public static IBlog Create202024IlkestonEvent()
     return(new Blog
         Name = "Ilkeston (Woodside) Model Railway Club",
         Date = new DateTime(2020, 02, 24),
         Paragraph = "Visted the Ilkeston Model Railway Club event on the 23 feburay, very cool",
         Link = $"{Constants.ModelEvents}/20200223-Ilkeston/index.html",
         ModelEvent = ModelEventFactory.CreateIlkeston2020(),
         Carousel = "P2237873 Avyn-A-Llyin Ilkeston.JPG",
         CarouselText = "Ilkeston (Woodside) Model Railway Club"
 public static IBlog Create202029NewarkEvent()
     return(new Blog
         Name = "Lincoln Model Rail Club General Exhibition",
         Date = new DateTime(2020, 02, 29),
         Paragraph = "Big show at the Newark Showground, this time it's the Lincoln Model Rail Club General Exhibition.",
         Link = $"{Constants.ModelEvents}/20200229-Newark/index.html",
         ModelEvent = ModelEventFactory.CreateLinclon2020March(),
         Carousel = "P2298149 DorehillST LincolnModelRailClub.Stephens LincolnModelRailClub.JPG",
         CarouselText = "Lincoln Model Rail Club General Exhibition"
 public static IBlog Create20200216SystonEvent()
     return(new Blog
         Name = "Syston Model Railway Event",
         Date = new DateTime(2020, 02, 16),
         Paragraph = "Visted the Syston Model Railway event on the 15 feburay, lots of amazing models displays.",
         Link = $"{Constants.ModelEvents}/20200215-Syston/index.html",
         ModelEvent = ModelEventFactory.CreateSyston2020(),
         Carousel = "P2157640 NewtonEast SystonModelRailway.JPG",
         CarouselText = "Syston Model Railway Event"