Esempio n. 1
 public UsersListItemDto(User user)
     Id = user.Id;
     //number = number;
     FullName = user.FullName; //user.LastName+" "+user.FirstName+" "+user.MiddleName;
     //branch = user.Branch;
     //department = user.Department;
     //position = user.Position;
     Login = user.Login;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// В строке показываем список руководителей для инициатора текущей заявки.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="curUser">Инициатор.</param>
 /// <param name="ManagerLevel">Урвоень руководителей, список которых нужно показать.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected string GetManagers(User curUser, int ManagerLevel)
     string ManagersStr = string.Empty;
     if (curUser.Level > ManagerLevel)
         IList<User> managers = DepartmentDao.GetDepartmentManagers(curUser.Department.Id, true)
                     .Where<User>(x => x.Level == ManagerLevel && x.RoleId == (int)UserRole.Manager)
                     .OrderBy(x => x.IsMainManager)
                     .ThenBy(x => x.Name)
         //список руководителей
         foreach (var item in managers)
             ManagersStr += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ManagersStr) ? "" : ", ") + item.Name + "(" + item.Position.Name + ")";
     return ManagersStr;
Esempio n. 3
 public Question(User user,string text)
     _user = user;
     _date = DateTime.Now;
     _text = text;
Esempio n. 4
        protected void SetManagerInfoModel(User user, ManagerInfoModel model,Appointment appointment,
            AppointmentReport appointmentReport)
            if(appointmentReport != null)
                model.StaffName = appointmentReport.Creator.FullName;
            else if(appointment != null)
                AppointmentReport rep = AppointmentReportDao.LoadForAppointmentId(appointment.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                if(rep != null)
                    model.StaffName = rep.Creator.FullName;

            #region Заполнение списка вышестоящих руководителей

            IList<User> chiefs = GetChiefsForManager(user.Id)
                //.Where<User>(chief => chief.Level >= 4)
                .OrderByDescending<User, int?>(chief => chief.Level)

            // + руководители по ручным привязкам
            IList<User> manualRoleManagers = ManualRoleRecordDao.GetManualRoleHoldersForUser(user.Id, UserManualRole.ApprovesEmployment);
            foreach (var manualRoleManager in manualRoleManagers)
                if (!chiefs.Contains(manualRoleManager))

            StringBuilder chiefsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var chief in chiefs)
                chiefsBuilder.AppendFormat("{0} ({1}), ", chief.Name, chief.Position == null ? "<не указана>" : chief.Position.Name);
            // Cut off trailing ", "
            if (chiefsBuilder.Length >= 2)
                chiefsBuilder.Remove(chiefsBuilder.Length - 2, 2);

            model.Chiefs = chiefsBuilder.ToString();

            model.DocumentNumber = appointment.Number.ToString();
            model.Department = user.Department == null ? string.Empty : user.Department.Name;
            model.Organization = user.Organization != null ? user.Organization.Name : string.Empty;
            model.Position = user.Position != null ? user.Position.Name : string.Empty;
            model.UserName = user.FullName;
            model.ManagerId = user.Id;
Esempio n. 5
        protected void SetFlagsState(int id, User current,UserRole  currRole, Appointment entity, AppointmentEditModel model)
            SetFlagsState(model, false);
            if (entity != null)
                model.NonActual = entity.NonActual;
                var candidates = entity.Candidates!=null?entity.Candidates.Where(x => x.Status != Reports.Core.Enum.EmploymentStatus.REJECTED):null;
                if (candidates == null || !candidates.Any())
                    model.IsNonActualButtonAvailable = true;
            model.StaffBossId = ConfigurationService.StaffBossId.HasValue?ConfigurationService.StaffBossId.Value:0;
            if(model.Id == 0)
                if ((currRole & UserRole.Manager) != UserRole.Manager && currRole!= UserRole.StaffManager)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(StrUserNotManager, current.Id));
                model.IsEditable = true;
                model.IsSaveAvailable = true;
                model.IsManagerApproveAvailable = true;
                model.ApproveForAllAvailable = true;
            model.IsManagerApproved = entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue;
            model.IsChiefApproved = entity.ChiefDateAccept.HasValue;
            //model.IsPersonnelApproved = entity.PersonnelDateAccept.HasValue;
            model.IsStaffApproved = entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue;
            model.IsDeleted = entity.DeleteDate.HasValue;
            if (entity.AcceptManager != null && entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue)
                model.ManagerFio = entity.AcceptManager.FullName;
            if (entity.AcceptChief != null && entity.ChiefDateAccept.HasValue)
                model.ChiefFio = entity.AcceptChief.FullName;
            //if (entity.AcceptPersonnel != null && entity.PersonnelDateAccept.HasValue)
            //    model.PersonnelFio = entity.AcceptPersonnel.FullName;
            if (entity.AcceptStaff != null && entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue)
                model.StaffFio = entity.AcceptStaff.FullName;

            bool isApprovedReportExists = AppointmentReportDao.IsApprovedReportForAppointmentIdExists(entity.Id);
                model.DeleteUser = entity.DeleteUser.FullName;
                if (entity.AcceptStaff != null)
                    model.IsStaffReceiveRejectMail = true;
                // todo Need flag on entity ?
                /*if (entity.AcceptStaff != null)
                    model.StaffFio = entity.AcceptStaff.FullName;*/
            switch (currRole)
                case UserRole.Manager:
                    if(current.Id == entity.Creator.Id && !entity.DeleteDate.HasValue)
                                model.IsManagerRejectAvailable = true;
                            if (!entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue)
                                model.IsManagerApproveAvailable = true;
                                model.IsEditable = true;
                                if (entity.BankAccountantAccept.HasValue)
                                    model.IsChiefApproveAvailable = IsManagerChiefForCreator(current, entity.Creator) && entity.BankAccountantAccept.Value;

                                { if (entity.Reason.Id == 3 || entity.Reason.Id == 6)  model.IsChiefApproveAvailable = IsManagerChiefForCreator(current, entity.Creator); }
                    else if (!entity.DeleteDate.HasValue
                            && entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue
                            && entity.Creator.Id != current.Id
                            && IsManagerChiefForCreator(current, entity.Creator))
                            if (!isApprovedReportExists)
                                model.IsManagerRejectAvailable = true;
                            if (!entity.ChiefDateAccept.HasValue && entity.BankAccountantAccept.HasValue && entity.IsVacationExists && entity.BankAccountantAcceptCount>0)
                                model.IsChiefApproveAvailable = true;
                            else if (!entity.ChiefDateAccept.HasValue)
                                if (entity.Reason.Id == 3 || entity.Reason.Id == 6) model.IsChiefApproveAvailable = IsManagerChiefForCreator(current, entity.Creator);
                case UserRole.StaffManager:
                    if (!entity.DeleteDate.HasValue )
                        if(entity.ChiefDateAccept.HasValue && !entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue)
                            model.IsStaffApproveAvailable = true;
                        if (!entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue && model.StaffCreatorId == current.Id)
                            model.ApproveForAllAvailable = true;
                            if (!isApprovedReportExists)
                                model.IsManagerRejectAvailable = true;
                            if (!entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue)
                                model.IsEditable = true;
                                model.IsManagerApproveAvailable = true;
                case UserRole.Estimator:
                case UserRole.OutsourcingManager:
                case UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel:
                case UserRole.Security:
                case UserRole.PersonnelManager:
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Недопустимая роль {0}",currRole));

