ItemTypeParser() public method

public ItemTypeParser ( string items ) : ItemType
items string
return ItemType
Esempio n. 1
		private Program()
			connectionStringOptions = new RavenConnectionStringOptions();
			options = new SmugglerOptions();

			optionSet = new OptionSet
			            			"operate-on-types:", "Specify the types to operate on. Specify the types to operate on. You can specify more than one type by combining items with a comma." + Environment.NewLine +
			            			                     "Default is all items." + Environment.NewLine +
			            			                     "Usage example: Indexes,Documents,Attachments", value =>
			            			                                                                     			options.OperateOnTypes =
			            			                                                                     		catch (Exception e)
			            			"metadata-filter:{=}", "Filter documents by a metadata property." + Environment.NewLine +
			            			                       "Usage example: Raven-Entity-Name=Posts", (key, val) => options.Filters["@metadata." + key] = val
			            			"filter:{=}", "Filter documents by a document property" + Environment.NewLine +
			            			              "Usage example: Property-Name=Value", (key, val) => options.Filters[key] = val
			            		{"d|database:", "The database to operate on. If no specified, the operations will be on the default database.", value => connectionStringOptions.DefaultDatabase = value},
			            		{"u|user|username:"******"The username to use when the database requires the client to authenticate.", value => Credentials.UserName = value},
			            		{"p|pass|password:"******"The password to use when the database requires the client to authenticate.", value => Credentials.Password = value},
			            		{"domain:", "The domain to use when the database requires the client to authenticate.", value => Credentials.Domain = value},
			            		{"key|api-key|apikey:", "The API-key to use, when using OAuth.", value => connectionStringOptions.ApiKey = value},
								{"incremental", "States usage of incremental operations", _ => incremental = true },
			            		{"h|?|help", v => PrintUsageAndExit(0)},
Esempio n. 2
		private Program()
			connectionStringOptions = new RavenConnectionStringOptions();
			options = new SmugglerOptions();

			optionSet = new OptionSet
			            			"operate-on-types:", "Specify the types to operate on. Specify the types to operate on. You can specify more than one type by combining items with a comma." + Environment.NewLine +
			            			                     "Default is all items." + Environment.NewLine +
			            			                     "Usage example: Indexes,Documents,Attachments", value =>
			            			                                                                     			options.OperateOnTypes = options.ItemTypeParser(value);
			            			                                                                     		catch (Exception e)
			            			"metadata-filter:{=}", "Filter documents by a metadata property." + Environment.NewLine +
			            			                       "Usage example: Raven-Entity-Name=Posts", (key, val) => options.Filters.Add(new FilterSetting
				            			                       Path = "@metadata." + key,
															   ShouldMatch = true,
															   Values = new List<string>{val}
			            			"negative-metadata-filter:{=}", "Filter documents NOT matching a metadata property." + Environment.NewLine +
			            			                       "Usage example: Raven-Entity-Name=Posts", (key, val) => options.Filters.Add(new FilterSetting
				            			                       Path = "@metadata." + key,
															   ShouldMatch = false,
															   Values = new List<string>{val}
			            			"filter:{=}", "Filter documents by a document property" + Environment.NewLine +
			            			              "Usage example: Property-Name=Value", (key, val) => options.Filters.Add(new FilterSetting
													  Path = key,
													  ShouldMatch = true,
													  Values = new List<string>{val}
			            			"negative-filter:{=}", "Filter documents NOT matching a document property" + Environment.NewLine +
			            			              "Usage example: Property-Name=Value", (key, val) => options.Filters.Add(new FilterSetting
													  Path = key,
													  ShouldMatch = false,
													  Values = new List<string>{val}
			            			"transform:", "Transform documents using a given script (import only)", script => options.TransformScript = script
			            			"transform-file:", "Transform documents using a given script file (import only)", script => options.TransformScript = File.ReadAllText(script)
								{"timeout:", "The timeout to use for requests", s => options.Timeout = int.Parse(s) },
								{"batch-size:", "The batch size for requests", s => options.BatchSize = int.Parse(s) },
			            		{"d|database:", "The database to operate on. If no specified, the operations will be on the default database.", value => connectionStringOptions.DefaultDatabase = value},
			            		{"u|user|username:"******"The username to use when the database requires the client to authenticate.", value => Credentials.UserName = value},
			            		{"p|pass|password:"******"The password to use when the database requires the client to authenticate.", value => Credentials.Password = value},
			            		{"domain:", "The domain to use when the database requires the client to authenticate.", value => Credentials.Domain = value},
			            		{"key|api-key|apikey:", "The API-key to use, when using OAuth.", value => connectionStringOptions.ApiKey = value},
								{"incremental", "States usage of incremental operations", _ => incremental = true },
								{"wait-for-indexing", "Wait until all indexing activity has been completed (import only)", _=> waitForIndexing=true},
                                {"excludeexpired", "Excludes expired documents created by the expiration bundle", _ => options.ShouldExcludeExpired = true },
			            		{"h|?|help", v => PrintUsageAndExit(0)},