Esempio n. 1
        private Rectangle DrawNavigationButtons(MNPageContext context, Rectangle textBounds)
            context.g.DrawLine(SMGraphics.GetPen(NormalState.ForeColor, 1), textBounds.Left, textBounds.Bottom,
                               textBounds.Right, textBounds.Bottom);
            if (HasPrevPage())
                prevBtnRect = new Rectangle(textBounds.Left, textBounds.Bottom, textBounds.Width / 2 - 32, navigButtonsHeight);
                if (prevBtnPressed)
                    context.g.FillRectangle(SMGraphics.GetBrush(Color.LightGreen), prevBtnRect);
                context.g.DrawString("< PREV", SMGraphics.GetFontVariation(SystemFonts.MenuFont, 20f), SMGraphics.GetBrush(Color.Gray), prevBtnRect, SMGraphics.StrFormatCenter);
            if (HasNextPage())
                nextBtnRect = new Rectangle(textBounds.Left + textBounds.Width / 2 + 32, textBounds.Bottom, textBounds.Width / 2 - 32, navigButtonsHeight);
                if (nextBtnPressed)
                    context.g.FillRectangle(SMGraphics.GetBrush(Color.LightGreen), nextBtnRect);
                context.g.DrawString("NEXT >", SMGraphics.GetFontVariation(SystemFonts.MenuFont, 20f), SMGraphics.GetBrush(Color.Gray), nextBtnRect, SMGraphics.StrFormatCenter);

            context.g.DrawString(string.Format("{0}/{1}", CurrentPage + 1, PageCount), SMGraphics.GetFontVariation(SystemFonts.MenuFont, 20f),
                                 SMGraphics.GetBrush(Color.Gray), new Rectangle(textBounds.Left + textBounds.Width / 2 - 48, textBounds.Bottom, 96, navigButtonsHeight),
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics"></param>
        /// <param name="rect">Absolute value</param>
        /// <param name="x">Relative value</param>
        /// <param name="y">Relative value</param>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        public void PaintPoint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rect, int x, int y, Color c)
            int xa = rect.X + Convert.ToInt32(rect.Width * x / 100.0);
            int ya = rect.Y + Convert.ToInt32(rect.Height * y / 100.0);

            graphics.FillRectangle(SMGraphics.GetBrush(c), xa - 6, ya - 6, 12, 12);
Esempio n. 3
        private void DrawCard(MNPageContext context, Rectangle rect, MNReferencedImage image)
            Size imgSize = SMGraphics.GetMaximumSize(rect, image.ImageData.Size);

            context.g.DrawImage(image.ImageData, rect.X + rect.Width / 2 - imgSize.Width / 2,
                                rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - imgSize.Height / 2, imgSize.Width, imgSize.Height);
Esempio n. 4
 public override void Paint(MNPageContext context, SMStatusLayout layout, int X, int Y)
     if (Type == SMWordSpecialType.HorizontalLine)
         context.g.DrawLine(SMGraphics.GetPen(layout.ForeColor, 1), rect.X + X, rect.Y + Y + rect.Height / 2, rect.Right + X, rect.Y + Y + rect.Height / 2);
     base.Paint(context, layout, X, Y);
Esempio n. 5
        private Rectangle DrawColumnSeparators(MNPageContext context, Rectangle textBounds)
            Pen pen = SMGraphics.GetPen(NormalState.ForeColor, 1);

            for (int i = 1; i < Columns; i++)
                int x  = textBounds.Left + i * textBounds.Width / Columns;
                int y  = textBounds.Top;
                int y2 = textBounds.Bottom;
                if (ShowNavigationButtons)
                    y2 -= navigButtonsHeight;

                int cy = y;
                switch (ColumnSeparatorStyle)
                case SMLineStyle.Plain:
                    context.g.DrawLine(pen, x, y, x, y2);

                case SMLineStyle.Dashed:
                    while (cy + 16 < y2)
                        context.g.DrawLine(pen, x, cy, x, cy + 16);
                        cy += 24;

