Esempio n. 1
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FrB;
            float K;
            cycle.Name = "FrBFB";

            FrB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            Spell FB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FireballBF);

            // FrB      1 - brainFreeze
            // FrB-FB   brainFreeze

            float T8 = 0;

            K = 0.05f * castingState.MageTalents.BrainFreeze / (1 - T8);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FrB, 1);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FB, K);
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 2
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState, Cycle baseCycle)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            cycle.Name = baseCycle.Name;
            cycle.AreaEffect = baseCycle.AreaEffect;

            // uptime
            float fightDuration = castingState.CalculationOptions.FightDuration;
            float effectDuration = Solver.MirrorImageDuration;
            float effectCooldown = Solver.MirrorImageCooldown;
            int activations = 0;
            float total;
            if (fightDuration < effectDuration)
                total = fightDuration;
                activations = 1;
                total = effectDuration;
                activations = 1;
                fightDuration -= effectDuration;
                int count = (int)(fightDuration / effectCooldown);
                total += effectDuration * count;
                activations += count;
                fightDuration -= effectCooldown * count;
                fightDuration -= effectCooldown - effectDuration;
                if (fightDuration > 0) 
                    total += fightDuration;

            Spell mirrorImage = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.MirrorImage);
            // activations * gcd in fightDuration
            float gcd = castingState.Solver.BaseGlobalCooldown + castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyGCD;

            cycle.AddCycle(needsDisplayCalculations, baseCycle, (castingState.CalculationOptions.FightDuration - activations * gcd) / baseCycle.CastTime);
            cycle.CastTime += activations * gcd;
            cycle.costPerSecond += activations * (int)(0.10 * SpellTemplate.BaseMana[castingState.CalculationOptions.PlayerLevel]);
            //effectDamagePerSecond += (mirrorImage.AverageDamage + spellPower * mirrorImage.DamagePerSpellPower) / mirrorImage.CastTime;
            cycle.damagePerSecond += total * mirrorImage.AverageDamage / mirrorImage.CastTime;
            cycle.DpsPerSpellPower += total * mirrorImage.DamagePerSpellPower / mirrorImage.CastTime;

            cycle.Note = baseCycle.Note;

            return cycle;
Esempio n. 3
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState, Cycle baseCycle)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            cycle.Name = "Mage Ward+" + baseCycle.Name;

            Spell MageWard = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.MageWard);

            // 1 ward every 30 seconds

            cycle.AreaEffect = baseCycle.AreaEffect;
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MageWard, 1);
            cycle.AddCycle(needsDisplayCalculations, baseCycle, (30 - MageWard.CastTime) / baseCycle.CastTime);

            cycle.Note = baseCycle.Note;

            return cycle;
Esempio n. 4
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState, Cycle baseCycle, bool averaged)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            cycle.Name = baseCycle.Name;
            cycle.AreaEffect = baseCycle.AreaEffect;

            Spell FlameOrb = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FlameOrb);

            // 1 flame orb in 15 seconds
            // 1 flame orb in 60 seconds (averaged)

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FlameOrb, 1);
            cycle.AddCycle(needsDisplayCalculations, baseCycle, ((averaged ? 60 : 15) - FlameOrb.CastTime) / baseCycle.CastTime);

            cycle.Note = baseCycle.Note;

            return cycle;
Esempio n. 5
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState, Cycle baseCycle)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            cycle.Name = baseCycle.Name;
            cycle.AreaEffect = baseCycle.AreaEffect;

            Spell Combustion = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Combustion);

            // 1 combustion in 10 seconds
            // the dot duplication is currently calculated in individual spells
            // consider splitting that out for display purposes

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Combustion, 1);
            cycle.AddCycle(needsDisplayCalculations, baseCycle, (10 - Combustion.CastTime) / baseCycle.CastTime);

            cycle.Note = baseCycle.Note;

            return cycle;
Esempio n. 6
        public FrostCycleGenerator(CastingState castingState, bool useLatencyCombos, bool useDeepFreeze)
            this.useLatencyCombos = useLatencyCombos;

            FrB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FrBS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FireballBF);
            FBS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.FireballBF);
            IL = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.IceLance);
            ILS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.IceLance);
            DFS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.DeepFreeze);

            BF = 0.05f * castingState.MageTalents.BrainFreeze;
            FOF = (castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost == 2 ? 0.15f : 0.07f * castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost);
            T8 = 0;
            deepFreeze = useDeepFreeze;

Esempio n. 7
        public FrostCycleGeneratorBeta(CastingState castingState, bool useDeepFreeze, float deepFreezeCooldown, bool useFreeze, float freezeCooldown)
            this.deepFreezeCooldown = deepFreezeCooldown;
            this.deepFreeze = useDeepFreeze;
            this.freezeCooldown = freezeCooldown;
            this.freeze = useFreeze;

            FrB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FrB.Label = "Frostbolt";
            FFB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBoltBF);
            FFB.Label = "FrostfireBolt";
            FFBF = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBoltBF);
            FFBF.Label = "Frozen+FrostfireBolt";
            IL = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.IceLance);
            IL.Label = "Frozen+IceLance";
            DF = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.DeepFreeze);
            DF.Label = "Frozen+DeepFreeze";

            BF = 0.05f * castingState.MageTalents.BrainFreeze;
            FOF = (castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost == 3 ? 0.2f : 0.07f * castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost);

        public AB2ABarMBAM(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            : base(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState)
            float K1, K2, K3, K4;
            Name = "AB2ABarMBAM";

            Spell AB0 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);
            Spell AB1 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast1);
            Spell ABar = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);
            Spell ABar2 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage2);
            Spell MBAM = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissilesMB);
            Spell MBAM2 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissilesMB2);

            float MB = 0.04f * castingState.MageTalents.MissileBarrage;

            //AB0-AB1-ABar2            (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB)
            //AB0-AB1-ABar2-MBAM       (1 - MB) * (1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB))
            //AB0-AB1-MBAM2-ABar       MB * (1 - MB)
            //AB0-AB1-MBAM2-ABar-MBAM  MB * MB

            K1 = (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB);
            K2 = (1 - MB) * (1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB));
            K3 = MB * (1 - MB);
            K4 = MB * MB;

            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, K1);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, K1);
            if (AB0.CastTime + AB1.CastTime + ABar2.CastTime < 3.0) AddPause(3.0f + castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyGCD - AB0.CastTime - AB1.CastTime - ABar2.CastTime, K1);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar2, K1);

            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, K2);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, K2);
            if (AB0.CastTime + AB1.CastTime + ABar2.CastTime < 3.0) AddPause(3.0f + castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyGCD - AB0.CastTime - AB1.CastTime - ABar2.CastTime, K2);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar2, K2);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM, K2);

            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, K3);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, K3);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM2, K3);
            if (AB0.CastTime + AB1.CastTime + MBAM2.CastTime + ABar.CastTime < 3.0) AddPause(3.0f + castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyGCD - AB0.CastTime - AB1.CastTime - ABar.CastTime - MBAM2.CastTime, K3);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, K3);

            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, K4);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, K4);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM2, K4);
            if (AB0.CastTime + AB1.CastTime + MBAM2.CastTime + ABar.CastTime < 3.0) AddPause(3.0f + castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyGCD - AB0.CastTime - AB1.CastTime - ABar.CastTime - MBAM2.CastTime, K4);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, K4);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM, K4);

Esempio n. 9
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            cycle.Name = "AB4ABar34AM";

            // S0:
            // AB0-AB1-AB2-AB3-ABar                => S0    (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB)
            // AB0-AB1-AB2-AB3-ABar-AB0-AB1-AB2-AM => S0    (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB))
            // AB0-AB1-AB2-AB3-AM                  => S0    (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * MB
            // AB0-AB1-AB2-AM                      => S0    (1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB))

            Spell AM = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);
            Spell ABar = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);

            float MB = 0.4f;
            float K2 = (1 - MB) * (1 - MB);
            float K3 = K2 * (1 - MB);
            float K4 = K2 * K2;
            float K0 = K3 * (1 - K2);
            float K5 = K3 * K2;
            float ABcast;

            Spell AB0 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);
            Spell AB1 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast1);
            Spell AB2 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast2);
            Spell AB3 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast3);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, 1 + K0);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, 1 + K0);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB2, 1 + K0);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB3, K2);
            ABcast = AB0.CastTime;

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AM, 1 - K5);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, K3);
            // a bit overkill on pause, but make sure we respect the ABar cooldown
            if (4 * ABcast + ABar.CastTime < ABar.Cooldown)
                cycle.AddPause(ABar.Cooldown - 4 * ABcast - ABar.CastTime, K3);

            return cycle;
Esempio n. 10
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            cycle.Name = "AB2ABar02AMABABar";

            if (castingState.Solver.Mage2T10)
                // doesn't support haste transferring over several loops

                // S0:
                // AB0-AB1-ABar            => S0    (1-MB)*(1-MB)*(1-MB)
                // AB0-AB1-AM-AB0-ABar     => S0    (1-MB)*(1-MB)*MB
                // AM-AB0-ABar             => S0    (1 - (1-MB)*(1-MB))

                Spell ABar = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);
                Spell AM = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);                
                Spell AB0T = castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);
                Spell ABarT = castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);
                Spell AB0 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);
                Spell AB1 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast1);

                float MB = 0.4f;
                float K2 = (1 - MB) * (1 - MB);
                float K3 = K2 * (1 - MB);
                float K4 = K2 * K2;

                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, K2);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, K2);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, K3);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AM, 1 - K3);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0T, 1 - K3);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABarT, 1 - K3);
                if (AB0.CastTime + AB1.CastTime + ABar.CastTime < ABar.Cooldown)
                    cycle.AddPause(ABar.Cooldown - AB0.CastTime - AB1.CastTime - ABar.CastTime, K3);
                if (AM.CastTime + AB0T.CastTime + ABarT.CastTime < ABar.Cooldown)
                    cycle.AddPause(ABar.Cooldown - AM.CastTime - AB0T.CastTime - ABarT.CastTime, 1 - K2);
                Spell ABar = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);
                Spell AM = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);
                Spell AB0 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);
                Spell AB1 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast1);

                float MB = 0.4f;
                float K2 = (1 - MB) * (1 - MB);
                float K3 = K2 * (1 - MB);
                float K4 = K2 * K2;

                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, K2 + 1 - K3);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, K2);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, K3 + 1 - K3);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AM, 1 - K3);
                if (AB0.CastTime + AB1.CastTime + ABar.CastTime < ABar.Cooldown)
                    cycle.AddPause(ABar.Cooldown - AB0.CastTime - AB1.CastTime - ABar.CastTime, K3);
                if (AM.CastTime + AB0.CastTime + ABar.CastTime < ABar.Cooldown)
                    cycle.AddPause(ABar.Cooldown - AM.CastTime - AB0.CastTime - ABar.CastTime, 1 - K2);

            return cycle;
Esempio n. 11
        public ABABarSlow(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            : base(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState)
            float MB;
            float X;
            float S0;
            float S1;
            // TODO not updated for 3.0.8 mode, consider deprecated?
            Name = "ABABarSlow";

            Spell AB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);
            Spell ABar = castingState.MaintainSnareState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);
            Spell MBAM = castingState.MaintainSnareState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissilesMB);
            Spell Slow = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Slow);

            MB = 0.04f * castingState.MageTalents.MissileBarrage;

            //AB-Pause-ABar     1 - X  (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) => S0, 1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) => S1
            //AB-Slow-ABar      X

            //MBAM-Pause-ABar   1 - X  (1 - MB) => S0, MB => S1
            //MBAM-Slow-ABar    X

            //S0 + S1 = 1
            //S0a = (1 - X) * ((1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * S0 + (1 - MB) * S1)
            //S0b = X * ((1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * S0 + (1 - MB) * S1)
            //S1a = (1 - X) * ((1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB)) * S0 + MB * S1)
            //S1b = X * ((1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB)) * S0 + MB * S1)

            //S0 = (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * S0 + (1 - MB) * S1
            //S1 = (1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB)) * S0 + MB * S1

            //S0 * (1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) + (1 - MB)) = (1 - MB)

            //S0 = (1 - MB) / (1 + (1 - MB) * MB)
            //S1 = (2 - MB) * MB / (1 + (1 - MB) * MB)

            //time casting slow / all time casting = time(Slow) / 15

            //value = (1 - X) * S0 * (value(AB) + value(ABar) + value(Pause)) + X * S0 * (value(AB) + value(ABar) + value(Slow)) + (1 - X) * S1 * (value(MBAM) + value(ABar) + value(Pause)) * X * S1 * (value(MBAM) + value(ABar) + value(Slow))
            //value = S0 * value(AB-ABar) + X * S0 * value(Slow) + S1 * value(MBAM-ABar) + X * S1 * value(Slow) + (1 - X) * value(Pause)
            //value = S0 * value(AB-ABar) + S1 * value(MBAM-ABar) + X * value(Slow) + (1 - X) * value(Pause)

            // X = (S0 * time(AB-ABar) + S1 * time(MBAM-ABar) + time(Pause)) / (15 - time(Slow) + time(Pause))

            S0 = (1 - MB) / (1 + (1 - MB) * MB);
            S1 = (2 - MB) * MB / (1 + (1 - MB) * MB);
            float Pause = 0.0f;
            if (AB.CastTime + ABar.CastTime < 3.0) Pause = 3.0f + castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyGCD - AB.CastTime - ABar.CastTime;
            X = (S0 * (AB.CastTime + ABar.CastTime) + S1 * (MBAM.CastTime + ABar.CastTime) + Pause) / (15.0f - Slow.CastTime + Pause);

            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, (1 - X) * S0);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB, (1 - X) * S0);
            if (AB.CastTime + ABar.CastTime < 3.0) AddPause(3.0f + castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyGCD - AB.CastTime - ABar.CastTime, (1 - X) * S0);

            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, (1 - X) * S1);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM, (1 - X) * S1);
            if (MBAM.CastTime + ABar.CastTime < 3.0) AddPause(3.0f + castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyGCD - MBAM.CastTime - ABar.CastTime, (1 - X) * S1);

            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, X * S0);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB, X * S0);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Slow, X * S0);
            if (AB.CastTime + ABar.CastTime + Slow.CastTime < 3.0) AddPause(3.0f + castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyGCD - AB.CastTime - ABar.CastTime - Slow.CastTime, X * S0);

            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, X * S1);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM, X * S1);
            AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Slow, X * S1);
            if (MBAM.CastTime + ABar.CastTime + Slow.CastTime < 3.0) AddPause(3.0f + castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyGCD - MBAM.CastTime - ABar.CastTime - Slow.CastTime, X * S1);

Esempio n. 12
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FB;
            Spell Sc;
            Spell Pyro;
            float K;
            float X;
            cycle.Name = "FBScPyro";
            cycle.ProvidesScorch = true;

            FB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Fireball);
            Sc = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Scorch);
            Pyro = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.PyroblastPOMDotUptime);
            Spell PyroSpam = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.PyroblastPOMSpammed);

            int averageScorchesNeeded = (int)Math.Ceiling(3f / (float)castingState.MageTalents.ImprovedScorch);
            int extraScorches = 0;

