public static void attack(Npc npc, Entity target) { if (npc.isDead() || npc.getOwner() == null || npc.isDestroyed() || target.isDead() || target.isDestroyed()) { return; } int damage = Misc.random(npc.getMaxHit()); int prayer = ((Player)target).getPrayers().getHeadIcon(); int hitDelay = npc.getHitDelay(); bool special = false; switch (npc.getId()) { case 2026: // Dharok int healthHit = (npc.getMaxHp() - npc.getHp()) / 2; damage = Misc.random(damage + healthHit); if (Misc.random(1) == 0) { if (damage < (npc.getMaxHp() / 3)) { damage = (npc.getMaxHp() / 4) + Misc.random(damage + healthHit) - (npc.getMaxHp() / 4); } } if (prayer == PrayerData.MELEE) { damage = 0; } break; case 2025: // Ahrim hitDelay = 1000; ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 156, 50, 40, 34, 60, target); if (Misc.random(3) == 0) { special = true; Skills.SKILL[] weakenableSkills = (Skills.SKILL[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Skills.SKILL)); Skills.SKILL weakenedSkill = weakenableSkills[Misc.random(0, 2)]; int currentLevel = ((Player)target).getSkills().getCurLevel(weakenedSkill); int newLevel = currentLevel - Misc.random(((Player)target).getSkills().getMaxLevel(weakenedSkill) / 12); newLevel = Math.Max(0, newLevel); ((Player)target).getSkills().setCurLevel(weakenedSkill, newLevel); ((Player)target).getPackets().sendSkillLevel(weakenedSkill); } if (prayer == PrayerData.MAGIC) { damage = 0; } break; case 2027: // Guthan if (prayer == PrayerData.MELEE) { damage = 0; } if (Misc.random(3) == 0) { special = true; target.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(398)); npc.heal(Misc.random(damage)); } break; case 2030: // Verac if (Misc.random(1) == 0 && prayer != 0) { if (damage <= npc.getMaxHit() / 2) { damage += npc.getMaxHit() / 2; if (damage > npc.getMaxHit()) { damage = npc.getMaxHit(); } } } break; case 2029: // Torag if (Misc.random(3) == 0) { special = true; } if (prayer == PrayerData.MELEE) { damage = 0; } break; case 2028: // Karil hitDelay = 700; ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 27, 50, 40, 34, 40, target); if (Misc.random(10) == 0) { special = true; int agility = ((Player)target).getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.AGILITY); int newAgility = agility / 4; if (newAgility <= 1) newAgility = 1; ((Player)target).getSkills().setCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.AGILITY, newAgility); ((Player)target).getPackets().sendSkillLevel(Skills.SKILL.AGILITY); } if (Misc.random(1) == 0) { damage = damage > 0 ? damage : Misc.random(npc.getMaxHit()); } if (prayer == PrayerData.RANGE) { damage = 0; } break; } npc.setLastAnimation(new Animation(npc.getAttackAnimation())); target.setLastAttacked(Environment.TickCount); npc.setLastAttack(Environment.TickCount); npc.resetCombatTurns(); target.setAttacker(npc); if ((target.getCombatTurns() > 2 || target.getCombatTurns() < 0)) { target.setLastAnimation(new Animation(target.getDefenceAnimation())); } if (damage > target.getHp()) { damage = target.getHp(); } Event doHitEvent = new Event(hitDelay); doHitEvent.setAction(() => { if (npc.getId() == 2025) { if (special) { target.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(400, 0, 100)); ((Player)target).getPackets().sendMessage("You feel weakened."); } target.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(damage == 0 ? 85 : 157, 0, 100)); } else if (npc.getId() == 2027) { if (special) { if (!npc.isDead()) { int newHp = npc.getHp() + damage; if (newHp > npc.getMaxHp()) { newHp = npc.getMaxHp(); } npc.setHp(newHp); } } } else if (npc.getId() == 2029) { if (special) { target.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(399, 0, 100)); int energy = ((Player)target).getRunEnergy(); int newEnergy = energy - (int)(energy * 0.50); if (newEnergy < 0) { newEnergy = 0; } ((Player)target).getPackets().sendMessage("You feel drained of energy."); ((Player)target).setRunEnergy(newEnergy); ((Player)target).getPackets().sendEnergy(); } } else if (npc.getId() == 2028) { if (special) { target.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(399)); ((Player)target).getPackets().sendMessage("You feel less agile."); } } target.hit(damage); doHitEvent.stop(); }); }