            if ((entity.Creator.Id == current.Id || (entity.StaffCreator!=null && entity.StaffCreator.Id==current.Id)) && !entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue)
                model.IsEditable = true;
                model.IsManagerApproveAvailable = true;
            model.IsSaveAvailable = model.IsEditable || model.IsManagerApproveAvailable || ((CurrentUser.UserRole & UserRole.StaffManager)>0)
                || model.IsChiefApproveAvailable || model.IsStaffApproveAvailable || (currRole == UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel && (model.IsVacationExists != 1 || model.BankAccountantAccept != true || model.BankAccountantAcceptCount < int.Parse(model.VacationCount)));
Esempio n. 6
 protected EmailDto SendEmailForBankAccountantReject(User user, Appointment entity)
     string BankAccountantEmail = user.Email;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BankAccountantEmail))
         throw new ValidationException("У пользователя нет почты");
     string body = String.Format("Заявка №{0} от {1} на поиск кандидата не одобрена.", entity.Number, entity.CreateDate);
     string subject = "Заявка на поиск сотрудника не одобрена";
     return SendEmail(BankAccountantEmail, subject, body);
Esempio n. 7
 protected EmailDto SendEmailForAppointmentReject(User user, Appointment entity)
     string to = string.Empty;
     if (entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue)
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.AcceptManager.Email))
             to += entity.AcceptManager.Email;
             Log.ErrorFormat("No email for manager (id {0})",entity.AcceptManager.Id);
     if (entity.ChiefDateAccept.HasValue)
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.AcceptChief.Email))
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                 to = entity.AcceptChief.Email;
                 to += ";" + entity.AcceptChief.Email;
             Log.ErrorFormat("No email for chief (id {0})", entity.AcceptChief.Id);
     /*if (entity.PersonnelDateAccept.HasValue)
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.AcceptPersonnel.Email))
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                 to = entity.AcceptPersonnel.Email;
                 to += ";" + entity.AcceptPersonnel.Email;
             Log.ErrorFormat("No email for personnel (id {0})", entity.AcceptPersonnel.Id);
     if (entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue)
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.AcceptStaff.Email))
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                 to = entity.AcceptStaff.Email;
                 to += ";" + entity.AcceptStaff.Email;
             Log.ErrorFormat("No email for staff (id {0})", entity.AcceptStaff.Id);
     string body;
     string subject = GetSubjectAndBodyForAppointmentRejectRequest(user, entity, out body);
     return SendEmail(to, subject, body);
Esempio n. 8
 protected EmailDto SendEmailForAppointmentChiefAccept(User chief, Appointment entity)
     string staffManagerEmail = ConfigurationService.AppointmentStaffManagerEmail;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staffManagerEmail))
         throw new ValidationException(StrEmailForStaffManagerNotFound);
     string body;
     string subject = GetSubjectAndBodyForAppointmentManagerAcceptRequest(chief, entity, out body);
     return SendEmail(staffManagerEmail, subject, body);
Esempio n. 9
 protected string GetSubjectAndBodyForManagerAcceptRequest(User user, DateTime acceptDate, out string body)
     body = string.Format("Пользователь {0} подтвердил ввод заявок за неделю {1} - {2}",
     const string subject = "Подтверждение ввода заявок";
     return subject;
Esempio n. 10
 public IdNameReadonlyDto GetDepartmentDto(User user)
         (AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole & UserRole.Employee) == UserRole.Employee
             ? new IdNameReadonlyDto
                       Id = user.Department == null ? 0 : user.Department.Id,
                       Name = user.Department == null ? string.Empty : user.Department.Name,
                       IsReadOnly = true,
             : new IdNameReadonlyDto
                       Id = 0,
                       Name = string.Empty,
                       IsReadOnly = false,
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Сохраняем изменения в справочнике штатных единиц.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Текущая заявка.</param>
        /// <param name="curUser">текущий пользователь.</param>
        /// <param name="error">Сообщение об ошибке.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool SaveStaffEstablishedPostReference(StaffEstablishedPostRequest entity, User curUser, out string error)
            error = string.Empty;
            StaffEstablishedPost sep = entity.StaffEstablishedPost != null ? StaffEstablishedPostDao.Get(entity.StaffEstablishedPost.Id) : new StaffEstablishedPost();
            //если заявка на создание, создаем новую запись и делаем в заявке на нее ссылку
            if (entity.RequestType.Id == 1 || entity.RequestType.Id == 4)
                sep.Position = entity.Position;
                sep.Department = entity.Department;
                sep.Quantity = 0;// entity.Quantity;
                sep.Salary = entity.Salary;
                sep.IsUsed = true;
                sep.BeginAccountDate = entity.BeginAccountDate;
                sep.Creator = curUser;
                sep.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;

            //изменилось количество изменяем количество связей
            if (!SaveStaffEstablishedPostChangeUserLinks(entity, sep, curUser, out error))
                return false;
                sep.Quantity = entity.Quantity;

            //если заявка на редактирование/удаление, редактируем текущую запись в справочнике
            if (entity.RequestType.Id != 1 && entity.RequestType.Id != 4)
                if (entity.RequestType.Id == 2)
                    sep.Position = entity.Position;
                    //пока решили не менять количество в заявках наизменение
                    //sep.Quantity = entity.Quantity;
                    sep.Salary = entity.Salary;
                else if (entity.RequestType.Id == 3 && entity.StaffEstablishedPost.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Where(x => !x.IsDismissal).Count() == 0)
                    sep.IsUsed = false; //делаем неактивной текущую запись в справочнике, если больше нет в расстановке несокращенных записей
                sep.BeginAccountDate = entity.BeginAccountDate;
                sep.Editor = curUser;
                sep.EditDate = DateTime.Now;

            //для создания/изменения в надбавках делаем ссылку на штатную единицу
            if (entity.RequestType.Id != 3)
                if (entity.PostChargeLinks.Count != 0)
                    foreach (var item in entity.PostChargeLinks)
                        item.EstablishedPost = sep;
                        item.Editor = curUser;
                        item.EditDate = DateTime.Now;

            //архивируем изменения
            if (sep.EstablishedPostArchive == null)
                sep.EstablishedPostArchive = new List<StaffEstablishedPostArchive>();

            sep.EstablishedPostArchive.Add(new StaffEstablishedPostArchive {
                StaffEstablishedPost = sep,
                Position = sep.Position,
                Department = sep.Department,
                Quantity = sep.Quantity,
                Salary = sep.Salary,
                IsUsed = sep.IsUsed,
                BeginAccountDate = sep.BeginAccountDate,
                Priority = sep.Priority,
                Creator = curUser,
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now


                if (entity.StaffEstablishedPost == null)
                    entity.StaffEstablishedPost = new StaffEstablishedPost();

                entity.StaffEstablishedPost = sep;
                entity.DateSendToApprove = !entity.DateSendToApprove.HasValue ? DateTime.Now : entity.DateSendToApprove.Value;//отправлено на согласование
                entity.DateAccept = DateTime.Now;//согласовано
                //если создается новая штатная единица и в ней нет сотрудников, то надо указать признак выгрузки в 1С, чтобы пустые заявки не попали в выгрузку кадровых перемещений.
                //или сокращаются пустые места в расстановке
                if (entity.StaffEstablishedPost.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Where(x => x.User != null).Count() == 0
                    && entity.StaffEstablishedPost.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Where(x => x.User != null && x.IsDismissal && x.IsUsed).Count() == 0)
                    entity.SendTo1C = DateTime.Now;

                //если заявка на сокращение или создание
                if (entity.RequestType.Id == 3 || entity.RequestType.Id == 1)
                    entity.SendTo1C = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = string.Format("Произошла ошибка при сохранении данных! Исключение:{0}", ex.GetBaseException().Message);
                return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Меняем количество связей штатной единицы с сотрудниками.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Заявка</param>
        /// <param name="sep">Штатная единица</param>
        /// <param name="curUser">Текущий пользователь</param>
        /// <param name="error">Для сообщений</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool SaveStaffEstablishedPostChangeUserLinks(StaffEstablishedPostRequest entity, StaffEstablishedPost sep, User curUser, out string error)
            error = string.Empty;
            int CountLinks = sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks != null ? sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Count() : 0;
            //если количество штатных единиц увеличилось, то нужно добавить необходимое количество записей для связей
            if (entity.Quantity > CountLinks)
                CountLinks = entity.Quantity - CountLinks;

                if(sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks == null)
                    sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks = new List<StaffEstablishedPostUserLinks>();

                for (int i = 0; i < CountLinks; i++)
                    sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Add(new StaffEstablishedPostUserLinks()
                        StaffEstablishedPost = sep,
                        User = null,
                        IsUsed = true,
                        Creator = curUser,
                        CreateDate = DateTime.Now

            ////редактирование временных вакансий
            //if ((entity.RequestType.Id == 1 || entity.RequestType.Id == 2 || entity.RequestType.Id == 4) && sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Where(x => !x.IsDismissal && x.IsTemporary).Count() != 0)
            //    //на случай добавления временной вакансии
            //    CountLinks = sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks != null ? sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Count() : 0;
            //    if (entity.Quantity > CountLinks)
            //    {
            //        CountLinks = entity.Quantity - CountLinks;
            //        for (int i = 0; i < CountLinks; i++)
            //        {
            //            sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Add(new StaffEstablishedPostUserLinks()
            //            {
            //                StaffEstablishedPost = sep,
            //                User = null,
            //                IsUsed = true,
            //                Creator = curUser,
            //                CreateDate = DateTime.Now
            //            });
            //        }
            //    }

