private void UCReminders_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { object source = e.Data.GetData("DragSource"); if (source != null && source.ToString() == "lvReminders") { if (RemindMeBox.Show("Do you want to copy the selected reminders?\n\nYou just dragged reminders and dropped them in RemindMe again.", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } //If the user said no, return; else just continue } string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); BLIO.Log("File(s) dropped into RemindMe! ( " + files.Length + " file(s) )"); BLIO.Log(".remindme files: " + files.Where(file => Path.GetExtension(file) == ".remindme").ToList().Count); //Loop through each file that is dragged into RemindMe foreach (string file in files.Where(file => Path.GetExtension(file) == ".remindme").ToList()) { List <object> remindersFromFile = BLReminder.DeserializeRemindersFromFile(file); //Objects from the .remindme file foreach (object rem in remindersFromFile.Where(rem => rem.GetType() == typeof(Reminder)).ToList()) { BLReminder.PushReminderToDatabase((Reminder)rem); BLIO.Log("Deserialized reminder and inserted it into RemindMe"); } } //finally, refresh the listview UpdateCurrentPage(); }
private void bunifuFlatButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLIO.Log("(UCSupport)bunifuFlatButton1_Click [btnView]"); if (lvMessages.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { ListViewItem itm = lvMessages.SelectedItems[0]; RemindMeMessages mess = BLOnlineDatabase.GetRemindMeMessageById(Convert.ToInt32(itm.Tag)); if (mess == null) { RemindMeMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Could not show this message. It does not exist anymore", 4); lvMessages.Items.Remove(itm); BLLocalDatabase.ReadMessage.DeleteMessage(Convert.ToInt32(itm.Tag)); return; //Doesn't exist in the database anymore } if (mess.NotificationType == "REMINDMEBOX") { BLIO.Log("Attempting to show the user a RemindMe message(REMINDMEBOX)..."); RemindMeBox.Show("A Message from the creator of RemindMe", mess.Message.Replace("¤", Environment.NewLine), RemindMeBoxReason.OK); } else if (mess.NotificationType == "REMINDMEMESSAGEFORM") { BLIO.Log("Attempting to show the user a RemindMe message(REMINDMEMESSAGEFORM)..."); RemindMeMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup(mess.Message.Replace("¤", Environment.NewLine), mess.NotificationDuration.Value); } else { BLIO.Log("Attempting to show the user a RemindMe message FAILED. Notificationtype=" + mess.NotificationType + " Message=" + mess.Message + " Id=" + mess.Id); RemindMeMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Could not preview this message. Unknown notification type", 4); lvMessages.Items.Remove(itm); BLLocalDatabase.ReadMessage.DeleteMessage(mess.Id); } } }
public static DialogResult Show(string text, string title, RemindMeBoxReason buttons, bool showDontRemindOption = false) { newMessageBox = new RemindMeBox(text, title, buttons, showDontRemindOption); newMessageBox.ShowDialog(); BLIO.Log("Closing RemindMeBox with result " + result); return(result); }
private void hideReminderToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLIO.Log("Toolstrip option clicked: Hide (" + rem.Id + ")"); string message = "You can hide reminders with this option. The reminder will not be deleted, you just won't be able to see it" + " in the list of reminders. This creates a sense of surprise.\r\n\r\nDo you wish to hide this reminder?"; BLIO.Log("Attempting to hide reminder(s)"); if (BLSettings.HideReminderOptionEnabled || RemindMeBox.Show(message, RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo, true) == DialogResult.Yes) { //Enable the hide flag here rem.Hide = 1; BLIO.Log("Marked reminder with id " + rem.Id + " as hidden"); BLReminder.EditReminder(rem); this.Reminder = null; UCReminders.Instance.UpdateCurrentPage(); new Thread(() => { //Log an entry to the database, for data! BLOnlineDatabase.HideCount++; }).Start(); } else { BLIO.Log("Attempting to hide reminder(s) failed."); } }
private void toolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLIO.Log("Toolstrip option clicked: Permanentely delete (" + rem.Id + ")"); if (RemindMeBox.Show("Are you really sure you wish to permanentely delete \"" + rem.Name + "\" ?", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { BLIO.Log("Permanentely deleting reminder with id " + rem.Id + " ..."); BLReminder.PermanentelyDeleteReminder(rem); BLIO.Log("Reminder permanentely deleted."); this.Reminder = null; UCReminders.Instance.UpdateCurrentPage(); new Thread(() => { //Log an entry to the database, for data! try { BLOnlineDatabase.PermanentelyDeleteCount++; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { BLIO.Log("Exception at BLOnlineDatabase.PermanentelyDeleteCount++. -> " + ex.Message); BLIO.WriteError(ex, ex.Message, true); } }).Start(); } else { BLIO.Log("Permanent deletion of reminder " + rem.Id + " cancelled."); } }