            // proportion of time casting non-scorch spells has to be less than gap := (30 - (averageScorchesNeeded + extraScorches)) / (30 - extraScorches)
            // 0 HS charge:
            // FB     => 0 HS charge    (1 - FBcrit) * X
            //        => 1 HS charge    FBcrit * X
            // Sc     => 0 HS charge    (1 - SCcrit) * (1 - X)
            //           1 HS charge    SCcrit * (1 - X)
            // 1 HS charge:
            // FB     => 0 HS charge    (1 - FBcrit) * X + (1 - H) * FBcrit * X
            // FBPyro => 0 HS charge    H * FBcrit * X
            // Sc     => 0 HS charge    (1 - SCcrit) * (1 - X) + (1 - H) * SCcrit * (1 - X)
            // ScPyro => 0 HS charge    H * SCcrit * (1 - X)

            // S0 = FB0a + FB0b + Sc0a + Sc0b
            // S1 = FB1 + FBPyro + Sc1 + ScPyro

            // solve for stationary distribution
            // FB0a = (1 - FBcrit) * X * S0
            // FB0b = FBcrit * X * S0
            // Sc0a = (1 - SCcrit) * (1 - X) * S0
            // Sc0b = SCcrit * (1 - X) * S0
            // FB1 = ((1 - FBcrit) * X + (1 - H) * FBcrit * X) * S1
            // FBPyro = H * FBcrit * X * S1
            // Sc1 = ((1 - SCcrit) * (1 - X) + (1 - H) * SCcrit * (1 - X)) * S1
            // ScPyro = H * SCcrit * (1 - X) * S1

            // S0 + S1 = 1
            // S0 = FB0a + Sc0a + S1
            // S1 = FB0b + Sc0b

            // S1 = (FBcrit * X  + SCcrit * (1 - X)) * S0
            // C := (FBcrit * X  + SCcrit * (1 - X))
            //    = X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit

            // S1 = C * (1 - S1)
            // S1 = C / (1 + C)
            // S0 = 1 / (1 + C)

            // value = (X * value(FB) + (1 - X) * value(Sc)) * 1 / (1 + C) + (X * value(FB) + (1 - X) * value(Sc) + H * (FBcrit * X + SCcrit * (1 - X)) * value(Pyro) / (1 - T8)) * C / (1 + C)
            //         X * value(FB) + (1 - X) * value(Sc) + value(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8)

            // (X * time(FB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C)) / [X * time(FB) + (1 - X) * time(Sc) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C)] = gap
            // (X * time(FB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C)) = gap * [X * time(FB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C)] + gap * (1 - X) * time(Sc)
            // (X * time(FB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C)) * (1 - gap) = gap * (1 - X) * time(Sc)
            // (X * (1 + C) * time(FB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C) * (1 - gap) = gap * (1 - X) * (1 + C) * time(Sc)
            // (X * (1 + C) * time(FB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C) * (1 - gap) = gap * (1 + C) * time(Sc) - gap * X * (1 + C) * time(Sc)
            // (X * time(FB) + X * C * time(FB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C) * (1 - gap) = gap * time(Sc) + gap * C * time(Sc) - gap * X * time(Sc) - gap * X * C * time(Sc)
            // (X * time(FB) + X * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * time(FB) + time(Pyro) * H * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit)) * (1 - gap) = gap * time(Sc) + gap * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * time(Sc) - gap * X * time(Sc) - gap * X * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * time(Sc)
            // X * time(FB) * (1 - gap) + X * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * time(FB) * (1 - gap) + time(Pyro) * H * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * (1 - gap) = gap * time(Sc) + gap * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * time(Sc) - gap * X * time(Sc) - gap * X * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * time(Sc)
            // X * [time(FB) * (1 - gap) + SCcrit * time(FB) * (1 - gap) + 2 * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * SCcrit * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap)] + X * X * [(FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(FB) * (1 - gap) + (FBcrit - SCcrit) * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap)] + SCcrit * SCcrit * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap) = gap * time(Sc) + gap * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * time(Sc) - gap * X * time(Sc) - gap * X * (X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit) * time(Sc)
            // X * X * [(FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(FB) * (1 - gap) + (FBcrit - SCcrit) * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap) + gap * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(Sc)] + X * [time(FB) * (1 - gap) + SCcrit * time(FB) * (1 - gap) + 2 * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * SCcrit * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap) - gap * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(Sc) + gap * time(Sc) + gap * SCcrit * time(Sc)] + [SCcrit * SCcrit * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap) - gap * time(Sc) - gap * SCcrit * time(Sc)] = 0

            // A2 :=
            // (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(FB) * (1 - gap) + (FBcrit - SCcrit) * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap) + gap * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(Sc)
            // (FBcrit - SCcrit) * [time(FB) * (1 - gap) + (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap) + gap * time(Sc)]
            // (FBcrit - SCcrit) * [time(FB) * (1 - gap) + (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap) - (1 - gap) * time(Sc) + time(Sc)]
            // (FBcrit - SCcrit) * [(1 - gap) * (time(FB) + (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(Pyro) * H - time(Sc)) + time(Sc)]
            // A1 :=
            // time(FB) * (1 - gap) + SCcrit * time(FB) * (1 - gap) + 2 * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * SCcrit * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap) - gap * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * time(Sc) + gap * time(Sc) + gap * SCcrit * time(Sc)
            // time(FB) * [(1 - gap) + SCcrit * (1 - gap)] + time(Pyro) * H * [2 * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * SCcrit * (1 - gap)] + time(Sc) * [gap + gap * SCcrit - gap * (FBcrit - SCcrit)]
            // time(FB) * (1 - gap) * (1 + SCcrit) + time(Pyro) * H * [2 * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * SCcrit * (1 - gap)] + time(Sc) * gap * [1 + 2 * SCcrit - FBcrit]
            // (1 - gap) * [time(FB) * (1 + SCcrit) + time(Pyro) * H * 2 * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * SCcrit - time(Sc) * (1 + 2 * SCcrit - FBcrit)] + time(Sc) * (1 + 2 * SCcrit - FBcrit)
            // A0 :=
            // SCcrit * SCcrit * time(Pyro) * H * (1 - gap) - gap * time(Sc) * (1 + SCcrit)
            // (1 - gap) * (SCcrit * SCcrit * time(Pyro) * H + time(Sc) * (1 + SCcrit)) - time(Sc) * (1 + SCcrit)

            // A2 * X * X + A1 * X + A0 = 0
            // X = [- A1 +/- sqrt[A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0]] / (2 * A2)

            // A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0

            float T8 = 0;

            float gap = (30.0f - (averageScorchesNeeded + extraScorches) * Sc.CastTime) / (30.0f - extraScorches * Sc.CastTime);
            if (castingState.MageTalents.ImprovedScorch == 0)
                cycle.ProvidesScorch = false;
                gap = 1.0f;
            float FBcrit = FB.CritRate;
            float SCcrit = Sc.CritRate;
            float H = castingState.MageTalents.HotStreak / 3.0f;
#if RAWR4
            if (castingState.Solver.Specialization != Specialization.Fire) H = 0.0f;
            if (castingState.MageTalents.Pyroblast == 0) H = 0.0f;
            float A2 = (FBcrit - SCcrit) * FB.CastTime * (1 - gap) + (FBcrit - SCcrit) * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * (1 - gap) + gap * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * Sc.CastTime;
            float A1 = FB.CastTime * (1 - gap) * (1 + SCcrit) + Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * (2 * (FBcrit - SCcrit) * SCcrit * (1 - gap)) + Sc.CastTime * gap * (1 + 2 * SCcrit - FBcrit);
            float A0 = SCcrit * SCcrit * Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * (1 - gap) - gap * Sc.CastTime * (1 + SCcrit);
            if (Math.Abs(A2) < 0.00001)
                X = -A0 / A1;
                X = (float)((-A1 + Math.Sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0)) / (2 * A2));
            if (gap == 1.0f) X = 1.0f; //avoid rounding errors
            float C = X * (FBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit;
            K = H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8);

            float hasteFactor = 1.0f;
            if (castingState.Solver.Mage2T10)
                // p = K / (1 + K)
                // N = (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FB.CastTime * X + LB.CastTime * (1-X) + Pyro.CastTime * K)
                hasteFactor = 1.12f / ((float)Math.Pow(1 - K / (1.0f + K), (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FB.CastTime * X + Sc.CastTime * (1 - X) + Pyro.CastTime * K) + 0.5f) * 0.12f + 1f);

            // pyro dot uptime 

            //A := [x * cFB * DFB + (1 - x) * cLB * DLB]  ~ (x * cFB + (1 - x) * cLB)* D[x * FB + (1 - x) * LB]
            //B := [x * (1-cFB) * DFB + (1 - x) * (1-cLB) * DLB] ~ (1 - (x * cFB + (1- x) * cLB)) * D[x * FB + (1 - x) * LB]

            float averageTicks = 0f;
            float k1 = 0;
            float k2 = C * C * H;
            float totalChance = k2;
            float averageCastTime = X * (FB.CastTime - Sc.CastTime) + Sc.CastTime;
            int n = 2;

            averageTicks += Math.Min((int)(Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * T8;
            averageTicks += Math.Min((int)((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * (1 - T8) * k2;

            while ((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor < 12)
                float tmp = k1;
                k1 = k2;
                k2 = C * (1 - C * H) * tmp + (1 - C) * k1;
                totalChance += k2;
                averageTicks += Math.Min((int)((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * (1 - T8) * k2;
            averageTicks += 4 * (1 - T8) * (1 - totalChance);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FB, X);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Sc, 1 - X);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Pyro, K, averageTicks / 4.0f);
            cycle.CastTime /= hasteFactor;
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 13
        public static Cycle GetSolvedCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FrB, FFB, FFBS, ILS, DFS;
            float KFrB, KFFB, KFFBS, KILS, KDFS;
            cycle.Name = "FrBDFFFBIL";

            FrB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FFB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBoltBF);
            FFBS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBoltBF);
            ILS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.IceLance);
            DFS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.DeepFreeze);

            // get the right distribution bank
            float[,] castDistribution;
            float[,] castDistributionFFO;
            if (castingState.Solver.Mage4T11)
                castDistribution = CastDistributionT11;
                castDistributionFFO = CastDistributionT11FFO;
            else if (castingState.Solver.Mage4T12)
                castDistribution = CastDistributionT12;
                castDistributionFFO = CastDistributionT12FFO;
                castDistribution = CastDistribution;
                castDistributionFFO = CastDistributionFFO;

            // check if we have interpolation nodes ready
            float r = (castingState.CastingSpeed - 1) / 0.05f;
            int i = (int)r;
            r -= i;

            // if we're out of bounds just use the edge
            if (i + 1 >= 21)
                i = 19;
                r = 1;

            // uncomment this to get code for cast distributions to paste
            /*lock (castDistribution)
                for (i = 0; i < 21; i++)
                    CastingState state = castingState.Clone();
                    state.CastingSpeed = 1 + i * 0.05f;
                    state.ReferenceCastingState = castingState;
                    SolveCycle(state, false, out castDistribution[i, 0], out castDistribution[i, 1], out castDistribution[i, 2], out castDistribution[i, 3], out castDistribution[i, 4]);
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("\t{{{0}f,	{1}f,	{2}f,	{3}f,	{4}f}},", castDistribution[i, 0], castDistribution[i, 1], castDistribution[i, 2], castDistribution[i, 3], castDistribution[i, 4]));
                for (i = 0; i < 21; i++)
                    CastingState state = castingState.Clone();
                    state.CastingSpeed = 1 + i * 0.05f;
                    state.ReferenceCastingState = castingState;
                    SolveCycle(state, true, out castDistribution[i, 0], out castDistribution[i, 1], out castDistribution[i, 2], out castDistribution[i, 3], out castDistribution[i, 4]);
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("\t{{{0}f,	{1}f,	{2}f,	{3}f,	{4}f}},", castDistribution[i, 0], castDistribution[i, 1], castDistribution[i, 2], castDistribution[i, 3], castDistribution[i, 4]));

            if (castingState.CalculationOptions.FlameOrb == 0 || (castingState.CalculationOptions.FlameOrb == 2 && !castingState.FlameOrb))
                KFrB = castDistribution[i, 0] + r * (castDistribution[i + 1, 0] - castDistribution[i, 0]);
                KFFB = castDistribution[i, 1] + r * (castDistribution[i + 1, 1] - castDistribution[i, 1]);
                KFFBS = castDistribution[i, 2] + r * (castDistribution[i + 1, 2] - castDistribution[i, 2]);
                KILS = castDistribution[i, 3] + r * (castDistribution[i + 1, 3] - castDistribution[i, 3]);
                KDFS = castDistribution[i, 4] + r * (castDistribution[i + 1, 4] - castDistribution[i, 4]);
            else if (castingState.CalculationOptions.FlameOrb == 1)
                KFrB = 0.75f * (castDistribution[i, 0] + r * (castDistribution[i + 1, 0] - castDistribution[i, 0])) + 0.25f * (castDistributionFFO[i, 0] + r * (castDistributionFFO[i + 1, 0] - castDistributionFFO[i, 0]));
                KFFB = 0.75f * (castDistribution[i, 1] + r * (castDistribution[i + 1, 1] - castDistribution[i, 1])) + 0.25f * (castDistributionFFO[i, 1] + r * (castDistributionFFO[i + 1, 1] - castDistributionFFO[i, 1]));
                KFFBS = 0.75f * (castDistribution[i, 2] + r * (castDistribution[i + 1, 2] - castDistribution[i, 2])) + 0.25f * (castDistributionFFO[i, 2] + r * (castDistributionFFO[i + 1, 2] - castDistributionFFO[i, 2]));
                KILS = 0.75f * (castDistribution[i, 3] + r * (castDistribution[i + 1, 3] - castDistribution[i, 3])) + 0.25f * (castDistributionFFO[i, 3] + r * (castDistributionFFO[i + 1, 3] - castDistributionFFO[i, 3]));
                KDFS = 0.75f * (castDistribution[i, 4] + r * (castDistribution[i + 1, 4] - castDistribution[i, 4])) + 0.25f * (castDistributionFFO[i, 4] + r * (castDistributionFFO[i + 1, 4] - castDistributionFFO[i, 4]));
            else //if (castingState.CalculationOptions.FlameOrb == 2 && castingState.FlameOrb)
                KFrB = castDistributionFFO[i, 0] + r * (castDistributionFFO[i + 1, 0] - castDistributionFFO[i, 0]);
                KFFB = castDistributionFFO[i, 1] + r * (castDistributionFFO[i + 1, 1] - castDistributionFFO[i, 1]);
                KFFBS = castDistributionFFO[i, 2] + r * (castDistributionFFO[i + 1, 2] - castDistributionFFO[i, 2]);
                KILS = castDistributionFFO[i, 3] + r * (castDistributionFFO[i + 1, 3] - castDistributionFFO[i, 3]);
                KDFS = castDistributionFFO[i, 4] + r * (castDistributionFFO[i + 1, 4] - castDistributionFFO[i, 4]);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FrB, KFrB);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FFB, KFFB);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FFBS, KFFBS);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ILS, KILS);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, DFS, KDFS);
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 14
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState, int targets)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FFB;
            Spell LB;
            Spell Pyro;
            float X;
            float K = 0;
            if (targets > 1)
                cycle.Name = "FFBLB3Pyro";
                LB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.LivingBombAOE);
                cycle.AreaEffect = true;
                cycle.Name = "FFBLBPyro";
                LB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.LivingBomb);