            //    foreach (var item in sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks
            //        .Where(x => x.IsUsed && x.IsDismissal))
            //    {
            //        item.IsUsed = false;
            //        item.Editor = curUser;
            //        item.EditDate = DateTime.Now;
            //    }

            if ((entity.RequestType.Id == 3 || entity.RequestType.Id == 4) && sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Where(x => x.IsUsed && x.IsDismissal).Count() != 0)
                //если частичное сокращение в расстановке, то меняем количество единиц в заявке
                if (sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Where(x => x.IsUsed && x.IsDismissal).Count() != 0 && sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Where(x => x.IsUsed && !x.IsDismissal).Count() != 0)
                    entity.Quantity = sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks.Where(x => x.IsUsed && !x.IsDismissal).Count();

                foreach (var item in sep.EstablishedPostUserLinks
                    .Where(x => x.IsUsed && x.IsDismissal))
                    item.IsUsed = false;
                    item.Editor = curUser;
                    item.EditDate = DateTime.Now;

            return true;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Сохраняем согласования.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Модель</param>
        /// <param name="entity">Текущая заявка.</param>
        /// <param name="curUser">текущий пользователь.</param>
        /// <param name="error">Сообщение об ошибке.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected int SaveStaffEstablishedPostApprovals(StaffEstablishedPostRequestModel model, StaffEstablishedPostRequest entity, User curUser, out string error)
            //возвращает значения от 1 до 4 - этап согласования прошел успешно, 0 - согласование завершено, заявка утверждена, -1 - ошибка при сохранении данных

            //только после утверждения заявки можно редактировать справочник подразделений.
            error = string.Empty;

            //в каждой ветке определяемся с участниками групповухи под кодовым названием согласование/утверждение заявки для подразделения
            //текущим пользователем может быть куратор ии кадровик, которые могут действовать за согласовантов
            User Assistant = AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.Inspector
                || AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel
                || AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.ConsultantOutsourcing ? curUser : null;//куратор/кадровик банка/консультант РК

            //выбираем из согласования не архивные записи.
            IList<DocumentApproval> DocApproval = DocumentApprovalDao.GetDocumentApproval(entity.Id, (int)ApprovalTypeEnum.StaffEstablishedPostRequest);
            DocumentApproval da = new DocumentApproval();

            da.ApprovalType = (int)ApprovalTypeEnum.StaffEstablishedPostRequest;
            da.DocId = entity.Id;
            da.IsArchive = false;
            da.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;

            switch (DocApproval.Count)
                case 0:
                    //если иницатор не выбран, это значит, что инициатор действует сам
                    User Initiator = model.InitiatorId != 0 ? UserDao.Get(model.InitiatorId) : curUser;//инициатор

                    da.ApproveUser = Initiator;
                    da.AssistantUser = Assistant;
                    da.Number = 1;
                    error = "Заявка создана!";
                case 1:
                    da.ApproveUser = curUser;
                    da.AssistantUser = null;
                    da.Number = 2;
                    error = "Заявка проверена куратором!";
                case 2:
                    da.ApproveUser = curUser;
                    da.AssistantUser = null;
                    da.Number = 3;
                    error = "Заявка проверена кадровиком банка!";
                case 3:
                    //если согласовант не выбран, это значит, что он действует сам
                    User TopManager = model.TopManagerId != 0 ? UserDao.Get(model.TopManagerId) : curUser;//высший руководитель

                    da.ApproveUser = TopManager;
                    da.AssistantUser = Assistant;
                    da.Number = 4;
                    error = "Заявка согласована!";
                case 4:
                    //если утверждающий не выбран, это значит, что он действует сам
                    User BoardMember = model.BoardMemberId != 0 ? UserDao.Get(model.BoardMemberId) : curUser;//член правления

                    da.ApproveUser = BoardMember;
                    da.AssistantUser = Assistant;
                    da.Number = 5;
                    error = "Заявка утверждена!";


                //сохраняем здачу пайруса
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PyrusNumber))
                    entity.StaffRequestPyrusTasks.Add(new StaffRequestPyrusTasks()
                        EPRequest = entity,
                        DocumentApproval = da,
                        NumberTask = model.PyrusNumber,
                        Creator = curUser,
                        CreateDate = DateTime.Now

                if (da.Number == 1)
                    entity.DateSendToApprove = DateTime.Now;
                    return da.Number;

                if (da.Number > 1 && da.Number < 5)
                    return da.Number;

                if (da.Number == 5)
                    //entity.BeginAccountDate = DateTime.Now;
                    entity.DateAccept = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = string.Format("Произошла ошибка при сохранении данных! Исключение:{0}", ex.GetBaseException().Message);
                return -1;

            return 0;
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Сохраняем изменения в справочнике подразделений.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Текущая заявка.</param>
        /// <param name="curUser">текущий пользователь.</param>
        /// <param name="error">Сообщение об ошибке.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool SaveDepartmentReference(StaffDepartmentRequest entity, User curUser, out string error)
            error = string.Empty;
            //bool IsParentChange = false;
            //IList<Department> ChildDeps = null;

            Department dep = entity.Department != null ? DepartmentDao.Get(entity.Department.Id) : new Department();
            //родительское подразделение
            Department ParentDep = entity.ParentDepartment != null ? DepartmentDao.Get(entity.ParentDepartment.Id) : new Department();
            //если заявка на создание, создаем новую запись и делаем в заявке на нее ссылку
            if (entity.RequestType.Id == 1 || entity.RequestType.Id == 4)
                dep.Code = null;
                dep.Name = entity.Name;
                dep.Code1C = null;
                dep.ParentId = ParentDep.Code1C;
                dep.Path = ParentDep.Path + "__new";
                dep.ItemLevel = (ParentDep.ItemLevel + 1) != entity.ItemLevel ? ParentDep.ItemLevel + 1 : entity.ItemLevel;
                dep.CodeSKD = null;
                dep.Priority = 99;//искусственное значение
                dep.IsUsed = true;
                dep.DepartmentAccessory = entity.DepartmentAccessory;
                //dep.FingradCode = "";//формируем код ниже
                dep.Creator = curUser;
                dep.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;

            //если заявка на редактирование/удаление, редактируем текущую запись в справочнике
            if (entity.RequestType.Id != 1 && entity.RequestType.Id != 4)
                if (entity.RequestType.Id == 2)
                    ////если меняется родитель запоминаем, чтобы у подчиненых подразделений изменить путь
                    //if (dep.ParentId.Value != ParentDep.Code1C)
                    //    IsParentChange = true;
                    //    ChildDeps = DepartmentDao.GetChildDepartments(dep);//собираем подчиненные подразделения для подразделения у которого меняется родитель

                    dep.Name = entity.Name;
                    dep.ParentId = ParentDep.Code1C;
                    dep.Path = ParentDep.ItemLevel != entity.ItemLevel ? ParentDep.Path + "__new" : dep.Path;
                    dep.ItemLevel = (ParentDep.ItemLevel + 1) != entity.ItemLevel ? ParentDep.ItemLevel + 1 : entity.ItemLevel;
                    dep.IsUsed = true;
                else if (entity.RequestType.Id == 3)
                    dep.IsUsed = false; //делаем неактивной текущую запись в справочнике
                dep.Editor = curUser;
                dep.EditDate = DateTime.Now;


                if (entity.Department == null)
                    entity.Department = new Department();

                //если нет кода или изменился родитель, то надо подкорректировать путь
                dep.Path = ParentDep.Path + (dep.Code1C.HasValue ? dep.Code1C.Value.ToString() : dep.Id.ToString()) + ".";

                ////меняем пути у подчиненных подразделений
                //if (IsParentChange)
                //    foreach (Department item in ChildDeps)
                //    {
                //        item.Path = dep.Path + item.Id.ToString() + ".";
                //        DepartmentDao.SaveAndFlush(item);
                //    }

