FileErrorMessage() public static method

public static FileErrorMessage ( Exception ex, string title, string fileName ) : bool
ex System.Exception
title string
fileName string
return bool
Esempio n. 1
        // Adding attached screenshot have dedicated functions that deal with the visual
        //  clues as well
        private void AddScreenshot2Note(Bitmap bitmap)
            Logger.record("[AddScreenshot2Note]: Saving screen to file", "SMWidget", "info");
            bool exDrRetry = false;

            // Name the screenshot, save to disk
            screenshotName = currentScreenshot++.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".jpg";
                exDrRetry = false;
                    bitmap.Save(currentSession.workingDir + screenshotName, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.record("[AddScreenshot2Note]: EXCEPTION reached - Session Note file could not be saved (" + screenshotName + ")", "SMWidget", "error");
                    exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "SaveToSessionNotes", screenshotName);
            } while (exDrRetry);

            // Put a visual effect to remember the tester there's an image on the attachment barrel
            BevelBitmapEffect effect = new BevelBitmapEffect();

            effect.BevelWidth       = 2; effect.EdgeProfile = EdgeProfile.BulgedUp;
            ScreenShot.BitmapEffect = effect;
Esempio n. 2
        private void LoadCsvIntoSession(string csvFile)
            Logger.Record("[LoadCsvIntoSession]: Grabbing CSV file variables", "Session", "info");

            bool exDrRetry;

                exDrRetry = false;
                    foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(csvFile, Encoding.UTF8))
                        if ("" == line)
                        var thisLine = line.Split(',');
                        if (thisLine.Length <= 2)
                        var note = thisLine[2].Replace("\"", "");
                        switch (thisLine[1])
                        case @"Session Reporter":
                            Tester       = note;
                            StartingTime = DateTime.Parse(thisLine[0]);

                        case @"Scenario ID":
                            ScenarioId = note;

                        case @"Session Charter":
                            Charter = note;

                        case @"Environment":
                            Environment = note;

                        case @"Versions":
                            Versions = note;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Record("[LoadCsvIntoSession]: EXCEPTION reached - Session Report file could not be read (" + csvFile + ")", "Session", "error");
                    exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "LoadCsvIntoSession", csvFile);
            } while (exDrRetry);
            Logger.Record("[LoadCsvIntoSession]: Grabbing CSV file variables done.", "Session", "info");
Esempio n. 3
        /** Reporting **/

        // General note on writign the reports to disk:
        //  Some bug reports seem to indicate that we are holding the file while trying to write to it.
        //  This is the reason of adding 150 milliseconds of delay between writes.
        //  I'll only know how dumb an idea is it after continuing (or not) to receive exception reports from users.

        // When a report collection is requested:
        public void CollectReport()
            Logger.record("[CollectReport]: Report building", "Session", "info");

            bool   exDrRetry      = false;
            string report_prefix  = "report_";
            string reportFile     = report_prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".csv";
            string reportFileFull = workingDir + reportFile;

            String[] files = Directory.GetFiles(workingDir, "*.csv");

                exDrRetry = false;
                    File.AppendAllText(reportFileFull, columnHeaders + "\n"); Thread.Sleep(150);
                    foreach (string file in files)
                        // Skip over other report files
                        if (file.Contains(report_prefix))
                        // Skip over files that don't end like ########_######.csv.
                        if (!(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(file, ".*\\d{8}_\\d{6}.csv$", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)))

                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file);
                        sr.ReadLine(); // We skip the first line (with the headers);

                        string oneFile = sr.ReadToEnd();
                        File.AppendAllText(reportFileFull, oneFile); Thread.Sleep(150);
                        Logger.record("\t[CollectReport]: Another file concatenated into a report: " + file, "Session", "info");
                        // TODO: Remove the Thread.Sleep(150) parts?
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.record("[CollectReport]: EXCEPTION reached - Session Report file could not be saved (" + reportFile + ")", "Session", "error");
                    exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "CollectReport", reportFile);
            } while (exDrRetry);
            Logger.record("[CollectReport]: Report built, done.", "Session", "info");
            MessageBox.Show("Rapid Reporter has finished the report consolidation process.\nFile generated: " + reportFile, "Rapid Reporter -report consolidation", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
Esempio n. 4
        // When the note is 'saved', it get's saved into an RTF file, and marked for being attached to a session note.
        private void save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Logger.record("[save_Click]: RTF Note to be saved", "RTFNote", "info");
            bool exDrRetry = false;