            FFB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBolt);
            Pyro = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.PyroblastPOMDotUptime);

            // CATA model

            // LB doesn't interact with hot streak, so we can just use the FBPyro HS model and insert LB as a filler

            // Pyro/FB K = ((FBc^2-FBc)*FBk-FBc^2)/(FBc*FBk-FBc-1)
            // LB/FB X

            // value = value(FB) + X * value(LB) + K * value(Pyro)

            // time(LB) * X / [time(FB) + time(LB) * X + time(Pyro) * K] = time(LB) / LBrecastInterval
            // LBrecastInterval * X = time(FB) + time(LB) * X + time(Pyro) * K
            // (LBrecastInterval - time(LB)) * X = time(FB) + time(Pyro) * K

            // X = (time(FB) + time(Pyro) * K) / (LBrecastInterval - time(LB))

            // more accurate LB uptime model
            // LB is cast every dotduration + half of average non LB spell duration
            // average non lb cast time = (time(FB) + time(Pyro) * K) / (1 + K)

            // LBrecastInterval = LB.DotFullDuration + 0.5 * (time(FB) + time(Pyro) * K) / (1 + K)

            float FFBc = FFB.CritRate;
            float FFBHSc = FFB.CritRate - FFB.NonHSCritRate;
            float FFBk = Math.Max(-2.73f * FFBHSc + 0.95f, 0f);
            if (castingState.Solver.Mage4T12)
                FFBk = Math.Min(0.3f + FFBk, 1f);
            K = ((FFBc * FFBc - FFBc) * FFBk - FFBc * FFBc) / (FFBc * FFBk - FFBc - 1);
            if (castingState.Solver.Specialization != Specialization.Fire) K = 0.0f;

            float LBrecastInterval = LB.DotFullDuration + 0.5f * (FFB.CastTime + Pyro.CastTime * K) / (1 + K);
            X = (FFB.CastTime + Pyro.CastTime * K) / (LBrecastInterval - targets * LB.CastTime);

            // pyro dot uptime 

            float averageDuration = 0f;
            float k0 = 1;
            float k1 = 0;
            float k2 = 0;
            float totalChance = k2;
            float n = 2;

            //averageDuration += Math.Min((Pyro.CastTime + n * (FB.CastTime + X * LB.CastTime)), Pyro.DotFullDuration) * k2;

            while ((Pyro.CastTime + n * (FFB.CastTime + targets * X * LB.CastTime)) < Pyro.DotFullDuration)
                float tmp = k1;
                k2 = k0 * FFBc * FFBk + k1 * FFBc;
                k1 = k0 * FFBc * (1 - FFBk);
                k0 = (k0 + tmp) * (1 - FFBc);
                totalChance += k2;
                averageDuration += Math.Min((Pyro.CastTime + n * (FFB.CastTime + targets * X * LB.CastTime)), Pyro.DotFullDuration) * k2;
            averageDuration += Pyro.DotFullDuration * (1 - totalChance);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FFB, 1);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, LB, targets * X);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Pyro, K, averageDuration / Pyro.DotFullDuration);
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 15
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FFB;
            float K;
            cycle.Name = "FFBPyro";

            FFB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBolt);
            Spell Pyro = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.PyroblastPOMDotUptime);

            // no Pyro
            // FB => no Pyro 1 - c*c/(1+c)
            //    => Pyro c*c/(1+c)
            // Pyro
            // Pyro => no Pyro

            // 1 - c*c/(1+c)
            // FB

            // c*c/(1+c)

            float T8 = 0;

            K = FFB.CritRate * FFB.CritRate / (1.0f + FFB.CritRate) * castingState.MageTalents.HotStreak / 3.0f / (1 - T8);
#if RAWR4
            if (castingState.Solver.Specialization != Specialization.Fire) K = 0.0f;
            if (castingState.MageTalents.Pyroblast == 0) K = 0.0f;

            float hasteFactor = 1.0f;
            if (castingState.Solver.Mage2T10)
                // p = K / (1 + K)
                // N = (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FB.CastTime * X + LB.CastTime * (1-X) + Pyro.CastTime * K)
                hasteFactor = 1.12f / ((float)Math.Pow(1 - K / (1.0f + K), (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FFB.CastTime + Pyro.CastTime * K) + 0.5f) * 0.12f + 1f);

            // pyro dot uptime 

            //A := [x * cFB * DFB + (1 - x) * cLB * DLB]  ~ (x * cFB + (1 - x) * cLB)* D[x * FB + (1 - x) * LB]
            //B := [x * (1-cFB) * DFB + (1 - x) * (1-cLB) * DLB] ~ (1 - (x * cFB + (1- x) * cLB)) * D[x * FB + (1 - x) * LB]

            float averageTicks = 0f;
            float C = FFB.CritRate;
            float H = castingState.MageTalents.HotStreak / 3.0f;
            float k1 = 0;
            float k2 = C * C * H;
            float totalChance = k2;
            float averageCastTime = FFB.CastTime;
            int n = 2;

            averageTicks += Math.Min((int)(Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * T8;
            averageTicks += Math.Min((int)((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * (1 - T8) * k2;

            while ((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor < 12)
                float tmp = k1;
                k1 = k2;
                k2 = C * (1 - C * H) * tmp + (1 - C) * k1;
                totalChance += k2;
                averageTicks += Math.Min((int)((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * (1 - T8) * k2;
            averageTicks += 4 * (1 - T8) * (1 - totalChance);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FFB, 1);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Pyro, K, averageTicks / 4.0f);
            cycle.CastTime /= hasteFactor;
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 16
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            cycle.Name = "AB3ABar023AM";

            if (castingState.Solver.Mage2T10)
                // doesn't support haste transferring over several loops

                // S0:
                // AB0-AB1-AB2-ABar    => S1    (1 - MB) * (1 - MB)
                // AB0-AB1-AB2-AM      => S0    (1 - MB) * MB
                // AB0-AB1-AM          => S0    MB
                // S1:
                // AB0-AB1-AB2-ABar    => S1    (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB)
                // AB0-AB1-AB2-AM      => S0    (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * MB
                // AB0-AB1-AM          => S0    (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * MB
                // AM                  => S0    (1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB))

                // K2 := (1-MB)*(1-MB)
                // K4 := K2 * K2

                // S0 = (1 - K2) * S0 + (1 - K4) * S1
                // S1 = K2 * S0 + K4 * S1
                // S0 + S1 = 1

                // S0 = (1-K4)/(1-K4+K2)

                Spell ABar = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);
                Spell AM = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);
                Spell AMT = castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);

                float m2T10time = 5.0f - castingState.CalculationOptions.LatencyChannel;
                Spell AB0A = (m2T10time > 0.0f) ? castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0) : castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);
                m2T10time -= AB0A.CastTime;
                Spell AB1A = (m2T10time > 0.0f) ? castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast1) : castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast1);
                m2T10time -= AB1A.CastTime;
                Spell AM2A = (m2T10time > 0.0f) ? castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles) : castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);
                Spell AB2A = (m2T10time > 0.0f) ? castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast2) : castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast2);
                m2T10time -= AB2A.CastTime;
                Spell AM3A = (m2T10time > 0.0f) ? castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles) : castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);
                Spell ABar3A = (m2T10time > 0.0f) ? castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage) : castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);

                Spell AB0C = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);
                Spell AB1C = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast1);
                Spell AMC = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);
                Spell AB2C = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast2);
                Spell ABarC = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);

                float MB = 0.4f;
                float K2 = (1 - MB) * (1 - MB);
                float K4 = K2 * K2;

                float S0 = (1 - K4) / (1 - K4 + K2);
                float S1 = 1 - S0;

                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0A, S0);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1A, S0);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB2A, S0 * (1 - MB));
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AM2A, S0 * MB);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AM3A, S0 * (1 - MB) * MB);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar3A, S0 * K2);

                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0C, S1 * K2);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1C, S1 * K2);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB2C, S1 * K2 * (1 - MB));
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AMC, S1 * (1 - K4));
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABarC, S1 * K4);
                // S0:
                // AB0-AB1-AB2-ABar    => S1    (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - MB)
                // AB0-AB1-AB2-ABar-AM => S0    (1 - MB) * (1 - MB) * (1 - (1 - MB) * (1 - MB))
                // AB0-AB1-AB2-AM      => S0    (1 - MB) * MB
                // AB0-AB1-AM          => S0    MB

                Spell AM = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);
                Spell ABar = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);

                float MB = 0.4f;
                float K2 = (1 - MB) * (1 - MB);
                float K4 = K2 * K2;
                float ABcast;

                Spell AB0 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);
                Spell AB1 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast1);
                Spell AB2 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast2);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, 1);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, 1);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB2, 1 - MB);
                ABcast = AB0.CastTime;

                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AM, 1 - K4);
                cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, K2);
                // a bit overkill on pause, but make sure we respect the ABar cooldown
                if (3 * ABcast + ABar.CastTime < ABar.Cooldown)
                    cycle.AddPause(ABar.Cooldown - 3 * ABcast - ABar.CastTime, K2);

            return cycle;
Esempio n. 17
        public FireCycleGenerator(CastingState castingState)
            FB = new Spell[2];
            Sc = new Spell[2];
            LB = new Spell[2];
            Pyro = new Spell[2];

            FB[0] = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Fireball);
            Sc[0] = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Scorch);
            LB[0] = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.LivingBomb);
            Pyro[0] = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.PyroblastPOM); // does not account for dot uptime
            FB[0].Label = "Fireball";
            Sc[0].Label = "Scorch";
            LB[0].Label = "Living Bomb";
            Pyro[0].Label = "Pyroblast";

            FB[1] = castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.Fireball);
            Sc[1] = castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.Scorch);
            LB[1] = castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.LivingBomb);
            Pyro[1] = castingState.Tier10TwoPieceState.GetSpell(SpellId.PyroblastPOM); // does not account for dot uptime
            FB[1].Label = "2T10:Fireball";
            Sc[1].Label = "2T10:Scorch";
            LB[1].Label = "2T10:Living Bomb";
            Pyro[1].Label = "2T10:Pyroblast";

            HS = castingState.MageTalents.HotStreak / 3.0f;
            T8 = 0;
            //maintainScorch = castingState.CalculationOptions.MaintainScorch;
            livingBombGlyph = castingState.MageTalents.GlyphOfLivingBomb;
            LBDotCritRate = castingState.FireCritRate;
            T10 = castingState.Solver.Mage2T10;

Esempio n. 18
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FFB;
            Spell Sc;
            Spell Pyro;
            float K;
            float X;
            cycle.Name = "FFBScPyro";
            cycle.ProvidesScorch = true;

            FFB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBolt);
            Sc = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Scorch);
            Pyro = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.PyroblastPOMDotUptime);

            int averageScorchesNeeded = (int)Math.Ceiling(3f / (float)castingState.MageTalents.ImprovedScorch);
            int extraScorches = 0;

            float T8 = 0;

            float gap = (30.0f - (averageScorchesNeeded + extraScorches) * Sc.CastTime) / (30.0f - extraScorches * Sc.CastTime);
            if (castingState.MageTalents.ImprovedScorch == 0)
                cycle.ProvidesScorch = false;
                gap = 1.0f;
            float FFBcrit = FFB.CritRate;
            float SCcrit = Sc.CritRate;
            float H = castingState.MageTalents.HotStreak / 3.0f;
#if RAWR4
            if (castingState.Solver.Specialization != Specialization.Fire) H = 0.0f;
            if (castingState.MageTalents.Pyroblast == 0) H = 0.0f;
            float A2 = (FFBcrit - SCcrit) * FFB.CastTime * (1 - gap) + (FFBcrit - SCcrit) * (FFBcrit - SCcrit) * Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * (1 - gap) + gap * (FFBcrit - SCcrit) * Sc.CastTime;
            float A1 = FFB.CastTime * (1 - gap) * (1 + SCcrit) + Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * (2 * (FFBcrit - SCcrit) * SCcrit * (1 - gap)) + Sc.CastTime * gap * (1 + 2 * SCcrit - FFBcrit);
            float A0 = SCcrit * SCcrit * Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * (1 - gap) - gap * Sc.CastTime * (1 + SCcrit);
            if (Math.Abs(A2) < 0.00001)
                X = -A0 / A1;
                X = (float)((-A1 + Math.Sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0)) / (2 * A2));
            if (gap == 1.0f) X = 1.0f; //avoid rounding errors
            float C = X * (FFBcrit - SCcrit) + SCcrit;
            K = H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8);

            float hasteFactor = 1.0f;
            if (castingState.Solver.Mage2T10)
                // p = K / (1 + K)
                // N = (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FB.CastTime * X + LB.CastTime * (1-X) + Pyro.CastTime * K)
                hasteFactor = 1.12f / ((float)Math.Pow(1 - K / (1.0f + K), (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FFB.CastTime * X + Sc.CastTime * (1 - X) + Pyro.CastTime * K) + 0.5f) * 0.12f + 1f);

            // pyro dot uptime 

            //A := [x * cFB * DFB + (1 - x) * cLB * DLB]  ~ (x * cFB + (1 - x) * cLB)* D[x * FB + (1 - x) * LB]
            //B := [x * (1-cFB) * DFB + (1 - x) * (1-cLB) * DLB] ~ (1 - (x * cFB + (1- x) * cLB)) * D[x * FB + (1 - x) * LB]

            float averageTicks = 0f;
            float k1 = 0;
            float k2 = C * C * H;
            float totalChance = k2;
            float averageCastTime = X * (FFB.CastTime - Sc.CastTime) + Sc.CastTime;
            int n = 2;

            averageTicks += Math.Min((int)(Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * T8;
            averageTicks += Math.Min((int)((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * (1 - T8) * k2;

            while ((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor < 12)
                float tmp = k1;
                k1 = k2;
                k2 = C * (1 - C * H) * tmp + (1 - C) * k1;
                totalChance += k2;
                averageTicks += Math.Min((int)((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * (1 - T8) * k2;
            averageTicks += 4 * (1 - T8) * (1 - totalChance);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FFB, X);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Sc, 1 - X);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Pyro, K, averageTicks / 4.0f);
            cycle.CastTime /= hasteFactor;
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 19
        public static void SolveCycle(CastingState castingState, bool useFFO, out float KFrB, out float KFFB, out float KFFBS, out float KILS, out float KDFS)
            Spell FrB, FFB, FFBS, ILS, DFS;
            float RFrB = 0, RFFB = 0, RFFBS = 0, RILS = 0, RDFS = 0;
            int CFrB = 0, CFFB = 0, CFFBS = 0, CILS = 0, CDFS = 0;