public static void fightCaveAttacks(Npc npc, Player p) { if (npc.isDead() || npc.isDestroyed() || p.isDead() || p.isDestroyed() || p.isDead() || !Location.inFightCave(p.getLocation()) || p.getTeleportTo() != null) { return; } int damage = Misc.random(npc.getMaxHit()); int prayer = p.getPrayers().getHeadIcon(); int hitDelay = npc.getHitDelay(); int animation = npc.getAttackAnimation(); switch (npc.getId()) { case 2734: // Tz-Kih (lvl 22) case 2735: if (prayer == PrayerData.MELEE) { damage = 0; } break; case 2739: // Tz-Xil (lvl 90) case 2740: if (prayer == PrayerData.RANGE) { damage = 0; } p.getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), p.getLocation(), 32, 1616, 50, 40, 34, 50, p); break; case 2741: // Yt-MejKot (lvl 180) case 2742: if (prayer == PrayerData.MELEE) { damage = 0; } // TODO healing break; case 2743: // Ket-Zek (lvl 360) case 2744: if (!p.getLocation().withinDistance(npc.getLocation(), 2)) { hitDelay = 1600; animation = 9266; npc.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(1622)); damage = Misc.random(49); if (prayer == PrayerData.MAGIC) { damage = 0; } Event sendProjectileToNpc = new Event(300); sendProjectileToNpc.setAction(() => { sendProjectileToNpc.stop(); p.getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), p.getLocation(), 32, 1623, 50, 40, 34, 80, p); }); Server.registerEvent(sendProjectileToNpc); } else { damage = Misc.random(64); if (prayer == PrayerData.MELEE) { damage = 0; } } break; case 2745: // TzTok Jad (lvl 702) doJadAttacks(p, npc); break; } if (npc.getId() == 2745) { return; } if (animation != 65535) { npc.setLastAnimation(new Animation(animation)); } p.setLastAttacked(Environment.TickCount); npc.setLastAttack(Environment.TickCount); p.setAttacker(npc); npc.resetCombatTurns(); if (damage > p.getHp()) { damage = p.getHp(); } int npcId = npc.getId(); Event losePrayerFightingEvent = new Event(hitDelay); losePrayerFightingEvent.setAction(() => { losePrayerFightingEvent.stop(); if (!Location.inFightCave(p.getLocation()) || p.getTeleportTo() != null) { return; } if (npcId == 2734 || npcId == 2735) { int prayerLevel = p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.PRAYER); int newPrayerLevel = prayerLevel -= (damage + 1); if (newPrayerLevel <= 0) { newPrayerLevel = 0; } p.getSkills().setCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.PRAYER, newPrayerLevel); p.getPackets().sendSkillLevel(Skills.SKILL.PRAYER); } else if (npcId == 2743 || npcId == 2744) { if (Misc.random(1) == 0) { p.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(1624, 0)); } } if ((p.getCombatTurns() > 2 || p.getCombatTurns() < 0)) { p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(p.getDefenceAnimation())); } p.hit(damage); }); Server.registerEvent(losePrayerFightingEvent); }
private static bool canThieveNpc(Player p, Npc npc, int index) { if (p == null || npc == null || npc.isDead() || npc.isHidden() || npc.isDestroyed() || p.isDead() || p.isDestroyed()) { return false; } if (!p.getLocation().withinDistance(npc.getLocation(), 2)) { return false; } if (p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.THIEVING) < NPC_LVL[index]) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a Thieving level of " + NPC_LVL[index] + " to rob this Npc."); p.setFaceLocation(npc.getLocation()); return false; } if (p.getInventory().findFreeSlot() == -1) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a free inventory space for any potential loot."); return false; } if (p.getTemporaryAttribute("stunned") != null) { return false; } if (p.getTemporaryAttribute("lastPickPocket") != null) { if (Environment.TickCount - (int)p.getTemporaryAttribute("lastPickPocket") < 1500) { return false; } } return true; }
private static void summonJadHealers(Player p, Npc jad) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Npc npc = new Npc(2746); Location minCoords = new Location((20000 + 2363) + (200 * p.getIndex()), 25502, 0); Location maxCoords = new Location((20000 + 2430) + (200 * p.getIndex()), 25123, 0); npc.setMinimumCoords(minCoords); npc.setMaximumCoords(maxCoords); npc.setLocation(new Location((20000 + 2387) + (200 * p.getIndex()) + Misc.random(22), 20000 + 5069 + Misc.random(33), 0)); npc.setEntityFocus(jad.getClientIndex()); npc.setOwner(p); npc.getFollow().setFollowing(jad); npc.setTarget(null); Server.getNpcList().Add(npc); Event jadHealerEvent = new Event(2000); jadHealerEvent.setAction(() => { if (npc.isDead() || npc.isHidden() || npc.isDestroyed()) { jadHealerEvent.stop(); return; } if (npc.getLocation().withinDistance(jad.getLocation(), 2) && !npc.inCombat()) { if (Misc.random(7) == 0) { jad.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(444)); npc.setLastAnimation(new Animation(9254)); int jadMaxHp = jad.getMaxHp(); jad.heal((int)(jadMaxHp * 0.5)); } } }); Server.registerEvent(jadHealerEvent); } }
