Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Attaches the Root transform of this entity to another. An entity can only attach to one other.
 /// TODO: Since Renderer2DObjects are also entities, how is it possible for Renderer2DObjects to use this?
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity to attach to</param>
 public virtual void Attach(Object3 entity, string mesh)
     position      = entity.MountPosition(mesh);
     attachedTo    = entity;
     mountMeshName = mesh;
     following     = false;
     attached      = true;
     orbiting      = false;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Attaches the Root transform of this entity to another. An entity can only attach to one other.
 /// TODO: Since Renderer2DObjects are also entities, how is it possible for Renderer2DObjects to use this?
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity to attach to</param>
 public virtual void Attach(Object3 entity, string mesh)
     position = entity.MountPosition(mesh);
     attachedTo = entity;
     mountMeshName = mesh;
     following = false;
     attached = true;
     orbiting = false;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates, scales, then translates the entity.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Update(Boolean updateToggle)
            if (HasUpdated != updateToggle && updatable)
                rotation = Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yRot, xRot, zRot);
                if (following)
                    if (targetEntity.HasUpdated != updateToggle)
                    Vector3 wantedPosition = targetEntity.Position + followingVector;
                    translation    = wantedPosition - position;
                    targetPosition = targetEntity.Position;

                if (mimicPosition)
                    if (targetEntity.HasUpdated != updateToggle)
                    position = targetEntity.Position + targetOffset;
                if (mimicRotation)
                    if (targetEntity.HasUpdated != updateToggle)
                    rotation = targetEntity.rotation;
                if (attached)
                    if (attachedTo.HasUpdated != updateToggle)
                    position = attachedTo.MountPosition(mountMeshName);

                if (tracking)
                    if (trackingEntity)
                        if (targetEntity.HasUpdated != updateToggle)
                        targetPosition = targetEntity.Position;
                    else if (trackingCursor)
                        Plane p           = new Plane(Vector3.UnitZ, -Position.Z);
                        Ray   r           = WorldMouse.WorldRay;
                        float denominator = Vector3.Dot(p.Normal, r.Direction);
                        float numerator   = Vector3.Dot(p.Normal, r.Position) + p.D;
                        float t           = -(numerator / denominator);
                        targetPosition = r.Position + r.Direction * t;
                        if (t < 0)
                            targetPosition = position + (position - targetPosition);

                    Aim(targetPosition, 1);

                if (orbiting)
                HasUpdated = updateToggle;