            FrB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FFB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBoltBF);
            FFBS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBoltBF);
            ILS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.IceLance);
            DFS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.DeepFreeze);

            // FFB on FOF only, if Freeze is off cooldown only use it if FOF is off
            // IL on FOF if Freeze is off cooldown, otherwise on FOF2 only

            float bf = 0.05f * castingState.MageTalents.BrainFreeze;
            float fof = (castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost == 3 ? 0.2f : 0.07f * castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost);

            // override this so we don't have to store so many variations (means talent graphs won't show value for this talent)
            bf = 0.3f; // testing possible 4T12 value
            fof = 0.2f;

            float dfCooldown = 0;
            float freezeCooldown = 0;
            int fofActual = 0;
            int fofRegistered = 0;
            bool bfRegistered = false;
            bool bfActual = false;
            float ffo = 1;

            Random rnd = new Random();

            bool stable;
            float errorMargin = 0.000001f;

                for (int c = 0; c < 1000000; c++)
                    if (dfCooldown == 0.0f && (fofRegistered > 0 || freezeCooldown == 0))
                        if (fofRegistered > 0)
                            bfRegistered = bfActual;
                            fofActual = Math.Max(0, fofActual - 1);
                            fofRegistered = fofActual;
                            dfCooldown = Math.Max(0, 30f - DFS.CastTime);
                            freezeCooldown = Math.Max(0, freezeCooldown - DFS.CastTime);
                            bfRegistered = bfActual;
                            fofActual = 1;
                            fofRegistered = fofActual;
                            dfCooldown = Math.Max(0, 30f - DFS.CastTime);
                            freezeCooldown = Math.Max(0, 25f - DFS.CastTime);
                        while (useFFO && ffo < DFS.CastTime)
                            bool fofProc = rnd.NextDouble() < fof;
                            bool bfProc = rnd.NextDouble() < bf;
                            bfActual = bfProc || bfActual;
                            if (fofProc)
                                fofActual = Math.Min(2, fofActual + 1);
                            ffo += 1;
                        if (useFFO)
                            ffo -= DFS.CastTime;
                    else if (bfRegistered && ((fofRegistered > 0 && freezeCooldown > 0) || (fofRegistered == 0 && freezeCooldown == 0)))
                        if (fofRegistered > 0)
                            bool fofProc = rnd.NextDouble() < fof;
                            bfActual = false;
                            bfRegistered = false;
                            fofActual = Math.Max(0, fofActual - 1);
                            dfCooldown = Math.Max(0, dfCooldown - FFBS.CastTime);
                            freezeCooldown = Math.Max(0, freezeCooldown - FFBS.CastTime);
                            if (fofProc)
                            fofRegistered = fofActual;
                            bool fofProc = rnd.NextDouble() < fof;
                            bfActual = false;
                            bfRegistered = false;
                            fofActual = Math.Max(0, 2 - 1);
                            dfCooldown = Math.Max(0, dfCooldown - FFBS.CastTime);
                            freezeCooldown = Math.Max(0, 25.0f - FFBS.CastTime);
                            if (fofProc)
                            fofRegistered = fofActual;
                        while (useFFO && ffo < FFBS.CastTime)
                            bool fofProc = rnd.NextDouble() < fof;
                            bool bfProc = rnd.NextDouble() < bf;
                            bfActual = bfProc || bfActual;
                            if (fofProc)
                                fofActual = Math.Min(2, fofActual + 1);
                            ffo += 1;
                        if (useFFO)
                            ffo -= FFBS.CastTime;
                    else if (fofRegistered == 2 || (fofRegistered == 1 && freezeCooldown < ILS.CastTime))
                        bfRegistered = bfActual;
                        fofActual = Math.Max(0, fofActual - 1);
                        fofRegistered = fofActual;
                        dfCooldown = Math.Max(0, dfCooldown - ILS.CastTime);
                        freezeCooldown = Math.Max(0, freezeCooldown - ILS.CastTime);
                        while (useFFO && ffo < ILS.CastTime)
                            bool fofProc = rnd.NextDouble() < fof;
                            bool bfProc = rnd.NextDouble() < bf;
                            bfActual = bfProc || bfActual;
                            if (fofProc)
                                fofActual = Math.Min(2, fofActual + 1);
                            ffo += 1;
                        if (useFFO)
                            ffo -= ILS.CastTime;
                    else if (fofRegistered == 0 && freezeCooldown == 0)
                        bfRegistered = bfActual;
                        fofActual = Math.Max(0, 2 - 1);
                        fofRegistered = fofActual;
                        dfCooldown = Math.Max(0, dfCooldown - ILS.CastTime);
                        freezeCooldown = Math.Max(0, 25.0f - ILS.CastTime);
                        while (useFFO && ffo < ILS.CastTime)
                            bool fofProc = rnd.NextDouble() < fof;
                            bool bfProc = rnd.NextDouble() < bf;
                            bfActual = bfProc || bfActual;
                            if (fofProc)
                                fofActual = Math.Min(2, fofActual + 1);
                            ffo += 1;
                        if (useFFO)
                            ffo -= ILS.CastTime;
                        while (useFFO && ffo < FrB.CastTime)
                            bool fofProcffo = rnd.NextDouble() < fof;
                            bool bfProcffo = rnd.NextDouble() < bf;
                            bfActual = bfProcffo || bfActual;
                            if (fofProcffo)
                                fofActual = Math.Min(2, fofActual + 1);
                            ffo += 1;
                        if (useFFO)
                            ffo -= FrB.CastTime;
                        bool fofProc = rnd.NextDouble() < fof;
                        bool bfProc = rnd.NextDouble() < bf;
                        bfRegistered = bfActual;
                        bfActual = bfProc || bfActual;
                        fofRegistered = fofActual;
                        if (fofProc)
                            fofActual = Math.Min(2, fofActual + 1);
                        dfCooldown = Math.Max(0, dfCooldown - FrB.CastTime);
                        freezeCooldown = Math.Max(0, freezeCooldown - FrB.CastTime);

                float total = CDFS + CFFB + CFFBS + CFrB + CILS;
                KDFS = CDFS / total;
                KFFB = CFFB / total;
                KFFBS = CFFBS / total;
                KFrB = CFrB / total;
                KILS = CILS / total;
                stable = Math.Abs(KDFS - RDFS) < errorMargin &&
                    Math.Abs(KFFB - RFFB) < errorMargin &&
                    Math.Abs(KFFBS - RFFBS) < errorMargin &&
                    Math.Abs(KFrB - RFrB) < errorMargin &&
                    Math.Abs(KILS - RILS) < errorMargin;
                RDFS = KDFS;
                RFFB = KFFB;
                RFFBS = KFFBS;
                RFrB = KFrB;
                RILS = KILS;
            } while (!stable);
Esempio n. 20
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            float K;
            cycle.Name = "FBPyro";

            Spell FB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Fireball);
            Spell Pyro = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.PyroblastPOMDotUptime);

            // in cata pyro can also proc hot streak (not true, only hardcasted pyro can proc...)
            // using T3 hot streak model from
            // using averaged crit rate model with reset on T3 proc

            // S0: no proc, 0 count
            // FB   => S0   1-FBc
            //      => S1   FBc*(1-FBk)
            //      => S2   FBc*FBk
            // S1: no proc, 1 count
            // FB   => S0   1-FBc
            //      => S2   FBc
            // S2: proc, 0 count
            // Pyro  => S0   1

            // S0 = S0 * (1-FBc) + S1 * (1 - FBc) + S2
            // S1 = S0 * FBc*(1-FBk)
            // S2 = S0 * FBc*FBk + S1 * FBc
            // S0 + S1 + S2 = 1

            // full model

            // S0=-1/(FBc^2*(FBk-1)-FBc-1)
            // S1=(FBc*(FBk-1))/(FBc^2*(FBk-1)-FBc-1)
            // S2=(FBc^2*(FBk-1)-FBc*FBk)/(FBc^2*(FBk-1)-FBc-1)

            // pyro per FB ratio

            // ((FBc^2-FBc)*FBk-FBc^2)/(FBc*FBk-FBc-1)

            float FBc = FB.CritRate;
            float FBHSc = FB.CritRate - FB.NonHSCritRate;
            float FBk = Math.Max(-2.73f * FBHSc + 0.95f, 0f);
            if (castingState.Solver.Mage4T12)
                // basing on
                FBk = Math.Min(0.3f + FBk, 1f);
            K = ((FBc * FBc - FBc) * FBk - FBc * FBc) / (FBc * FBk - FBc - 1);
            if (castingState.Solver.Specialization != Specialization.Fire) K = 0.0f;

            // CATA model for Pyro dot uptime

            // S0: no proc, 0 count
            // FB   => S0   1-FBc
            //      => S1   FBc*(1-FBk)
            //      => S2   FBc*FBk
            // S1: no proc, 1 count
            // FB   => S0   1-FBc
            //      => S2   FBc
            // S2: proc, 0 count
            // Pyro  => S0   1

            // k0 = 1
            // k1 = 0
            // k2 = 0

            // n=>n+1

            // k0' = (k0+k1)*(1-FBc)
            // k1' = k0*FBc*(1-FBk)
            // k2' = k0*FBc*FBk + k1*FBc

            float averageDuration = 0f;
            float C = FB.CritRate;
            float HS = castingState.MageTalents.HotStreak / 3.0f;
            float k0 = 1;
            float k1 = 0;
            float k2 = 0;
            float totalChance = k2;
            float n = 2; // heuristic filler to account for realistic dot uptime

            //averageDuration += Math.Min((Pyro.CastTime + n * FB.CastTime), Pyro.DotFullDuration) * k2;            

            while ((Pyro.CastTime + n * FB.CastTime) < Pyro.DotFullDuration)
                float tmp = k1;
                k2 = k0 * FBc * FBk + k1 * FBc;
                k1 = k0 * FBc * (1 - FBk);
                k0 = (k0 + tmp) * (1 - FBc);
                totalChance += k2;
                averageDuration += Math.Min((Pyro.CastTime + n * FB.CastTime), Pyro.DotFullDuration) * k2;
            averageDuration += Pyro.DotFullDuration * (1 - totalChance);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FB, 1);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Pyro, K, averageDuration / Pyro.DotFullDuration);
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 21
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FrB, FrBS, FB, FBS, ILS;
            float KFrB, KFrBS, KFB, KFBS, KILS;
            cycle.Name = "FrBFBIL";

            float T8 = 0;

            // S00: FOF0, BF0
            // FrB => S21    fof * bf
            //        S20    fof * (1-bf)
            //        S01    (1-fof) * bf
            //        S00    (1-fof)*(1-bf)

            // S01: FOF0, BF1
            // FrB => S22    fof
            //        S02    (1-fof)

            // S02: FOF0, BF2
            // FB => S00    (1-T8)
            //    => S02    T8

            // S10: FOF1, BF0
            // FrBS-ILS => S12    fof * bf
            //             S10    fof * (1-bf)
            //             S02    (1-fof) * bf
            //             S00    (1-fof)*(1-bf)

            // S11: FOF1, BF1
            // FrBS-FBS => S10    fof*(1-T8)
            //             S11    fof*T8
            //             S00    (1-fof)*(1-T8)
            //             S02    (1-fof)*T8

            // S12 = S11

            // S20: FOF0, BF0
            // FrBS => S21    fof * bf
            //         S20    fof * (1-bf)
            //         S11    (1-fof) * bf
            //         S10    (1-fof)*(1-bf)

            // S21: FOF0, BF1
            // FrBS => S22    fof
            //         S12    (1-fof)

            // S22 = S21

            // S00 = (1-fof)*(1-bf) * S00 + S02*(1-T8) + (1-fof)*(1-bf) * S10 + (1-fof)*(1-T8) * S11
            // S01 = (1-fof) * bf * S00
            // S02 = (1-fof) * S01 + T8 * S02 + (1-fof) * bf * S10 + (1-fof)*T8 * S11
            // S10 = fof * (1-bf) * S10 + fof*(1-T8) * S11 + (1-fof)*(1-bf) * S20
            // S11 = fof * bf * S10 + fof*T8 * S11 + (1-fof) * bf * S20 + (1-fof) * S21
            // S20 = fof * (1-bf) * S00 + fof * (1-bf) * S20
            // S21 = fof * bf * S00 + fof * S01 + fof * bf * S20 + fof * S21
            // S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S20 + S21 = 1

            // solved symbolically

            float bf = 0.05f * castingState.MageTalents.BrainFreeze;
            float fof = (castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost == 2 ? 0.15f : 0.07f * castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost);

            //float div = ((bf * bf * bf - bf) * fof * fof * fof * fof + (3 * bf - bf * bf * bf) * fof * fof * fof + (bf * bf * bf - 4 * bf + 1) * fof * fof * fof + (-bf * bf * bf - 2 * bf * bf + 2 * bf) * fof - 2 * bf - 1);
            //float S00 = ((bf * bf - bf) * fof * fof * fof + (-bf * bf + 3 * bf - 1) * fof * fof + (2 - 2 * bf) * fof - 1) / div;
            //float S01 = -((bf * bf * bf - bf * bf) * fof * fof * fof * fof + (-2 * bf * bf * bf + 4 * bf * bf - bf) * fof * fof * fof + (bf * bf * bf - 5 * bf * bf + 3 * bf) * fof * fof + (2 * bf * bf - 3 * bf) * fof + bf) / div;
            //float S02 = ((bf * bf - bf) * fof * fof * fof * fof + (-bf * bf * bf - bf * bf + 3 * bf) * fof * fof * fof + (2 * bf * bf * bf - 4 * bf) * fof * fof + (3 * bf - bf * bf * bf) * fof - bf) / div;
            //float S10 = ((bf * bf - bf) * fof * fof * fof * fof + (3 * bf - 2 * bf * bf) * fof * fof * fof + (2 * bf * bf - 5 * bf + 1) * fof * fof + (-bf * bf + 2 * bf - 1) * fof) / div;
            //float S11 = ((bf * bf * bf - 2 * bf * bf + bf) * fof * fof * fof * fof + (-bf * bf * bf + 4 * bf * bf - 3 * bf) * fof * fof * fof + (5 * bf - 4 * bf * bf) * fof * fof + (bf * bf - 3 * bf) * fof) / div;
            //float S20 = -((bf * bf - bf) * fof * fof * fof + (-bf * bf + 2 * bf - 1) * fof * fof + (1 - bf) * fof) / div;
            //float S21 = ((bf * bf * bf - bf * bf) * fof * fof * fof * fof + (-bf * bf * bf + 3 * bf * bf - bf) * fof * fof * fof + (2 * bf - 3 * bf * bf) * fof * fof - 2 * bf * fof) / div;

            float S00 = (fof - 1) * ((bf - 1) * fof + 1) * (T8 - 1) * (fof * (T8 - bf) - 1);
            float S01 = -bf * (fof - 1) * (fof - 1) * ((bf - 1) * fof + 1) * (T8 - 1) * (fof * (T8 - bf) - 1);
            float S02 = -bf * (fof - 1) * (fof * ((fof - 1) * ((bf - 1) * fof - bf + 2) * T8 - fof * ((bf - 1) * fof - bf * bf + 2) - bf * bf + 2) - 1);
            float S10 = fof * (T8 - 1) * (fof * ((bf * (fof - 1) - 1) * ((bf - 1) * fof + 1) * T8 - bf * (fof * ((bf - 1) * fof - 2 * bf + 3) + 2 * bf - 5) - 1) + (bf - 1) * (bf - 1));
            float S11 = -bf * fof * (fof * ((bf - 1) * fof * ((bf - 1) * fof - bf + 3) - 4 * bf + 5) + bf - 3) * (T8 - 1);
            float S20 = -(bf - 1) * (fof - 1) * fof * (T8 - 1) * (fof * (T8 - bf) - 1);
            float S21 = bf * fof * (fof * ((bf - 1) * fof - bf + 2) - 2) * (T8 - 1) * (fof * (T8 - bf) - 1);

            float div = S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S20 + S21;

