Esempio n. 1
        private void dgvLoadInfo(string sql)
            OLEDBHelper.iLoginEx = iLoginEx;
            string selectSQL = "declare @CurrentYr varchar(10)  \r\n";//业务员

            selectSQL += " declare @lastyear varchar(10)  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " set @CurrentYr=datepart(year,getdate())--今年  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " set @lastyear=@CurrentYr-1  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " select cy.aCsocode as '订单号',cy.ztcinvcode as '存货编码',(case when  isnull(cy.cinvccode ,'')='' then '配件' when cy.cinvccode ='H' then '硬盘' else cls.cInvCName  end) as '分类名称',cy.ztcinvName as '存货名称',cy.ztCinvstd as '规格型号',c.cPersonName as '业务员',b.ccusname as '客户简称',cy.ccuscode as '客户编码',cy.addate as '日期',cy.sales as '销售额',cy.Number as '数量',  \r\n";
            // selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @lastyear   then Sales else 0 end as 'Sales2015',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/01'  then Sales else 0 end as '1月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/02'  then Sales else 0 end as '2月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/03'  then Sales else 0 end as '3月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/04'  then Sales else 0 end as '4月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/05'  then Sales else 0 end as '5月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/06'  then Sales else 0 end as '6月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/07'  then Sales else 0 end as '7月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/08'  then Sales else 0 end as '8月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/09'  then Sales else 0 end as '9月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/10'  then Sales else 0 end as '10月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/11'  then Sales else 0 end as '11月销售额',  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/12'  then Sales else 0 end as '12月销售额'  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @lastyear  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs2015',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/01'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs01',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/02'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs02',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/03'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs03',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/04'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs04',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/05'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs05',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/06'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs06',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/07'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs07',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/08'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs08',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/09'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs09',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/10'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs10',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/11'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs11',  \r\n";
            //selectSQL += " case when zid=0 and Yr = @CurrentYr+''   and left(convert(varchar,adDate,111),7)=@CurrentYr+'/12'  then Costs else 0 end as 'Costs12'  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " from    Copy_sale_t_zhrs_v_CB_SG_zzc cy left join  Customer b on cy.ccuscode=b.ccuscode   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " left join Person c on b.ccuspperson=c.cPersonCode  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " left join InventoryClass cls on cy.cinvccode=cls.cInvCCode  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " where zid=0 " + sql + " order by cy.addate  \r\n";
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt = OLEDBHelper.GetDataTalbe(selectSQL, CommandType.Text);
            dgvDetailed.DataSource = dt;
            lblsum.Text            = "记录数:" + dt.Rows.Count;
            for (int i = 9; i < dgvDetailed.Columns.Count; i++)
                dgvDetailed.Columns[i].DefaultCellStyle.Format    = "#,###0.00";
                dgvDetailed.Columns[i].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            cbDetail_CheckedChanged(null, null);
Esempio n. 2
        private void dgvLoadInfo()
            string sql = "";

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCsoCode.Text.Trim()) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtZtcinvcodes.Text.Trim()) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtisoid.Text.Trim()))
                sql = " where zs.cinvCCode not like 'CB%' and Yr='" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "' ";
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCsoCode.Text.Trim()) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtZtcinvcodes.Text.Trim()) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtisoid.Text.Trim()))
                sql = " where zs.cinvCCode not like 'CB%' and Yr='" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "' and aCsocode='" + txtCsoCode.Text.Trim() + "'";
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCsoCode.Text.Trim()) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtZtcinvcodes.Text.Trim()) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtisoid.Text.Trim()))
                sql = " where zs.cinvCCode not like 'CB%' and Yr='" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "' and aCsocode='" + txtCsoCode.Text.Trim() + "' and ZtCinvcodes='" + txtZtcinvcodes.Text.Trim() + "'";
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCsoCode.Text.Trim()) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtZtcinvcodes.Text.Trim()) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtisoid.Text.Trim()))
                sql = " where zs.cinvCCode not like 'CB%' and Yr='" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "' and aCsocode='" + txtCsoCode.Text.Trim() + "' and ZtCinvcodes='" + txtZtcinvcodes.Text.Trim() + "' and isosid=" + txtisoid.Text.Trim() + " ";

