Esempio n. 1
        public void PlayMovie(ApiMovie video)
            if (video == null)
            if (!_parent.IsConnected())

            _parent.Trace("Attemping to Play IdEpsiode equals" + video.Path);

             * var args = new JsonObject();
             * var items = new JsonObject();
             * args["movieid"] = video.IdMovie;
             * items["item"] = args;
             * items["playlistid"] = 1;
             * var plId = new JsonObject();
             * plId["playlistid"] = 1;
             * var item = new JsonObject();
             * item["item"] = plId;
             * _parent.JsonCommand("Playlist.Clear", plId);
             * _parent.JsonCommand("Playlist.Add", items);
             * _parent.JsonCommand("Player.Open", item);
Esempio n. 2
        public bool DownloadImages(ApiImageDownloadInfo apiImageDownloadInfo)
                if (apiImageDownloadInfo == null)

                bool res = false;

                if (apiImageDownloadInfo.Source.Contains(_parent.IP))
                    _parent.Trace("----------DOWNLOAD IMAGES: Checking for presence of Server IP Address in source to select Download Method - Server IP Found");
                    _parent.Trace("----------DOWNLOAD IMAGES: Source:" + apiImageDownloadInfo.Source.ToString() + ":Destination:" + apiImageDownloadInfo.Destination.ToString());
                    res = DownloadRemoteImageFile(apiImageDownloadInfo.Source, apiImageDownloadInfo.Destination);
                    res = Download(apiImageDownloadInfo.Source, apiImageDownloadInfo.Destination);

                if (res)
                    if (apiImageDownloadInfo.ToThumb)
                        _parent.GenerateThumb(apiImageDownloadInfo.Destination, apiImageDownloadInfo.Destination, apiImageDownloadInfo.MaxHeight);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                _parent.Log("Download Image: Does not Exist: Exception Caught:" + ex);
                // Maybe add this check log first -- apiImageDownloadInfo.Source = "NONE";

Esempio n. 3
        public void AsyncPlayFiles(Collection <ApiAudioSong> songs)
            // var songs = (Collection<ApiAudioSong>)e.Argument;

            _parent.Trace("-----------PLAYLIST Songs:  Trying to play songs #:" + songs.Count + "and Globals.SessionID:" + Globals.SessionIDClient);
            if (songs == null)
            if (!_parent.IsConnected())

            StringBuilder stringlistIds = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var apiAudioSong in songs)

            string ListItems = stringlistIds.ToString(0, stringlistIds.Length - 1);

            _parent.Trace("PLAYFILES Attempting to Play :" + ListItems);

             * _bw.CancelAsync();
             * while (_bw.IsBusy)
             * {
             *  Thread.Sleep(50);
             *  System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents();
             * }
             * _bw.RunWorkerAsync(songs);
Esempio n. 4
        public bool DownloadImages(ApiImageDownloadInfo apiImageDownloadInfo)
                if (apiImageDownloadInfo == null)

                bool res = false;

                if (apiImageDownloadInfo.Source.Contains(_parent.IP))
                    _parent.Trace("----------DOWNLOAD IMAGES OKAY checking for presence of Server IP Address in source to select DOwnload Method - Server IP Found");
                    res = DownloadRemoteImageFile(apiImageDownloadInfo.Source, apiImageDownloadInfo.Destination);
                    res = Download(apiImageDownloadInfo.Source, apiImageDownloadInfo.Destination);

                if (res)
                    if (apiImageDownloadInfo.ToThumb)
                        _parent.GenerateThumb(apiImageDownloadInfo.Destination, apiImageDownloadInfo.Destination, apiImageDownloadInfo.MaxHeight);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                _parent.Log("Exception in Download Images Caught Should continue " + ex);

Esempio n. 5
        public Collection <ApiTvSeason> GetTvSeasons()
            var seasons = new Collection <ApiTvSeason>();