            KFrB = (S00 + S01) / div;
            KFB = S02 / div;
            KFrBS = (S10 + S11 + S20 + S21) / div;
            KFBS = S11 / div;
            KILS = S10 / div;

            FrB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FrBS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FireballBF);
            FBS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.FireballBF);
            ILS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.IceLance);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FrB, KFrB);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FB, KFB);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FrBS, KFrBS);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FBS, KFBS);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ILS, KILS);
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 22
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FB;
            Spell Sc;
            Spell LB;
            Spell Pyro;
            float K;
            float X;
            float Y;
            cycle.Name = "FBScLBPyro";
            cycle.ProvidesScorch = true;

            FB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Fireball);
            Sc = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Scorch);
            LB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.LivingBomb);
            Pyro = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.PyroblastPOMDotUptime);

            int averageScorchesNeeded = (int)Math.Ceiling(3f / (float)castingState.MageTalents.ImprovedScorch);
            int extraScorches = 0;

            float T8 = 0;
            float C, H, averageCastTime;

                // 3.1 calculations

                // 0 HS charge:
                // FB     => 0 HS charge    (1 - FBcrit) * X
                //        => 1 HS charge    FBcrit * X
                // LB     => 0 HS charge    (1 - LBcrit) * (1 - X - Y)
                //        => 1 HS charge    LBcrit * (1 - X - Y)
                // Sc     => 0 HS charge    (1 - SCcrit) * Y
                //           1 HS charge    SCcrit * Y
                // 1 HS charge:
                // FB     => 0 HS charge    (1 - FBcrit) * X + (1 - H) * FBcrit * X
                // FBPyro => 0 HS charge    H * FBcrit * X
                // LB     => 0 HS charge    (1 - LBcrit) * (1 - X - Y) + (1 - H) * LBcrit * (1 - X - Y)
                // LBPyro => 0 HS charge    H * LBcrit * (1 - X - Y)
                // Sc     => 0 HS charge    (1 - SCcrit) * Y + (1 - H) * SCcrit * Y
                // ScPyro => 0 HS charge    H * SCcrit * Y

                // S0 + S1 = 1
                // C := FBcrit * X + SCcrit * Y + LBcrit * (1 - X - Y)
                // S0 = S0 * (1 - C) + S1
                // S1 = S0 * C
                // 1 - S0 = S0 * C
                // S0 = 1 / (1 + C)
                // S1 = C / (1 + C)

                // value = (X * value(FB) + Y * value(Sc) + (1 - X - Y) * value(LB)) * 1 / (1 + C) + (X * value(FB) + Y * value(Sc) + (1 - X - Y) * value(LB) + H * C * value(Pyro)) * C / (1 + C)
                //         X * value(FB) + Y * value(Sc) + (1 - X - Y) * value(LB) + value(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8)

                // (1 - X - Y) * time(LB) / [X * time(FB) + Y * time(Sc) + (1 - X - Y) * time(LB) + time(Pyro) / (1 - T8) * H * C * C / (1 + C)] = time(LB) / 12
                // Z = 1 - X - Y
                // Z * time(LB) / [X * time(FB) + Y * time(Sc) + Z * time(LB) + time(Pyro) / (1 - T8) * H * C * C / (1 + C)] = time(LB) / 12
                // 12 * Z = X * time(FB) + Y * time(Sc) + Z * time(LB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8)
                // T := X * time(FB) + Y * time(Sc) + Z * time(LB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8)
                // 12 * Z = T

                // (X * time(FB) + Z * time(LB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8)) / T = gap
                // (T - Y * time(Sc)) / T = gap
                // T * (1 - gap) = Y * time(Sc)
                // if gap = 1 => Y = 0
                // 12 * Z * (1 - gap) = Y * time(Sc)
                // X = 1 - Y * [1 + time(Sc) / (12 * (1 - gap))]
                // P := 1 + time(Sc) / (12 * (1 - gap))
                // X = 1 - P * Y
                // Z = 1 - X - Y = 1 - 1 + P * Y - Y = Y * (P - 1)
                // C = (FBcrit * X  + SCcrit * Y + LBcrit * Z)
                //     (FBcrit * (1 - P * Y) + SCcrit * Y + LBcrit * Y * (P - 1))
                //     (FBcrit + Y * (SCcrit - FBcrit * P + LBcrit * (P - 1)))
                // C / (1 + C) = (FBcrit + Y * (SCcrit - FBcrit * P + LBcrit * (P - 1))) / (1 + FBcrit + Y * (SCcrit - FBcrit * P + LBcrit * (P - 1)))
                // 12 * Y * (P - 1) = T
                // CY := SCcrit - FBcrit * P + LBcrit * (P - 1)
                // C = FBcrit + Y * CY

                // T =
                // X * time(FB) + Y * time(Sc) + Z * time(LB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8)
                // (1 - P * Y) * time(FB) + Y * time(Sc) + Y * (P - 1) * time(LB) + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8)
                // time(FB) + Y * [time(Sc) - P * time(FB) + (P - 1) * time(LB)] + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8)

                // 0 = time(FB) + Y * [time(Sc) - P * time(FB) + (P - 1) * time(LB) - 12 * (P - 1)] + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8)
                // T1 := time(Sc) - P * time(FB) + (P - 1) * time(LB) - 12 * (P - 1)
                // 0 = time(FB) + Y * T1 + time(Pyro) * H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8)
                // 0 = time(FB) + C * time(FB) + Y * T1 + Y * C * T1 + time(Pyro) / (1 - T8) * H * C * C
                // 0 = time(FB) + (FBcrit + Y * CY) * time(FB) + Y * T1 + Y * (FBcrit + Y * CY) * T1 + time(Pyro) / (1 - T8) * H * (FBcrit + Y * CY) * (FBcrit + Y * CY)
                // 0 = [time(FB) + FBcrit * time(FB) + time(Pyro) / (1 - T8) * H * FBcrit * FBcrit] + Y * [CY * time(FB) + T1 + FBcrit * T1 + 2 * time(Pyro) / (1 - T8) * H * FBcrit * CY] + Y * Y * [CY * T1 + time(Pyro) / (1 - T8) * H * CY * CY]

                float gap = (30.0f - (averageScorchesNeeded + extraScorches) * Sc.CastTime) / (30.0f - extraScorches * Sc.CastTime);
                if (castingState.MageTalents.ImprovedScorch == 0)
                    cycle.ProvidesScorch = false;
                    gap = 1.0f;
                float hasteFactor = 1.0f;

                if (gap == 1.0f)
                    Y = 0.0f;
                    float FBcrit = FB.CritRate;
                    float LBcrit = LB.CritRate;
                    H = castingState.MageTalents.HotStreak / 3.0f;
#if RAWR4
                    if (castingState.Solver.Specialization != Specialization.Fire) H = 0.0f;
                    if (castingState.MageTalents.Pyroblast == 0) H = 0.0f;
                    float A2 = (FBcrit - LBcrit) * (LB.CastTime - FB.CastTime - 12) - (FBcrit - LBcrit) * (FBcrit - LBcrit) * Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H;
                    float A1 = (FBcrit - LBcrit) * (12 - LB.CastTime) + (LB.CastTime - FB.CastTime - 12) * (1 + LBcrit) - Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * 2 * LBcrit * (FBcrit - LBcrit);
                    float A0 = (1 + LBcrit) * (12 - LB.CastTime) - Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * LBcrit * LBcrit;
                    if (Math.Abs(A2) < 0.00001)
                        X = -A0 / A1;
                        X = (float)((-A1 - Math.Sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0)) / (2 * A2));
                    C = LBcrit + X * (FBcrit - LBcrit);
                    K = H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8);

                    // first order correction for lower LB uptime
                    if (castingState.Solver.Mage2T10)
                        // p = K / (1 + K)
                        // N = (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FB.CastTime * X + LB.CastTime * (1-X) + Pyro.CastTime * K)
                        hasteFactor = 1.12f / ((float)Math.Pow(1 - K / (1.0f + K), (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FB.CastTime * X + LB.CastTime * (1 - X) + Pyro.CastTime * K) + 0.5f) * 0.12f + 1f);

                    // LBrecastInterval = 12 + 0.5 * ((time(FB) * X + time(Pyro) * K) / (X + K))
                    float LBrecastInterval = 12 + 0.5f * ((FB.CastTime * FB.CastTime * X + Pyro.CastTime * Pyro.CastTime * K) / (FB.CastTime * X + Pyro.CastTime * K)) / hasteFactor;

                    // now recalculate the spell distribution under the new uptime assumption
                    A2 = (FBcrit - LBcrit) * (LB.CastTime / hasteFactor - FB.CastTime / hasteFactor - LBrecastInterval) - (FBcrit - LBcrit) * (FBcrit - LBcrit) * Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H;
                    A1 = (FBcrit - LBcrit) * (LBrecastInterval - LB.CastTime / hasteFactor) + (LB.CastTime / hasteFactor - FB.CastTime / hasteFactor - LBrecastInterval) * (1 + LBcrit) - Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H * 2 * LBcrit * (FBcrit - LBcrit);
                    A0 = (1 + LBcrit) * (LBrecastInterval - LB.CastTime / hasteFactor) - Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H * LBcrit * LBcrit;
                    if (Math.Abs(A2) < 0.00001)
                        X = -A0 / A1;
                        X = (float)((-A1 - Math.Sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0)) / (2 * A2));
                    C = LBcrit + X * (FBcrit - LBcrit);
                    averageCastTime = LB.CastTime + X * (FB.CastTime - LB.CastTime);
                    K = H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8);
                    float P = 1.0f + Sc.CastTime / (12.0f * (1.0f - gap));
                    float FBcrit = FB.CritRate;
                    float SCcrit = Sc.CritRate;
                    float LBcrit = LB.CritRate;
                    H = castingState.MageTalents.HotStreak / 3.0f;
#if RAWR4
                    if (castingState.Solver.Specialization != Specialization.Fire) H = 0.0f;
                    if (castingState.MageTalents.Pyroblast == 0) H = 0.0f;
                    float T1 = Sc.CastTime - P * FB.CastTime + (P - 1) * LB.CastTime - 12 * (P - 1);
                    float CY = SCcrit - FBcrit * P + LBcrit * (P - 1);

                    float A2 = CY * T1 + Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * CY * CY;
                    float A1 = CY * FB.CastTime + T1 + FBcrit * T1 + 2 * Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * FBcrit * CY;
                    float A0 = FB.CastTime + FBcrit * FB.CastTime + Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * FBcrit * FBcrit;
                    if (Math.Abs(A2) < 0.00001)
                        Y = -A0 / A1;
                        Y = (float)((-A1 - Math.Sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0)) / (2 * A2));
                    X = 1 - P * Y;
                    C = (FBcrit * X + SCcrit * Y + LBcrit * (1 - X - Y));
                    K = H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8);

                    if (castingState.Solver.Mage2T10)
                        // p = K / (1 + K)
                        // N = (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FB.CastTime * X + LB.CastTime * (1-X) + Pyro.CastTime * K)
                        hasteFactor = 1.12f / ((float)Math.Pow(1 - K / (1.0f + K), (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FB.CastTime * X + Sc.CastTime * Y + LB.CastTime * (1 - X - Y) + Pyro.CastTime * K) + 0.5f) * 0.12f + 1f);

                    float LBrecastInterval = 12 + 0.5f * ((FB.CastTime * FB.CastTime * X + Sc.CastTime * Sc.CastTime * Y + Pyro.CastTime * Pyro.CastTime * K) / (FB.CastTime * X + Sc.CastTime * Y + Pyro.CastTime * K)) / hasteFactor;

                    P = 1.0f + Sc.CastTime / hasteFactor / (LBrecastInterval * (1.0f - gap));
                    T1 = Sc.CastTime / hasteFactor - P * FB.CastTime / hasteFactor + (P - 1) * LB.CastTime / hasteFactor - LBrecastInterval * (P - 1);
                    CY = SCcrit - FBcrit * P + LBcrit * (P - 1);

                    A2 = CY * T1 + Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H * CY * CY;
                    A1 = CY * FB.CastTime / hasteFactor + T1 + FBcrit * T1 + 2 * Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H * FBcrit * CY;
                    A0 = FB.CastTime / hasteFactor + FBcrit * FB.CastTime / hasteFactor + Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H * FBcrit * FBcrit;
                    if (Math.Abs(A2) < 0.00001)
                        Y = -A0 / A1;
                        Y = (float)((-A1 - Math.Sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0)) / (2 * A2));
                    X = 1 - P * Y;
                    C = (FBcrit * X + SCcrit * Y + LBcrit * (1 - X - Y));
                    averageCastTime = (FB.CastTime * X + Sc.CastTime * Y + LB.CastTime * (1 - X - Y));
                    K = H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8);

            // pyro dot uptime 

            //A := [x * cFB * DFB + (1 - x) * cLB * DLB]  ~ (x * cFB + (1 - x) * cLB)* D[x * FB + (1 - x) * LB]
            //B := [x * (1-cFB) * DFB + (1 - x) * (1-cLB) * DLB] ~ (1 - (x * cFB + (1- x) * cLB)) * D[x * FB + (1 - x) * LB]

            float averageTicks = 0f;
            float k1 = 0;
            float k2 = C * C * H;
            float totalChance = k2;
            int n = 2;

            averageTicks += Math.Min((int)(Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * T8;
            averageTicks += Math.Min((int)((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * (1 - T8) * k2;

            while ((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor < 12)
                float tmp = k1;
                k1 = k2;
                k2 = C * (1 - C * H) * tmp + (1 - C) * k1;
                totalChance += k2;
                averageTicks += Math.Min((int)((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * (1 - T8) * k2;
            averageTicks += 4 * (1 - T8) * (1 - totalChance);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FB, X);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Sc, Y);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, LB, 1 - X - Y);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Pyro, K, averageTicks / 4.0f);
            cycle.CastTime /= hasteFactor;
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 23
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FrB, FFB, FFBS, ILS, DFS;
            float KFrB, KFrB2, KFFB, KFFBS, KILS, KDFS;
            cycle.Name = "FrBDFFFBIL";