            TextRange tr = new TextRange(richTextNote.Document.ContentStart, richTextNote.Document.ContentEnd);

            // How do we kow the '3' minimum? By trial and error. Any character entered in the area makes it go 3+. Empty area is 0<=x<=2
            if (3 <= tr.Text.Length)
                Logger.record("\t[save_Click]: RTF Note not empty, will save", "RTFNote", "info");
                // Name the note, save to file
                sm.rtfNoteName = currentRTFNote++.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".rtf";
                    exDrRetry = false;
                        // Process is:
                        //  1. Save the file
                        //  2. Change the visual cue
                        //  3. Add an autogenerated line to the session CSV

                        // Saves the file
                        FileStream fs  = new FileStream(workingDir + sm.rtfNoteName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
                        TextRange  RTF = new TextRange(richTextNote.Document.ContentStart, richTextNote.Document.ContentEnd);
                        RTF.Save(fs, System.Windows.DataFormats.Rtf);

                        // Set the visual effect to clue the tester there's a note attached
                        BevelBitmapEffect effect = new BevelBitmapEffect();
                        effect.BevelWidth          = 2; effect.EdgeProfile = EdgeProfile.BulgedUp;
                        sm.RTFNoteBtn.BitmapEffect = effect;

                        // Adds an 'autogenerated' line to the session CSV
                        Logger.record("\t\t[save_Click]: RTF Note saved: " + sm.rtfNoteName, "RTFNote", "info");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.record("\t\t[save_Click]: EXCEPTION reached - RTF Note file could not be saved (" + sm.rtfNoteName + ")", "RTFNote", "error");
                        exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "save_Click", sm.rtfNoteName);
                } while (exDrRetry);
            Logger.record("[save_Click]: RTF Note saving mechanism done. Will close (hide).", "RTFNote", "info");
            // We not really 'close' the window. Close function deals with whether hiding or closing it.
            Logger.record("[save_Click]: RTF Note saving mechanism done. Closed (hidden).", "RTFNote", "info");
Esempio n. 5
        // Save all notes on file, after every single note
        private void SaveToSessionNotes(string note)
            Logger.record("[SaveToSessionNotes]: File will be updated and saved to " + sessionFile, "Session", "info");
            bool exDrRetry = false;

                exDrRetry = false;
                    File.AppendAllText(sessionFileFull, note);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.record("\t[SaveToSessionNotes]: EXCEPTION reached - Session Note file could not be saved (" + sessionFile + ")", "Session", "error");
                    exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "SaveToSessionNotes", sessionFile);
            } while (exDrRetry);
Esempio n. 6
        // Transforming a CSV into a .HTML
        public void CSV2HTML(string CSVFile)
            Logger.record("[CSV2HTML]: HTML Report building", "Session", "info");
            bool exDrRetry = false;

            string htmlFile     = CSVFile; htmlFile = htmlFile.Replace(".csv", ".htm");
            string htmlFileFull = workingDir + htmlFile;

            string[] thisLine = new string[columnHeaders.Split(',').Length];

                exDrRetry = false;
                    string t = "th";
                    string tableLine = ""; string noteImage = ""; string noteRtf = "";
                    longstrings.htmlstrings.html_title = sessionFile;

