Esempio n. 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Lookup value in RatingTable
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="pt"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private Point Lookup(Point pt)
                if (pt.IsMissing)
                    return(new Point(pt.DateTime, Point.MissingValueFlag));

                if (pt.Value > MaxXValue())
                    return(new Point(pt.DateTime, Point.MissingValueFlag));

                if (pt.Value < MinXValue())
                { // if first value in table computes zero, then extrapolate a zero.
                    if (System.Math.Abs(MinYValue()) < 0.01)
                        return(new Point(pt.DateTime, 0, PointFlag.Edited));

                    return(new Point(pt.DateTime, Point.MissingValueFlag));

                double d = Lookup(pt.Value);

                if (Point.IsMissingValue(d))
                    Logger.WriteLine("Rating Table Lookup failed for " + pt.ToString());
                    return(new Point(pt.DateTime, Point.MissingValueFlag));

                return(new Point(pt.DateTime, d));
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// This function returns the RMS error between 2 values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceVal"></param>
 /// <param name="targetVal"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static double getRMS(double sourceVal, double targetVal)
     // Assign a ridiculously large value to penalize missing or zeroed data from the source series
     // this is a hack that prevents the selection of a daily series with no values when there is data
     // for the monthly series
     if (sourceVal == 0.0 || Point.IsMissingValue(sourceVal))
         sourceVal = -999999999999999.99;
     return(System.Math.Pow(sourceVal - targetVal, 2));
Esempio n. 3
        public static Series HydrometResidualForecast(Series forecast, Series runoff, Series residual)
            var rval = new Series();

            rval.TimeInterval = TimeInterval.Daily;

            if (runoff.Count < 30)
                Logger.WriteLine("Missing or not enough runoff data: HydrometResidualForecast()");

            if (residual.Count == 0)
                residual.Add(runoff[0].DateTime, 0);
            double resid = residual[0].Value;

            for (int i = 0; i < runoff.Count; i++)
                var t = runoff[i].DateTime;

                resid = ResetResidualBasedOnForecast(t, forecast, resid);

                bool missing = Point.IsMissingValue(resid);

                if (!missing && !runoff[i].IsMissing && t <= runoff.MaxDateTime)
                    var quTemp = runoff[t].Value;
                    if (quTemp < 0)
                        quTemp = 0;
                    resid = resid - quTemp * 1.98347;
                    if (resid < 0)
                        resid = 0;

                    rval.Add(t, resid);
                    Console.WriteLine("Missing data: incremental: " + runoff[i].ToString());
                    missing = true;
Esempio n. 4
        internal static Series Compare(Series series, double p, Func <double, double, double> f)
            Series rval = series.Copy();

            for (int i = 0; i < rval.Count; i++)
                Point pt      = rval[i];
                var   missing = new Point(pt.DateTime, Point.MissingValueFlag, PointFlag.Missing);
                if (pt.IsMissing || Point.IsMissingValue(p))
                    pt = missing;
                    pt.Value = f(pt.Value, p);

                rval[i] = pt;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Lineraly Interpolates y value from a DataTable
        /// sorted based on DateTime values (in the first column)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tbl"></param>
        /// <param name="t">DateTime t</param>
        /// <param name="xColumnName">name of column that contains DateTime values</param>
        /// <param name="yColumnName">name of column that contains y values</param>
        /// <param name="nearestIndex">index to row nearest to x_value in your DataTable </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double Interpolate(DataTable tbl, DateTime t,
                                         string xColumnName,
                                         string yColumnName,
                                         out int nearestIndex
            nearestIndex = -1;
            if (tbl.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Interpolate can not work with an empty DataTable");

            DataView rows = tbl.DefaultView;

            int n = rows.Count;

            DateTime currentT  = Convert.ToDateTime(rows[0][xColumnName]);
            DateTime previousT = currentT;
            DateTime maxT      = Convert.ToDateTime(rows[n - 1][xColumnName]);

            if (t == currentT) // first value in table matches.
                nearestIndex = 0;

            if (t > maxT || t < currentT)
                string msg = "Cannot interpolate " + xColumnName + "=" + t + " it is out of the range of the input DataTable";
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(msg);
            int x_pos = 0;

                if (x_pos >= n || previousT > currentT)
                    string msg = "Interpolate failed!  is your DataTable sorted on the " + xColumnName + " column";
                    msg += "\n x_value = " + t + " x_pos = " + x_pos;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
                previousT = currentT;
                currentT  = Convert.ToDateTime(rows[x_pos][xColumnName]);
            }while (t > currentT);

            if (t == currentT)
                nearestIndex = x_pos;

            var    delta   = t - previousT;
            var    diff    = currentT - previousT;
            double percent = delta.Seconds / diff.Seconds;

            //double percent = (t - previousT) / (currentT - previousT);
            if (percent >= 0.5)
                nearestIndex = x_pos;
                nearestIndex = x_pos - 1;

            double y   = Convert.ToDouble(rows[x_pos][yColumnName]);
            double ym1 = Convert.ToDouble(rows[x_pos - 1][yColumnName]);

            if (Point.IsMissingValue(y) || Point.IsMissingValue(ym1))

            return((1.0 - percent) * ym1 + percent * y);