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            OLEDBHelper.iLoginEx = iLoginEx;
            string selectSQL = "select aCsocode as '订单号',ZtCinvcodes as '母件存货编码',addate as '日期',sales as '销售额',Costs as '成本',Number as '数量',isosid as '唯一的标识', ztCinvcode as '子件存货编码',zs.cinvCCode as '分类编码',ztCinvName as '存货名称',ic.cinvCName as '分类名称',  \r\n";

            selectSQL += " ztCinvstd as '规格型号',zid as '类别',Yr as '年份'  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " from zhrs_t_SaleaCosts zs  left join   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " Inventoryclass ic on zs.cinvCCode=ic.cinvccode   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " " + sql + "  \r\n";
            dt         = OLEDBHelper.GetDataTalbe(selectSQL, CommandType.Text);
            dgvRemoveTheSuit.DataSource = dt;
            tsslSqlCount.Text           = "记录数:" + dt.Rows.Count.ToString();
            dgvRemoveTheSuit.DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True;
            dgvRemoveTheSuit.AutoSizeRowsMode          = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.AllCells;
            for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
                dgvRemoveTheSuit.Columns[i].DefaultCellStyle.Format    = "#,###0.0000";
                dgvRemoveTheSuit.Columns[i].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
Esempio n. 3
        private void btnIPC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            OLEDBHelper.iLoginEx = iLoginEx;
            string selectSQL = "select zs.Yr as 年份,zs.aCsocode as 订单号,zs.ztCinvcode as 存货编码,zs.cinvCCode as 存货大类编码,ic.cinvCName as 存货分类 ,zs.ztCinvName as 存货名称,zs.ztCinvstd as 规格型号,zs.addate as 日期,zs.Costs as 成本,zs.sales as 销售额,zs.Number as 数量   \r\n";

            selectSQL += " from zhrs_t_SaleaCosts zs  left join   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " Inventoryclass ic on zs.cinvCCode=ic.cinvccode  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " where zs.cinvCCode like 'SGCA%' and zs.Costs<=0 and zs.Yr='" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "'    \r\n";
            dt         = OLEDBHelper.GetDataTalbe(selectSQL, CommandType.Text);
            dgvcostError.DataSource = dt;
            dgvcostError.DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True;
            dgvcostError.AutoSizeRowsMode          = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.AllCells;
            for (int i = 8; i < 10; i++)
                dgvcostError.Columns[i].DefaultCellStyle.Format    = "#,###0.0000";
                dgvcostError.Columns[i].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            lblsalescost.Text = "总记录数:" + dt.Rows.Count;
            s = "IPC成本为零";
Esempio n. 4
        private void btncsocode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OLEDBHelper.iLoginEx = iLoginEx;
            string selectSQL = "select  0 as 'zid','2017' as '年份',a.Csocode as '订单号',a.Cinvcode as '存货编码',a.ddate as '发货单日期',a.isosid  as '子表存货唯一标识,a.iSum/a.iquantity as '含税单价',a.iSum*a.iexchrate/(a.itaxrate/100+1) as '销售额',a.iPrice as '成本',a.iexchrate as '汇率',a.itaxrate as '税率',a.iquantity as '数量',a.cInvCCode as '存货大类编码',        \r\n";

