/// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Azure Service Bus to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static AzureServiceBusTransportClientSettings UseAzureServiceBusAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionString)
            var settingsBuilder = new AzureServiceBusTransportClientSettings();

            .OtherService <AzureServiceBusTransport>()
            .Register(c =>
                var cancellationToken         = c.Get <CancellationToken>();
                var rebusLoggerFactory        = c.Get <IRebusLoggerFactory>();
                var asyncTaskFactory          = c.Get <IAsyncTaskFactory>();
                var azureServiceBusNameHelper = c.Get <AzureServiceBusNameHelper>();

                return(new AzureServiceBusTransport(
                           connectionString: connectionString,
                           queueName: null,
                           rebusLoggerFactory: rebusLoggerFactory,
                           asyncTaskFactory: asyncTaskFactory,
                           azureServiceBusNameHelper: azureServiceBusNameHelper,
                           cancellationToken: cancellationToken

            RegisterServices(configurer, () => settingsBuilder.LegacyNamingEnabled);


        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Azure Service Bus to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseAzureServiceBusAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionStringNameOrConnectionString, AzureServiceBusMode mode = AzureServiceBusMode.Standard)
            var connectionString = GetConnectionString(connectionStringNameOrConnectionString);

            if (mode == AzureServiceBusMode.Basic)
                configurer.Register(c =>
                    var rebusLoggerFactory = c.Get <IRebusLoggerFactory>();
                    var asyncTaskFactory   = c.Get <IAsyncTaskFactory>();
                    return(new BasicAzureServiceBusTransport(connectionString, null, rebusLoggerFactory, asyncTaskFactory));

            .OtherService <AzureServiceBusTransport>()
            .Register(c =>
                var rebusLoggerFactory = c.Get <IRebusLoggerFactory>();
                var asyncTaskFactory   = c.Get <IAsyncTaskFactory>();
                return(new AzureServiceBusTransport(connectionString, null, rebusLoggerFactory, asyncTaskFactory));

            .OtherService <ISubscriptionStorage>()
            .Register(c => c.Get <AzureServiceBusTransport>(), description: AsbSubStorageText);

            configurer.Register(c => c.Get <AzureServiceBusTransport>());

            configurer.OtherService <ITimeoutManager>().Register(c => new DisabledTimeoutManager(), description: AsbTimeoutManagerText);

Esempio n. 3
        private static RabbitMqOptionsBuilder BuildInternal(StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, bool oneway, Func <IResolutionContext, RabbitMqOptionsBuilder, RabbitMqTransport> rabbitMqTransportBuilder)
            if (configurer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configurer));

            var options = new RabbitMqOptionsBuilder();

            .OtherService <RabbitMqTransport>()
            .Register(c =>
                var transport = rabbitMqTransportBuilder(c, options);

            .OtherService <ISubscriptionStorage>()
            .Register(c => c.Get <RabbitMqTransport>(), description: RabbitMqSubText);

            configurer.Register(c => c.Get <RabbitMqTransport>());

            if (oneway)
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use RabbitMQ to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static RabbitMqOptionsBuilder UseRabbitMqAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionString)
            if (configurer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configurer));
            if (connectionString == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connectionString));

            var options = new RabbitMqOptionsBuilder();

            .OtherService <RabbitMqTransport>()
            .Register(c =>
                string explicitlyOmittedQueueName = null;
                var rebusLoggerFactory            = c.Get <IRebusLoggerFactory>();
                var transport = new RabbitMqTransport(connectionString, explicitlyOmittedQueueName, rebusLoggerFactory);

            .OtherService <ISubscriptionStorage>()
            .Register(c => c.Get <RabbitMqTransport>(), description: RabbitMqSubText);

            configurer.Register(c => c.Get <RabbitMqTransport>());


Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Azure Storage Queues to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseAzureStorageQueuesAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string accountName, string keyValue, bool useHttps)
            var storageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(new StorageCredentials(accountName, keyValue), useHttps);

            Register(configurer, null, storageAccount);

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Azure Storage Queues to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseAzureStorageQueuesAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string storageAccountConnectionStringOrName)
            var storageAccount = AzureConfigurationHelper.GetStorageAccount(storageAccountConnectionStringOrName);

            Register(configurer, null, storageAccount);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Azure Storage Queues to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseAzureStorageQueuesAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string storageAccountConnectionString, AzureStorageQueuesTransportOptions options = null)
            var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageAccountConnectionString);