                case SMLineStyle.Doted:
                    while (cy + 3 < y2)
                        context.g.DrawRectangle(pen, x, cy, 2, 2);
                        cy += 8;

                case SMLineStyle.ZigZag:
                    while (cy + 16 < y2)
                        context.g.DrawLine(pen, x, cy, x - 4, cy + 4);
                        context.g.DrawLine(pen, x - 4, cy + 4, x + 4, cy + 12);
                        context.g.DrawLine(pen, x + 4, cy + 12, x, cy + 16);
                        cy += 16;
Esempio n. 6
 public MNPageContext()
     redConstraintTrack       = new Pen(Color.Red, 3);
     LastMatrix               = new Matrix();
     LastInvertMatrix         = new Matrix();
     CurrentPage              = null;
     HintFont                 = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 9);
     MenuFont                 = SMGraphics.GetFontVariation(MNFontName.GilSansMurari, 18);
     MenuTitleFont            = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 24);
     DragItemFont             = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 35);
     PageTitleFont            = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 20, FontStyle.Italic);
     semitransparentGrayBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Gray));
     messageBox               = new SMTitledMessage(CurrentPage);
     SpotAreaBorderPen        = new Pen(Color.LightBlue, 3);
Esempio n. 7
        public void PaintPageNo(MNPageContext context, SMStatusLayout layout, int X, int Y)
            Brush backgroundBrush     = SMGraphics.GetBrush(layout.BackColor);
            Brush highBackgroundBrush = SMGraphics.GetBrush(Color.LightGray);
            Brush textBrush           = SMGraphics.GetBrush(layout.ForeColor);

            foreach (SMTextContainerLine wline in drawLines)
                foreach (SMTextContainerWord wt in wline)
                    Rectangle r = wt.rect;
                    r.Offset(X, Y);
                    context.g.DrawFillRoundedRectangle(Pens.Black, wt.Used ? highBackgroundBrush : backgroundBrush, r, 5);
                    context.g.DrawString(wt.text, Font.Font, textBrush, r, SMGraphics.StrFormatCenter);
Esempio n. 8
        public override void Paint(MNPageContext context)
            Rectangle bounds = Area.GetBounds(context);

            Rectangle textBounds = bounds;
            Pen       currentPen;

            // background image is drawn centered
            if (BackgroundImage != null)
                BackgroundImageRect = new Rectangle(textBounds.Location, SMGraphics.GetMaximumSize(textBounds, BackgroundImage.ImageData.Size));
                BackgroundImageRect.Offset((textBounds.Width - BackgroundImageRect.Width) / 2,
                                           (textBounds.Height - BackgroundImageRect.Height) / 2);
                context.g.DrawImage(BackgroundImage.ImageData, BackgroundImageRect);

            /*context.g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Gray, textBounds.Right - 16, textBounds.Bottom - 48, 16, 16);
            *  context.g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Gray, textBounds.Right - 16, textBounds.Bottom - 32, 16, 16);
            *  context.g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Gray, textBounds.Right - 16, textBounds.Bottom - 16, 16, 16);*/
            context.g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, textBounds);

            if (!context.drawSelectionMarks)
                foreach (DrawPoints dp in drawPoints)
                    currentPen = SMGraphics.GetPen(dp.penColor, dp.penWidth);
                    context.g.DrawLines(currentPen, dp.pts);

                if (tempPoints.pts.Count > 1)
                    currentPen = SMGraphics.GetPen(tempPoints.penColor, tempPoints.penWidth);
                    context.g.DrawLines(currentPen, tempPoints.pts.ToArray <Point>());

            // draw selection marks
Esempio n. 9
        public override void Paint(MNPageContext context, SMStatusLayout layout, int X, int Y)
            string s = GetCurrentText();