            // S00: FOF00, BF00
            // FrB => S11    fof * bf * (1-Y)
            //        S10    fof * (1-bf) * (1-Y)
            //        S01    (1-fof) * bf * (1-Y)
            //        S00    (1-fof)*(1-bf) * (1-Y)
            // -   => S40    Y

            // S01: FOF00, BF10
            // FrB => S12    fof * (1-Y)
            //        S02    (1-fof) * (1-Y)
            // -   => S41    Y

            // S02: FOF00, BF11
            // FrB => S12    fof * (1-Y)
            //        S02    (1-fof) * (1-Y)
            // -   => S42    Y

            // S10: FOF10, BF00
            // FrB => S31    fof * bf * (1-Y)
            //        S30    fof * (1-bf) * (1-Y)
            //        S21    (1-fof) * bf * (1-Y)
            //        S20    (1-fof)*(1-bf) * (1-Y)
            // -   => S40    Y

            // S11: FOF10, BF10
            // FrB => S32    fof * (1-Y)
            //        S22    (1-fof) * (1-Y)
            // -   => S41    Y

            // S12: FOF10, BF11
            // FrB => S32    (1-fof) * (1-Y)
            //        S22    fof * (1-Y)
            // -   => S42    Y

            // S20: FOF11, BF00
            // FrB => S31    fof * bf * (1-X)
            //        S30    fof * (1-bf) * (1-X)
            //        S21    (1-fof) * bf * (1-X)
            //        S20    (1-fof)*(1-bf) * (1-X)
            // DF  => S00    X

            // S21: FOF11, BF10
            // FrB => S32    fof * (1-X)
            //        S22    (1-fof) * (1-X)
            // DF  => S02    X

            // S22: FOF11, BF11
            // FFBS => S00   (1-fof)*(1-X)
            //         S20   fof*(1-X)
            // DF   => S02   X

            // S30: FOF21, B00
            // FrB => S41    bf * (1-X)
            //        S40    (1-bf) * (1-X)
            // DF  => S20    X

            // S31: FOF21, BF10
            // FrB => S42    (1-X)
            // DF  => S22    X

            // S32: FOF21, BF11
            // FFBS => S20   (1-fof)*(1-X)
            //         S40   fof*(1-X)
            // DF   => S22   X

            // S40: FOF22, B00
            // IL  => S20    1-X
            // DF  => S20    X

            // S41: FOF22, B10
            // IL  => S22    1-X
            // DF  => S22    X

            // S42: FOF22, BF11
            // FFBS => S20   (1-fof)*(1-X)
            //         S40   fof*(1-X)
            // DF   => S22   X

            // S00 = S00 * (1-fof)*(1-bf) * (1-Y) + S20 * X + S22 * (1-fof)*(1-X)
            // S01 = S00 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-Y)
            // S02 = S01 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S02 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S21 * X + S22 * X
            // S10 = S00 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-Y)
            // S11 = S00 * fof * bf * (1-Y)
            // S12 = S01 * fof * (1-Y) + S02 * fof * (1-Y)
            // S20 = S10 * (1-fof)*(1-bf) * (1-Y) + S20 * (1-fof)*(1-bf) * (1-X) + S22 * fof*(1-X) + S30 * X + S32 * (1-fof)*(1-X) + S40 + S42 * (1-fof)*(1-X)
            // S21 = S10 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-Y) + S20 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-X)
            // S22 = S11 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S12 * fof * (1-Y) + S21 * (1-fof) * (1-X) + S31 * X + S32 * X + S41 + S42 * X
            // S30 = S10 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-Y) + S20 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-X)
            // S31 = S10 * fof * bf * (1-Y) + S20 * fof * bf * (1-X)
            // S32 = S11 * fof * (1-Y) + S12 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S21 * fof * (1-X)
            // S40 = S00 * Y + S10 * Y + S30 * (1-bf) * (1-X) + S32 * fof*(1-X) + S42 * fof*(1-X)
            // S41 = S01 * Y + S11 * Y + S30 * bf * (1-X)
            // S42 = S02 * Y + S12 * Y + S31 * (1-X)
            // S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S12 + S20 + S21 + S22 + S30 + S31 + S32 + S40 + S41 + S42 = 1

            // solved symbolically
            // solve([S00 = S00 * (1-fof)*(1-bf) * (1-Y) + S20 * X + S22 * (1-fof)*(1-X),S01 = S00 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-Y),S02 = S01 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S02 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S21 * X + S22 * X,S10 = S00 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-Y),S11 = S00 * fof * bf * (1-Y),S12 = S01 * fof * (1-Y) + S02 * fof * (1-Y),S20 = S10 * (1-fof)*(1-bf) * (1-Y) + S20 * (1-fof)*(1-bf) * (1-X) + S22 * fof*(1-X) + S30 * X + S32 * (1-fof)*(1-X) + S40 + S42 * (1-fof)*(1-X),S21 = S10 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-Y) + S20 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-X),S22 = S11 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S12 * fof * (1-Y) + S21 * (1-fof) * (1-X) + S31 * X + S32 * X + S41 + S42 * X,S30 = S10 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-Y) + S20 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-X),S31 = S10 * fof * bf * (1-Y) + S20 * fof * bf * (1-X),S32 = S11 * fof * (1-Y) + S12 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S21 * fof * (1-X),S40 = S00 * Y + S10 * Y + S30 * (1-bf) * (1-X) + S32 * fof*(1-X) + S42 * fof*(1-X),S41 = S01 * Y + S11 * Y + S30 * bf * (1-X),S42 = S02 * Y + S12 * Y + S31 * (1-X),S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S12 + S20 + S21 + S22 + S30 + S31 + S32 + S40 + S41 + S42 = 1,fof=0.2,bf=0.15], [S00,S01,S02,S10,S11,S12,S20,S21,S22,S30,S31,S32,S40,S41,S42,fof,bf]);

            // S00=((480000*X^4-6440000*X^3+6440000*X^2-480000*X)*Y^2+(-6240000*X^4+126440000*X^3-33880000*X^2-76600000*X-9720000)*Y-840000*X^4+21950000*X^3+1190000*X^2-19870000*X-2430000)
            // S02=((57600*X^4-772800*X^3+772800*X^2-57600*X)*Y^3+(1853100*X^4-3543525*X^3+10315725*X^2-10646400*X-1166400)*Y^2+(-8469000*X^4+9007950*X^3+23115150*X^2-861900*X+2332800)*Y-191700*X^4-2629125*X^3+671325*X^2-18621600*X-1166400)
            // S20=((81600*X^3-163200*X^2+81600*X)*Y^4+(-1224000*X^3-11899600*X^2+22031200*X-8907600)*Y^3+(2060400*X^3+88837500*X^2-27086200*X-63811700)*Y^2+(-775200*X^3+43676600*X^2+2752400*X-45653800)*Y-142800*X^3+4548700*X^2+2221000*X-6626900)
            // S01 = S00 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-Y)
            // S10 = S00 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-Y)
            // S11 = S00 * fof * bf * (1-Y)
            // S21 = S10 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-Y) + S20 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-X)
            // S30 = S10 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-Y) + S20 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-X)
            // S31 = S10 * fof * bf * (1-Y) + S20 * fof * bf * (1-X)
            // S12 = S01 * fof * (1-Y) + S02 * fof * (1-Y)
            // S32 = S11 * fof * (1-Y) + S12 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S21 * fof * (1-X)
            // S41 = S01 * Y + S11 * Y + S30 * bf * (1-X)
            // S42 = S02 * Y + S12 * Y + S31 * (1-X)
            // S22 = S11 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S12 * fof * (1-Y) + S21 * (1-fof) * (1-X) + S31 * X + S32 * X + S41 + S42 * X
            // S40 = S00 * Y + S10 * Y + S30 * (1-bf) * (1-X) + S32 * fof*(1-X) + S42 * fof*(1-X)

            FrB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FFB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBoltBF);
            FFBS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBoltBF);
            ILS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.IceLance);
            DFS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.DeepFreeze);

            float bf = 0.05f * castingState.MageTalents.BrainFreeze;
            float fof = (castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost == 3 ? 0.2f : 0.07f * castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost);
            float fof2 = fof * fof;
            float fof3 = fof2 * fof;
            float fof4 = fof3 * fof;
            float bf2 = bf * bf;
            float bf3 = bf2 * bf;

            // states are split into S0,S1 (fof not registered) vs S2,S3,S4 (fof registered)
            // ABBBaaBBBaaBBBaABBBaaBBBaaBBB
            // A*Y freezes in B*time(B) + A*(1-Y)*time(a)
            // A*Y <= R / 25 * (B*time(B) + A*(1-Y)*time(a))
            // A*Y <= R / 25 * B*time(B) + R / 25 * A*time(a) - R / 25 * A*time(a) * Y
            // A*Y*(1 + R / 25 * time(a)) <= R / 25 * B*time(B) + R / 25 * A*time(a)

            // Y = R/25 * (B*time(B) + A*time(a)) / (A * (1 + R / 25 * time(a)))

            // B*X*time(DF)/(B*time(B) + A*(1-Y)*time(a))=K*time(DF)/cool(DF)

            // heruistic tuning parameters
            float R = 1.05f; // overestimate because we don't have IL to eat down FOF when freeze is coming off cooldown in the model
            if (castingState.CalculationOptions.FlameOrb == 1)
                fof *= 1.8f;
            else if (castingState.CalculationOptions.FlameOrb == 2 && castingState.FlameOrb)
                fof *= 5;
            float K = 0.95f;

            // crude initial guess (fof=0.9,nonfof=0.1)
            float Y = R / 25f * (0.9f * (0.5f * DFS.CastTime + 0.5f * FrB.CastTime) + 0.1f * FrB.CastTime) / (0.1f * (1 + R / 25f * FrB.CastTime));
            float X = K * DFS.CastTime / DFS.Cooldown * (0.9f * (0.5f * DFS.CastTime + 0.5f * FrB.CastTime) + 0.1f * (1 - Y) * FrB.CastTime) / (0.9f * DFS.CastTime);

            float S00 = -((480000 * X * X * X * X - 6440000 * X * X * X + 6440000 * X * X - 480000 * X) * Y * Y + (-6240000 * X * X * X * X + 126440000 * X * X * X - 33880000 * X * X - 76600000 * X - 9720000) * Y - 840000 * X * X * X * X + 21950000 * X * X * X + 1190000 * X * X - 19870000 * X - 2430000);
            float S02 = -((57600 * X * X * X * X - 772800 * X * X * X + 772800 * X * X - 57600 * X) * Y * Y * Y + (1853100 * X * X * X * X - 3543525 * X * X * X + 10315725 * X * X - 10646400 * X - 1166400) * Y * Y + (-8469000 * X * X * X * X + 9007950 * X * X * X + 23115150 * X * X - 861900 * X + 2332800) * Y - 191700 * X * X * X * X - 2629125 * X * X * X + 671325 * X * X - 18621600 * X - 1166400);
            float S20 = -((81600 * X * X * X - 163200 * X * X + 81600 * X) * Y * Y * Y * Y + (-1224000 * X * X * X - 11899600 * X * X + 22031200 * X - 8907600) * Y * Y * Y + (2060400 * X * X * X + 88837500 * X * X - 27086200 * X - 63811700) * Y * Y + (-775200 * X * X * X + 43676600 * X * X + 2752400 * X - 45653800) * Y - 142800 * X * X * X + 4548700 * X * X + 2221000 * X - 6626900);
            float S01 = S00 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-Y);
            float S10 = S00 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-Y);
            float S11 = S00 * fof * bf * (1-Y);
            float S21 = S10 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-Y) + S20 * (1-fof) * bf * (1-X);
            float S30 = S10 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-Y) + S20 * fof * (1-bf) * (1-X);
            float S31 = S10 * fof * bf * (1-Y) + S20 * fof * bf * (1-X);
            float S12 = S01 * fof * (1-Y) + S02 * fof * (1-Y);
            float S32 = S11 * fof * (1-Y) + S12 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S21 * fof * (1-X);
            float S41 = S01 * Y + S11 * Y + S30 * bf * (1-X);
            float S42 = S02 * Y + S12 * Y + S31 * (1-X);
            float S22 = S11 * (1-fof) * (1-Y) + S12 * fof * (1-Y) + S21 * (1-fof) * (1-X) + S31 * X + S32 * X + S41 + S42 * X;
            float S40 = S00 * Y + S10 * Y + S30 * (1-bf) * (1-X) + S32 * fof*(1-X) + S42 * fof*(1-X);

            float div = S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S12 + S20 + S21 + S22 + S30 + S31 + S32 + S40 + S41 + S42;

            KFrB = ((S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S12) * (1 - Y) + (S20 + S21 + S30 + S31) * (1 - X)) / div;
            KFrB2 = ((S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S12) + (S20 + S21 + S30 + S31) * (1 - X)) / div;
            KFFB = 0 / div;
            KFFBS = ((S22 + S32 + S42) * (1 - X)) / div;
            KILS = (S40 + S41) * (1 - X) / div;
            KDFS = (S20 + S21 + S22 + S30 + S31 + S32 + S40 + S41 + S42) * X / div;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                float T = KFrB * FrB.CastTime + KFFB * FFB.CastTime + KFFBS * FFBS.CastTime + KILS * ILS.CastTime + KDFS * DFS.CastTime;
                float T2 = KFrB2 * FrB.CastTime + KFFB * FFB.CastTime + KFFBS * FFBS.CastTime + KILS * ILS.CastTime + KDFS * DFS.CastTime;

                // better estimate
                // TODO better probabilistic model
                Y = R / 25 * T2 / ((S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S12) / div * (1 + R / 25 * FrB.CastTime));
                X = K / DFS.Cooldown * T / ((S20 + S21 + S22 + S30 + S31 + S32 + S40 + S41 + S42) / div);

