Esempio n. 1
 public string UpdateReadList(ReadList newReadList)
     using (ReadListContext db = new ReadListContext())
         ReadList temp = db.ReadLists.Find(newReadList.Id);
         if (temp == null)
             return("Update failed, because row with this id does not exist.");
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newReadList.AuthorName))
             return("Insert failed, because authorName should not be null or empty string.");
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newReadList.BookTitle))
             return("Insert failed, because bookTitle should not be null or empty string.");
         if (newReadList.Page <= 0)
             return("Update failed, because book must have more pages than zero or less.");
         if (newReadList.Rating <= 0 || newReadList.Rating > 5)
             return("Update failed, because rating must be more than one and less than five.");
         temp.AuthorName      = newReadList.AuthorName;
         temp.BookTitle       = newReadList.BookTitle;
         temp.Page            = newReadList.Page;
         temp.Rating          = newReadList.Rating;
         temp.ReadingDate     = newReadList.ReadingDate;
         db.Entry(temp).State = EntityState.Modified;
         return("Update successful!");
Esempio n. 2
 public string DeleteById(int id)
     using (ReadListContext db = new ReadListContext())
         ReadList readList = db.ReadLists.Find(id);
         if (readList != null)
             db.Entry(readList).State = EntityState.Deleted;
             return("Delete successful!");
             return("Delete failed, Row with this id does not exist.");