            //Brush b = SMGraphics.GetBrush(layout.BackColor);

            if (UIStateHover)
                context.g.DrawRectangle(SMGraphics.GetPen(SMGraphics.dropableLayoutH.BorderColor, 4), rect.X + X, rect.Y + Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
                context.g.DrawRectangle(SMGraphics.GetPen(SMGraphics.dropableLayoutN.BorderColor, 2), rect.X + X, rect.Y + Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);

            if (Editable && Focused)
                SizeF sz = context.g.MeasureString(editedText, this.Font.Font);
                context.g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightBlue, rect.X + X + (int)sz.Width, rect.Y + Y + 1, 10, rect.Height - 2);

            context.g.DrawString(s, this.Font.Font, GetCurrentTextBrush(layout), rect.Location.X + X, rect.Location.Y + Y);
Esempio n. 10
        public override void Paint(MNPageContext context)
            Rectangle rect     = Area.GetBounds(context);
            Brush     keyBack  = Brushes.LightGray;
            Brush     keyPress = Brushes.Blue;

            float  ax             = rect.Width / 100f;
            float  ay             = rect.Height / 28f;
            Font   font           = SMGraphics.GetFontVariation(SystemFonts.DefaultFont, 4 * Math.Min(ax, ay));
            PointF origin         = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2 - 50 * ax, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - 14 * ay);
            Brush  textBrush      = Brushes.Black;
            Brush  textPressBrush = Brushes.White;

            foreach (SMKeyboardKey key in Keys)
                key.PaintedRect = new RectangleF(key.X * ax + origin.X, key.Y * ay + origin.Y, key.Width * ax, key.Height * ay);
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle((int)key.PaintedRect.X, (int)key.PaintedRect.Y, (int)key.PaintedRect.Width, (int)key.PaintedRect.Height);
                context.g.FillRectangle(key.Pressed ? keyPress : keyBack, r);
                if (key.Image != null)
                    float b = Math.Min(key.PaintedRect.Width / key.Image.Width, key.PaintedRect.Height / key.Image.Height);
                    b *= 0.7f;
                    Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(key.PaintedRect.X + key.PaintedRect.Width / 2),
                                                 Convert.ToInt32(key.PaintedRect.Y + key.PaintedRect.Height / 2),
                                                 Convert.ToInt32(b * key.Image.Width), Convert.ToInt32(b * key.Image.Height));
                    r2.X -= r2.Width / 2;
                    r2.Y -= r2.Height / 2;
                    context.g.DrawImage(key.Image, r2);
                    context.g.DrawString(key.Key, font, key.Pressed ? textPressBrush : textBrush, r, p_sf);

Esempio n. 11
        public override Brush GetCurrentTextBrush(SMStatusLayout layout)
            if (Editable)
                if (tag != null && editedText != null)
                    int a = tag.Length;
                    int b = editedText.Length;
                    int c = Math.Min(a, b);
                    if (c > 0)
                        if (tag.Substring(0, c).Equals(editedText.Substring(0, c), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

                if (droppedItem != null)
Esempio n. 12
        public override void Paint(MNPageContext context)
            SMRectangleArea area   = this.Area;
            Rectangle       bounds = area.GetBounds(context);

            SMConnection conn = context.CurrentPage.FindConnection(this);

            if (conn != null)
                UIStateHover = true;

            bool b = UIStateHover;

            UIStateHover |= SwitchStatus;
            SMStatusLayout layout = PrepareBrushesAndPens();

            UIStateHover = b;

            Rectangle boundsA = bounds;

            boundsA.Y       = Math.Max(0, bounds.Top);
            boundsA.X       = Math.Max(0, bounds.Left);
            boundsA.Width   = Math.Min(context.PageWidth, bounds.Right);
            boundsA.Height  = Math.Min(context.PageHeight, bounds.Bottom);
            boundsA.Width  -= boundsA.X;
            boundsA.Height -= boundsA.Y;

            Rectangle textBounds = ContentPadding.ApplyPadding(boundsA);

            if (Text != null && Text.Contains("\\n"))
                Text = Text.Replace("\\n", "\n");
            string plainText = Text;
            MNReferencedAudioText runningText = null;

            if (Content != null)
                plainText = null;
                if (Content is MNReferencedText)
                    plainText = ((MNReferencedText)Content).Text;
                else if (Content is MNReferencedAudioText)
                    runningText = Content as MNReferencedAudioText;
                else if (Content is MNReferencedSound)
                    plainText = Text;

            if (plainText.StartsWith("$"))
                plainText = Document.ResolveProperty(plainText.Substring(1));