                _parent.Trace("Getting TV Seasons" + _parent.IP);
                string NPurl = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/emby/Users/" + Globals.CurrentUserID + "/Items?Recursive=true&IncludeItemTypes=Season";

                var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(NPurl);

                request.Method  = "get";
                request.Timeout = 150000;
                _parent.Trace("Single TV Season Selection: " + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port);

                var authString = _parent.GetAuthString();

                request.Headers.Add("X-MediaBrowser-Token", Globals.EmbyAuthToken);
                request.Headers.Add("X-Emby-Authorization", authString);
                request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
                request.Accept      = "application/json; charset=utf-8";

                var response = request.GetResponse();

                if (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    System.IO.Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                    //REMOVETHIS                System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(dataStream);

                    using (var sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string json = sr.ReadToEnd();
                        _parent.Trace("--------------GETTING Single TV Season Selection Result ------" + json);

                        var deserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

                        var ItemData = deserializer.Deserialize <TVSeasons.Rootobject>(json);
                        _parent.Trace("---------------Get Single TV Season Selection:  Issue: Results.Taglines: " + ItemData.TotalRecordCount);

                        foreach (var genre in ItemData.Items)
                                //var SingleTVData = GetSingleTVFromSeries(genre.Id);

                                var tvShow = new ApiTvSeason
                                    SeasonNumber = genre.IndexNumber,
                                    IdShow       = Xbmc.IDtoNumber(genre.SeriesId),
                                    Show         = genre.SeriesName ?? "",
                                    Thumb        = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + genre.Id + "/Images/Primary" ?? "",
                                    EpisodeCount = genre.ChildCount,
                                    Fanart       = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + genre.SeriesId + "/Images/Backdrop" ?? "",
                                    Hash         = Xbmc.Hash(genre.Id)

 *                        var tvShow = new ApiTvShow
 *                        {
 *                            Title = genre.Name ?? "Unknown",
 *                            Plot = SingleTVData.Overview ?? "",
 *                            Rating = genre.CommunityRating.ToString() ?? "",
 *                            IdScraper = "",
 *                            Mpaa = SingleTVData.OfficialRating ?? "Unknown",
 *                            Genre = SingleTVData.Genres.FirstOrDefault().ToString() ?? "",
 *                            Studio = SingleTVData.Studios.FirstOrDefault().Name.ToString() ?? "",
 *                            IdShow = Xbmc.IDtoNumber(genre.Id),
 *                            TotalCount = genre.RecursiveItemCount,
 *                            Path = SingleTVData.Path ?? "",
 *                            Premiered = genre.PremiereDate.ToString() ?? "",
 *                            Thumb = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + genre.Id + "/Images/Primary" ?? "",
 *                            Fanart = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + genre.Id + "/Images/Backdrop" ?? "",
 *                            Hash = Xbmc.Hash(genre.Id)
 *                        };
 *                        shows.Add(tvShow);*/
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                _parent.Trace("TV Shows Exception Caught " + ex);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                _parent.Trace("Another tV SHows exception" + Ex);

             * var properties = new Jayrock.Json.JsonArray(new[] { "title" });
             * var param = new JsonObject();
             * param["properties"] = properties;
             * var result = (JsonObject)_parent.JsonCommand("VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", param);
             * if (result != null)
             * {
             *  if (result.Contains("tvshows"))
             *  {
             *    foreach (JsonObject show in (JsonArray)result["tvshows"])
             *    {
             *      var properties2 =
             *        new JsonArray(new[] { "tvshowid", "fanart", "thumbnail", "season", "showtitle", "episode" });
             *      var param2 = new JsonObject();
             *      param2["properties"] = properties2;
             *      param2["tvshowid"] = (long)(JsonNumber)show["tvshowid"];
             *      var result2 = (JsonObject)_parent.JsonCommand("VideoLibrary.GetSeasons", param2);
             *      if (result2 == null) continue;
             *      if (!result2.Contains("seasons")) continue;
             *      foreach (JsonObject genre in (JsonArray)result2["seasons"])
             *      {
             *        try
             *        {
             *          var tvShow = new ApiTvSeason
             *            {
             *              SeasonNumber = (long)(JsonNumber)genre["season"],
             *              IdShow = (long)(JsonNumber)genre["tvshowid"],
             *              Show = genre["showtitle"].ToString(),
             *              Thumb = genre["thumbnail"].ToString(),
             *              EpisodeCount = (long)(JsonNumber)genre["episode"],
             *              Fanart = genre["fanart"].ToString(),
             *              Hash = Xbmc.Hash(genre["thumbnail"].ToString())
             *            };
             *          seasons.Add(tvShow);
             *        }
             *        catch (Exception)
             *        {
             *        }
             *      }
             *    }
             *  }
             * }
Esempio n. 6
        public string GetMainSelection(string param)
                _parent.Trace("Getting Music Selection Result" + _parent.IP);
                string NPurl   = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/emby/Users/" + Globals.CurrentUserID + "/Views";
                var    request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(NPurl);
                var    MusicID = "";
                request.Method  = "get";
                request.Timeout = 10000;
                _parent.Trace("Main Selection: " + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port);
                var authString = _parent.GetAuthString();
                request.Headers.Add("X-MediaBrowser-Token", Globals.EmbyAuthToken);
                request.Headers.Add("X-Emby-Authorization", authString);
                request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
                request.Accept      = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
                var response = request.GetResponse();
                if (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    System.IO.Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();

