private static void ResourceSet2Resx(ResourceSet resourceSet, Stream outputStream, string xsltFileName)
            Stream temporaryStream;

            // If xslt was provided then use a temporary memory stream to save
            // content. Later the content will be saved to final output stream after
            // xsl transformation. If xslt was not provided then save to the given output stream.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xsltFileName))
                temporaryStream = new MemoryStream();
                temporaryStream = outputStream;

            ResourceSet2Resx(resourceSet, temporaryStream);

            // if xslt was provided then convert the output stream
            // using that xslt file
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xsltFileName))
                // move current position of temporary stream to beginning because previous method
                // left it at the end after completing writing to it
                temporaryStream.Position = 0;

                ApplyXslt(temporaryStream, xsltFileName, outputStream);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a .resx file (given it's full file path) into a <see cref="ResourceSet"/>
        /// </summary>
        private static void Resx2ResourceSet(ResourceSet resourceSet, string file, string xsltFile)
            Stream inputStream = File.OpenRead(file);

            // if xslt was provided then do not use the file directly.
            // convert it using xslt and use output instead
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xsltFile))
                var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
                ApplyXslt(inputStream, xsltFile, outputStream);
                inputStream = outputStream;

            using (inputStream)
                Resx2ResourceSet(resourceSet, inputStream);
        internal static void ResourceSet2Resx(ResourceSet resourceSet, Stream stream)
            var writer = new ResXResourceWriter(stream);
            var orderedResourceItems = resourceSet.Values.OrderBy(ri => ri.Name);

            foreach (ResourceItem resourceItem in orderedResourceItems)
                var resourceNode = new ResXDataNode(resourceItem.Name, resourceItem.Value);

                // create comment from actual comment and other metadata (maxlenght, locked etc)
                var comment = resourceItem.Comment;

                var resourceStringItem = resourceItem as ResourceStringItem;
                if (resourceStringItem != null && resourceStringItem.MaxLength != ResourceStringItem.UnlimitedLength)
                    comment = resourceStringItem.MaxLength + "#" + comment;
                else if (resourceItem.LockedReason == LockedReason.DeveloperLock)
                    comment = "#" + comment;
                else if (resourceItem.ReviewPending)
                    comment = "?" + comment;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                    resourceNode.Comment = comment;

                // check for empty value. empty values should not exist
                // to resource files so that the corresponding values from the neutral
                // resource file is used instead
                // Update: This should not be checked for neutral culture
                if (resourceSet.Culture == "neutral" || !resourceItem.ValueEmpty)

            writer.Generate();  // this command behaves like flush in a stream. it writes to the stream behind all pending changes.
        private static void ResourceSet2Resx(ResourceSet resourceSet, string file, string xsltFileName)
            // copy target file (if already exists) to temporary location, just in case operation fails
            string temporaryFileName = null;

            if (File.Exists(file))
                temporaryFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());
                File.Copy(file, temporaryFileName);

            // delete target file

                using (var outputStream = File.Open(file, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                    ResourceSet2Resx(resourceSet, outputStream, xsltFileName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(temporaryFileName))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Failed to write to '{0}'.", file), ex);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Failed to write to '{0}'. Original content of the file can be found here '{1}'.", file, temporaryFileName), ex);

            // delete temporary file (if one was created) now that everything went fine
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temporaryFileName))
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a .resx file (given a stream with it's content) into the given <see cref="ResourceSet"/>
        /// </summary>
        internal static void Resx2ResourceSet(ResourceSet resourceSet, Stream stream)
            ResourceItem       resourceItem;
            ResourceStringItem resourceStringItem;
            string             resourceComment;
            ResXDataNode       res;
            object             value;
            var reader = new ResXResourceReader(stream);

            reader.UseResXDataNodes = true;

            var assemblyNames = new System.Reflection.AssemblyName[] { };   // this is used as parameter of GetValue since there is no overload that accepts no parameter

            foreach (DictionaryEntry item in reader)
                res = (ResXDataNode)item.Value;