                //только при добавлении надо заполнить эти поля, так как в структуре на поле Code1C ссылается поле ParentId, то есть значения в поле Code1C должны быть уникальными
                if (entity.RequestType.Id == 1 || entity.RequestType.Id == 4)
                    dep.Code = dep.Id.ToString();
                    dep.Code1C = dep.Id;

                //у текущей заявки делаем ссылку на новое подразделение и ставим признак использования
                entity.Department = dep;

                //создаем код для подразделения

                if (entity.RequestType.Id != 3)
                    if (entity.DepartmentAccessory.Id == 2 || entity.DepartmentAccessory.Id == 6)
                        if (!CreateCodeForDepartment(entity, dep, curUser, out error))
                            error = string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error) ? "Произошла ошибка при формировании кода подразделения!" : error;
                            return false;

                //архивируем изменения
                DepartmentArchive da = new DepartmentArchive()
                    Department = dep,
                    Code = dep.Code,
                    Name = dep.Name,
                    Code1C = dep.Code1C,
                    ParentId = dep.ParentId,
                    Path = dep.Path,
                    ItemLevel = dep.ItemLevel,
                    Priority = dep.Priority,
                    IsUsed = dep.IsUsed,
                    Creator = curUser,
                    CreateDate = DateTime.Now

            catch (Exception ex)
                error = string.Format("Произошла ошибка при сохранении данных! Исключение:{0}", ex.GetBaseException().Message);
                return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Сохраняем согласования.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Модель</param>
        /// <param name="entity">Текущая заявка.</param>
        /// <param name="curUser">текущий пользователь.</param>
        /// <param name="error">Сообщение об ошибке.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected int SaveDepartmentApprovals(StaffDepartmentRequestModel model, StaffDepartmentRequest entity, User curUser, out string error)
            //возвращает значения от 1 до 4 - этап согласования прошел успешно, 0 - согласование завершено, заявка утверждена, -1 - ошибка при сохранении данных

            //только после утверждения заявки можно редактировать справочник подразделений.
            error = string.Empty;

            //в каждой ветке определяемся с участниками групповухи под кодовым названием согласование/утверждение заявки для подразделения
            //текущим пользователем может быть куратор ии кадровик, которые могут действовать за согласовантов
            User Assistant = AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.Inspector
                || AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel
                || AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.ConsultantOutsourcing
                || AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.TaxCollector ? curUser : null;//куратор/кадровик банка/консультант РК

            //список руководителей по по ветке
            IList<User> Initiators = DepartmentDao.GetDepartmentManagers(entity.ParentDepartment.Id, true)
                .OrderByDescending<User, int?>(manager => manager.Level)

            bool IsInitiator = Initiators.Where(x => x.Id == AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.Id).Count() != 0 ? true : false;
            bool IsTopManager = Initiators.Where(x => x.Id == AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.Id && x.Level <= 3).Count() != 0 ? true : false;
            bool IsBoardMember = AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.Director;
            bool IsCurator = (AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.Inspector);
            bool IsPersonnelBank = (AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel);
            bool IsConsultant = (AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.ConsultantOutsourcing);
            bool IsTaxCollector = (AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.TaxCollector);
            bool IsStaffListOrder = (AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.StaffListOrder);

            //вышестоящее руководство
            model.TopManagers = Initiators.Where(x => x.Level <= 3).ToList().ConvertAll(x => new IdNameDto { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name + " - " + x.Position.Name });

            //выбираем из согласования не архивные записи.
            IList<DocumentApproval> DocApproval = DocumentApprovalDao.GetDocumentApproval(entity.Id, (int)ApprovalTypeEnum.StaffDepartmentRequest);
            DocumentApproval da = new DocumentApproval();

            da.ApprovalType = (int)ApprovalTypeEnum.StaffDepartmentRequest;
            da.DocId = entity.Id;
            da.IsArchive = false;
            da.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (model.IsImportance)//обязательное согласование
                if (DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 1).Count() == 0 && (IsInitiator || IsCurator || IsPersonnelBank || IsConsultant))//инициатор, куратор, кадровик, консультант
                    //если иницатор не выбран, это значит, что инициатор действует сам
                    User Initiator = model.InitiatorId != 0 ? UserDao.Get(model.InitiatorId) : curUser;//инициатор

                    da.ApproveUser = Initiator;
                    da.AssistantUser = Assistant;
                    da.Number = 1;
                    da.IsImportance = true;
                    error = "Заявка создана!";

                if (DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 1).Count() == 1 && DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 2).Count() == 0 && (entity.DepartmentAccessory.Id == 2 || entity.DepartmentAccessory.Id == 6) && IsCurator)//только фронты и БэкФронты
                    da.ApproveUser = curUser;
                    da.AssistantUser = null;
                    da.Number = 2;
                    da.IsImportance = true;
                    error = "Заявка проверена куратором!";

                //if (DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 2).Count() == 1 && DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 3).Count() == 0)
                if (DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 1).Count() == 1 && DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 3).Count() == 0 && entity.DepartmentAccessory.Id == 1 && IsPersonnelBank)//только бэки
                    da.ApproveUser = curUser;
                    da.AssistantUser = null;
                    da.Number = 3;
                    da.IsImportance = true;
                    error = "Заявка проверена кадровиком банка!";

                if (DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 3 || x.Number == 2).Count() == 1 && DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 5).Count() == 0 && (IsTopManager || IsCurator || IsPersonnelBank || IsConsultant))//высший руководитель, куратор, кадровик, консультант
                    //если согласовант не выбран, это значит, что он действует сам
                    User TopManager = model.TopManagerId != 0 ? UserDao.Get(model.TopManagerId) : curUser;//высший руководитель

                    da.ApproveUser = TopManager;
                    da.AssistantUser = Assistant;
                    da.Number = 5;
                    da.IsImportance = true;
                    error = "Заявка согласована!";

                if (DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 5).Count() == 1 && DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 6).Count() == 0 && (IsBoardMember || IsCurator || IsPersonnelBank || IsConsultant))//член правления, куратор, кадровик, консультант
                    //если утверждающий не выбран, это значит, что он действует сам
                    User BoardMember = model.BoardMemberId != 0 ? UserDao.Get(model.BoardMemberId) : curUser;//член правления

                    da.ApproveUser = BoardMember;
                    da.AssistantUser = Assistant;
                    da.IsImportance = true;
                    da.Number = 6;
                    error = "Заявка утверждена!";

            else   //согласование специалистами
                if (DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 7).Count() == 0 && (IsStaffListOrder || IsConsultant))
                    da.ApproveUser = curUser;
                    da.AssistantUser = null;
                    da.Number = 7;
                    error = "Приказ составлен!";

                if (DocApproval.Where(x => x.Number == 4).Count() == 0 && (IsTaxCollector || IsConsultant))
                    da.ApproveUser = curUser;
                    da.AssistantUser = null;
                    da.Number = 4;
                    error = "Заявка согласована налоговиком!";



                //сохраняем здачу пайруса
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PyrusNumber))
                    entity.StaffRequestPyrusTasks.Add(new StaffRequestPyrusTasks()
                        DepRequest = entity,
                        DocumentApproval = da,
                        NumberTask = model.PyrusNumber,
                        Creator = curUser,
                        CreateDate = DateTime.Now

                if (da.Number == 1)
                    entity.DateSendToApprove = DateTime.Now;
                    return da.Number;

                if (da.Number > 1 && da.Number < 6)
                    return da.Number;

                if (da.Number == 6)
                    entity.DateState = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = string.Format("Произошла ошибка при сохранении данных! Исключение:{0}", ex.GetBaseException().Message);
                return -1;

            return 0;
Esempio n. 16
        /*protected bool IsDirectorChiefForCreator(User current, User creator)
            if (!creator.Level.HasValue || creator.Level < MinManagerLevel || creator.Level > MaxManagerLevel)
                throw new ValidationException(string.Format(StrIncorrectManagerLevel,
                        creator.Level.HasValue ? creator.Level.Value.ToString() : "<не указан>", creator.Id));
            return (creator.Level.Value == 2);
        protected bool IsManagerChiefForCreator(User current, User creator)
            var chiefs = GetChiefsForManager(creator.Id);
            //foreach(var el in manualchiefs)

            if (chiefs.Contains(current) ) return true;

