Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the collection of train trips
        /// </summary>
        private static void LoadTrips()
            // Load the trips
            int numberOfTrips = PersistentStorage.GetIntItem(TrainTripsSizeName, 0);

            trips = new List <TrainTrip>();

            for (int tripIndex = 0; tripIndex < numberOfTrips; ++tripIndex)
                TrainTrip tripToAdd = new TrainTrip {
                    From     = PersistentStorage.GetStringItem(TrainTripFromName + tripIndex, ""),
                    To       = PersistentStorage.GetStringItem(TrainTripToName + tripIndex, ""),
                    FromCode = PersistentStorage.GetStringItem(TrainTripFromCodeName + tripIndex, ""),
                    ToCode   = PersistentStorage.GetStringItem(TrainTripToCodeName + tripIndex, "")

            // Get the current trip
            selectedTrip = PersistentStorage.GetIntItem(TrainTripSelectedName, 0);

            // Make sure that the selected trip is valid
            if (selectedTrip >= trips.Count)
                selectedTrip = trips.Count - 1;
                PersistentStorage.SetIntItem(TrainTripSelectedName, selectedTrip);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the entire station list to storage
        /// </summary>
        private static void SaveStations()
            PersistentStorage.SetIntItem(RecentStationsSizeName, stations.Count);

            for (int stationIndex = 0; stationIndex < stations.Count; ++stationIndex)
                PersistentStorage.SetStringItem(RecentStationName + stationIndex, stations[stationIndex]);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when the BroadcastReceiver has received an Intent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The Context in which the receiver is running.</param>
        /// <param name="intent">The Intent being received.</param>
        public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
            base.OnReceive(context, intent);

            // Check if the click is from the details text being clicked
            if (DetailsClick == intent.Action)
                // Open the main QuTi activity
                context.StartActivity(new Intent(context, typeof(MainActivity)));
            // If a new trip has been selected then update all widgets to display it
            else if (intent.Action == TripUpdated)
            // If this is an update service state change then action it
            else if ((intent.Action == StartClick) || (intent.Action == StopClick))
                // Initialise the persistent storage
                PersistentStorage.StorageMechanism = new StorageMechanism(context);
                PersistentStorage.UseCache         = false;

                // Store the state of the update service
                PersistentStorage.SetBoolItem(UpdateServiceRunningName, (intent.Action == StartClick));

                // Start or stop the service
                if (intent.Action == StartClick)
                    context.StartService(new Intent(context, typeof(UpdateService)));
                    context.StopService(new Intent(context, typeof(UpdateService)));

                // Display the updated state
            // If this is a departure time change then update all the widgets
            else if ((intent.Action == NextDepartureSuspectChange) || (intent.Action == NextDepartureTimeChange))
            // If the device has just unlocked then update the widget
            else if (intent.Action == Intent.ActionUserPresent)
            else if ((intent.Action == UpdateInProgress) || (intent.Action == UpdateFinished))
                // Store the state of the update operation
                PersistentStorage.SetBoolItem(UpdateInProgressName, (intent.Action == UpdateInProgress));

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the visual contents of a specific widget contents into a RemoteViews object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widgetContext">Widget context.</param>
        /// <param name="widgetId">Widget identifier.</param>
        private RemoteViews RenderWidgetContents(Context context, int widgetId)
            // Initialise the persistent storage
            PersistentStorage.StorageMechanism = new StorageMechanism(context);
            PersistentStorage.UseCache         = false;

            // Create a RemoteView for the widget
            RemoteViews widgetView = new RemoteViews(context.PackageName, Resource.Layout.widget);

            // Extract the current trip details and display them.
            // The trip details and selected trip can be changed independently by the main app so a new set of train trip details need to be read
            TrainTrip selectedTrip = TrainTrips.SelectedTrip;

            if (selectedTrip != null)
                widgetView.SetTextViewText(Resource.Id.widgetTrip, string.Format("{0}:{1}", selectedTrip.FromCode, selectedTrip.ToCode));

            // Extract the next departure time and display it
            DateTime departureTime = NextDeparture.DepartureTime;

            widgetView.SetTextViewText(Resource.Id.widgetDeparture, departureTime.ToString("HH:mm"));

            // Register pending intents for clicking on the displayed fields
            RegisterClicks(context, widgetView);

            // Show the correct image for the running state of the update service
            if (PersistentStorage.GetBoolItem(UpdateInProgressName, false) == true)
                // An update is actually in progress, so show the progress indicator and hide
                // the service status flags
                widgetView.SetViewVisibility(Resource.Id.layoutProgressBar, Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible);
                widgetView.SetViewVisibility(Resource.Id.imageStart, Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone);
                widgetView.SetViewVisibility(Resource.Id.imageStop, Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone);
                // Hide the progress indicator and show the servide state
                widgetView.SetViewVisibility(Resource.Id.layoutProgressBar, Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone);

                if (PersistentStorage.GetBoolItem(UpdateServiceRunningName, false) == true)
                    widgetView.SetViewVisibility(Resource.Id.imageStart, Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone);
                    widgetView.SetViewVisibility(Resource.Id.imageStop, Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible);
                    widgetView.SetViewVisibility(Resource.Id.imageStart, Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible);
                    widgetView.SetViewVisibility(Resource.Id.imageStop, Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone);

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Load upto MaxStations station names from the persistent storage
        /// </summary>
        private static void LoadStations()
            // Load the stations
            int numberOfRecentStations = Math.Min(PersistentStorage.GetIntItem(RecentStationsSizeName, 0), MaxStations);

            stations = new List <string>();

            for (int stationIndex = 0; stationIndex < numberOfRecentStations; ++stationIndex)
                stations.Add(PersistentStorage.GetStringItem(RecentStationName + stationIndex, ""));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the entire trip list to storage
        /// </summary>
        private static void SaveTrips()
            PersistentStorage.SetIntItem(TrainTripsSizeName, trips.Count);

            for (int tripIndex = 0; tripIndex < trips.Count; ++tripIndex)
                PersistentStorage.SetStringItem(TrainTripFromName + tripIndex, trips[tripIndex].From);
                PersistentStorage.SetStringItem(TrainTripToName + tripIndex, trips[tripIndex].To);
                PersistentStorage.SetStringItem(TrainTripFromCodeName + Trips.Count, trips[tripIndex].FromCode);
                PersistentStorage.SetStringItem(TrainTripToCodeName + Trips.Count, trips[tripIndex].ToCode);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new trip to the collection and store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trip"></param>
        public static void AddTrip(TrainTrip trip)
            // Store the trip
            PersistentStorage.SetStringItem(TrainTripFromName + Trips.Count, trip.From);
            PersistentStorage.SetStringItem(TrainTripToName + Trips.Count, trip.To);
            PersistentStorage.SetStringItem(TrainTripFromCodeName + Trips.Count, trip.FromCode);
            PersistentStorage.SetStringItem(TrainTripToCodeName + Trips.Count, trip.ToCode);

            // Add to the list

            // Update the count
            PersistentStorage.SetIntItem(TrainTripsSizeName, Trips.Count);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the first widget is displayed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public override void OnEnabled(Context context)
            // Initialise the persistent storage
            PersistentStorage.StorageMechanism = new StorageMechanism(context);
            PersistentStorage.UseCache         = false;

            // Initialise the update service state to not running
            PersistentStorage.SetBoolItem(UpdateServiceRunningName, false);

            // Register for when the device wakes up and the keylock is off
            // Cannot register for this in the manifest
            // Also cannot use the provided context, must use the application context??
            context.ApplicationContext.RegisterReceiver(this, new IntentFilter(Intent.ActionUserPresent));