                // resource item has file reference then special care must be taken
                if (res.FileRef == null)
                    value = res.GetValue(assemblyNames);
                    value = res.FileRef;

                resourceComment = res.Comment;

                int sharpPosition = -1;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceComment))
                    sharpPosition = resourceComment.IndexOf("#", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                if (resourceComment == null)
                    resourceComment = string.Empty;

                if (value != null)
                    switch (value.GetType().Name)
                    case "String":
                        resourceStringItem = new ResourceStringItem();
                        resourceItem       = resourceStringItem;

                        if (sharpPosition > 0)
                            int tempValue;

                            if (int.TryParse(resourceComment.Substring(0, sharpPosition), out tempValue))
                                resourceStringItem.MaxLength = tempValue;
                                resourceComment = resourceComment.Substring(sharpPosition + 1);


                        resourceItem = new ResourceItem();
                    resourceItem = new ResourceItem();

                resourceItem.Name  = res.Name;
                resourceItem.Value = value;
                LockedReason resourceLockedReason = LockedReason.Unknown;

                // lock local value if base comment begins with #
                bool resourceLocked;
                if (sharpPosition == 0)
                    resourceLocked       = true;
                    resourceLockedReason = LockedReason.DeveloperLock;
                    resourceComment      = resourceComment.Substring(1);
                    resourceLocked = false;

                if (resourceItem.Name.StartsWith(">>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    resourceLocked       = true;
                    resourceLockedReason = LockedReason.FrameworkLock;

                if (resourceComment.StartsWith("@", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    resourceLocked       = true;
                    resourceLockedReason = LockedReason.ResexMetadata;

                if (resourceComment.StartsWith("?", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    resourceComment            = resourceComment.Substring(1);
                    resourceItem.ReviewPending = true;

                resourceItem.Comment      = resourceComment;
                resourceItem.Locked       = resourceLocked;
                resourceItem.LockedReason = resourceLockedReason;

                // add item to collection
                resourceSet.Add(resourceItem.Name, resourceItem);
        public virtual ResourceBundle Load(string fileName)
            var baseFileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName);
            var basePath     = baseFileInfo.DirectoryName ?? string.Empty;

            // if extension of input file is not .resx and an xslt file to convert an xml into valid resx exists, then use it
            // else consider that the input file is .resx already
            string xsltFile = string.Empty;

            if (!string.Equals(baseFileInfo.Extension, ".resx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var xsltFullPath = Path.Combine(basePath, xsltConvertToResx);
                xsltFile = FileSystem.FileExists(xsltFullPath) ? xsltFullPath : null;

            var extractCultureFromFile = new ResxExtractCultureFromFileStrategy();

            // define the search patterh (eg. MyFile.*.resx) that will be used to detect files of
            // other cultures, given the input file
            string searchPattern      = fileName;
            var    cultureOfInputFile = extractCultureFromFile.GetCulture(baseFileInfo.Name);

            if (cultureOfInputFile != ResourceSet.NeutralCulture)
                // if input file contains culture information, then remove it
                searchPattern = extractCultureFromFile.ReplaceCulture(searchPattern, string.Empty);
                baseFileInfo  = new FileInfo(searchPattern);

            // put a wildcard before the extension
            searchPattern = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(searchPattern) + "*" + baseFileInfo.Extension;

            var resourceBundle = new ResourceBundle();

            foreach (string file in this.FileSystem.GetFiles(basePath, searchPattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                    if (baseFileInfo.FullName == extractCultureFromFile.ReplaceCulture(file, string.Empty))
                        var culture = extractCultureFromFile.GetCulture(file);

                        // If neutral culture was detected for the second time, we are skipping the file
                        // There are two reasons that this can happen:
                        // a) The ResxExtractCultureFromFileStrategy failed to detect a know culture the file name and returned neutral
                        // b) File name is not part of the same resource bundle but happens to have similar name that pas the same prefix and .resx extension
                        // eg. our main file name could be MyFile.resx and this file name could be MyFile.Version2.resx
                        if (culture == ResourceSet.NeutralCulture && resourceBundle.ContainsCulture(culture))

                        var resourceSet = new ResourceSet(culture);
                        Resx2ResourceSet(resourceSet, file, xsltFile);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Failed to open file '{0}'", file), ex);