                // recalculate shares based on revised estimate
                S00 = -((480000 * X * X * X * X - 6440000 * X * X * X + 6440000 * X * X - 480000 * X) * Y * Y + (-6240000 * X * X * X * X + 126440000 * X * X * X - 33880000 * X * X - 76600000 * X - 9720000) * Y - 840000 * X * X * X * X + 21950000 * X * X * X + 1190000 * X * X - 19870000 * X - 2430000);
                S02 = -((57600 * X * X * X * X - 772800 * X * X * X + 772800 * X * X - 57600 * X) * Y * Y * Y + (1853100 * X * X * X * X - 3543525 * X * X * X + 10315725 * X * X - 10646400 * X - 1166400) * Y * Y + (-8469000 * X * X * X * X + 9007950 * X * X * X + 23115150 * X * X - 861900 * X + 2332800) * Y - 191700 * X * X * X * X - 2629125 * X * X * X + 671325 * X * X - 18621600 * X - 1166400);
                S20 = -((81600 * X * X * X - 163200 * X * X + 81600 * X) * Y * Y * Y * Y + (-1224000 * X * X * X - 11899600 * X * X + 22031200 * X - 8907600) * Y * Y * Y + (2060400 * X * X * X + 88837500 * X * X - 27086200 * X - 63811700) * Y * Y + (-775200 * X * X * X + 43676600 * X * X + 2752400 * X - 45653800) * Y - 142800 * X * X * X + 4548700 * X * X + 2221000 * X - 6626900);
                S01 = S00 * (1 - fof) * bf * (1 - Y);
                S10 = S00 * fof * (1 - bf) * (1 - Y);
                S11 = S00 * fof * bf * (1 - Y);
                S21 = S10 * (1 - fof) * bf * (1 - Y) + S20 * (1 - fof) * bf * (1 - X);
                S30 = S10 * fof * (1 - bf) * (1 - Y) + S20 * fof * (1 - bf) * (1 - X);
                S31 = S10 * fof * bf * (1 - Y) + S20 * fof * bf * (1 - X);
                S12 = S01 * fof * (1 - Y) + S02 * fof * (1 - Y);
                S32 = S11 * fof * (1 - Y) + S12 * (1 - fof) * (1 - Y) + S21 * fof * (1 - X);
                S41 = S01 * Y + S11 * Y + S30 * bf * (1 - X);
                S42 = S02 * Y + S12 * Y + S31 * (1 - X);
                S22 = S11 * (1 - fof) * (1 - Y) + S12 * fof * (1 - Y) + S21 * (1 - fof) * (1 - X) + S31 * X + S32 * X + S41 + S42 * X;
                S40 = S00 * Y + S10 * Y + S30 * (1 - bf) * (1 - X) + S32 * fof * (1 - X) + S42 * fof * (1 - X);

                div = S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S12 + S20 + S21 + S22 + S30 + S31 + S32 + S40 + S41 + S42;

                KFrB = ((S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S12) * (1 - Y) + (S20 + S21 + S30 + S31) * (1 - X)) / div;
                KFrB2 = ((S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S12) + (S20 + S21 + S30 + S31) * (1 - X)) / div;
                KFFB = 0 / div;
                KFFBS = ((S22 + S32 + S42) * (1 - X)) / div;
                KILS = (S40 + S41) * (1 - X) / div;
                KDFS = (S20 + S21 + S22 + S30 + S31 + S32 + S40 + S41 + S42) * X / div;

            //div = KFrB + KFFBS + KILS + KDFS;
            //KFrB /= div;
            //KFFBS /= div;
            //KILS /= div;
            //KDFS /= div;

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FrB, KFrB);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FFB, KFFB);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FFBS, KFFBS);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ILS, KILS);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, DFS, KDFS);
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 24
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            cycle.Name = "ABABar1AM";

            // S0:
            // AB0-ABar         => S0    (1-MB)*(1-MB)
            // AB0-ABar-AB0-AM  => S0    (1-MB)*MB
            // AB0-AM           => S0    MB

            Spell ABar = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);
            Spell AM = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);
            Spell AB0 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);

            float MB = 0.4f;
            float K2 = (1 - MB) * (1 - MB);
            float K3 = MB * (1 - MB);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, 1 + K3);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, 1 - MB);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AM, 1 - K2);
            cycle.AddPause(ABar.Cooldown - ABar.CastTime - AB0.CastTime, 1 - MB);

            return cycle;
Esempio n. 25
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FrB, FrBS, FB, FBS, ILS, DFS;
            float KFrB, KFrBS, KFB, KFBS, KILS, KDFS;
            cycle.Name = "FrBDFFBIL";

            //float T8 = CalculationOptionsMage.SetBonus4T8ProcRate * castingState.BaseStats.Mage4T8;

            // S00: FOF0, BF0
            // FrB => S21    fof * bf
            //        S20    fof * (1-bf)
            //        S01    (1-fof) * bf
            //        S00    (1-fof)*(1-bf)

            // S01: FOF0, BF1
            // FrB => S22    fof
            //        S02    (1-fof)

            // S02: FOF0, BF2
            // FB => S00    1

            // S10: FOF1, BF0
            // FrBS-ILS => S12    X*fof * bf
            //             S10    X*fof * (1-bf)
            //             S02    X*(1-fof) * bf
            //             S00    X*(1-fof)*(1-bf)
            // FrBS-DFS => S12    (1-X)*fof*bf
            //             S10    (1-X)*fof * (1-bf)
            //             S02    (1-X)*(1-fof) * bf
            //             S00    (1-X)*(1-fof)*(1-bf)

            // S11: FOF1, BF1
            // FrBS-FBS => S10    X*fof
            //             S00    X*(1-fof)
            // FrBS-DFS => S12    (1-X)*fof
            //             S02    (1-X)*(1-fof)

            // S12 = S11

            // S20: FOF0, BF0
            // FrBS => S21    fof * bf
            //         S20    fof * (1-bf)
            //         S11    (1-fof) * bf
            //         S10    (1-fof)*(1-bf)

            // S21: FOF0, BF1
            // FrBS => S22    fof
            //         S12    (1-fof)

            // S22 = S21

            // S00 = (1-fof)*(1-bf) * S00 + S02 + (1-fof)*(1-bf) * S10 + X*(1-fof) * S11
            // S01 = (1-fof) * bf * S00
            // S02 = (1-fof) * S01 + (1-fof) * bf * S10 + (1-X)*(1-fof) * S11
            // S10 = fof * (1-bf) * S10 + X*fof * S11 + (1-fof)*(1-bf) * S20
            // S11 = fof * bf * S10 + (1-X)*fof * S11 + (1-fof) * bf * S20 + (1-fof) * S21
            // S20 = fof * (1-bf) * S00 + fof * (1-bf) * S20
            // S21 = fof * bf * S00 + fof * S01 + fof * bf * S20 + fof * S21
            // S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S20 + S21 = 1

            // solved symbolically

            FrB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FrBS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FireballBF);
            FBS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.FireballBF);
            ILS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.IceLance);
            DFS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.DeepFreeze);

            float bf = 0.05f * castingState.MageTalents.BrainFreeze;
            float fof = (castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost == 2 ? 0.15f : 0.07f * castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost);
            float fof2 = fof * fof;
            float fof3 = fof2 * fof;
            float fof4 = fof3 * fof;
            float bf2 = bf * bf;
            float bf3 = bf2 * bf;

            // shatters until deep freeze ~ Poisson
            // share of shatters that are deep freeze = sum_i=0..inf Pi / sum_i=0..inf (i+1)*Pi = 1 / (1 + mean)

            // crude initial guess
            float X = 1.0f - 1.0f / (1.0f + (DFS.Cooldown - DFS.CastTime) / (FrB.CastTime * (1 / fof + 1) + ILS.CastTime));

            float S00 = (((bf - 1) * fof3 + (2 - bf) * fof2 - fof) * X + (bf2 - 2 * bf + 1) * fof3 + (-bf2 + 4 * bf - 3) * fof2 + (3 - 2 * bf) * fof - 1);
            float S01 = -(((bf2 - bf) * fof4 + (3 * bf - 2 * bf2) * fof3 + (bf2 - 3 * bf) * fof2 + bf * fof) * X + (bf3 - 2 * bf2 + bf) * fof4 + (-2 * bf3 + 6 * bf2 - 4 * bf) * fof3 + (bf3 - 6 * bf2 + 6 * bf) * fof2 + (2 * bf2 - 4 * bf) * fof + bf);
            float S02 = (((bf2 - bf) * fof4 + (4 * bf - 3 * bf2) * fof3 + (3 * bf2 - 5 * bf) * fof2 + (2 * bf - bf2) * fof) * X + (-bf3 + 2 * bf2 - bf) * fof3 + (2 * bf3 - 3 * bf2 + bf) * fof2 + (-bf3 + bf2 + bf) * fof - bf);
            float S10 = (((bf2 - bf) * fof4 + (-bf2 + bf + 1) * fof3 + (-bf - 1) * fof2) * X + (-bf2 + 2 * bf - 1) * fof3 + (2 * bf2 - 4 * bf + 2) * fof2 + (-bf2 + 2 * bf - 1) * fof);
            float S11 = ((bf3 - 2 * bf2 + bf) * fof4 + (-bf3 + 4 * bf2 - 3 * bf) * fof3 + (5 * bf - 4 * bf2) * fof2 + (bf2 - 3 * bf) * fof);
            float S20 = -(((bf - 1) * fof3 + (1 - bf) * fof2) * X + (bf2 - 2 * bf + 1) * fof3 + (-bf2 + 3 * bf - 2) * fof2 + (1 - bf) * fof);
            float S21 = (((bf2 - bf) * fof4 + (2 * bf - bf2) * fof3 - 2 * bf * fof2) * X + (bf3 - 2 * bf2 + bf) * fof4 + (-bf3 + 4 * bf2 - 3 * bf) * fof3 + (4 * bf - 3 * bf2) * fof2 - 2 * bf * fof);

            float div = S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S20 + S21;            

            KFrB = (S00 + S01) / div;
            KFB = S02 / div;
            KFrBS = (S10 + S11 + S20 + S21) / div;
            KFBS = X * S11 / div;
            KILS = X * S10 / div;
            KDFS = (1 - X) * (S10 + S11) / div;

            float hasteFactor = 1.0f;

            float T = KFrB * FrB.CastTime + KFB * FB.CastTime + KFrBS * FrBS.CastTime + KFBS * FBS.CastTime + KILS * ILS.CastTime + KDFS * DFS.CastTime;
            float T0 = KFBS * FBS.CastTime + KILS * ILS.CastTime + KDFS * DFS.CastTime;
            float T1 = KFBS * FBS.CastTime + KFB * FB.CastTime;

            if (castingState.Solver.Mage2T10)
                // we'll make a lot of assumptions here and just assume that 2T10 haste is uniformly distributed over all
                // spells and doesn't have an impact on state space
                // also ignore the possible refresh of 2T10
                // each proc gives 12% haste for 5 sec
                // we have on average one proc every T/T1 * FB.CastTime
                // we have some feedback loop here, speeding up the cycle increases the rate of procs
                // hastedShare = (5-FB.CastTimeAverage) / (T/T1 * FB.CastTimeAverage)
                // hastedCastShare = (5-FB.CastTimeAverage) / (T/T1 * FB.CastTime) * 1.12
                // average haste = 1 / (1-hastedCastShare*0.12/1.12)
                // TODO this is all a bunch of voodoo, redo the math when you're thinking straight
                hasteFactor = 1.0f / (1.0f - (5 - FB.CastTime) / (T / T1 * FB.CastTime) * 0.12f);

                // alternative model based on reduction to single state space and expanding for haste
                // probability of being hasted = 1 - (1-p)^(N-1)
                // where
                // K := (KFrB + KFB + KFrBS + KFBS + KILS + KDFS)
                // p = probability of haste generating spell = (KFBS + KFB) / K
                // N = average number of spells affected by haste = (haste duration - average cast time of haste generating spell) / (average cast time of hasted spells)
                //   = (5 - T1 / 1.12 / K) / (T / 1.12 / K)
                //   = (5 * 1.12 * K - T1) / T
                // hasteFactor = 1 / (((1-p)^(N-1)) * 1 + (1 - (1-p)^(N-1)) * 1/1.12)
                //             = 1.12 / (((1-p)^(N-1)) * 0.12 + 1)
                //             = 1.12 / (1 + 0.12 * (1 - (KFBS + KFB) / K)^((5 * 1.12 * K - T1) / T - 1))
                //float K = KFrB + KFB + KFrBS + KFBS + KILS + KDFS;
                //hasteFactor = 1.12f / (1.0f + 0.12f * (float)Math.Pow(1.0f - ((KFBS + KFB) / K), ((5.0f * 1.12f * K - T1) / T - 1.0f)));

            if (fof > 0) // nothing new here if we don't have fof
                // better estimate for percentage of shatter combos that are deep freeze
                // TODO better probabilistic model for DF percentage
                X = 1.0f - 1.0f / (1.0f + (DFS.Cooldown - DFS.CastTime / hasteFactor) / (DFS.CastTime / hasteFactor * T / T0));

                // recalculate shares based on revised estimate
                S00 = (((bf - 1) * fof3 + (2 - bf) * fof2 - fof) * X + (bf2 - 2 * bf + 1) * fof3 + (-bf2 + 4 * bf - 3) * fof2 + (3 - 2 * bf) * fof - 1);
                S01 = -(((bf2 - bf) * fof4 + (3 * bf - 2 * bf2) * fof3 + (bf2 - 3 * bf) * fof2 + bf * fof) * X + (bf3 - 2 * bf2 + bf) * fof4 + (-2 * bf3 + 6 * bf2 - 4 * bf) * fof3 + (bf3 - 6 * bf2 + 6 * bf) * fof2 + (2 * bf2 - 4 * bf) * fof + bf);
                S02 = (((bf2 - bf) * fof4 + (4 * bf - 3 * bf2) * fof3 + (3 * bf2 - 5 * bf) * fof2 + (2 * bf - bf2) * fof) * X + (-bf3 + 2 * bf2 - bf) * fof3 + (2 * bf3 - 3 * bf2 + bf) * fof2 + (-bf3 + bf2 + bf) * fof - bf);
                S10 = (((bf2 - bf) * fof4 + (-bf2 + bf + 1) * fof3 + (-bf - 1) * fof2) * X + (-bf2 + 2 * bf - 1) * fof3 + (2 * bf2 - 4 * bf + 2) * fof2 + (-bf2 + 2 * bf - 1) * fof);
                S11 = ((bf3 - 2 * bf2 + bf) * fof4 + (-bf3 + 4 * bf2 - 3 * bf) * fof3 + (5 * bf - 4 * bf2) * fof2 + (bf2 - 3 * bf) * fof);
                S20 = -(((bf - 1) * fof3 + (1 - bf) * fof2) * X + (bf2 - 2 * bf + 1) * fof3 + (-bf2 + 3 * bf - 2) * fof2 + (1 - bf) * fof);
                S21 = (((bf2 - bf) * fof4 + (2 * bf - bf2) * fof3 - 2 * bf * fof2) * X + (bf3 - 2 * bf2 + bf) * fof4 + (-bf3 + 4 * bf2 - 3 * bf) * fof3 + (4 * bf - 3 * bf2) * fof2 - 2 * bf * fof);

                div = S00 + S01 + S02 + S10 + S11 + S20 + S21;

                KFrB = (S00 + S01) / div;
                KFB = S02 / div;
                KFrBS = (S10 + S11 + S20 + S21) / div;
                KFBS = X * S11 / div;
                KILS = X * S10 / div;
                KDFS = (1 - X) * (S10 + S11) / div;

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FrB, KFrB);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FB, KFB);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FrBS, KFrBS);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FBS, KFBS);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ILS, KILS);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, DFS, KDFS);
            cycle.CastTime /= hasteFactor; // ignores latency effects, but it'll have to do for now
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 26
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FFB;
            Spell Sc;
            Spell LB;
            Spell Pyro;
            float K;
            float X;
            float Y;
            cycle.Name = "FFBScLBPyro";
            cycle.ProvidesScorch = true;