                    using (var sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string json = sr.ReadToEnd();
                        _parent.Trace("--------------GETTING Main Selection Result ------" + json);
                        var deserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        var ItemData     = deserializer.Deserialize <MainSelectionforMusic.Rootobject>(json);
                        _parent.Trace("---------------Get Main Selection:  Issue: Results.Count: " + ItemData.Items.Length);
                        foreach (var id in ItemData.Items)
                            if (id.Name == "Music")
                                _parent.Trace("----------- Get Main Selection Run ---" + param + " ID Result equals:  " + id.Id);
                                MusicID = id.Id;


                 * // Do again to get Album, Genre etc results
                 * // these come from param - above is fixed to Music
                 * // Options to pass are Latest, Playlists, Albums, Album Artists, Songs, Genres
                 * _parent.Trace("Getting Music Next Selection  Result" + _parent.IP);
                 * NPurl = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/emby/Users/" + Globals.CurrentUserID + "/Items?parentId=" + MusicID;
                 * var request2 = WebRequest.CreateHttp(NPurl);
                 * request2.Method = "get";
                 * request2.Timeout = 100000;
                 * _parent.Trace("Main Selection: " + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port);
                 * //var authString = _parent.GetAuthString();
                 * request2.Headers.Add("X-MediaBrowser-Token", Globals.EmbyAuthToken);
                 * request2.Headers.Add("X-Emby-Authorization", authString);
                 * request2.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
                 * request2.Accept = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
                 * var response2 = request2.GetResponse();
                 * if (((HttpWebResponse)response2).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                 * {
                 *  System.IO.Stream dataStream = response2.GetResponseStream();
                 *  System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(dataStream);
                 *  using (var sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(response2.GetResponseStream()))
                 *  {
                 *      string json = sr.ReadToEnd();
                 *      _parent.Trace("--------------GETTING Music Next Selection Result ------" + json);
                 *      var deserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                 *      var ItemData = deserializer.Deserialize<MusicSelection.Rootobject>(json);
                 *      _parent.Trace("---------------Get Next  Selection:  Issue: Results.Count: " + ItemData.TotalRecordCount);
                 *      foreach (var id in ItemData.Items)
                 *      {
                 *          if (id.Name == param)
                 *          {
                 *              _parent.Trace("----------- Next Music Next Selection Run ---" + param + " ID Result equals:  " + id.Id);
                 *              return id.Id;
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _parent.Trace("ERROR in Main Music Selection obtaining: " + ex);
Esempio n. 7
        public void RefreshNowPlaying()
            lock (Locker)
                /*if (_parent.MpcLoaded)
                 * {
                 *  var result = _parent.MpcHcRemote.GetStatus();
                 *  var result2 = new ArrayList();
                 *  MpcHcRemote.ParseCSVFields(result2, result);
                 *  var data = (string[])result2.ToArray(typeof(string));
                 *  if (data.Length > 6)
                 *  {
                 *      _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Video";
                 *      _nowPlaying.Title = "Media Player Classic";
                 *      _nowPlaying.Time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + data[2]) / 1000);
                 *      _nowPlaying.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + data[4]) / 1000);
                 *      var percent = Math.Floor(100.0 * Convert.ToInt32("0" + data[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / Convert.ToInt32("0" + data[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                 *      if (Double.IsNaN(percent))
                 *          percent = 0;
                 *      _nowPlaying.Volume = Convert.ToInt32("0" + data[7], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                 *      _nowPlaying.IsMuted = data[6] == "1";
                 *      _nowPlaying.Progress = (int)percent;
                 *      if (data[1] == "Playing")
                 *      {
                 *          _parent.Log("XBMC PLAYER REMOTE:   Playing given Changing NowPlaying to true " + data[1]);
                 *          _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = true;
                 *          _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;
                 *      }
                 *      if (data[1] == "Paused")
                 *      {
                 *          _parent.Log("XBMC PLAYER REMOTE:   Paused given Changing NowPlaying to true " + data[1]);
                 *          _nowPlaying.IsPaused = true;
                 *          _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = !_nowPlaying.IsPaused;
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  if (_parent.MpcLoaded == false)
                 *  {
                 *      _nowPlaying.FileName = "Glenn MPC Stopped";
                 *      _nowPlaying.Title = "";
                 *      _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                 *      _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  if (!_parent.IsConnected())
                 *  {
                 *      _nowPlaying.FileName = "";
                 *      _nowPlaying.Title = "";