                    File.WriteAllText(htmlFileFull, longstrings.htmlstrings.a_html_header); Thread.Sleep(150);
                    File.AppendAllText(htmlFileFull, longstrings.htmlstrings.c_javascript); Thread.Sleep(150);
                    File.AppendAllText(htmlFileFull, longstrings.htmlstrings.d_style); Thread.Sleep(150);
                    File.AppendAllText(htmlFileFull, longstrings.htmlstrings.g_html_body1); Thread.Sleep(150);
                    File.AppendAllText(htmlFileFull, "<h1>Session Report | Powered by <a href=\"\">Rapid Reporter</a></h1><br />"); Thread.Sleep(150);
                    File.AppendAllText(htmlFileFull, longstrings.htmlstrings.i_toggle_auto); Thread.Sleep(150);
                    File.AppendAllText(htmlFileFull, longstrings.htmlstrings.j_html_bodytable1); Thread.Sleep(150);
                    foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(workingDir + CSVFile))
                        if ("" == line)
                            continue;                 // Some files have empty lines in it, we don't want to process these lines.
                        noteImage = ""; noteRtf = ""; // We clean this variables in order not to carry the last ones from the last iteration
                        thisLine  = line.Split(',');

                        // Dealing with screenshot attachments (if they exist).
                        if (thisLine.Length > 4)
                            if (File.Exists(workingDir + thisLine[4]))
                                noteImage = "<a href=\"" + thisLine[4] + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + thisLine[4] + "\"></a>";
                                noteImage = thisLine[4];
                        noteImage += "&nbsp;";

                        // Dealing with the RTF note attachments (if they exist).
                        if (thisLine.Length > 5)
                            if (File.Exists(workingDir + thisLine[5]))
                                noteRtf = "<a href=\"" + thisLine[5] + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + thisLine[5] + "</a>";
                                noteRtf = thisLine[5];
                        noteRtf += "&nbsp;";

                        tableLine =
                            "<tr class=\"" + thisLine[2] + "\"> <" + t + ">" + thisLine[0] +
                            "</" + t + "><" + t + ">" + thisLine[1] +
                            "</" + t + "><" + t + " class=\"notetype\">" + thisLine[2] +
                            "</" + t + "><" + t + ">" + thisLine[3].Replace("\"", "") +
                            "</" + t + "><" + t + ">" + noteImage +
                            "</" + t + "><" + t + ">" + noteRtf +
                            "</" + t + "></tr>\n";
                        File.AppendAllText(htmlFileFull, tableLine); Thread.Sleep(150);

                        t = "td";
                    File.AppendAllText(htmlFileFull, longstrings.htmlstrings.m_html_bodytable2); Thread.Sleep(150);
                    File.AppendAllText(htmlFileFull, longstrings.htmlstrings.p_html_footer); Thread.Sleep(150);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.record("[CSV2HTML]: EXCEPTION reached - Session Report file could not be saved (" + htmlFile + ")", "Session", "error");
                    exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "CSV to HTML", htmlFile);
            } while (exDrRetry);
            Logger.record("[CSV2HTML]: HTML Report built, done.", "Session", "info");
            MessageBox.Show("Rapid Reporter has finished the process of transformation to HTML.\nFile created: " + htmlFile, "Rapid Reporter -tohtml transformation", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
Esempio n. 7
        // Adding attached screenshot have dedicated functions that deal with the visual
        //  clues as well
        private void AddScreenshot2Note(Bitmap bitmap)
            Logger.record("[AddScreenshot2Note]: Saving screen to file", "SMWidget", "info");
            bool exDrRetry = false;

            // Name the screenshot, save to disk
            screenshotName = currentScreenshot++.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + "_" + FlickrAddon.hashcode + ".jpg"; // HASCODE ADDED!!!___<-----#########

                exDrRetry = false;
                    string strReportFileName = currentSession.GetCurrentSessionFile();

                    Graphics graphicImage = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
                    graphicImage.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                    StringFormat format = new System.Drawing.StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft);

                    graphicImage.DrawString(strReportFileName, new Font("Arial", 14, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold),
                                            System.Drawing.Brushes.Red, new System.Drawing.Point(50, 50));

                    bitmap.Save(currentSession.workingDir + screenshotName, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    string strFileTag = "#Session File: " + strReportFileName;
                    string URL        = "";

                    if (ToggleUpload2)
                        if (m_flickrLoggedIn)
                            URL = m_flickr.GetUrl(m_flickr.Upload(screenshotName, "", "", currentSession.GetTags() + strFileTag));
                            currentSession.UpdateNotes("WebUrl: ", URL);