            if (!current.Level.HasValue || current.Level < MinManagerLevel || current.Level > MaxManagerLevel)
                throw new ValidationException(string.Format(StrIncorrectManagerLevel,
                        current.Level.HasValue ? current.Level.Value.ToString() : "<не указан>", current.Id));
            if (!creator.Level.HasValue || creator.Level < MinManagerLevel || creator.Level > MaxManagerLevel)
                throw new ValidationException(string.Format(StrIncorrectManagerLevel,
                        creator.Level.HasValue ? creator.Level.Value.ToString() : "<не указан>", creator.Id));
            List<DepartmentDto> departments;
            switch (current.Level)
                case 2:
                    IList<int> managers2 = AppointmentDao.GetChildrenManager2ForManager2(current.Id);
                    if (managers2.Any(x => x == creator.Id && creator.Level.Value == 2))
                        return true;
                    IList<int> managers = AppointmentDao.GetManager3ForManager2(current.Id);
                    if (managers.Any(x => x == creator.Id && creator.Level.Value == 3))
                        return true;
                    departments = AppointmentDao.GetDepartmentsForManager23(current.Id, 2, true).ToList();
                    return departments.Any(x => creator.Department.Path.StartsWith(x.Path) && creator.Level == 4);
                /*case 3:
                    if (creator.Level != 4)
                        return false;
                    departments = AppointmentDao.GetDepartmentsForManager23(current.Id, 3, false).ToList();
                    return departments.Any(x => creator.Department.Path.StartsWith(x.Path));
                case 3:
                    // Для руководителей 3 уровня получаем список ручных привязок к подразделениям
                    return ManualRoleRecordDao.GetRoleRecords(user: current, roleCode: "000000037")
                        .Any(roleRecord => (roleRecord.TargetDepartment != null && creator.Department.Path.StartsWith(roleRecord.TargetDepartment.Path)));
                case 4:
                case 5:
                    return creator.Department.Path.StartsWith(current.Department.Path)
                        && creator.Department.Path.Length > current.Department.Path.Length;
                    if (creator.Department == null)
                        throw new ValidationException(string.Format(StrNoDepartmentForManager, creator.Id));
                    if (current.Department == null)
                        throw new ValidationException(string.Format(StrNoDepartmentForManager, current.Id));
                    return false;
Esempio n. 17
 protected void RejectReportsExceptId(int appointmentId,int exceptReportId,User user,string rejectReason)
     List<AppointmentReport> list = AppointmentReportDao.LoadForAppointmentId(appointmentId);
     foreach (AppointmentReport report in list)
         if(report.Id != exceptReportId && !report.DeleteDate.HasValue)
             if (report.DateAccept.HasValue)
                 Log.ErrorFormat(StrOtherReportUserAccepted, report.Number);
                 throw new ValidationException(string.Format(StrOtherReportUserAccepted, report.Number));
             report.DeleteUser = user;
             report.DeleteDate = DateTime.Now;
             report.RejectReason = rejectReason;
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// DEPRECATED. Отключено.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user"></param>
 /// <param name="acceptDate"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected EmailDto SendEmailForManagerAcceptRequests(User user,DateTime acceptDate)
     string to = null;
     switch (user.UserRole)
         case UserRole.Manager:
             /*foreach (User u in user.Personnels)
                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Email))
                     Log.ErrorFormat("Cannot send request accept e-mail  from manager {0} to personnel manager {1} - empty email",  user.Id, u.FullName);
                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                         to = u.Email;
                         to += ";" + u.Email;
             //Мыло отключено для кадровиков
             throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("SendEmailForManagerAcceptRequests - ivalid user {0} role",user.Id));
     string body;
     string subject = GetSubjectAndBodyForManagerAcceptRequest(user,acceptDate, out body);
     return SendEmail(to, subject, body);
Esempio n. 19
        /*protected EmailDto SendEmailForAppointmentPersonnelAccept(User personnel, Appointment entity)
            string staffManagerEmail = ConfigurationService.AppointmentStaffManagerEmail;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staffManagerEmail))
                throw new ValidationException(StrEmailForStaffManagerNotFound);
            string body;
            string subject = GetSubjectAndBodyForAppointmentManagerAcceptRequest(personnel, entity, out body);
            return SendEmail(staffManagerEmail, subject, body);
        protected EmailDto SendEmailForAppointmentManagerAccept(User creator, Appointment entity)
            string to = string.Empty;
            //IdNameDto user;
            List<IdNameDto> users;
            var chiefs = GetChiefsForManager(creator.Id).OrderByDescending(x=>x.Level);
            if (chiefs.Any())
                foreach(var el in chiefs)
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(el.Email)) continue;
                    string b;
                    string s = GetSubjectAndBodyForAppointmentManagerAcceptRequest(creator, entity, out b);
                    return SendEmail(el.Email, s, b);
            #region Анахронизм
            switch (creator.UserRole)
                case UserRole.Manager:
                    switch (creator.Level)
                        case 2:
                            users = AppointmentDao.GetParentForManager2(creator.Id);
                            if (users.Count == 0)
                                Log.ErrorFormat(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParent2NotFound, creator.Id);
                                return new EmailDto { Error = string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParent2NotFound, creator.Id) };
                            foreach (IdNameDto usr in users)
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usr.Name))
                                    Log.WarnFormat("No email for manager (id {0})", usr.Id);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                                        to = usr.Name;
                                        to += ";" + usr.Name;
                            /*if (user == null)
                                Log.ErrorFormat(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParent2NotFound, creator.Id);
                                return new EmailDto { Error = string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParent2NotFound, creator.Id) };
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Name))
                                Log.ErrorFormat(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptNoEmail, user.Id);
                                return new EmailDto { Error = string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptNoEmail, user.Id) };
                            to = user.Name;*/
                        case 3:
                            users = AppointmentDao.GetParentForManager3(creator.Id);
                            if (users.Count == 0)
                                Log.ErrorFormat(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParent3NotFound, creator.Id);
                                return new EmailDto { Error = string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParent3NotFound, creator.Id) };
                            foreach (IdNameDto usr in users)
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usr.Name))
                                    Log.WarnFormat("No email for manager (id {0})", usr.Id);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                                        to = usr.Name;
                                        to += ";" + usr.Name;
                            /*if(user == null)
                                Log.ErrorFormat(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParent3NotFound, creator.Id);
                                return new EmailDto { Error = string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParent3NotFound, creator.Id) };
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Name))
                                Log.ErrorFormat(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptNoEmail, user.Id);
                                return new EmailDto { Error = string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptNoEmail, user.Id) };
                            to = user.Name;*/
                        case 4:
                            users = AppointmentDao.GetParentForManager4Department(creator.Department.Id);
                            if (users.Count == 0)
                                Log.ErrorFormat(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParentNotFound, creator.Id);
                                return new EmailDto { Error = string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParentNotFound, creator.Id) };
                            foreach (IdNameDto usr in users)
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usr.Name))
                                    Log.WarnFormat("No email for manager (id {0})", usr.Id);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                                        to = usr.Name;
                                        to += ";" + usr.Name;