                 *      _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                 *      _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;
                 *      _parent.Log("XBMC PLAYER REMOTE:   Returning as no !Player Connected");
                 *      return;
                 *  }
                 *  //_parent.Log("XBMC PLAYER REMOTE:   Check with MPC Doesnt make it here");
                 *  /*
                 * var GUIproperties = new JsonObject();
                 * GUIproperties["properties"] = new[]
                 *                                   {
                 *                                       "currentwindow"
                 *                                     };
                 * var menuresult = (JsonObject)_parent.JsonCommand("GUI.GetProperties", GUIproperties);
                 * var GUIdeeper = (JsonObject)menuresult["currentwindow"];
                 * _nowPlaying.CurrentMenuLabel = GUIdeeper["label"].ToString();
                 * _nowPlaying.CurrentMenuID = GUIdeeper["id"].ToString();
                 * var current = -1;
                 * var players = (JsonArray)_parent.JsonCommand("Player.GetActivePlayers", null);
                 * if (players.Count > 0)
                 * {
                 *     foreach (JsonObject player in players)
                 *     {
                 *         if (player["type"].ToString() == "picture")
                 *             continue;
                 *         current = Int32.Parse(player["playerid"].ToString());
                 *         _nowPlaying.MediaType = (string)player["type"];
                 *     }
                 * }
                 * if (current == -1)
                 * {
                 *     _nowPlaying.FileName = "";
                 *     _nowPlaying.Title = "";
                 *     _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                 *     _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;
                 *     return;
                 * }
                 * var items = new JsonObject();
                 * items["playerid"] = current;
                 * items["properties"] = new[]{
                 *                         "file",
                 *                         "comment",
                 *                         "tvshowid",
                 *                         "albumartist",
                 *                         "duration",
                 *                         //"id",
                 *                         "album",
                 *                         //"votes",
                 *                        // "mpaa",
                 *                        // "writer",
                 *                        //"albumid",
                 *                         //"type",
                 *                         "genre",
                 *                         "year",
                 *                         //"plotoutline",
                 *                         "track",
                 *                         "artist",
                 *                         //"season",
                 *                         //"imdbnumber",
                 *                        // "studio",
                 *                         //"showlink",
                 *                         "showtitle",
                 *                         "episode",
                 *                         "season",
                 *                         "plot",
                 *                         "director",
                 *                         "studio",
                 *                         "rating",
                 *                         //"productioncode",
                 *                         //"country",
                 *                         //"premiered",
                 *                         //"originaltitle",
                 *                         //"artistid",
                 *                         //"firstaired",
                 *                         "tagline",
                 *                         "thumbnail",
                 *                         "fanart"
                 *                         //"top250",
                 *                         //"trailer"
                 *                     };
                 * var properties = new JsonObject();
                 * properties["playerid"] = current;
                 * properties["properties"] = new[]{
                 *                         "totaltime",
                 *                         "percentage",
                 *                         "time",
                 *                         "speed"
                 *                     };
                 * var appproperties = new JsonObject();
                 * appproperties["properties"] = new[]
                 *                                   {
                 *                                       "muted",
                 *                                       "volume"
                 *                                   };
                 * var result1 = (JsonObject)_parent.JsonCommand("Player.GetProperties", properties);
                 * var result2 = (JsonObject)_parent.JsonCommand("Player.GetItem", items);
                 * var result3 = (JsonObject)_parent.JsonCommand("Application.GetProperties", appproperties);
                 * if (result1 == null || result2 == null || result3 == null)
                 * {
                 *     _nowPlaying.FileName = "";
                 *     _nowPlaying.Title = "";
                 *     _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                 *     _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false;
                 *     return;
                 * }
                 * result2 = (JsonObject)(result2)["item"];
                 * if (_nowPlaying.MediaType == "video")
                 * {
                 *     if (result2["type"].ToString() == "channel")  //if PVR Needs to go high otherwise exception