            selectSQL += "  a.CinvName as '存货名称',a.Cinvstd as '规格型号',a.ccuscode as '客户编码''       \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  from (select b.Csocode,b.Cinvcode,k.cInvCCode,h.ccuscode,k.iPrice,k.CinvName,k.Cinvstd,        \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  b.iorderrowno,b.iquantity ,b.itaxrate,b.iSum,h.ddate,c.iexchrate,b.isosid from kcsaleoutH h         \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  left join kcsaleoutb k on         \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  left join Sales_FHD_W b on k.iDLsID=b.iDLsID         \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  left join Sales_FHD_T c on b.DLID=c.DLID          \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  where h.ddate between '" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "-01-01' and '" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "-12-31' and k.cInvCCode like 'CB%')a where   Csocode='" + txtcsocode.Text.Trim() + "'  \r\n";
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt = OLEDBHelper.GetDataTalbe(selectSQL, CommandType.Text);
            dgvsuit.DataSource = dt;
            for (int i = 2; i < 7; i++)
                dgvsuit.Columns[i].DefaultCellStyle.Format    = "#,###0.0000";
                dgvsuit.Columns[i].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            lblcso.Text = "记录数:" + dt.Rows.Count.ToString();
Esempio n. 5
        private void btnCompare_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (i_lst_1.Count > 0)
            OLEDBHelper.iLoginEx = iLoginEx;
            string selectSQL = "select a.Csocode as 'aCsocode', sum(a.iSum*a.iexchrate/(a.itaxrate/100+1)) as 'sales',sum(a.iPrice) as 'Costs'     \r\n";

            selectSQL += "  from (select b.Csocode,b.Cinvcode,k.cInvCCode,h.ccuscode,k.iPrice,k.CinvName,k.Cinvstd,        \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  b.iorderrowno,b.iquantity ,b.itaxrate,b.iSum,h.ddate,c.iexchrate,b.isosid from kcsaleoutH h         \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  left join kcsaleoutb k on         \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  left join Sales_FHD_W b on k.iDLsID=b.iDLsID         \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  left join Sales_FHD_T c on b.DLID=c.DLID          \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  where h.ddate between '" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "-01-01' and '" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "-12-31' and k.cInvCCode like 'CB%')a group by Csocode   \r\n";
            OleDbDataReader dr = OLEDBHelper.ExecuteReader(selectSQL, CommandType.Text);

            while (dr.Read())
                i_lst.Add(new aCsocodeSales()
                    aCsocode = dr["aCsocode"].ToString(),
                    sales    = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["sales"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : dr["sales"]),
            decimal sum_1      = 0;
            string  aCsocode_1 = "不存在订单";

            foreach (aCsocodeSales u in i_lst)
                selectSQL = "select count(*) from zhrs_t_SaleaCosts where aCsocode='" + u.aCsocode + "'";
                int n = Convert.ToInt32(OLEDBHelper.ExecuteScalar(selectSQL, CommandType.Text));
                if (n > 0)
                    selectSQL = "select sum(sales) as 'sales_1',aCsocode from zhrs_t_SaleaCosts where aCsocode='" + u.aCsocode + "' and addate between '" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "-01-01' and '" + iLoginEx.iYear() + "-12-31' group by aCsocode";

                    OleDbDataReader dr_1 = OLEDBHelper.ExecuteReader(selectSQL, CommandType.Text);
                    if (dr_1.Read())
                        sum_1      = Convert.ToDecimal(dr_1["sales_1"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : dr_1["sales_1"]);
                        aCsocode_1 = dr_1["aCsocode"].ToString();
                    decimal dec   = Convert.ToDecimal(u.sales.ToString("####0.00"));
                    decimal dec_1 = Convert.ToDecimal(sum_1.ToString("####0.00"));
                    if (!dec.Equals(dec_1))
                        aCsocodeSales ia = new aCsocodeSales();
                        ia.aCsocode   = u.aCsocode;
                        ia.sales      = u.sales;
                        ia.aCsocode_1 = aCsocode_1;
                        ia.sales_1    = sum_1;
                        ia.Difference = u.sales - sum_1;
                    aCsocodeSales ia_1 = new aCsocodeSales();
                    ia_1.aCsocode   = u.aCsocode;
                    ia_1.sales      = u.sales;
                    ia_1.aCsocode_1 = aCsocode_1;
                    ia_1.sales_1    = sum_1;
            dgvSc.DataSource = i_lst_1;
            lblCount.Text    = "记录数:" + i_lst_1.Count;