Esempio n. 1
        public Player(int playerNumber, PlayerType type)
            this.playerNumber = playerNumber;

            this.currentPosition = null;
            this.possibleMoves = Move.getPossibleMoves(Core.drawCube.cube, currentPosition);

            this.type = type;

            if (type == PlayerType.AI)
                switch (playerNumber)
                    case 1:

                        setAIFunc(Config.getValue("ai", "player_one"));

                    case 2:

                        setAIFunc(Config.getValue("ai", "player_two"));
Esempio n. 2
        //For now to start the "tree" pass in the player's last move and our as false. Then it will generate the first level of all possible AI moves
        public State(Player ai, Player opponent, byte[, ,] board, Move move, bool ourMove)
            this.AIPlayer = new Player(ai);
            this.opponent = new Player(opponent);

            this.gameBoard = new byte[Cube.cubeDimension, Cube.cubeDimension, Cube.cubeDimension];
            for (int x = 0; x < Cube.cubeDimension; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Cube.cubeDimension; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < Cube.cubeDimension; z++)
                        this.gameBoard[x, y, z] = board[x, y, z];

            this.ourMove = ourMove;
            this.generatorMove = move;

                if (move != null)
                    Move.fakeMove(this.gameBoard, this.opponent, move);
                if (move != null)
                    Move.fakeMove(this.gameBoard, this.AIPlayer, move);

            switch (AIPlayer.playerNumber)
                case 1:
                    this.value = playerOneEvalFunc(this);

                case 2:
                    this.value = playerTwoEvalFunc(this);
Esempio n. 3
        public Player(Player that)
            this.type = that.type;
            this.playerNumber = that.playerNumber;

            if (that.currentPosition == null)
                this.currentPosition = null;
                this.currentPosition = new Move(that.currentPosition);
Esempio n. 4
        public static void addShadows(byte[, ,] board, Move start, Move end)
            if (start == null)

            if (Config.convertSettingToBool("game", "shadow_line"))

                board[start.row, start.col, start.distance] = (byte)Cube.SHADOW;
Esempio n. 5
 public static void fakeMove(byte[, ,] board, Player movingPlayer, Move move)
     if (movingPlayer.currentPosition == null)
         board[move.row, move.col, move.distance] = (byte)movingPlayer.playerNumber;
         movingPlayer.currentPosition = move;
     else if(movingPlayer.currentPosition.Equals(move))
         board[move.row, move.col, move.distance] = (byte)movingPlayer.playerNumber;
         addShadows(board, movingPlayer.currentPosition, move);
         movingPlayer.currentPosition = move;
Esempio n. 6
        public void fillSmallCube(Move location)
            //Bottom Face
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);

            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);

            //Top Face
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1 ) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);

            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);

            //Front Face
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//Origin
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//y++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//x and y ++

            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//Origin
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//x++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//x and y ++

            //Back Face
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//z++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//y and z++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//end

            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//z++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//x and z++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//end

            //Left Face
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//Origin
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//z++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//y and z++

            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//Origin
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//y++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + location.col * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//y and z++

            //Right Face
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//x++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//x and z++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//end

            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.row * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//x++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + location.distance * cubeSize);//x and y++
            GL.Vertex3(startCoordinate + (location.col + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.row + 1) * cubeSize, startCoordinate + (location.distance + 1) * cubeSize);//end
Esempio n. 7
        public static List<Move> getPossibleMoves(byte[, ,] board, Move currentPosition)
            List<Move> possibleMoves = new List<Move>();

            //if we just started and are placing our piece we can go anywhere that isn't already taken
            if (currentPosition == null)
                for (int z = 0; z < Cube.cubeDimension; z++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < Cube.cubeDimension; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < Cube.cubeDimension; x++)
                            if (board[x, y, z] == Cube.EMPTY)
                                possibleMoves.Add(new Move(x, y, z));

                return possibleMoves;

            //Log.writeDebug("The move sent to get possible moves is: " + currentPosition.ToString());

            if (Config.convertSettingToBool("game", "rock_move"))
                for (int left = (currentPosition.col + 1); left < Cube.cubeDimension; left++)
                    if (board[currentPosition.row, left, currentPosition.distance] == Cube.EMPTY)
                        possibleMoves.Add(new Move(currentPosition.row, left, currentPosition.distance));

                for (int right = (currentPosition.col - 1); right >= 0; right--)
                    if (board[currentPosition.row, right, currentPosition.distance] == Cube.EMPTY)
                        possibleMoves.Add(new Move(currentPosition.row, right, currentPosition.distance));

                for (int front = (currentPosition.distance - 1); front >= 0; front--)
                    if (board[currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col, front] == Cube.EMPTY)
                        possibleMoves.Add(new Move(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col, front));

                for (int back = (currentPosition.distance + 1); back < Cube.cubeDimension; back++)
                    if (board[currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col, back] == Cube.EMPTY)
                        possibleMoves.Add(new Move(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col, back));

                for (int up = (currentPosition.row + 1); up < Cube.cubeDimension; up++)
                    if (board[up, currentPosition.col, currentPosition.distance] == Cube.EMPTY)
                        possibleMoves.Add(new Move(up, currentPosition.col, currentPosition.distance));

                for(int down = (currentPosition.row - 1); down >= 0 ; down--)
                    if (board[down, currentPosition.col, currentPosition.distance] == Cube.EMPTY)
                        possibleMoves.Add(new Move(down, currentPosition.col, currentPosition.distance));

                /*if (possibleMoves.Count < 25)
                    Log.writeDebug("The possible moves are:");

                    foreach (Move move in possibleMoves)
                        Log.writeDebug("    " + move.ToString());
            if(Config.convertSettingToBool("game", "horizontal_queen_move"))

            if(Config.convertSettingToBool("game", "vertical_queen_move"))


            return possibleMoves;
Esempio n. 8
 public Move(Move that)
     this.row = that.row;
     this.col = that.col;
     this.distance = that.distance;
Esempio n. 9
        public bool tryMove(Move move)
            if (possibleMoves.Contains(move))
                //Fill in all of the moves between where we are and where we are going.
                Core.drawCube.cube[move.row, move.col, move.distance] = (byte)playerNumber;
                if (currentPosition != null)
                    //Core.drawCube.cube[currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col, currentPosition.distance] = (byte)Cube.SHADOW;
                    Move.addShadows(Core.drawCube.cube, currentPosition, move);

                Log.writeSpecial("Player has moved to: " + move.ToString());

                currentPosition = move;

                return true;
                return false;
Esempio n. 10
        public void makeMove(State currentState)
            if (type != PlayerType.AI)
                MainMethod.die("Player.makeMove : makeMove called on a human player.");

            Move move = aiFunc(currentState);

            if (move == null)

            //Log.writeSpecial("Move sent back by AI is: " + move.ToString());

            Core.drawCube.cube[move.row, move.col, move.distance] = (byte)playerNumber;
            Move.addShadows(Core.drawCube.cube, currentPosition, move);
            currentPosition = move;