            Register(configurer, null, storageAccount, options);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Amazon Simple Queue Service as the message transport
        /// </summary>
        static void UseAmazonSqsAsOneWayClient(StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, AWSCredentials credentials, AmazonSQSConfig amazonSqsConfig, AmazonSQSTransportOptions options = null)
            configurer.Register(c =>
                var rebusLoggerFactory = c.Get <IRebusLoggerFactory>();
                var asyncTaskFactory   = c.Get <IAsyncTaskFactory>();

                return(new AmazonSqsTransport(null, credentials, amazonSqsConfig, rebusLoggerFactory, asyncTaskFactory, options));

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use SQL Server to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages).
        /// The message table will automatically be created if it does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseSqlServerAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionStringOrConnectionStringName
#if NET45
                                                      , bool enlistInAmbientTransaction = false
            Configure(configurer, loggerFactory => new DbConnectionProvider(connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, loggerFactory
#if NET45
                                                                            , enlistInAmbientTransaction
                                                                            ), null, (context, provider, inputQueue) => new SqlServerTransport(provider, inputQueue, context.Get <IRebusLoggerFactory>(), context.Get <IAsyncTaskFactory>()));

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use SQL Server as its transport (in "one-way client mode", i.e. as a send-only endpoint). Unlike the <c>UseSqlServer</c> calls the leased version of the SQL
        /// Server transport does not hold a transaction open for the entire duration of the message handling. Instead it marks a
        /// message as being "leased" for a period of time. If the lease has expired then a worker is permitted to acquire the that
        /// message again and try reprocessing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configurer">Static to extend</param>
        /// <param name="connectionStringOrConnectionStringName">Connection string or the named connection</param>
        /// <param name="leaseInterval">If <c>null</c> will default to <seealso cref="SqlServerLeaseTransport.DefaultLeaseTime"/>. Specifies how long a worker will request to keep a message. Higher values require less database communication but increase latency of a message being processed if a worker dies</param>
        /// <param name="leaseTolerance">If <c>null</c> defaults to <seealso cref="SqlServerLeaseTransport.DefaultLeaseTolerance"/>. Workers will wait for this amount of time to elapse, beyond the lease time, before they pick up an already leased message.</param>
        /// <param name="automaticallyRenewLeases">If <c>true</c> then workers will automatically renew the lease they have acquired whilst they're still processing the message. This will occur in accordance with <paramref name="leaseAutoRenewInterval"/></param>
        /// <param name="leaseAutoRenewInterval">If <c>null</c> defaults to <seealso cref="SqlServerLeaseTransport.DefaultLeaseAutomaticRenewal"/>. Specifies how frequently a lease will be renewed whilst the worker is processing a message. Lower values decrease the chance of other workers processing the same message but increase DB communication. A value 50% of <paramref name="leaseInterval"/> should be appropriate</param>
        /// <param name="leasedByFactory">If non-<c>null</c> a factory which returns a string identifying this worker when it leases a message. If <c>null></c> the current machine name is used</param>
        /// <param name="enlistInAmbientTransaction">If <c>true</c> the connection will be enlisted in the ambient transaction if it exists, else it will create an SqlTransaction and enlist in it</param>
        public static void UseSqlServerInLeaseModeAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, TimeSpan?leaseInterval = null, TimeSpan?leaseTolerance = null, bool automaticallyRenewLeases = false, TimeSpan?leaseAutoRenewInterval = null, Func <string> leasedByFactory = null
#if NET45
                                                                 , bool enlistInAmbientTransaction = false
            ConfigureInLeaseMode(configurer, loggerFactory => new DbConnectionProvider(connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, loggerFactory
#if NET45
                                                                                       , enlistInAmbientTransaction
                                                                                       ), null, leaseInterval, leaseTolerance, automaticallyRenewLeases, leaseAutoRenewInterval);

Esempio n. 11
        static TTransportOptions Configure <TTransportOptions>(StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, TransportFactoryDelegate transportFactory, TTransportOptions transportOptions) where TTransportOptions : SqlServerTransportOptions
            configurer.Register(context =>
                if (transportOptions.IsOneWayQueue == true)

                var connectionProvider = transportOptions.ConnectionProviderFactory(context);
                var transport          = transportFactory(context, connectionProvider, transportOptions.InputQueueName);
                if ((transportOptions.InputQueueName != null) && (transportOptions.EnsureTablesAreCreated == true))


            configurer.OtherService <ITimeoutManager>().Register(c => new DisabledTimeoutManager(),
                                                                 @"A timeout manager cannot be explicitly configured when using SQL Server as the
transport. This is because because the SQL transport has built-in deferred 
message capabilities, and therefore it is not necessary to configure anything 
else to be able to delay message delivery.");

            configurer.OtherService <IPipeline>().Decorate(c =>
                var pipeline = c.Get <IPipeline>();

                return(new PipelineStepRemover(pipeline)
                       .RemoveIncomingStep(s => s.GetType() == typeof(HandleDeferredMessagesStep)));

            configurer.OtherService <Options>().Decorate(c =>
                var options = c.Get <Options>();