private void btnNewUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { BLIO.Log("Installing the new version from github!"); if (!File.Exists(IOVariables.rootFolder + "SetupRemindMe.msi")) { RemindMeBox.Show("Could not update RemindMe. Please try again later"); BLIO.Log("SetupRemindMe.msi was not found on the hard drive.. hmmmmm... suspicious.... ;)"); return; } ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(IOVariables.rootFolder + "install.bat"); info.Verb = "runas"; Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo = info; process.Start(); Application.Exit(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Cancelled installation.", 2); BLIO.Log("Cancelled installation."); } }
private void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string email = tbEmail.Text; string subject = tbSubject.Text; string note = tbNote.Text; if (tmrAllowMail.Enabled) { RemindMeBox.Show("You have recently sent an e-mail. Wait a bit before you do it again!"); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(note)) { lblSending.Visible = true; pbSending.Visible = true; btnSend.Enabled = false; // TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email)) { sendMailThread = new Thread(() => sendMailException = BLEmail.SendEmail(subject, note, false)); } else { try { MailMessage mes = new MailMessage(email, "*****@*****.**", subject, note); sendMailThread = new Thread(() => sendMailException = BLEmail.SendEmail(subject, note, email, false)); } catch (FormatException ex) { btnSend.Enabled = true; lblSending.Visible = false; pbSending.Visible = false; RemindMeBox.Show("Please enter a valid e-mail address, or leave it empty"); } } if (sendMailThread != null) { sendMailThread.Start(); tmrSendMail.Start(); tbEmail.ResetText(); tbNote.ResetText(); tbSubject.ResetText(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Something went wrong. Could not send the e-mail", 3); } }
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (UCTimer.RunningTimers.Count > 0) { if (RemindMeBox.Show("You have (" + UCTimer.RunningTimers.Count + ") active timers running.\r\n\r\nAre you sure you wish to close RemindMe? These timers will not be saved", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { e.Cancel = true; } } }
private void toolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (RemindMeBox.Show("Are you really sure you wish to permanentely delete \"" + rem.Name + "\" ?", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { BLIO.Log("Permanentely deleting reminder with id " + rem.Id + " ..."); this.Visible = false; BLReminder.PermanentelyDeleteReminder(rem); BLIO.Log("Reminder permanentely deleted."); UCReminders.GetInstance().UpdateCurrentPage(); UCReminders.GetInstance().RefreshPage(); } }
private void Popup_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { pnlText.VerticalScroll.Visible = true; //Set the maximum width of the panel, so that there won't be a horizontal scrollbar, but only a vertical one(if there is a lot of text) lblNoteText.MaximumSize = new Size(pnlText.Width - 20, 0); lblTitle.MaximumSize = new Size(pnlTitle.Width - 20, 0); pnlTopGradient.SendToBack(); FlashWindowHelper.Start(this); this.MaximumSize = this.Size; if (BLSettings.IsAlwaysOnTop()) { this.TopMost = true; //Popup will be always on top. no matter what you are doing, playing a game, watching a video, you will ALWAYS see the popup. this.TopLevel = true; } else { this.TopMost = false; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } //Show what date this reminder was set for if (rem.PostponeDate == null) { lblDate.Text = "This reminder was set for " + rem.Date.Split(',')[0]; } else { lblDate.Text = "This reminder was set for " + rem.PostponeDate; } lblTitle.Text = rem.Name; lblNoteText.Text = rem.Note.Replace("\\n", Environment.NewLine); //Play the sound if (rem.SoundFilePath != null && rem.SoundFilePath != "") { if (System.IO.File.Exists(rem.SoundFilePath)) { myPlayer.URL = rem.SoundFilePath;; } else { RemindMeBox.Show("Could not play " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rem.SoundFilePath) + " located at \"" + rem.SoundFilePath + "\" \r\nDid you move,rename or delete the file ?\r\nThe sound effect has been removed from this reminder. If you wish to re-add it, select it from the drop-down list.", RemindMeBoxReason.OK); //make sure its removed from the reminder rem.SoundFilePath = ""; } } }