            FFB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.FrostfireBolt);
            Sc = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Scorch);
            LB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.LivingBomb);
            Pyro = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.PyroblastPOMDotUptime);

            int averageScorchesNeeded = (int)Math.Ceiling(3f / (float)castingState.MageTalents.ImprovedScorch);
            int extraScorches = 0;

            float T8 = 0;

            float gap = (30.0f - (averageScorchesNeeded + extraScorches) * Sc.CastTime) / (30.0f - extraScorches * Sc.CastTime);
            if (castingState.MageTalents.ImprovedScorch == 0)
                cycle.ProvidesScorch = false;
                gap = 1.0f;
            float hasteFactor = 1.0f;
            float C, H, averageCastTime;

                if (gap == 1.0f)
                    Y = 0.0f;
                    float FFBcrit = FFB.CritRate;
                    float LBcrit = LB.CritRate;
                    H = castingState.MageTalents.HotStreak / 3.0f;
#if RAWR4
                    if (castingState.Solver.Specialization != Specialization.Fire) H = 0.0f;
                    if (castingState.MageTalents.Pyroblast == 0) H = 0.0f;
                    float A2 = (FFBcrit - LBcrit) * (LB.CastTime - FFB.CastTime - 12) - (FFBcrit - LBcrit) * (FFBcrit - LBcrit) * Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H;
                    float A1 = (FFBcrit - LBcrit) * (12 - LB.CastTime) + (LB.CastTime - FFB.CastTime - 12) * (1 + LBcrit) - Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * 2 * LBcrit * (FFBcrit - LBcrit);
                    float A0 = (1 + LBcrit) * (12 - LB.CastTime) - Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * LBcrit * LBcrit;
                    if (Math.Abs(A2) < 0.00001)
                        X = -A0 / A1;
                        X = (float)((-A1 - Math.Sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0)) / (2 * A2));
                    C = LBcrit + X * (FFBcrit - LBcrit);
                    K = H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8);

                    if (castingState.Solver.Mage2T10)
                        // p = K / (1 + K)
                        // N = (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FB.CastTime * X + LB.CastTime * (1-X) + Pyro.CastTime * K)
                        hasteFactor = 1.12f / ((float)Math.Pow(1 - K / (1.0f + K), (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FFB.CastTime * X + LB.CastTime * (1 - X) + Pyro.CastTime * K) + 0.5f) * 0.12f + 1f);

                    float LBrecastInterval = 12 + 0.5f * ((FFB.CastTime * FFB.CastTime * X + Pyro.CastTime * Pyro.CastTime * K) / (FFB.CastTime * X + Pyro.CastTime * K)) / hasteFactor;

                    A2 = (FFBcrit - LBcrit) * (LB.CastTime / hasteFactor - FFB.CastTime / hasteFactor - LBrecastInterval) - (FFBcrit - LBcrit) * (FFBcrit - LBcrit) * Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H;
                    A1 = (FFBcrit - LBcrit) * (LBrecastInterval - LB.CastTime / hasteFactor) + (LB.CastTime / hasteFactor - FFB.CastTime / hasteFactor - LBrecastInterval) * (1 + LBcrit) - Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H * 2 * LBcrit * (FFBcrit - LBcrit);
                    A0 = (1 + LBcrit) * (LBrecastInterval - LB.CastTime / hasteFactor) - Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H * LBcrit * LBcrit;
                    if (Math.Abs(A2) < 0.00001)
                        X = -A0 / A1;
                        X = (float)((-A1 - Math.Sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0)) / (2 * A2));
                    C = LBcrit + X * (FFBcrit - LBcrit);
                    averageCastTime = LB.CastTime + X * (FFB.CastTime - LB.CastTime);
                    K = H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8);
                    float P = 1.0f + Sc.CastTime / (12.0f * (1.0f - gap));
                    float FFBcrit = FFB.CritRate;
                    float SCcrit = Sc.CritRate;
                    float LBcrit = LB.CritRate;
                    H = castingState.MageTalents.HotStreak / 3.0f;
#if RAWR4
                    if (castingState.Solver.Specialization != Specialization.Fire) H = 0.0f;
                    if (castingState.MageTalents.Pyroblast == 0) H = 0.0f;
                    float T1 = Sc.CastTime - P * FFB.CastTime + (P - 1) * LB.CastTime - 12 * (P - 1);
                    float CY = SCcrit - FFBcrit * P + LBcrit * (P - 1);

                    float A2 = CY * T1 + Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * CY * CY;
                    float A1 = CY * FFB.CastTime + T1 + FFBcrit * T1 + 2 * Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * FFBcrit * CY;
                    float A0 = FFB.CastTime + FFBcrit * FFB.CastTime + Pyro.CastTime / (1 - T8) * H * FFBcrit * FFBcrit;
                    if (Math.Abs(A2) < 0.00001)
                        Y = -A0 / A1;
                        Y = (float)((-A1 - Math.Sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0)) / (2 * A2));
                    X = 1 - P * Y;
                    C = (FFBcrit * X + SCcrit * Y + LBcrit * (1 - X - Y));
                    K = H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8);

                    if (castingState.Solver.Mage2T10)
                        // p = K / (1 + K)
                        // N = (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FB.CastTime * X + LB.CastTime * (1-X) + Pyro.CastTime * K)
                        hasteFactor = 1.12f / ((float)Math.Pow(1 - K / (1.0f + K), (5 * 1.12 - Pyro.CastTime) * (1 + K) / (FFB.CastTime * X + Sc.CastTime * Y + LB.CastTime * (1 - X - Y) + Pyro.CastTime * K) + 0.5f) * 0.12f + 1f);

                    float LBrecastInterval = 12 + 0.5f * ((FFB.CastTime * FFB.CastTime * X + Sc.CastTime * Sc.CastTime * Y + Pyro.CastTime * Pyro.CastTime * K) / (FFB.CastTime * X + Sc.CastTime * Y + Pyro.CastTime * K)) / hasteFactor;

                    P = 1.0f + Sc.CastTime / hasteFactor / (LBrecastInterval * (1.0f - gap));
                    T1 = Sc.CastTime / hasteFactor - P * FFB.CastTime / hasteFactor + (P - 1) * LB.CastTime / hasteFactor - LBrecastInterval * (P - 1);
                    CY = SCcrit - FFBcrit * P + LBcrit * (P - 1);

                    A2 = CY * T1 + Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H * CY * CY;
                    A1 = CY * FFB.CastTime / hasteFactor + T1 + FFBcrit * T1 + 2 * Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H * FFBcrit * CY;
                    A0 = FFB.CastTime / hasteFactor + FFBcrit * FFB.CastTime / hasteFactor + Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / (1 - T8) * H * FFBcrit * FFBcrit;
                    if (Math.Abs(A2) < 0.00001)
                        Y = -A0 / A1;
                        Y = (float)((-A1 - Math.Sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4 * A2 * A0)) / (2 * A2));
                    X = 1 - P * Y;
                    C = (FFBcrit * X + SCcrit * Y + LBcrit * (1 - X - Y));
                    averageCastTime = (FFB.CastTime * X + Sc.CastTime * Y + LB.CastTime * (1 - X - Y));
                    K = H * C * C / (1 + C) / (1 - T8);

            // pyro dot uptime 

            //A := [x * cFB * DFB + (1 - x) * cLB * DLB]  ~ (x * cFB + (1 - x) * cLB)* D[x * FB + (1 - x) * LB]
            //B := [x * (1-cFB) * DFB + (1 - x) * (1-cLB) * DLB] ~ (1 - (x * cFB + (1- x) * cLB)) * D[x * FB + (1 - x) * LB]

            float averageTicks = 0f;
            float k1 = 0;
            float k2 = C * C * H;
            float totalChance = k2;
            int n = 2;

            averageTicks += Math.Min((int)(Pyro.CastTime / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * T8;
            averageTicks += Math.Min((int)((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * (1 - T8) * k2;

            while ((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor < 12)
                float tmp = k1;
                k1 = k2;
                k2 = C * (1 - C * H) * tmp + (1 - C) * k1;
                totalChance += k2;
                averageTicks += Math.Min((int)((Pyro.CastTime + n * averageCastTime) / hasteFactor / 3.0f), 4) * (1 - T8) * k2;
            averageTicks += 4 * (1 - T8) * (1 - totalChance);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FFB, X);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Sc, Y);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, LB, 1 - X - Y);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, Pyro, K, averageTicks / 4.0f);
            cycle.CastTime /= hasteFactor;
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 27
        public ABSpamMBAM(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            : base(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState)
            Spell AB3;
            float MB, MB3, MB4, MB5, hit, miss;
            Name = "ABSpamMBAM";

            // main cycle is AB3 spam
            // on MB we change into ramp up mode

            // RAMP =
            // AB0-AB1-AB2           0.85*0.85*0.85 = k1
            // AB0-AB1-AB2-(AB3-)MBAM-RAMP 0.85*0.85*0.15 = k2
            // AB0-AB1-(AB2-)MBAM-RAMP     0.85*0.15      = k3
            // AB0-(AB1-)MBAM-RAMP         0.15           = k4

            // RAMP = k1 * (AB0+AB1+AB2) + k2 * (AB0+AB1+AB2+MBAM + RAMP) + k3 * (AB0+AB1+MBAM + RAMP) + k4 * (AB0+MBAM + RAMP)
            // RAMP * (1 - k2 - k3 - k4) = k1 * (AB0+AB1+AB2) + k2 * (AB0+AB1+AB2+MBAM) + k3 * (AB0+AB1+MBAM) + k4 * (AB0+MBAM)
            // RAMP = (AB0+AB1+AB2) + k2 / k1 * (AB0+AB1+AB2+MBAM) + k3 / k1 * (AB0+AB1+MBAM) + k4 / k1 * (AB0+MBAM)

            // RAMP =
            // AB0H-AB1H-AB2H                 0.85*hit*0.85*hit*0.85*hit = k1
            // AB0H-AB1H-AB2H-(AB3-)MBAM-RAMP 0.85*hit*0.85*hit*0.15*hit = k2
            // AB0H-AB1H-(AB2-)MBAM-RAMP      0.85*hit*0.15*hit          = k3
            // AB0H-(AB1-)MBAM-RAMP           0.15*hit                   = k4
            // AB0H-AB1H-AB2M-RAMP            0.85*hit*0.85*hit*miss     = k5
            // AB0H-AB1M-RAMP                 0.85*hit*miss              = k6
            // AB0M-RAMP                      miss                       = k7

            // RAMP = k1 * (AB0H+AB1H+AB2H) + k2 * (AB0H+AB1H+AB2H+AB3+MBAM + RAMP) + k3 * (AB0H+AB1H+AB2+MBAM + RAMP) + k4 * (AB0H+AB1+MBAM + RAMP) + k5 * (AB0H+AB1H+AB2M + RAMP) + k6 * (AB0H+AB1M + RAMP) + k7 * (AB0M + RAMP)
            // RAMP = (AB0H+AB1H+AB2H) + k2 / k1 * (AB0H+AB1H+AB2H+AB3+MBAM) + k3 / k1 * (AB0H+AB1H+AB2+MBAM) + k4 / k1 * (AB0H+AB1+MBAM) + k5 / k1 * (AB0H+AB1H+AB2M) + k6 / k1 * (AB0H+AB1M) + k7 / k1 * (AB0M)

            // AB3H                 0.85*hit
            // AB3H-(AB3-)MBAM-RAMP 0.15*hit
            // AB3M-RAMP            (1-hit)

            Spell AB0 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast0);
            Spell AB1 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast1);
            Spell AB2 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast2);
            AB3 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast3);
            Spell MBAM = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissilesMB);
            Spell MBAM2 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissilesMB2);
            Spell MBAM3 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissilesMB3);

            MB = 0.04f * castingState.MageTalents.MissileBarrage;
            hit = AB3.HitRate;
            miss = 1 - hit;

            if (MB == 0.0)
                // TODO take hit rate into account
                // if we don't have barrage then this degenerates to AB

                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB3, 1);
                MB3 = MB / (1 - MB);
                MB4 = MB / (1 - MB) / (1 - MB);
                MB5 = MB / (1 - MB) / (1 - MB) / (1 - MB);

                //AB3 0.85

                //AB3-MBAM-RAMP 0.15
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB3, MB);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB3, MB); // account for latency
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM3, MB);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, MB);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, MB);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB2, MB);

                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, MB * MB3);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, MB * MB3);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB2, MB * MB3);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB3, MB * MB3); // account for latency
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM3, MB * MB3);

                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, MB * MB4);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, MB * MB4);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB2, MB * MB4); // account for latency
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM3, MB * MB4);

                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB0, MB * MB5);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB1, MB * MB5); // account for latency
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM2, MB * MB5);

                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB3, 1 - MB);

Esempio n. 28
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            Spell FrB, FrBS, ILS;
            float KFrB, KFrBS, KILS;
            cycle.Name = "FrBIL";

            //float T8 = 0;

            // S00: FOF0
            // FrB => S20    fof
            //        S00    (1-fof)

            // S10: FOF1, BF0
            // FrBS-ILS => S10    fof
            //             S00    (1-fof)

            // S20: FOF0, BF0
            // FrBS => S20    fof
            //         S10    (1-fof)

            // S00 = (1-fof) * S00 + (1-fof) * S10
            // S10 = fof * S10 + (1-fof) * S20
            // S20 = fof * S00 + fof * S20
            // S00 + S10 + S20 = 1

            float fof = (castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost == 2 ? 0.15f : 0.07f * castingState.MageTalents.FingersOfFrost);

            float S00 = (1 - fof) / (1 + fof);
            float S10 = fof / (1 + fof);
            float S20 = fof / (1 + fof);

            KFrB = S00;
            KFrBS = S10 + S20;
            KILS = S10;

            FrB = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            FrBS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.Frostbolt);
            ILS = castingState.FrozenState.GetSpell(SpellId.IceLance);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FrB, KFrB);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, FrBS, KFrBS);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ILS, KILS);
            return cycle;
Esempio n. 29
        public ABarAM(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            : base(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState)
            float MB;
            Name = "ABarAM";

            Spell ABar = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBarrage);
            Spell AM = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissiles);
            Spell MBAM = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneMissilesMB);

            MB = 0.04f * castingState.MageTalents.MissileBarrage;

            if (MB == 0.0)
                // if we don't have barrage then this degenerates to ABar-AM
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, 1);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AM, 1);

                //AB-AM 0.85
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, 1 - MB);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AM, 1 - MB);

                //AB-MBAM 0.15
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, ABar, MB);
                AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, MBAM, MB);
                if (ABar.CastTime + MBAM.CastTime < 3.0) AddPause(3.0f - ABar.CastTime - MBAM.CastTime, MB);

Esempio n. 30
        public static Cycle GetCycle(bool needsDisplayCalculations, CastingState castingState)
            Cycle cycle = Cycle.New(needsDisplayCalculations, castingState);
            cycle.Name = "AE4AB";

            Spell AB4 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneBlast4);
            Spell AE4 = castingState.GetSpell(SpellId.ArcaneExplosion4);

            // AEx4-AB

            // 6 seconds on AB debuff - time to refresh AB
            int aeCount = (int)((6.0f - AB4.CastTime) / AE4.CastTime);

            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AE4, aeCount);
            cycle.AddSpell(needsDisplayCalculations, AB4, 1);

            cycle.AreaEffect = true;

            return cycle;