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ExternalTimeoutManagerAddressOrNull))
                    options.ExternalTimeoutManagerAddressOrNull = SqlServerTransport.MagicExternalTimeoutManagerAddress;


        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use MSMQ to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static MsmqTransportConfigurationBuilder UseMsmqAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer)
            var builder = new MsmqTransportConfigurationBuilder();

            configurer.Register(c =>
                var rebusLoggerFactory = c.Get <IRebusLoggerFactory>();
                var transport          = new MsmqTransport(null, rebusLoggerFactory);


        static void ConfigureOneWayClient(StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, AWSCredentials credentials, AmazonSQSConfig amazonSqsConfig, AmazonSQSTransportOptions options)
            if (configurer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configurer));
            if (credentials == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(credentials));
            if (amazonSqsConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(amazonSqsConfig));
            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));

            configurer.Register(c =>
                var rebusLoggerFactory = c.Get <IRebusLoggerFactory>();
                var asyncTaskFactory   = c.Get <IAsyncTaskFactory>();

                return(new AmazonSQSTransport(null, credentials, amazonSqsConfig, rebusLoggerFactory, asyncTaskFactory, options));


            if (options.UseNativeDeferredMessages)
                .OtherService <IPipeline>()
                .Decorate(p =>
                    var pipeline = p.Get <IPipeline>();

                    return(new PipelineStepRemover(pipeline)
                           .RemoveIncomingStep(s => s.GetType() == typeof(HandleDeferredMessagesStep)));

                configurer.OtherService <ITimeoutManager>()
                .Register(c => new DisabledTimeoutManager(), description: SqsTimeoutManagerText);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Azure Service Bus to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static AzureServiceBusTransportClientSettings UseAzureServiceBusAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionString, ITokenProvider tokenProvider = null)
            var settingsBuilder = new AzureServiceBusTransportClientSettings();

            configurer.OtherService <Options>().Decorate(c =>
                var options = c.Get <Options>();
                options.ExternalTimeoutManagerAddressOrNull = AzureServiceBusTransport.MagicDeferredMessagesAddress;

            .OtherService <AzureServiceBusTransport>()
            .Register(c =>
                var cancellationToken  = c.Get <CancellationToken>();
                var rebusLoggerFactory = c.Get <IRebusLoggerFactory>();
                var asyncTaskFactory   = c.Get <IAsyncTaskFactory>();
                var nameFormatter      = c.Get <INameFormatter>();

                var transport = new AzureServiceBusTransport(
                    connectionString: connectionString,
                    queueName: null,
                    rebusLoggerFactory: rebusLoggerFactory,
                    asyncTaskFactory: asyncTaskFactory,
                    nameFormatter: nameFormatter,
                    cancellationToken: cancellationToken,
                    tokenProvider: tokenProvider

                transport.MaximumMessagePayloadBytes = settingsBuilder.MaximumMessagePayloadBytes;


            RegisterServices(configurer, () => settingsBuilder.LegacyNamingEnabled);


Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use MSMQ to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static MsmqTransportConfigurationBuilder UseMsmqAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer)
            if (configurer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configurer));

            var builder = new MsmqTransportConfigurationBuilder();

            configurer.Register(c =>
                var rebusLoggerFactory    = c.Get <IRebusLoggerFactory>();
                var extensionDeserializer = c.Has <IMsmqHeaderSerializer>(false) ? c.Get <IMsmqHeaderSerializer>() : new ExtensionHeaderSerializer();
                var transport             = new MsmqTransport(null, rebusLoggerFactory, extensionDeserializer);


Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Google Pub/Sub to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseGooglePubSubAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, ICloudQueueFactory queueFactory, GooglePubSubTransportOptions options = null)
            Register(configurer, null, queueFactory, options);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Oracle to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages).
        /// The table specified by <paramref name="tableName"/> will be used to store messages.
        /// The message table will automatically be created if it does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseOracleAQAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, OracleAQTransportOptions options, bool enlistInAmbientTransaction = false)
            ConfigureAQ(configurer, loggerFactory => new OracleConnectionHelper(connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, enlistInAmbientTransaction), options);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use SQL Server as its transport (in "one-way client mode", i.e. as a send-only endpoint). The message table will automatically be created if it does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configurer">Static to extend</param>
        /// <param name="connectionFactory">Factory to provide a new connection</param>
        /// <param name="leaseInterval">If <c>null</c> will default to <seealso cref="SqlServerLeaseTransport.DefaultLeaseTime"/>. Specifies how long a worker will request to keep a message. Higher values require less database communication but increase latency of a message being processed if a worker dies</param>
        /// <param name="leaseTolerance">If <c>null</c> defaults to <seealso cref="SqlServerLeaseTransport.DefaultLeaseTolerance"/>. Workers will wait for this amount of time to elapse, beyond the lease time, before they pick up an already leased message.</param>
        /// <param name="automaticallyRenewLeases">If <c>true</c> then workers will automatically renew the lease they have acquired whilst they're still processing the message. This will occur in accordance with <paramref name="leaseAutoRenewInterval"/></param>
        /// <param name="leaseAutoRenewInterval">If <c>null</c> defaults to <seealso cref="SqlServerLeaseTransport.DefaultLeaseAutomaticRenewal"/>. Specifies how frequently a lease will be renewed whilst the worker is processing a message. Lower values decrease the chance of other workers processing the same message but increase DB communication. A value 50% of <paramref name="leaseInterval"/> should be appropriate</param>
        /// <param name="leasedByFactory">If non-<c>null</c> a factory which returns a string identifying this worker when it leases a message. If <c>null></c> the current machine name is used</param>
        public static void UseSqlServerInLeaseModeAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, Func <Task <IDbConnection> > connectionFactory, TimeSpan?leaseInterval = null, TimeSpan?leaseTolerance = null, bool automaticallyRenewLeases = false, TimeSpan?leaseAutoRenewInterval = null, Func <string> leasedByFactory = null)
            ConfigureInLeaseMode(configurer, loggerFactory => new DbConnectionFactoryProvider(connectionFactory, loggerFactory), null, leaseInterval, leaseTolerance, automaticallyRenewLeases, leaseAutoRenewInterval);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use SQL Server to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages).
        /// The message table will automatically be created if it does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseSqlServerAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, Func <Task <IDbConnection> > connectionFactory)
            Configure(configurer, loggerFactory => new DbConnectionFactoryProvider(connectionFactory, loggerFactory), null);

 /// <summary>
 /// Configures Rebus to use PostgreSql to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages).
 /// The table specified by <paramref name="tableName"/> will be used to store messages.
 /// The message table will automatically be created if it does not exist.
 /// </summary>
 public static void UsePostgreSqlAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, IPostgresConnectionProvider connectionProvider, string tableName)
     Configure(configurer, connectionProvider, tableName, null);
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use MySql to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages).
        /// The table specified by <paramref name="tableName"/> will be used to store messages.
        /// The message table will automatically be created if it does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UsePostgreSqlAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionString, string tableName)
            Configure(configurer, loggerFactory => new MySqlConnectionHelper(connectionString), tableName, null);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Oracle to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages).
        /// The table specified by <paramref name="tableName"/> will be used to store messages.
        /// The message table will automatically be created if it does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseOracleAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, string tableName)
            Configure(configurer, loggerFactory => new OracleConnectionHelper(connectionStringOrConnectionStringName), tableName, null);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Azure Storage Queues to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseAzureStorageQueuesAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, ICloudQueueFactory queueFactory, AzureStorageQueuesTransportOptions options = null)
            Register(configurer, null, queueFactory, options);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Azure Storage Queues to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseAzureStorageQueuesAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, CloudStorageAccount storageAccount, AzureStorageQueuesTransportOptions options = null)
            Register(configurer, null, storageAccount, options);

Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use Oracle to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages).
        /// The table specified by <paramref name="tableName"/> will be used to store messages.
        /// The message table will automatically be created if it does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseOracleAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, string tableName, bool enlistInAmbientTransaction = false, bool automaticallyCreateTables = true)
            Configure(configurer, loggerFactory => new OracleConnectionHelper(connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, enlistInAmbientTransaction), tableName, null, automaticallyCreateTables);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Rebus to use SQL Server to transport messages as a one-way client (i.e. will not be able to receive any messages).
        /// The table specified by <paramref name="tableName"/> will be used to store messages.
        /// The message table will automatically be created if it does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UseSqlServerAsOneWayClient(this StandardConfigurer <ITransport> configurer, string connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, string tableName)
            Configure(configurer, loggerFactory => new DbConnectionProvider(connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, loggerFactory), tableName, null);