            Font usedFont = GetUsedFont();

            if (plainText != null)
                Size      textSize = richText.MeasureString(context, plainText, textBounds.Width);
                Rectangle r        = Area.GetDockedRectangle(context.PageSize, textSize);
                if (Area.Dock != SMControlSelection.None)
                    textBounds.X     = Area.RelativeArea.X + SMRectangleArea.PADDING_DOCK_LEFT;
                    textBounds.Y     = Area.RelativeArea.Y + SMRectangleArea.PADDING_DOCK_TOP;
                    textBounds.Width = Area.RelativeArea.Width - SMRectangleArea.PADDING_DOCK_LEFT
                                       - SMRectangleArea.PADDING_DOCK_RIGHT + 2;
                    textBounds.Height            = Area.RelativeArea.Height - SMRectangleArea.PADDING_DOCK_TOP - SMRectangleArea.PADDING_DOCK_BOTTOM + 2;
                    richText.Paragraph.VertAlign = SMVerticalAlign.Top;

                if (Area.BackType == SMBackgroundType.None)
                    DrawStyledBackground(context, layout, bounds);
                else if (Area.BackType == SMBackgroundType.Solid)
                    context.g.FillRectangle(SMGraphics.GetBrush(Page.BackgroundColor), r);
                else if (Area.BackType == SMBackgroundType.Shadow && Area.BackgroundImage != null)
                                        textBounds.X + Area.BackgroundImageOffset.X,
                                        textBounds.Y + Area.BackgroundImageOffset.Y);

                if (Area.Dock == SMControlSelection.None)
                    DrawStyledBorder(context, layout, bounds);

                richText.DrawString(context, layout, textBounds);
            else if (runningText != null)
                DrawStyledBackground(context, layout, bounds);
                DrawStyledBorder(context, layout, bounds);

                Point curr  = new Point(textBounds.Left, textBounds.Top);
                int   index = 0;
                foreach (GOFRunningTextItem w in runningText.Words)
                    Brush currBrush = (runningText.currentWord >= index ? Brushes.Red : tempForeBrush);
                    SizeF textSize  = context.g.MeasureString(w.Text, usedFont);
                    if (curr.X + textSize.Width > textBounds.Right)
                        curr.X  = textBounds.Left;
                        curr.Y += (int)textSize.Height;
                    context.g.DrawString(w.Text, usedFont, currBrush, curr);
                    curr.X += (int)textSize.Width;


            if (UIStateError == MNEvaluationResult.Incorrect && UIStateChecked)
                if (Document.HasViewer)
                    Document.Viewer.ScheduleCall(MNNotificationCenter.RectifyDelay, this, "clearCheck");

            // draw selection marks
Esempio n. 13
        public override void Paint(MNPageContext context)
            Rectangle bounds = Area.GetBounds(context);

            SMStatusLayout layout = PrepareBrushesAndPens();

            Rectangle textBounds = ContentPadding.ApplyPadding(bounds);

            if (Text.Length == 0)
                bool b = UIStatePressed;
                UIStatePressed |= UIStateChecked;
                DrawStyledBackground(context, layout, textBounds);
                DrawStyledBorder(context, layout, textBounds);
                UIStatePressed = b;
                Font font = GetUsedFont();

                SizeF cbSize = context.g.MeasureString("M", font);
                int   inpad  = (int)(cbSize.Height / 8);
                int   inpad2 = inpad / 2;
                int   height = (int)(cbSize.Height * 3 / 4);

                SizeF sf       = richText.MeasureString(context, Text, textBounds.Width - height - 2 * inpad);
                Size  textSize = new Size((int)sf.Width + 5, (int)sf.Height);

                Pen drawPen = (UIStateError == MNEvaluationResult.Incorrect ? Pens.Red : tempForePen);