                 *     {
                 *         _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Pvr";
                 *         _nowPlaying.IsNewMedia = true;
                 *         _nowPlaying.FileName = result2["label"].ToString();
                 *         _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = result2["thumbnail"].ToString();
                 *         _nowPlaying.FanartURL = result2["fanart"].ToString();
                 *         _nowPlaying.Title = result2["label"].ToString();
                 *         _nowPlaying.IsPaused = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result1["speed"].ToString().Replace("-", "")) == 0;
                 *         _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = !_nowPlaying.IsPaused;
                 *         var pvrtime = (JsonObject)result1["time"];
                 *         var pvrtotal = (JsonObject)result1["totaltime"];
                 *         _nowPlaying.Time = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtime["hours"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtime["minutes"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtime["seconds"]));
                 *         _nowPlaying.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtotal["hours"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtotal["minutes"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + pvrtotal["seconds"]));
                 *         _nowPlaying.Progress = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result1["percentage"].ToString().Split('.')[0]);
                 *         _nowPlaying.Volume = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result3["volume"]);
                 *         _nowPlaying.IsMuted = (bool)result3["muted"];
                 *         return;
                 *     }
                 * }
                 * _nowPlaying.IsPaused = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result1["speed"].ToString().Replace("-", "")) == 0;
                 * _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = !_nowPlaying.IsPaused;
                 * var time = (JsonObject)result1["time"];
                 * var total = (JsonObject)result1["totaltime"];
                 * _nowPlaying.Time = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + time["hours"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + time["minutes"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + time["seconds"]));
                 * _nowPlaying.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32("0" + total["hours"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + total["minutes"]), Convert.ToInt32("0" + total["seconds"]));
                 * _nowPlaying.Progress = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result1["percentage"].ToString().Split('.')[0]);
                 * _nowPlaying.Volume = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result3["volume"]);
                 * _nowPlaying.IsMuted = (bool)result3["muted"];
                 * _parent.MpcLoaded = _nowPlaying.Duration == new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1);
                 * _nowPlaying.FileName = result2["file"].ToString();
                 * if (_nowPlaying.MediaType == "audio")
                 * {
                 *     _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Audio";
                 *     _nowPlaying.Genre = _parent.JsonArrayToString((JsonArray)result2["genre"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Title = result2["label"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.Year = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result2["year"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Track = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result2["track"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Artist = _parent.JsonArrayToString((JsonArray)result2["artist"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Album = result2["album"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = result2["thumbnail"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.FanartURL = result2["fanart"].ToString();
                 * }
                 * if (_nowPlaying.MediaType == "video")
                 * {
                 *     _nowPlaying.MediaType = result2["type"].ToString() == "episode" ? "TvShow" : "Movie";
                 *     _nowPlaying.Genre = _parent.JsonArrayToString((JsonArray)result2["genre"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Title = result2["label"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.Year = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result2["year"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.SeasonNumber = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result2["season"].ToString().Replace("-", ""));
                 *     _nowPlaying.EpisodeNumber = Convert.ToInt32("0" + result2["episode"].ToString().Replace("-", ""));
                 *     _nowPlaying.ShowTitle = result2["showtitle"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.Plot = result2["plot"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.Director = _parent.JsonArrayToString((JsonArray)result2["director"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Studio = _parent.JsonArrayToString((JsonArray)result2["studio"]);
                 *     _nowPlaying.Tagline = result2["tagline"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.Rating = result2["rating"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = result2["thumbnail"].ToString();
                 *     _nowPlaying.FanartURL = result2["fanart"].ToString();
                 * }
                if (!_parent.IsConnected())
                    _nowPlaying.FileName  = "";
                    _nowPlaying.Title     = "";
                    _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                    _nowPlaying.IsPaused  = false;
                    _parent.Log("Emby PLAYER REMOTE:   Returning as no !Player Connected");