private bool Exportreminders() { if (GetSelectedRemindersFromListview().Count > 0) { string selectedPath = FSManager.Folders.GetSelectedFolderPath(); if (selectedPath != null) { BLIO.Log("User selected a valid path"); Exception possibleException = BLReminder.ExportReminders(GetSelectedRemindersFromListview(), selectedPath); if (possibleException == null) { BLIO.Log("No problems encountered (exception null)"); SetStatusTexts(GetSelectedRemindersFromListview().Count, BLReminder.GetReminders().Count); } else if (possibleException is UnauthorizedAccessException) { BLIO.Log("Problem encountered: Unauthorized"); if (RemindMeBox.Show("Could not save reminders to \"" + selectedPath + "\"\r\nDo you wish to place them on your desktop instead?", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { BLIO.Log("Trying to save to desktop instead..."); possibleException = BLReminder.ExportReminders(GetSelectedRemindersFromListview(), Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)); if (possibleException != null) {//Did saving to desktop go wrong, too?? just show a message BLIO.Log("Trying to save to desktop didnt work either"); RemindMeBox.Show("Something went wrong. Could not save the reminders to your desktop.", RemindMeBoxReason.OK); return(false); } else {//Saving to desktop did not throw an exception BLIO.Log("Saved to desktop"); SetStatusTexts(GetSelectedRemindersFromListview().Count, BLReminder.GetReminders().Count); } } } else { RemindMeMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Backup failed.", 6); return(false); } } else { return(false); } } else { RemindMeMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Please select one or more reminder(s)", 6); } return(true); }
private void btnNewUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string allowUpdate = ""; try { if (UCTimer.RunningTimers.Count > 0 && !this.Visible) { if (RemindMeBox.Show("You have (" + UCTimer.RunningTimers.Count + ") active timers running.\r\n\r\nAre you sure you wish to update and close RemindMe? These timers will not be saved", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { allowUpdate = "Y"; } else { allowUpdate = "N"; } } else { if (allowUpdate == "" || allowUpdate == "Y") { //make sure the popup wont happen when remindme gets closed by Application.Exit() UCTimer.RunningTimers.Clear(); BLIO.Log("Installing the new version from github!"); if (!File.Exists(IOVariables.rootFolder + "SetupRemindMe.msi")) { RemindMeBox.Show("Could not update RemindMe. Please try again later"); BLIO.Log("SetupRemindMe.msi was not found on the hard drive.. hmmmmm... suspicious.... ;)"); return; } ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(IOVariables.rootFolder + "install.bat"); info.Verb = "runas"; Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo = info; process.Start(); Application.Exit(); } } } catch { RemindMeMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Cancelled installation.", 2); BLIO.Log("Cancelled installation."); } }
private void tmrSendMail_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (sendMailThread.IsAlive) { if (secondsPassed >= timeout) { sendMailThread.Abort(); btnSend.Enabled = true; pbSending.Visible = false; lblSending.Visible = false; MessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Could not send the e-mail from your connection.", 5); tmrSendMail.Stop(); secondsPassed = 0; } } else { lblSending.Visible = false; pbSending.Visible = false; tmrSendMail.Stop(); if (sendMailException == null) { tmrAllowMail.Start(); sendMailThread = null; MessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("E-mail Sent. Thank you!", 5); } else { if (sendMailException is FormatException) { RemindMeBox.Show("Please enter a valid e-mail address, or leave it empty"); } else { MessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Could not send the e-mail :(", 3); //No clue what happened } secondsPassed = 0; btnSend.Enabled = true; } } secondsPassed++; } catch (Exception ex) { BLIO.Log("Exception in tmrSendMail_Tick: " + ex.ToString()); tmrSendMail.Stop(); } }