                        case 5:
                        case 6:
                            users = AppointmentDao.GetForManagersParentDepartment(creator.Department.Id);
                            if (users.Count == 0)
                                Log.ErrorFormat(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParentNotFound, creator.Id);
                                return new EmailDto { Error = string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptParentNotFound, creator.Id) };
                            foreach (IdNameDto usr in users)
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usr.Name))
                                    Log.WarnFormat("No email for manager (id {0})", usr.Id);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                                        to = usr.Name;
                                        to += ";"+ usr.Name;
                            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptIncorrectManagerLevel, creator.Id));
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptIncorrectRole, creator.Id));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                Log.ErrorFormat(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptNoEmails, creator.Id);
                return new EmailDto { Error = string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptNoEmails, creator.Id) };
            string body;
            string subject = GetSubjectAndBodyForAppointmentManagerAcceptRequest(creator, entity, out body);
            return SendEmail(to, subject, body);
Esempio n. 20
        protected EmailDto SendEmailForUserRequest(User user,IUser current,
            User creator,bool isDeleted,
            int requestId,int requestNumber,
            RequestTypeEnum requestType,bool isFromComment)
            string to = null;
                case UserRole.Employee:
                    if(user.Manager == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Manager.Email))
                        Log.ErrorFormat("Cannot send e-mail (request {0},requestType {1}) from user {2} to manager - no manager or empty email",requestId,requestType,user.Id);
                        return null;
                    to = user.Manager.Email;
                case UserRole.DismissedEmployee:
                    if (user.Manager == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Manager.Email))
                        Log.ErrorFormat("Cannot send e-mail (request {0},requestType {1}) from user {2} to manager - no manager or empty email", requestId, requestType, user.Id);
                        return null;
                    to = user.Manager.Email;
                case UserRole.Manager:
                    //Мыло отключено для кадровиков, т.к. оно им не надо оказалось.
                    /*foreach (User u in user.Personnels)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Email))
                            Log.ErrorFormat("Cannot send e-mail (request {0},requestType {1}) from manager {2} to personnel manager {3} - empty email", requestId, requestType, current.Id, u.FullName);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                                to = u.Email;
                                to += ";" + u.Email;
                    if ((creator.UserRole & UserRole.Manager) > 0)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Email))
                                "Cannot send e-mail (request {0},requestType {1}) from manager {2} to user - empty email",
                                requestId, requestType, current.Id);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                                to = user.Email;
                                to += ";" + user.Email;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                        return null;
                case UserRole.PersonnelManager:
                    if ((creator.UserRole & UserRole.PersonnelManager) > 0 || isDeleted)
                        if (user.Manager == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Manager.Email))
                                "Cannot send e-mail (request {0},requestType {1}) from personnel manager {2} to manager - no manager or empty email",
                                requestId, requestType, current.Id);
                            to = user.Manager.Email;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Email))
                                "Cannot send e-mail (request {0},requestType {1}) from personnel manager {2} to user - empty email",
                                requestId, requestType, current.Id);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                                to = user.Email;
                                to += ";" + user.Email;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                        return null;
            string body;
            string subject = GetSubjectAndBody(current, requestId, requestNumber,
                requestType,isDeleted,out body);
            return SendEmail(to, subject, body);
Esempio n. 21
 protected EmailDto SendEmailForBankAccountant(User user, Appointment entity)
     string BankAccountantEmail = ConfigurationService.AppointmentPersonnelManagerEmail;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BankAccountantEmail))
         throw new ValidationException(StrEmailForStaffManagerNotFound);
     string body=String.Format("Создана заявка №{0} от {1} на поиск кандидата в {2}",entity.Number,entity.CreateDate,entity.Department.Name);
     string subject = "Создана заявка на поиск сотрудника";
     return SendEmail(BankAccountantEmail, subject, body);
Esempio n. 22
 protected User SetUserModel(UserModel model, User user)
     //User user = UserDao.Load(userId);
     model.UserId = user.Id;
     model.Code = user.Code;
     model.Comment = user.Comment;
     model.DateAccepted = user.DateAccept;
     model.DateRelease = user.DateRelease;
     model.FullName = user.FullName;
     return user;
Esempio n. 23
 protected void SetCreatorDepartment(User creator,AppointmentEditModel model)
     if ((creator.UserRole & UserRole.Manager) == UserRole.Manager)
         List<DepartmentDto> departments;
         switch (creator.Level)
             case 2:
                 departments = AppointmentDao.GetDepartmentsForManager23(creator.Id, 2, false).ToList();
                 if(departments.Count > 0)
                     model.DepartmentId = departments[0].Id;
                     model.DepartmentName = departments[0].Name;
             case 3:
                 departments = AppointmentDao.GetDepartmentsForManager23(creator.Id, 3, false).ToList();
                 if(departments.Count > 0)
                     model.DepartmentId = departments[0].Id;
                     model.DepartmentName = departments[0].Name;
                 if (creator.Department == null)
                     throw new ValidationException(string.Format(StrNoDepartmentForManager, creator.Id));
                 model.DepartmentId = creator.Department.Id;
                 model.DepartmentName = creator.Department.Name;
Esempio n. 24
 public void SetDocumentsToModel(AppointmentListModel model, User user)
     UserRole role = AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.UserRole;
     //model.Documents = new List<AppointmentDto>();
     model.Documents = AppointmentDao.GetDocuments(
Esempio n. 25
        protected void SetFlagsState(int id, User current, UserRole currRole, AppointmentReport entity, AppointmentReportEditModel model)
            SetFlagsState(model, false);
            model.AppId = entity.Appointment.Id;
            if (entity.CandidateRejectDate.HasValue)
                model.CandidateRejectDate = entity.CandidateRejectDate;
                model.CandidateRejectedBy = entity.CandidateRejectedBy != null ? entity.CandidateRejectedBy.Name : "";
            model.IsManagerApproved = entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue;
            model.IsBankAccountantAccept = entity.Appointment.BankAccountantAccept.HasValue && entity.Appointment.BankAccountantAccept.HasValue && entity.Appointment.BankAccountantAcceptCount > 0;
            model.IsStaffApproved = entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue;
            model.IsDeleted = entity.DeleteDate.HasValue;
            if (entity.AcceptManager != null && entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue)
                model.ManagerFio = entity.AcceptManager.FullName;
            if (entity.AcceptStaff != null && entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue)
                model.StaffFio = entity.AcceptStaff.FullName;
            if (entity.DeleteDate.HasValue)
                model.DeleteUser = entity.DeleteUser.FullName;
            model.ShowStaff = entity.Appointment.Recruter == 1;
            switch (currRole)
                case UserRole.Manager:
                    if (current.Id == entity.Appointment.Creator.Id && !entity.DeleteDate.HasValue)
                        if (!entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue)
                            model.IsStaffApproveAvailable = true;
                        model.IsEditable = true;
                        if (entity.AcceptManager != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.TempLogin))
                                model.IsPrintLoginAvailable = true;

                        if (!entity.DateAccept.HasValue)
                            if (entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue)
                                model.IsManagerRejectAvailable = true;
                                if (!entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue)
                                    model.IsManagerApproveAvailable = true;
                                    model.IsColloquyDateEditable = true;
                                    model.IsManagerEditable = true;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.TempLogin))
                                        model.IsPrintLoginAvailable = true;
                case UserRole.StaffManager:
                    if (!entity.DeleteDate.HasValue /*&& (current.Id == entity.Appointment.AcceptStaff.Id || (entity.Appointment.Recruters!=null?entity.Appointment.Recruters.Any(x=>x.Id==current.Id):false))*/)
                        if (entity.AcceptManager != null && entity.AcceptManager.Id == current.Id &&
                            model.IsPrintLoginAvailable = true;

                        if (!entity.DateAccept.HasValue)
                            if (!entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue)
                                model.IsStaffApproveAvailable = true;
                                model.IsEditable = true;
                                if (model.AttachmentId > 0)

