public static void getsynonyms(string word, int id)
            //List<string> synonymsfromdiction = new List<string>();
            var client1 = new HttpClient();

                new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
            client1.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("app_id", "98d8def0");
            client1.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("app_key", "5b8263cc08b590ecafffdfd213e39704");

            var response = client1.GetAsync("" + word + "/synonyms").Result;

            string content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

            if (isValidJSON(content) == true)
                jsonToCSV(content, id);

                Console.WriteLine("word without synonym {0}", word);
                graphdb elsewordgraph = new graphdb();
                elsewordgraph.csvtographdbfunction(id, word);
        public static void jsonToCSV(string jsonContent, int id)
            var obj = JObject.Parse(jsonContent);

            // Collect column titles: all property names whose values are of type JValue, distinct, in order of encountering them.
            var values = obj.DescendantsAndSelf()
                         .OfType <JProperty>()
                         .Where(p => p.Value is JValue)
                         .GroupBy(p => p.Name)

            var columns = values.Select(g => g.Key).ToArray();

            // Filter JObjects that have child objects that have values.
            var parentsWithChildren = values.SelectMany(g => g).SelectMany(v => v.AncestorsAndSelf().OfType <JObject>().Skip(1)).ToHashSet();

            // Collect all data rows: for every object, go through the column titles and get the value of that property in the closest ancestor or self that has a value of that name.
            var rows = obj
                       .OfType <JObject>()
                       .Where(o => o.PropertyValues().OfType <JValue>().Any())
                       .Where(o => o == obj || !parentsWithChildren.Contains(o)) // Show a row for the root object + objects that have no children.
                       .Select(o => columns.Select(c => o.AncestorsAndSelf()
                                                   .OfType <JObject>()
                                                   .Select(parent => parent[c])
                                                   .Where(v => v is JValue)
                                                   .Select(v => (string)v)
                               .Reverse() // Trim trailing nulls
                               .SkipWhile(s => s == null)

            // Convert to CSV
            var csvRows = new[] { columns }.Concat(rows).Select(r => string.Join(",", r));
            var csv = string.Join("\n", csvRows);

            //File.SetAttributes("../../../../../home/neo4j/import/export.csv", FileAttributes.Normal);
            File.WriteAllText("../../../../../home/neo4j/import/export.csv", csv);
            File.SetAttributes("../../../../../home/neo4j/import/export.csv", FileAttributes.Normal);
            //File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\import\export.csv", csv);
            graphdb objgraphdb = new graphdb();