private void PopupRemindMeMessage(RemindMeMessages mess) { //Update the counter on the message BLIO.Log("Attempting to update an message with id " + mess.Id); BLOnlineDatabase.UpdateRemindMeMessageCount(mess.Id); switch (mess.NotificationType) { case "REMINDMEBOX": RemindMeBox.Show("RemindMe Developer", "This is a message from the developer of RemindMe.\r\n\r\n" + mess.Message.Replace("¤", Environment.NewLine), RemindMeBoxReason.OK); break; case "REMINDMEMESSAGEFORM": RemindMeMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup(mess.Message.Replace("¤", Environment.NewLine), mess.NotificationDuration.Value, "RemindMe Developer"); break; } }
private void tsExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UCTimer.RunningTimers.Count > 0 && !this.Visible) { if (RemindMeBox.Show("You have (" + UCTimer.RunningTimers.Count + ") active timers running.\r\n\r\nAre you sure you wish to close RemindMe? These timers will not be saved", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { BLIO.Log("User had running timers and closed RemindMe(through RemindMeIcon)"); this.Close(); Application.Exit(); } } else { BLIO.Log("Closing RemindMe(through RemindMeIcon)"); this.Close(); Application.Exit(); } }
private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.End && !btnDebugMode.Visible) { tmrDebugMode.Stop(); tmrDebugMode.Start(); endKeyPressed++; if (endKeyPressed >= 3) { tmrDebugMode.Stop(); endKeyPressed = 0; BLIO.Log("end key pressed 3 times. Show dialog for debug mode"); if (RemindMeBox.Show("Enable debug mode?", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { BLIO.Log("Debug mode enabled"); btnDebugMode.Visible = true; } } } }
private void hideReminderToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string message = "You can hide reminders with this option. The reminder will not be deleted, you just won't be able to see it" + " in the list of reminders. This creates a sense of surprise.\r\n\r\nDo you wish to hide this reminder?"; BLIO.Log("Attempting to hide reminder(s)"); if (BLSettings.HideReminderOptionEnabled || RemindMeBox.Show(message, RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo, true) == DialogResult.Yes) { //Enable the hide flag here rem.Hide = 1; BLIO.Log("Marked reminder with id " + rem.Id + " as hidden"); BLReminder.EditReminder(rem); UCReminders.GetInstance().UpdateCurrentPage(); UCReminders.GetInstance().RefreshPage(); } else { BLIO.Log("Attempting to hide reminder(s) failed."); } }
private void bunifuFlatButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool doRestart = true; if (UCTimer.RunningTimers.Count > 0) { if (RemindMeBox.Show("You have (" + UCTimer.RunningTimers.Count + ") active timers running.\r\n\r\nAre you sure you wish to close RemindMe? These timers will not be saved", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { doRestart = false; } } if (doRestart) { Settings set = BLLocalDatabase.Setting.Settings; set.MaterialDesign = 1; BLLocalDatabase.Setting.UpdateSettings(set); UCTimer.RunningTimers.Clear(); Application.Restart(); } }
private void Popup2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLIO.Log("Popup_load"); AdvancedReminderProperties avrProps = BLAVRProperties.GetAVRProperties(rem.Id); List <AdvancedReminderFilesFolders> avrFF = BLAVRProperties.GetAVRFilesFolders(rem.Id); if (avrProps != null) //Not null? this reminder has advanced properties. { BLIO.Log("Reminder " + rem.Id + " has advanced reminder properties!"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(avrProps.BatchScript)) { BLIO.ExecuteBatch(avrProps.BatchScript); } this.Visible = avrProps.ShowReminder == 1; } if (avrFF != null && avrFF.Count > 0) { //Go through each action, for example c:\test , delete. c:\sometest\testFile.txt , open foreach (AdvancedReminderFilesFolders avr in avrFF) { if (avr.Action.ToString() == "Open") { if (File.Exists(avr.Path) || Directory.Exists(avr.Path)) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(avr.Path); } } else if (avr.Action.ToString() == "Delete") { FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(avr.Path); //Check if it's a file or a directory if (File.Exists(avr.Path)) { File.Delete(avr.Path); } else if (Directory.Exists(avr.Path)) { Directory.Delete(avr.Path, true); } } } } if (this.Visible) { tmrFadeIn.Start(); } else { btnOk_Click(sender, e); return; } DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(rem.Date.Split(',')[0]); lblSmallDate.Text = date.ToShortDateString() + " " + date.ToShortTimeString(); lblRepeat.Text = BLReminder.GetRepeatTypeText(rem); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rem.PostponeDate)) { pbDate.