                                    model.IsDeleteScanAvailable = true;
                                    model.IsManagerApproveAvailable = true;
                                    model.IsColloquyDateEditable = true;
                                    model.IsManagerEditable = false;
                            else if (!entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue)
                                model.IsManagerRejectAvailable = true;
                                model.IsManagerApproveAvailable = true;
                                model.IsColloquyDateEditable = true;
                                model.IsManagerEditable = false;
                            else if (entity.AcceptManager.Id == current.Id)
                                model.IsManagerRejectAvailable = true;
                                model.IsManagerEditable = false;
                            /*if (!entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue)
                                model.IsEditable = true;
                                if (model.AttachmentId > 0)
                                    model.IsStaffApproveAvailable = true;
                                    model.IsDeleteScanAvailable = true;
                                    model.IsManagerApproveAvailable = true;
                                    model.IsColloquyDateEditable = true;
                                model.IsManagerRejectAvailable = true;
                                if (!entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue)
                                    model.IsManagerApproveAvailable = true;
                                    model.IsColloquyDateEditable = true;
                                    model.IsManagerEditable = true;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.TempLogin))
                                        model.IsPrintLoginAvailable = true;
                            if (entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue && model.IsColloquyPassed == 1)
                                model.IsStaffSetDateAcceptAvailable = true;
                            model.IsAddAvailable = true;
                            /*if (model.AttachmentId > 0)
                                model.ApproveForAllAvailable = true;*/
                case UserRole.Trainer:
                    model.IsTrainerCanSave = model.IsColloquyPassed == 1;
                case UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel:
                case UserRole.PersonnelManager:
                case UserRole.Estimator:
                case UserRole.OutsourcingManager:
                case UserRole.Security:
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Недопустимая роль {0}", currRole));
            model.IsSaveAvailable = model.IsEditable || model.IsManagerEditable || model.IsManagerApproveAvailable
                                    || model.IsStaffApproveAvailable || model.IsStaffSetDateAcceptAvailable | model.IsTrainerCanSave;
Esempio n. 26
        protected void ChangeEntityProperties(IUser current, Appointment entity, AppointmentEditModel model, 
            User user,out string error)
            error = string.Empty;
            User currUser = UserDao.Load(current.Id);
            if (!model.IsDelete && (model.IsEditable || model.IsSaveAvailable))
                //entity.AdditionalRequirements = model.AdditionalRequirements;
                entity.FIO = model.FIO;
                entity.Bonus = Decimal.Parse(model.Bonus);
                entity.PyrusNumber = model.PyrusNumber;
                entity.City = model.City;
                entity.Compensation =(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Compensation))?"-":model.Compensation;
                entity.Department = DepartmentDao.Load(model.DepartmentId);
                entity.EducationRequirements = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.EducationRequirements))?"-":model.EducationRequirements;
                entity.ExperienceRequirements =(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( model.ExperienceRequirements))?"-":model.ExperienceRequirements;
                entity.OtherRequirements =(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( model.OtherRequirements))?"-":model.OtherRequirements;
                //entity.Period = model.Period;
                entity.PositionName = model.PositionName;//PositionDao.Load(model.PositionId);
                entity.Reason = AppointmentReasonDao.Load(model.ReasonId);
                entity.ReasonBeginDate = (model.ReasonId != 3 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ReasonBeginDate)) ? DateTime.Parse(model.ReasonBeginDate) : new DateTime?();
                entity.DesirableBeginDate = model.ShowStaff ? DateTime.Parse(model.DesirableBeginDate) : entity.ReasonBeginDate.HasValue ? entity.ReasonBeginDate.Value+TimeSpan.FromDays(14) : DateTime.Now;
                //entity.AppointmentEducationTypeId = model.AppointmentEducationType;
                entity.ReasonPosition =  model.ReasonId != 1 && model.ReasonId != 2 ?model.ReasonPosition:null;
                if (model.ReasonId > 2 && model.ReasonId < 7 && model.ReasonPositionId>0)
                    entity.ReasonPositionUser = UserDao.Load(model.ReasonPositionId);
                entity.Responsibility = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Responsibility))?"-":model.Responsibility;
                entity.Salary = Decimal.Parse(model.Salary);
                entity.Schedule = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Schedule))?"-":model.Schedule;
                entity.Type = model.TypeId == 1?true:false;
                if (current.UserRole == UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel)
                    entity.BankAccountant = UserDao.Load(current.Id);
                    entity.IsVacationExists = model.IsVacationExists == 1 ? true : false;
                    model.BankAccountantAccept = true;
                    entity.BankAccountantAccept = model.BankAccountantAccept;
                    entity.BankAccountantAcceptCount = model.BankAccountantAcceptCount;
                entity.VacationCount = int.Parse(model.VacationCount);
                if (model.StaffCreatorId != 0)
                    entity.StaffCreator = UserDao.Load(model.StaffCreatorId);
            switch (current.UserRole)
                case UserRole.ConsultantPersonnel:
                    if (entity.BankAccountantAccept.HasValue && entity.IsVacationExists)
                        EmailDto dto = SendEmailForAppointmentManagerAccept(entity.Creator, entity);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Error))
                            error = string.Format("Заявка обработана успешно,но есть ошибка при отправке оповещений: {0}",
                    if (entity.BankAccountantAccept.HasValue && !entity.IsVacationExists)
                        EmailDto dto = SendEmailForBankAccountantReject(entity.Creator, entity);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Error))
                            error = string.Format("Заявка обработана успешно,но есть ошибка при отправке оповещений: {0}",


                case UserRole.Manager:
                    if(current.Id == entity.Creator.Id)
                        if (model.NonActual)
                            entity.NonActual = model.NonActual;
                            RejectReports(entity.Id, currUser, "Заявка отклонена");
                        if(model.IsManagerRejectAvailable && !entity.DeleteDate.HasValue
                            && model.IsDelete)
                            /*entity.DeleteDate = DateTime.Now;
                            entity.DeleteUser = currUser;*/
                            EmailDto dto = SendEmailForAppointmentReject(currUser, entity);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Error))
                                error = string.Format("Заявка обработана успешно,но есть ошибка при отправке оповещений: {0}",dto.Error);
                            RejectReports(entity.Id, currUser, "Заявка отклонена");
                            //if(entity.AcceptStaff != null)
                            //    SendEmailForAppointmentReject(entity.AcceptStaff, entity);
                        if(!entity.DeleteDate.HasValue && model.IsManagerApproveAvailable
                            && model.IsManagerApproved)
                            entity.ManagerDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                            entity.AppointmentEducationTypeId = model.AppointmentEducationType;
                            entity.AcceptManager = currUser;
                            //entity.AppointmentEducationTypeId = model.AppointmentEducationType;
                            EmailDto dto = SendEmailForBankAccountant(entity.Creator, entity); //dto = SendEmailForAppointmentManagerAccept(entity.Creator, entity);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Error))
                                error = string.Format("Заявка обработана успешно,но есть ошибка при отправке оповещений: {0}",
                            var dto2=SendEmailForStaffManager(entity);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto2.Error))
                                error = string.Format("Заявка обработана успешно,но есть ошибка при отправке оповещений: {0}",
                            if (!entity.DeleteDate.HasValue && model.IsChiefApproveAvailable
                            && model.IsChiefApproved)
                                entity.ChiefDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                                entity.AcceptChief = currUser;
                                EmailDto dto = SendEmailForAppointmentChiefAccept(currUser, entity);
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Error))
                                    error = string.Format("Заявка обработана успешно,но есть ошибка при отправке оповещений: {0}",
                                if (entity.Recruter == 2)
                                    entity.AcceptStaff = entity.Creator;
                    else if(IsManagerChiefForCreator(currUser,entity.Creator))
                        if (model.NonActual)
                            entity.NonActual = model.NonActual;
                            RejectReports(entity.Id, currUser, "Заявка отклонена");
                        if (model.IsManagerRejectAvailable && !entity.DeleteDate.HasValue
                           && model.IsDelete)
                            /*entity.DeleteDate = DateTime.Now;
                            entity.DeleteUser = currUser;*/
                            EmailDto dto = SendEmailForAppointmentReject(currUser, entity);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Error))
                                error = string.Format("Заявка обработана успешно,но есть ошибка при отправке оповещений: {0}",dto.Error);
                            RejectReports(entity.Id, currUser, "Заявка отклонена");
                            //if(entity.AcceptStaff != null)
                            //    SendEmailForAppointmentReject(entity.AcceptStaff, entity);
                        if (!entity.DeleteDate.HasValue && model.IsChiefApproveAvailable
                            && model.IsChiefApproved)
                            entity.ChiefDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                            entity.AcceptChief = currUser;
                            EmailDto dto = SendEmailForAppointmentChiefAccept(currUser, entity);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Error))
                                error = string.Format("Заявка обработана успешно,но есть ошибка при отправке оповещений: {0}",
                            if (entity.Recruter == 2)
                                entity.AcceptStaff = entity.Creator;

