/// <summary>
        /// Computes time of work for concrete day of some employer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="employerID">Unique identifier of employer.</param>
        /// <param name="day">Date of day of computation.</param>
        /// <returns>Protocol that collect result of computation and notifications of system.</returns>
        public ReportProtocol <TimeSpan> TimeOfWorkForDay(int employerID, DateTime day)
            ReportProtocol <TimeSpan> protocol = new ReportProtocol <TimeSpan>();

            List <EmployerTimeStamp> employerStamps = this.CollectStapmsForDailyReport(employerID, day, protocol.Notifications);

            // There is errors that can't be repaired.
            if (protocol.GetNotificationsOfType(NotificationType.Error).Count != 0)
                protocol.IsSucceed = false;

            if (employerStamps.Count == 0)
                protocol.Notifications.Add(new Notification(ReporterMessages.EmployerStampsNotFound, NotificationType.Message));

            TimeSpan result = new TimeSpan(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < employerStamps.Count - 1; i += 2)
                result += employerStamps[i + 1].Time - employerStamps[i].Time;

            protocol.Result    = result;
            protocol.IsSucceed = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Find all respites of employer for day.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="employerID">Unique identifier of employer.</param>
        /// <param name="day">Target day.</param>
        /// <param name="maxDuration">Maximum duration of respite.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of all respites.</returns>
        public ReportProtocol <List <Respite> > RespitesForDay(int employerID, DateTime day, TimeSpan maxDuration)
            ReportProtocol <List <Respite> > protocol = new ReportProtocol <List <Respite> >();

            List <EmployerTimeStamp> employerStamps = this.CollectStapmsForDailyReport(employerID, day, protocol.Notifications);

            // There is errors that can't be repaired.
            if (protocol.GetNotificationsOfType(NotificationType.Error).Count != 0)
                protocol.IsSucceed = false;

            if (employerStamps.Count == 0)
                protocol.Notifications.Add(new Notification(ReporterMessages.EmployerStampsNotFound, NotificationType.Message));

            List <Respite> result = new List <Respite>();

            // Start with i equals 1 because we interested of when
            // employer Out and when In but first stamp is In.
            for (int i = 1; i < employerStamps.Count - 1; i += 2)
                var duration = employerStamps[i + 1].Time - employerStamps[i].Time;

                if (duration <= maxDuration)
                    result.Add(new Respite(employerStamps[i].Time, employerStamps[i + 1].Time));

            protocol.Result    = result;
            protocol.IsSucceed = true;
