static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "RemoteServer"; Server server = new Server(7000); Console.WriteLine("Сервер запущен."); while (true); }
private static void Listen() {//Here we are waiting for new conections to come in and can deal with a moximium of 3 clients at the same time Socket Soc = null; printDebug("Start listen", true); try { listener = new TcpListener(Settings.Port);//When microsoft is not changing code they are crashing old programs listener.Start(); while (THListen != null) { Soc = listener.AcceptSocket(); printDebug("Connect " + Soc.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(), true); string Msg = Settings.ScreenServerX + " " + Settings.ScreenServerY + " " + Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + " " + Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height + " " + FirstConnect.ToString(); FirstConnect = false; byte[] BMsg = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Msg); Soc.Send(BMsg, BMsg.Length, SocketFlags.None); if (Service1 == null || !Service1.Running) { Service1 = new Server(); Service1.Start(Settings.Port, Soc, Settings.ScreenServerX, Settings.ScreenServerY); } else if (Service2 == null || !Service2.Running) { Service2 = new Server(); Service2.Start(Settings.Port, Soc, Settings.ScreenServerX, Settings.ScreenServerY); } else if (Service3 == null || !Service3.Running) { Service3 = new Server(); Service3.Start(Settings.Port, Soc, Settings.ScreenServerX, Settings.ScreenServerY); } } listener.Stop(); } catch (Exception Ex) { printDebug("Error listen " + Ex.Message, true); } }