                Rectangle rectCB = textBounds;
                if (CheckBoxAtEnd)
                    rectCB          = new Rectangle(textBounds.X + textSize.Width + inpad, rectCB.Top + inpad, height, height);
                    textBounds.Size = textSize;
                    rectCB          = new Rectangle(rectCB.Left + inpad, rectCB.Top + inpad, height, height);
                    textBounds.Size = textSize;
                    textBounds.X   += height + 2 * inpad + ContentPadding.LeftRight;

                if (Status)
                    context.g.DrawFillRoundedRectangle(SMGraphics.GetPen(layout.ForeColor, 1), SMGraphics.GetBrush(layout.BackColor), rectCB, 5);
                    context.g.DrawRoundedRectangle(SMGraphics.GetPen(layout.ForeColor, 1), rectCB, 5);

                if (Clickable)
                    richText.DrawString(context, SMGraphics.clickableLayoutN, Text, textBounds);
                    richText.DrawString(context, NormalState, Text, textBounds);

            // in case this is wrongly checked, run clearing the state in 2 secs
            if (UIStateError == MNEvaluationResult.Incorrect && UIStateChecked)
                if (Document.HasViewer)
                    Document.Viewer.ScheduleCall(MNNotificationCenter.RectifyDelay, this, "clearCheck");

            // draw selection marks
            base.Paint(context, false);
Esempio n. 14
        public override void Paint(MNPageContext context)
            //Debugger.Log(0, "", "-- paint selection control -- Horizontal:" + bHorizontal + "\n");
            SMStatusLayout layout = PrepareBrushesAndPens();


            Rectangle r = Area.GetBounds(context);

            Font  font      = GetUsedFont();
            Brush backBrush = null;
            Brush foreBrush = null;
            int   radius    = 15;

            if (bHorizontal)
                int width = 1;
                foreach (SelText st in texts)
                    width += st.size.Width;

                int index   = 0;
                int currPos = r.Left;
                foreach (SelText st in texts)
                    int thisWidth = r.Width * st.size.Width / width;
                    layout    = (p_currSelection == index ? SMGraphics.clickableLayoutH : SMGraphics.clickableLayoutN);
                    backBrush = SMGraphics.GetBrush(layout.BackColor);
                    foreBrush = SMGraphics.GetBrush(layout.ForeColor);

                    if (index == 0)
                        context.g.FillEllipse(backBrush, r.Left, r.Top, radius * 2, radius * 2);
                        context.g.FillEllipse(backBrush, r.Left, r.Bottom - radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 2);
                        context.g.FillRectangle(backBrush, r.Left, r.Top + radius, radius, r.Height - 2 * radius);
                        context.g.FillRectangle(backBrush, currPos, r.Top, radius, r.Height);

                    if (index == texts.Count - 1)
                        context.g.FillEllipse(backBrush, r.Right - radius * 2, r.Top, radius * 2, radius * 2);
                        context.g.FillEllipse(backBrush, r.Right - radius * 2, r.Bottom - radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 2);
                        context.g.FillRectangle(backBrush, currPos + thisWidth - radius, r.Top + radius,
                                                r.Right - (currPos + thisWidth - radius), r.Height - 2 * radius);
                        context.g.FillRectangle(backBrush, currPos + thisWidth - radius, r.Top, radius, r.Height);

                    context.g.FillRectangle(backBrush, currPos + radius, r.Top, thisWidth - 2 * radius, r.Height);

                    if (index > 0)
                        context.g.DrawLine(tempForePen, currPos, r.Top, currPos, r.Bottom);