                            FlickrInlogg.Text = "Account: " + m_flickr.GetCurrentUser(); //currentSession.noteTypes[ReporterNoteName]
                            FlickrInlogg.Text = "Account: " + m_flickr.GetCurrentUser();
                            URL = m_flickr.GetUrl(m_flickr.Upload(screenshotName, "", "", currentSession.GetTags() + strFileTag));
                            currentSession.UpdateNotes("WebUrl: ", URL);
                            m_flickrLoggedIn = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.record("[AddScreenshot2Note]: EXCEPTION reached - Session Note file could not be saved (" + screenshotName + ")", "SMWidget", "error");
                    exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "SaveToSessionNotes", screenshotName);
            } while (exDrRetry);

            // Put a visual effect to remember the tester there's an image on the attachment barrel
            BevelBitmapEffect effect = new BevelBitmapEffect();

            effect.BevelWidth       = 2; effect.EdgeProfile = EdgeProfile.BulgedUp;
            ScreenShot.BitmapEffect = effect;
Esempio n. 8
        public void Csv2Html(string csvFile, bool relativePath)
            Logger.Record("[CSV2HTML]: HTML Report building", "Session", "info");
            var  csvFileFull  = relativePath ? WorkingDir + csvFile : csvFile;
            var  htmlFileFull = DiscoverSavePath(csvFile);
            bool exDrRetry;

                exDrRetry = false;
                var htmlFileBufferPopups = "";
                    var imgCount = 0;
                    var ptnCount = 0;
                    var t        = "th";
                    var title    = string.Format("{0}{1}", ScenarioId, Htmlstrings.HtmlTitle);
                    var htmlTop = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{1}{6}", (object)Htmlstrings.AHtmlHead,
                                                (object)title, (object)Htmlstrings.BTitleOut, (object)Htmlstrings.CStyle,
                                                (object)Htmlstrings.DJavascript, (object)Htmlstrings.EBody, (object)Htmlstrings.GTable);
                    var topNotes    = "";
                    var bottomNotes = "";

                    foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(csvFileFull, Encoding.UTF8))
                        if ("" == line)
                        var note     = "";
                        var thisLine = line.Split(',');
                        if (thisLine.Length > 2)
                            note = thisLine[2].Replace("\"", "");
                            switch (thisLine[1])
                            case @"Screenshot":
                                if (!File.Exists(WorkingDir + note))
                                    note += " not found.";
                                note = HtmlEmbedder.BuildSessionRow_Img(imgCount, WorkingDir + note);
                                htmlFileBufferPopups += HtmlEmbedder.BuildPopUp_Img(imgCount);

                            case @"PlainText Note":
                                if (!File.Exists(WorkingDir + note))
                                    note += " not found.";
                                htmlFileBufferPopups += HtmlEmbedder.BuildPopUp_PTNote(ptnCount, WorkingDir + note);
                                note = HtmlEmbedder.BuildSessionRow_PTNote(ptnCount);

                        if (thisLine[1] == "Type" || thisLine[1] == "Session Reporter" ||
                            (thisLine[1] == "Scenario ID" || thisLine[1] == "Session Charter") ||
                            (thisLine[1] == "Environment" || thisLine[1] == "Versions" || thisLine[1] == "Summary"))
                            topNotes += BuildTableRow(t, thisLine[1], thisLine[0], note);
                            bottomNotes += BuildTableRow(t, thisLine[1], thisLine[0], note);
                        t = "td";
                    topNotes = topNotes + BuildTableRow("td", "", "", "");
                    var output = htmlTop +
                                 string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", topNotes, bottomNotes,
                                               Htmlstrings.JTableEnd, htmlFileBufferPopups, Htmlstrings.MHtmlEnd);

                    File.WriteAllText(htmlFileFull, output, Encoding.UTF8);
                    MessageBox.Show("The HTML was created successfully!\nFile created: " + htmlFileFull, "HTML Conversion Successful!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Record("[CSV2HTML]: EXCEPTION reached - Session Report file could not be saved (" + htmlFileFull + ")", "Session", "error");
                    exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "CSV to HTML", htmlFileFull);
            } while (exDrRetry);
            Logger.Record("[CSV2HTML]: HTML Report built, done.", "Session", "info");