                    _parent.Trace("Emby: Using Parent IP equals: " + _parent.IP);
                    string NPurl   = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port;
                    var    request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(NPurl + "/FrontView");

                    request.Method = "get";
                    //request.Timeout = 5000;
                    _parent.Log("--------------- PLAYER CONNECTION: IP " + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port);

                    var authString = _parent.GetAuthString();

                    _parent.Log("------------------- Username Parent :" + _parent.UserName);
                    _parent.Log("------------------- CurrentUserID Parent :" + _parent.CurrentUserID);
                    _parent.Log("------------------- EMBY TOKEN EQUALS :" + Globals.EmbyAuthToken);

                    //_parent.Log("AuthString " + authString);

                    request.Headers.Add("X-MediaBrowser-Token", Globals.EmbyAuthToken);

                    request.KeepAlive = false;
                    request.Headers.Add("Authorization", authString);
                    request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
                    //  request.ContentLength = postArg.Length;
                    request.Accept = "application/json";

                    var response = request.GetResponse();

                    if (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        //  Use MPC Remote

                        _parent.MpcLoaded = true;

                        System.IO.Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();

                        //REMOVETHIS                           System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(dataStream);

                        using (var sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                            string json = sr.ReadToEnd();
                            _parent.Trace("--------------Using FrontView Emby Plugin Data   ------" + json);
                            var deserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

                            var server = deserializer.Deserialize <EmbyServerPlugin.ApiInfo>(json);
                            _parent.Trace("------------- FrontView Emby Plugin: Now Checking Results :results.Count:" + server.Filename);

                            //Check Something is Playing and Return
                            //If Doesnt return - something must be playing.
                            _parent.Trace("------------- FrontView Emby Plugin:  server.Filename equals:" + server.Filename);
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Filename))
                                _nowPlaying.FileName  = "";
                                _nowPlaying.Title     = "";
                                _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                                _nowPlaying.IsPaused  = false;
                                _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                                _parent.Trace("--------------EMBY NOW PLAYING Log: Nothing is Playing");
                            // OK - Ignore these filenames theme.mp3 for one
                            // ? Video Backgrounds as well will figure out
                            if (server.Filename.EndsWith("theme.mp3") || server.Filename.EndsWith("theme.mp4"))
                                _nowPlaying.FileName  = "";
                                _nowPlaying.Title     = "";
                                _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                                _nowPlaying.IsPaused  = false;
                                _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                                _parent.Trace("--------------Emby Now Playing Theme Video NowPlaying IGNORE This. Filename:" + server.Filename);

                            //Something must be playing- at least something with a filename
                            //We will find out how full proof that is later.