                    Rectangle rt = new Rectangle();
                    rt.X      = currPos;
                    rt.Y      = r.Top;
                    rt.Width  = thisWidth;
                    rt.Height = r.Height;
                    context.g.DrawString(st.text, font, foreBrush, rt, SMGraphics.StrFormatCenter);
                    st.drawRect = rt;

                    currPos += thisWidth;
                int height = 1;
                foreach (SelText st in texts)
                    height += st.size.Height;

                int index   = 0;
                int currPos = r.Top;
                //Debugger.Log(0, "", "--- selection control ---\n");
                foreach (SelText st in texts)
                    int thisHeight = r.Height * st.size.Height / height;
                    layout    = (p_currSelection == index ? SMGraphics.clickableLayoutH : SMGraphics.clickableLayoutN);
                    backBrush = SMGraphics.GetBrush(layout.BackColor);
                    foreBrush = SMGraphics.GetBrush(layout.ForeColor);

                    if (index == 0)
                        context.g.FillEllipse(backBrush, r.Left, r.Top, radius * 2, radius * 2);
                        context.g.FillEllipse(backBrush, r.Right - radius * 2, r.Top, radius * 2, radius * 2);
                        context.g.FillRectangle(backBrush, r.Left + radius, r.Top, r.Width - 2 * radius, radius);
                        context.g.FillRectangle(backBrush, r.Left, currPos, r.Width, radius);

                    if (index == texts.Count - 1)
                        context.g.FillEllipse(backBrush, r.Left, r.Bottom - radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 2);
                        context.g.FillEllipse(backBrush, r.Right - radius * 2, r.Bottom - radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 2);
                        context.g.FillRectangle(backBrush, r.Left + radius, currPos + thisHeight - radius,
                                                r.Width - 2 * radius, r.Bottom - (currPos + thisHeight - radius));
                        context.g.FillRectangle(backBrush, r.Left, currPos + thisHeight - radius, r.Width, radius);

                    context.g.FillRectangle(backBrush, r.Left, currPos + radius, r.Width, thisHeight - 2 * radius);

                    if (index > 0)
                        context.g.DrawLine(tempForePen, r.Left, currPos, r.Right, currPos);

                    Rectangle rt = new Rectangle();
                    rt.X      = r.Left;
                    rt.Y      = currPos;
                    rt.Width  = r.Width;
                    rt.Height = thisHeight;
                    context.g.DrawString(st.text, font, foreBrush, rt, SMGraphics.StrFormatCenter);
                    st.drawRect = rt;

                    currPos += thisHeight;

            context.g.DrawRoundedRectangle(tempForePen, r, radius);

            // in case this is wrongly checked, run clearing the state in 2 secs
            if (UIStateError == MNEvaluationResult.Incorrect && HasImmediateEvaluation)
                if (Document.HasViewer)
                    Document.Viewer.ScheduleCall(MNNotificationCenter.RectifyDelay, this, "clearCheck");

Esempio n. 15
 public virtual Brush GetCurrentTextBrush(SMStatusLayout layout)
Esempio n. 16
        public override void Paint(MNPageContext context)
            Rectangle bounds = Area.GetBounds(context);

            Rectangle textBounds = ContentPadding.ApplyPadding(bounds);

            if (p_prevHighColor != HighlightColor)
                p_prevHighColor = HighlightColor;
                p_prevHighBrush = new SolidBrush(HighlightColor);

            if (p_alignedText.Length == 0 || !p_prevText.Equals(Text) || p_prevRowCol != Rows * Columns)
                if (Rows < 3)
                    Rows = 3;
                if (Columns < 3)
                    Columns = 3;
                p_prevRowCol         = Rows * Columns;
                p_prevText           = Text;
                p_cellStatus         = new bool[Columns, Rows];
                p_cellExpectedStatus = new bool[Columns, Rows];
                p_alignedText        = AlignText(Text);
                for (int i = 0; i < Columns; i++)
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < Rows; i2++)
                        p_cellStatus[i, i2] = false;
            SizeF sizeChar       = context.g.MeasureString("M", Font.Font);
            float cellSize       = Math.Max(sizeChar.Height, sizeChar.Width);
            float targetCellSize = Math.Min((textBounds.Width - (Columns + 1) * Spacing) / Columns,
                                            (textBounds.Height - (Rows + 1) * Spacing) / Rows);

            // recalculate actuall size for puzzle
            textBounds.Height = (int)(targetCellSize * Rows + Spacing * Rows + Spacing);
            textBounds.Width  = (int)(targetCellSize * Columns + Spacing * Columns + Spacing);

