Esempio n. 1
        protected void btnPlayMapEdited_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //use EF to connect to SQL Server
            using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())

                //use the Playboard model to save the new record
                Playboard p = new Playboard();
                Int32 PlayboardID = 0;
                Int32 ReaderID = 0;

                //check the querystring for an id so we can determine add / update
                if (Request.QueryString["PlayboardID"] != null)
                    //get the id from the url
                    PlayboardID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PlayboardID"]);

                    //get the current student from EF
                    p = (from objP in db.Playboard
                         where objP.PlayboardID == PlayboardID
                         select objP).FirstOrDefault();

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtSandboxDate.Text))
                    p.sandbox_date = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtSandboxDate.Text));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtSandboxLandedOn.Text))
                    p.sandbox_landed_on = txtSandboxLandedOn.Text;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtTreasureDate.Text))
                    p.treehouse_date = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtTreehouseDate.Text));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtTreehouseLandedOn.Text))
                    p.treehouse_landed_on = txtTreehouseLandedOn.Text;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtCastleDate.Text))
                    p.castle_date = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtCastleDate.Text));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtCastleLandedOn.Text))
                    p.castle_landed_on = txtCastleLandedOn.Text;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtTreasureDate.Text))
                    p.treasure_date = (Convert.ToDateTime(txtTreasureDate.Text));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtTreasureLandedOn.Text))
                    p.treasure_landed_on = txtTreasureLandedOn.Text;

                //call add only if we have no Playboard ID
                if (PlayboardID == 0)

                //run the update or insert

                //redirect to the updated students page
                ReaderID = p.ReaderID;
                Response.Redirect("editreader.aspx?ReaderID=" + ReaderID);
Esempio n. 2
        protected void btnPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //use EF to connect to SQL Server
            using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())

                Int32 ReaderID = 0;
                //get the id from the url
                ReaderID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ReaderID"]);

                // flag to determine whether to create a new Playboard record
                bool isWon = false;

                //check the querystring for an id so we can determine if add or update
                if (Request.QueryString["ReaderID"] != null)
                    //get PlayboardId if it exists
                    Playboard objP = (from p in db.Playboard
                                   where p.ReaderID == ReaderID
                                   orderby p.PlayboardID descending
                                   select p).FirstOrDefault();

                    // determine if existing Playboard record exists. if not we need to create a new object.
                    if (objP == null || objP.win_free_book != null)
                        objP = new Playboard();
                        objP.ReaderID = ReaderID;

                        // need to create a flag to determine whether or not to create a new Playboard record
                        // flag is true if current record already has data under win_free_book  field.

                        if (objP.win_free_book != null) {
                             isWon = true;

                        // get whatever radio button selection was pressed and dropdown dice number
                        if (rdoPlayMove.SelectedValue == "sandbox")
                            objP.sandbox_date = System.DateTime.Now;
                            objP.sandbox_landed_on = ddlPlayMove.SelectedValue;
                        else if (rdoPlayMove.SelectedValue == "treehouse")
                            objP.treehouse_date = System.DateTime.Now;
                            objP.treehouse_landed_on = ddlPlayMove.SelectedValue;
                        else if (rdoPlayMove.SelectedValue == "castle")
                            objP.castle_date = System.DateTime.Now;
                            objP.castle_landed_on = ddlPlayMove.SelectedValue;
                        else if (rdoPlayMove.SelectedValue == "treasurechest")
                            objP.treasure_date = System.DateTime.Now;
                            objP.treasure_landed_on = ddlPlayMove.SelectedValue;

                        // we're not playing for the first time because PlayboardID exists.
                        // But we still need to determine whether to add a new record or update the existing one.
                        // This all depends on whether the current record shows that the win_book field is populated
                        // If so, create new Playboard record; If not, just update existing Playboard record.
                        if (isWon) {

                    //run the update


                //redirect to the updated students page
                Response.Redirect("editreader.aspx?ReaderID=" + ReaderID);