                            //_nowPlaying.IsNewMedia = true;

                            _parent.Trace("-------------- Emby Emby Plugin:  IsNewMedia:" + _nowPlaying.IsNewMedia);
                            if (server.Filename != null)
                                if (server.IsPaused == true)
                                    _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                                    _nowPlaying.IsPaused  = true;
                                if (server.IsPaused == false)
                                    _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = true;
                                    _nowPlaying.IsPaused  = false;

                                if (server.MediaType == "Audio")
                                    _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Audio";

                                    _nowPlaying.Album = server.Album;
                                    _nowPlaying.Year  = Convert.ToInt32("0" + server.Year);
                                    _nowPlaying.Track = Convert.ToInt32("0" + server.EpisodeNumber);

                                    _nowPlaying.Title    = server.Title;
                                    _nowPlaying.FileName = server.Filename;
                                    _parent.Log("------------- EMBY Trying to get Audio Images");
                                    _parent.Log("------------- EMBY IMAGES: FanartURL " + "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Backdrop");

                                    _nowPlaying.FanartURL = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.BackdropItemId + "/Images/Primary";

                                    _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Primary";
                                    _nowPlaying.Artist   = server.Artist;

                                if (server.MediaType == "Episode")
                                    _nowPlaying.MediaType     = "TvShow";
                                    _nowPlaying.EpisodeNumber = Convert.ToInt32("0" + server.EpisodeNumber);
                                    _nowPlaying.SeasonNumber  = Convert.ToInt32("0" + server.SeasonNumber);
                                    _nowPlaying.ShowTitle     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.ShowTitle) ? "" : server.ShowTitle;
                                    _nowPlaying.Title         = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Title) ? "Blank" : server.Title;
                                    _nowPlaying.Plot          = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Overview) ? "" : server.Overview;
                                    _nowPlaying.FileName      = server.Filename; //Filename
                                    _parent.Log("------------- EMBY Trying to get Images");
                                    _parent.Log("------------- EMBY IMAGES: FanartURL " + "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Backdrop");
                                    _nowPlaying.FanartURL = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.BackdropItemId + "/Images/Backdrop";
                                    _nowPlaying.ThumbURL  = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Primary";

                                if (server.MediaType == "ChannelVideoItem")
                                    _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Movie";
                                    //_nowPlaying.ShowTitle = server.NowPlayingItem.SeriesName;
                                    _nowPlaying.Title    = server.Title;
                                    _nowPlaying.FileName = server.Filename;      //No Filename as yet try ID
                                    _parent.Log("------------- EMBY Trying to get Images");
                                    _parent.Log("------------- EMBY IMAGES: FanartURL " + "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Backdrop");
                                    _nowPlaying.FanartURL = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Backdrop";
                                    _nowPlaying.ThumbURL  = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Primary";

                                if (server.MediaType == "Movie")
                                    _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Movie";
                                    //_nowPlaying.EpisodeNumber = server.NowPlayingItem.IndexNumber;
                                    // _nowPlaying.SeasonNumber = server.NowPlayingItem.ParentIndexNumber;
                                    // _nowPlaying.ShowTitle = server.NowPlayingItem.SeriesName;
                                    _nowPlaying.Title    = server.Title;
                                    _nowPlaying.Plot     = server.Overview;
                                    _nowPlaying.Director = server.Director;
                                    _nowPlaying.Rating   = server.Rating;
                                    _nowPlaying.FileName = server.Filename;
                                    _parent.Log("------------- EMBY Trying to get Images");
                                    _parent.Log("------------- EMBY IMAGES: FanartURL " + "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Backdrop");
                                    _nowPlaying.FanartURL = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Backdrop";
                                    _nowPlaying.ThumbURL  = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Primary";

                                if (server.MediaType == "Video")
                                    _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Movie";
                                    //_nowPlaying.EpisodeNumber = server.NowPlayingItem.IndexNumber;
                                    // _nowPlaying.SeasonNumber = server.NowPlayingItem.ParentIndexNumber;
                                    // _nowPlaying.ShowTitle = server.NowPlayingItem.SeriesName;
                                    _nowPlaying.Title    = server.Title;
                                    _nowPlaying.Plot     = server.Overview;
                                    _nowPlaying.Director = server.Director;
                                    _nowPlaying.Rating   = server.Rating;
                                    _nowPlaying.FileName = server.Filename;
                                    _parent.Log("------------- EMBY Trying to get Images");
                                    _parent.Log("------------- EMBY IMAGES: FanartURL " + "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Backdrop");
                                    _nowPlaying.FanartURL = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Backdrop";
                                    _nowPlaying.ThumbURL  = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/Items/" + server.PrimaryItemId + "/Images/Primary";