            // recalculate border
            bounds = ContentPadding.ApplyPadding(textBounds);

            context.g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, bounds);

            // recalculate size of font
            Font usedFont = Font.Font;

            if (targetCellSize > 0.1f)
                usedFont = SMGraphics.GetFontVariation(Font.Name, Font.Size * targetCellSize / cellSize);
            int index = 0;

            // prepare rectangle for letter
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

            rect.Width  = (int)targetCellSize;
            rect.Height = (int)targetCellSize;

            // prepare text formating
            StringFormat format = new StringFormat();

            format.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
            format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            p_cellSize = (int)targetCellSize;

            // drawing letters
            for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < Columns; c++)
                    rect.X = Convert.ToInt32(c * targetCellSize + (c + 1) * Spacing) + textBounds.X;
                    rect.Y = Convert.ToInt32(r * targetCellSize + (r + 1) * Spacing) + textBounds.Y;
                    string s = p_alignedText.Substring(index, 1);
                    if (p_cellStatus[c, r])
                        context.g.FillRectangle(p_prevHighBrush, rect);
                    if (UIStateError == MNEvaluationResult.Incorrect)
                        if (p_cellStatus[c, r] != p_cellExpectedStatus[c, r])
                            context.g.DrawString(s, usedFont, Brushes.Gray, rect, format);
                            context.g.DrawString(s, usedFont, Brushes.Black, rect, format);
                        context.g.DrawString(s, usedFont, Brushes.Black, rect, format);

            // draw selection marks
Esempio n. 17
 public SMFont GetFont()
     return(SMGraphics.GetVirtFontVariation(fontName, fontSize, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikeout));
Esempio n. 18
        public override void Paint(MNPageContext context)
            Rectangle bounds = Area.GetBounds(context);

            SMStatusLayout layout = PrepareBrushesAndPens();

            if (p_format == null)
                p_format               = new StringFormat();
                p_format.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
                p_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            if (!p_prevContent.Equals(ContentCells))
                p_prevContent = ContentCells;
                if (p_xmax < 1 || p_ymax < 1)

            Rectangle textBounds = ContentPadding.ApplyPadding(bounds);

            // size of one cell
            p_cellx = Math.Min(textBounds.Height / p_ymax, textBounds.Width / p_xmax);
            Font usedFont = SMGraphics.GetFontVariation(Font.Font, p_cellx * 0.7f);

            // prepare rectangle for letter
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

            rect.Width  = p_cellx;
            rect.Height = p_cellx;
            Brush bb;

            int lastIndex = p_ymax - 1;

            for (int x = 0; x < p_xmax; x++)
                rect.X = textBounds.X + x * p_cellx;
                for (int y = 0; y < p_ymax; y++)
                    rect.Y = textBounds.Y + y * p_cellx;
                    if (p_array[x, y, 1].Length > 0)
                        if (x == p_focusX && y == p_focusY)
                            context.g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightBlue, rect);
                            context.g.FillRectangle(tempBackBrush, rect);
                        context.g.DrawLine(tempBorderPen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X + p_cellx, rect.Y);
                        context.g.DrawLine(tempBorderPen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + p_cellx);
                        if (y >= p_ymax - 1 || p_array[x, y + 1, 1].Length == 0)
                            context.g.DrawLine(tempBorderPen, rect.X, rect.Y + p_cellx, rect.X + p_cellx, rect.Y + p_cellx);
                        if (x >= p_xmax - 1 || p_array[x + 1, y, 1].Length == 0)
                            context.g.DrawLine(tempBorderPen, rect.X + p_cellx, rect.Y, rect.X + p_cellx, rect.Y + p_cellx);
                        bb = ((UIStateError == MNEvaluationResult.Incorrect &&
                               (p_array[x, y, 0] != p_array[x, y, 1])) ? Brushes.Red : tempForeBrush);
                        context.g.DrawString(p_array[x, y, 0], usedFont, bb, rect, p_format);

            // draw selection marks