                case UserRole.StaffManager:
                    if (model.AppointmentEducationType != entity.AppointmentEducationTypeId)
                        entity.AppointmentEducationTypeId = model.AppointmentEducationType;
                        AppointmentReportDao.Update(x => x.Appointment.Id == entity.Id, y => y.Type = AppointmentEducationTypeDao.Load(entity.AppointmentEducationTypeId));
                    if (model.NonActual)
                        entity.NonActual = model.NonActual;
                        RejectReports(entity.Id, currUser, "Заявка отклонена");
                    if (!entity.DeleteDate.HasValue)
                        entity.NonActual = model.NonActual;
                        if (model.StaffCreatorId == current.Id || entity.Creator.Id == current.Id)
                            if (model.ApproveForAll)
                                entity.ManagerDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                                entity.AcceptManager = currUser;
                                entity.ChiefDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                                entity.AcceptChief = currUser;
                                entity.StaffDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                                entity.AcceptStaff = currUser;
                                if (entity.Id == 0)
                            else if (model.IsManagerRejectAvailable && model.IsDelete)
                                /*entity.DeleteDate = DateTime.Now;
                                entity.DeleteUser = currUser;*/
                                RejectReports(entity.Id, currUser, "Заявка отклонена");
                            else if (model.IsChiefApproveAvailable && model.IsChiefApproved)
                                /*if (model.StaffCreatorId == current.Id)
                                    entity.ChiefDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                                    entity.AcceptChief = currUser;
                            else if (model.IsManagerApproveAvailable && model.IsManagerApproved)
                                entity.ManagerDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                                entity.AcceptManager = currUser;
                                EmailDto dto = SendEmailForAppointmentManagerAccept(entity.Creator, entity);
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Error))
                                    error = string.Format("Заявка обработана успешно,но есть ошибка при отправке оповещений: {0}",
                            else if (entity.ChiefDateAccept.HasValue &&
                                 && model.IsStaffApproveAvailable
                                 && model.IsStaffApproved)
                                entity.StaffDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                                var recruters = new List<User>();
                                if(model.Recruter1id>0) recruters.Add( UserDao.Load(model.Recruter1id));
                                if(model.Recruter2id>0) recruters.Add( UserDao.Load(model.Recruter2id));
                                if(model.Recruter3id>0) recruters.Add( UserDao.Load(model.Recruter3id));
                                entity.Recruters = recruters;
                                //entity.AppointmentEducationTypeId = model.AppointmentEducationType;
                                entity.AcceptStaff = currUser;
                                entity.Priority = model.Priority;
                        else if (entity.ChiefDateAccept.HasValue &&
                                 && model.IsStaffApproveAvailable
                                 && model.IsStaffApproved)
                            entity.StaffDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                            entity.AcceptStaff = currUser;
                            //entity.AppointmentEducationTypeId = model.AppointmentEducationType;
                            var recruters = new List<User>();
                            if (model.Recruter1id > 0) recruters.Add(UserDao.Load(model.Recruter1id));
                            if (model.Recruter2id > 0) recruters.Add(UserDao.Load(model.Recruter2id));
                            if (model.Recruter3id > 0) recruters.Add(UserDao.Load(model.Recruter3id));
                            entity.Recruters = recruters;
                            entity.Priority = model.Priority;
                case UserRole.Estimator:
                case UserRole.OutsourcingManager:
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Недопустимая роль {0}", current.UserRole));
Esempio n. 27
 private void CreateCandidate(AppointmentReport entity)
     User newUserEntity = new User();
     newUserEntity.Login = entity.TempLogin;
     newUserEntity.Password = entity.TempPassword;
     newUserEntity.IsFirstTimeLogin = true;
     newUserEntity.IsActive = true;
     newUserEntity.IsNew = true;
     newUserEntity.Name = entity.Name;
     newUserEntity.RoleId = (int)UserRole.Candidate;
     newUserEntity.GivesCredit = false;
     newUserEntity.IsMainManager = false;
     EmploymentCommonDao.SaveAndFlush(new EmploymentCandidate { User = newUserEntity });
Esempio n. 28
        protected void ChangeEntityProperties(IUser current, AppointmentReport entity, AppointmentReportEditModel model,
           User user, out string error)
            error = string.Empty;
            User currUser = UserDao.Get(current.Id);
            bool dateAcceptSet = false;
            if (model.CandidateRejectDate.HasValue)
                entity.CandidateRejectDate = DateTime.Now;
                entity.CandidateRejectedBy = UserDao.Load(CurrentUser.Id);
            if (!model.IsDelete)
                if (model.IsEditable)
                    //model.IsEducationExists = !entity.IsEducationExists.HasValue ? 0 : (entity.IsEducationExists.Value ? 1 : 0);
                    //model.UserId = entity.Creator.Id;
                    //entity.Type = AppointmentEducationTypeDao.Get(model.TypeId);
                    entity.Name = model.Name;
                    entity.Phone = model.Phone;
                    entity.Email = model.Email;
                    //entity.ColloquyDate = DateTime.Parse(model.ColloquyDate);
                    entity.EducationTime =  model.EducationTime ;
                    //entity.RejectReason = model.RejectReason;
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LessonDate))
                    DateTime res;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(model.LessonDate, out res)) { entity.LessonDate = res; };
                    entity.ColloquyDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ColloquyDate)
                        ? new DateTime?()
                        : DateTime.Parse(model.ColloquyDate);
                if (model.IsManagerEditable)

                    entity.ResumeComment = model.ResumeComment;

                    if (model.IsColloquyPassed >= 0)
                        entity.IsColloquyPassed = model.IsColloquyPassed == 1 ? true : false;
                        entity.IsColloquyPassed = new bool?();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.DateAccept))
                        entity.DateAccept = DateTime.Parse(model.DateAccept);
                        dateAcceptSet = true;
                if (model.IsStaffSetDateAcceptAvailable)
                    /*if (model.IsEducationExists >= 0)
                        entity.IsEducationExists = model.IsEducationExists == 1 ? true : false;
                        entity.IsEducationExists = new bool?();*/
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.DateAccept) && entity.IsEducationExists.HasValue)
                        entity.DateAccept = DateTime.Parse(model.DateAccept);
                        dateAcceptSet = true;
            switch (current.UserRole)
                case UserRole.StaffManager:
                    if (!entity.DeleteDate.HasValue /*&& (entity.Appointment.AcceptStaff.Id == current.Id || entity.Appointment.Recruters.Any(x=>x.Id==current.Id))*/)
                        entity.TestingResult = model.TestingResult;
                        entity.ResumeCommentByOPINP = model.ResumeCommentByOPINP;
                            if (!entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue && model.IsStaffApproved && model.AttachmentId > 0)
                                entity.StaffDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                                entity.AcceptStaff = currUser;
                            if (entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue && !entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue && model.IsManagerApproved)
                                entity.ManagerDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                                entity.AcceptManager = currUser;
                                entity.TempLogin = entity.Id.ToString();
                                entity.TempPassword = CreatePassword(PasswordLength);
                            /*if (entity.Appointment.Creator.Id == current.Id && dateAcceptSet)
                                RejectReportsExceptId(entity.Appointment.Id, entity.Id, entity.Appointment.Creator,
                                                      string.Format("Другой кандидат принят на работу (отчет № {0})",
                            if (entity.AcceptStaff != null && dateAcceptSet)
                                RejectReportsExceptId(entity.Appointment.Id, entity.Id, entity.Creator,
                                                      string.Format("Другой кандидат принят на работу (отчет № {0})",
                case UserRole.Manager:
                    if (!entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue && model.IsStaffApproved && model.AttachmentId > 0)
                        entity.StaffDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                        entity.AcceptStaff = currUser;
                    if(!entity.DeleteDate.HasValue && entity.StaffDateAccept.HasValue
                        && !entity.ManagerDateAccept.HasValue
                        && entity.Appointment.Creator.Id == current.Id
                        && model.IsManagerApproved)
                        entity.ManagerDateAccept = DateTime.Now;
                        entity.AcceptManager = currUser;
                        entity.TempLogin = entity.Id.ToString();
                        entity.TempPassword = CreatePassword(PasswordLength);
                        entity.ResumeComment = model.ResumeComment;
                    if (!entity.DeleteDate.HasValue && entity.Appointment.Creator.Id == current.Id && dateAcceptSet)
                        RejectReportsExceptId(entity.Appointment.Id, entity.Id, entity.Appointment.Creator,
                                              string.Format("Другой кандидат принят на работу (отчет № {0})",
                case UserRole.Trainer:
                if (model.IsEducationExists >= 0)
                    entity.IsEducationExists = model.IsEducationExists == 1 ? true : false;
                    entity.IsEducationExists = new bool?();
                case UserRole.Estimator:
                case UserRole.OutsourcingManager:
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Недопустимая роль {0}", current.UserRole));
Esempio n. 29
 public IUser CreateUser(User user,UserRole roleId)
     return UserDto.CreateUser(user,roleId);
Esempio n. 30
 protected string GetSubjectAndBodyForAppointmentRejectRequest(User user, Appointment entity, out string body)
     DepartmentDto dep3 = AppointmentDao.GetDepartmentForPathAndLevel(entity.Department.Path, 3);
     if (dep3 == null)
         Log.ErrorFormat(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerAcceptDepartment3NotFound, entity.Department.Id);
     body = string.Format(StrEmailForAppointmentManagerRejectText,
                          dep3 == null ? "<не найдена в базе данных>" : dep3.Name,
     const string subject = StrEmailForAppointmentManagerRejectSubject;
     return subject;