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.RemindMeZzz; lblSmallDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(rem.PostponeDate) + " (Postponed)"; } //If some country has a longer date string, move the repeat icon/text more to the right so it doesnt overlap while (lblSmallDate.Bounds.IntersectsWith(pbRepeat.Bounds)) { pbRepeat.Location = new Point(pbRepeat.Location.X + 5, pbRepeat.Location.Y); lblRepeat.Location = new Point(lblRepeat.Location.X + 5, lblRepeat.Location.Y); } //Play the sound if (rem.SoundFilePath != null && rem.SoundFilePath != "") { if (System.IO.File.Exists(rem.SoundFilePath)) { BLIO.Log("SoundFilePath not null / empty and exists on the hard drive!"); myPlayer.URL = rem.SoundFilePath;; BLIO.Log("Playing sound"); } else { BLIO.Log("SoundFilePath not null / empty but doesn't exist on the hard drive!"); RemindMeBox.Show("Could not play " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rem.SoundFilePath) + " located at \"" + rem.SoundFilePath + "\" \r\nDid you move,rename or delete the file ?\r\nThe sound effect has been removed from this reminder. If you wish to re-add it, select it from the drop-down list.", RemindMeBoxReason.OK); //make sure its removed from the reminder rem.SoundFilePath = ""; } } FlashWindowHelper.Start(this); //this.MaximumSize = this.Size; if (BLSettings.IsAlwaysOnTop()) { this.TopMost = true; //Popup will be always on top. no matter what you are doing, playing a game, watching a video, you will ALWAYS see the popup. this.TopLevel = true; } else { this.TopMost = false; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } lblTitle.Text = rem.Name; if (rem.Note != null) { lblNoteText.Text = rem.Note.Replace("\\n", Environment.NewLine); } if (rem.Note == "") { lblNoteText.Text = "( No text set )"; } lblNoteText.Text = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + lblNoteText.Text; if (rem.Date == null) { rem.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } }
private void RemindMeImporter_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLIO.Log("RemindmeImporter_load"); this.MaximumSize = this.Size; if (!HasFileAccess(this.remindmeFile)) //Do not attempt to launch the importer form if we can't open the file { BLIO.Log("Error opening .remindme file, no rights"); RemindMeBox.Show("Can not open this .remindme file from " + Path.GetDirectoryName(this.remindmeFile) + ". Insufficient rights.", RemindMeBoxReason.OK); this.Close(); } else { try { BLIO.Log("Deserializing reminders....."); List <object> deSerializedReminders = BLReminder.DeserializeRemindersFromFile(remindmeFile); BLIO.Log(deSerializedReminders.Count - 1 + " reminders deserialized!"); lblAmountOfReminders.Text = deSerializedReminders.Count - 1 + " Reminders"; //-1 because of country code foreach (object rem in deSerializedReminders) { if (rem.GetType() == typeof(Reminder)) { Reminder reminder = (Reminder)rem; BLIO.Log(reminder.Name + " Loaded into RemindMeImporter from the .remindme file."); remindersFromRemindMeFile.Add((Reminder)rem); } else { BLIO.Log("Language code" + languageCode + " read from the .remindme file!"); languageCode = rem.ToString(); //The language code stored in the .remindme file, "en-Us" for example } } if (languageCode != "") //Don't need to do this when exporting. { BLIO.Log("Going through the reminder list once more...."); foreach (object rem in remindersFromRemindMeFile) { if (rem.GetType() == typeof(Reminder)) { Reminder remm = (Reminder)rem; //Fix the date if the .remindme file has a different time format than the current system BLIO.Log("(" + remm.Name + ") Fixing the date to match the language code " + languageCode); remm.Date = BLDateTime.ConvertDateTimeStringToCurrentCulture(remm.Date, languageCode); } } } if (remindersFromRemindMeFile != null) { BLIO.Log("Adding the reminders from the .remindme file to the listview...."); BLFormLogic.AddRemindersToListview(lvReminders, remindersFromRemindMeFile); BLIO.Log("Done!"); } else { BLIO.Log("Failed to load reminders."); lblTitle.Text = "Failed to load reminders."; } } catch (Exception ex) { RemindMeBox.Show("Something has gone wrong loading reminders from this .remindme file.\r\nThe file might be corrupt", RemindMeBoxReason.OK); BLIO.Log("Error loading reminders from .remindme file written to error log"); BLIO.WriteError(ex, "Error loading reminders from .remindme file"); Application.Exit(); } } BLIO.Log("RemindmeImporter loaded !"); }