                                var Seconds      = Convert.ToInt64(server.Duration);
                                var TimePosition = Convert.ToInt64(server.TimePosition);
                                var RoundSeconds = Math.Round(Seconds / 10000000.00, 1);
                                var RoundTime    = Math.Round(TimePosition / 10000000.00, 2);
                                //_parent.Log("--------------TIME CONVERSION BUGGER: RoundSeconds:" + RoundSeconds + " Orginal Time RunTimeTicks:"+server.NowPlayingItem.RunTimeTicks);
                                _nowPlaying.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(RoundSeconds));

                                _nowPlaying.Time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(RoundTime));

                                double percent = (100.0 * TimePosition) / Seconds;
                                percent = Math.Round(percent, 0);

                                //Change to Primary Image - seems to be better format.
                                _parent.Log("Percent of Time equals:" + percent);
                                if (Double.IsNaN(percent))
                                    percent = 0;

                                _nowPlaying.Progress = (int)percent;

                                _nowPlaying.IsMuted = server.IsMuted;
                                _nowPlaying.Volume  = Convert.ToInt32(server.Volume);
                                _nowPlaying.Tagline = server.Tagline;
                                _nowPlaying.Studio  = server.Studio;
                                if (server.AirDate.HasValue)
                                    _nowPlaying.FirstAired = server.AirDate.Value;
                    else   //Hopefully is HTTP Status Not OK
                        _nowPlaying.FileName  = "";
                        _nowPlaying.Title     = "";
                        _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                        _nowPlaying.IsPaused  = false;
                        _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false;
                        _parent.Trace("--------------EMBY NOW PLAYING Log: Nothing is Playing");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _parent.Log("Exception in NowPlaying EMBY System" + ex);
                    _parent.MpcLoaded = false;

Esempio n. 8
        public bool Command(string cmd, string parameter)
            if (Globals.ClientSupportsRemoteControl == null)
                _parent.Log("EMBY COMMAND: ClientSupportsRemote currently null rechecking...");
                Globals.ClientSupportsRemoteControl = _parent.GetPlaybackClientSupportsRemote();
                _parent.Log("EMBY COMMAND: ClientSupportsRemote now:" + Globals.ClientSupportsRemoteControl);

            if (Globals.ClientSupportsRemoteControl == false)
                _parent.Log("-----EMBY COMMAND:   Current Client DOES NOT SUPPORT REMOTE CONTROL -- No Command Sent");
                _parent.Log("-----EMBY COMMAND:  GLobals SupportsRemote " + Globals.ClientSupportsRemoteControl + "Global ClientID:" + Globals.SessionIDClient);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.SessionIDClient))
                Globals.SessionIDClient = _parent.GetYatseInfoPlayingClient();

            HttpWebRequest request;
            var            returnContent = false;
            var            authString    = _parent.GetAuthString();

            var uri = @"http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/emby/Sessions/" + Globals.SessionIDClient + "/Playing/";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd))
                uri += cmd;

            _parent.Log(" ---------EMBY PLAY COMMAND: TESTING URL:" + uri + ":::::");

                request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(uri));
                request.Headers.Add("X-MediaBrowser-Token", Globals.EmbyAuthToken);
                request.Headers.Add("X-Emby-Authorization", authString);
                request.ContentType = "application/json";

                ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
                byte[]        data    = encoder.GetBytes("");

                request.ContentLength = data.Length;
                request.Expect        = "application/json";

                request.Method  = "POST";
                request.Timeout = 1000;
                _parent.Log("Emby COMMAND  : " + cmd);

                using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
                    using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                        if (stream != null)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8))
                                var reqContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
                                returnContent = true;
            catch (WebException e)
                _parent.Log("ERROR - EMBY  Command : " + cmd + " - " + e.Message);
                if (e.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout)
                    // _parent.MpcLoaded = false;