigZagEnemy.PoolConstructor()); BombardEnemyPool = new Pool <BombardEnemy>(60, true, e => !e.IsDisposed, () => BombardEnemy.PoolConstructor()); Dual45EnemyPool = new Pool <Dual45Enemy>(60, true, e => !e.IsDisposed, () => Dual45Enemy.PoolConstructor()); SideEnemyPool = new Pool <SideEnemy>(10, true, e => !e.IsDisposed, () => SideEnemy.PoolConstructor()); // Explosions ExplosionPool = new Pool <Visual>(100, true, v => !v.IsDisposed, () => Visual.PoolConstructor()); // Scrap station ScrapStationPool = new Pool <ScrapStation>(2, true, s => !s.IsDisposed, () => ScrapStation.PoolConstructor()); #endregion Players.Add(new Player()); // Projectile pool for (int i = 0; i < PROJECTILE_POOL_MAX; i++) { ProjectilePool.Add(new BaseProjectile()); } // Pickup pool for (int i = 0; i < PICKUP_MAX; i++) { PickupPool.Add(new Pickup()); } // Increase the spawn delay every 5 waves int spawnDelayIncs = WaveNr / 5; for (int i = 0; i < spawnDelayIncs; i++) { SpawnDelayTimer.TimeInMS += SPAWN_DELAY_INCREASE; } // Add starting resources for (int i = 1; i <= startingWave; i++) { if (i < 5) { for (int j = 0; j < Players.Count; j++) { Players[j].Score += 150; } } else { for (int j = 0; j < Players.Count; j++) { Players[j].Score += 500; } } // Limit score to ~15000 if (Players[0].Score >= 15000) { break; } } // Spawn scrap station if starting wave # >=20 if (startingWave >= 20) { SpawnScrapStation(); } #region Player PlayerShip ps = new PlayerShip(PlayerIndex.One, new Vector2(500, 400), Players[0]); ps.SetPlaneType(planeType, shipName); // Bonus speed & shield regen int bonusSpeedUpgrades = startingWave / 10; for (int i = 0; i < bonusSpeedUpgrades; i++) { ps.UpgradeSpeed(); ps.UpgradeShieldRegen(); } // Add mg MG1 mg = MGPool.New(); mg.Initialize(new Vector2(5, ps.Height - 20), new Vector2(ps.Width - 5 - 8, ps.Height - 20), ps.Owner); ps.Guns.Add(mg); Entities.Add(ps); PlayerShips.Add(ps); #endregion // Pause PauseLocation = Common.CenterString(PausedFont, PAUSE_TEXT, Engine.Instance.Width, Engine.Instance.Height); // Collect Garbage System.GC.Collect(); }