public static void attack(Npc npc, Entity target) { if (npc.isDead() || npc.isDestroyed() || target.isDead() || target.isDestroyed() || target.isDead()) { return; } int damage = Misc.random(npc.getMaxHit()); int prayer = ((Player)target).getPrayers().getHeadIcon(); int hitDelay = npc.getHitDelay(); int animation = npc.getAttackAnimation(); bool special = false; switch (npc.getId()) { case 6263: // Steelwill (bandos mage) hitDelay = 1000; animation = 65535; if (prayer == PrayerData.MAGIC) { damage = 0; } ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1203, 50, 40, 34, 50, target); //; break; case 6260: // Graardor (bandos) randomMessage(npc, BANDOS_SHOUTS); if (Misc.random(3) == 0) { special = true; hitDelay = 1000; animation = 7063; ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1200, 50, 40, 34, 50, target); if (prayer == PrayerData.RANGE) { damage = 0; } else { damage = Misc.random(35); } } else { if (prayer == PrayerData.MELEE) { damage = 0; } } break; case 6265: // Grimspike (bandos range) hitDelay = 1000; animation = 65535; if (prayer == PrayerData.RANGE) { damage = 0; } ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1206, 50, 40, 34, 50, target); //; break; case 6247: // Zilyana (sara boss) randomMessage(npc, SARADOMIN_SHOUTS); if (Misc.random(3) == 0) { animation = 6967; special = true; if (prayer == PrayerData.MAGIC) { damage = 0; } } else { if (prayer == PrayerData.MELEE) { damage = 0; } } break; case 6250: // Growler (sara mage) hitDelay = 1000; if (prayer == PrayerData.MAGIC) { damage = 0; } ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1227, 50, 20, 27, 50, target); break; case 6252: // Bree (sara range) hitDelay = 1000; if (prayer == PrayerData.RANGE) { damage = 0; } ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1227, 50, 20, 27, 50, target); //TODO all anims break; case 6203: // K'ril Tsutsaroth (zammy boss) randomMessage(npc, ZAMORAK_SHOUTS); if (prayer == PrayerData.MELEE) { damage = 0; } if (Misc.random(3) == 0) { animation = 6947; damage = Misc.random(49); if (prayer != 0 && damage < (49 / 2)) { damage = (49 / 2) + Misc.random(49 / 2); } } if (Misc.random(4) == 0) { if (!target.isPoisoned()) { if (damage > 0) { Server.registerEvent(new PoisonEvent(target, 16)); } } } break; case 6208: // Balfrug Kreeyath (zammy mage) hitDelay = 1200; if (prayer == PrayerData.MAGIC) { damage = 0; } ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1213, 50, 20, 27, 70, target); // TODO attack anim break; case 6206: // Zakl'n Gritch (zammy range) hitDelay = 1200; if (prayer == PrayerData.RANGE) { damage = 0; } npc.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(1208)); ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1209, 50, 20, 27, 70, target); break; case 6222: // Kree'arra (armadyl boss) if (Misc.random(4) == 0) { npc.setForceText("Kraaaaw!"); } hitDelay = 1200; if (Misc.random(2) == 0 && npc.getAttacker() != null && npc.getAttacker().Equals(npc.getTarget())) { special = true; // Magic attack damage = Misc.random(21); if (prayer == PrayerData.MAGIC) { damage = 0; } ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1198, 50, 20, 27, 70, target); } else if (npc.getAttacker() != null && npc.getAttacker().Equals(npc.getTarget())) { //range attack if (prayer == PrayerData.RANGE) { damage = 0; } ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1197, 50, 20, 27, 70, target); } else { // do melee attack because they arent attacking kree arra damage = Misc.random(25); if (prayer == PrayerData.MELEE) { damage = 0; } animation = 6977; } break; case 6223: // Armadyl mage hitDelay = 1200; if (prayer == PrayerData.MAGIC) { damage = 0; } ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1199, 50, 20, 27, 70, target); break; case 6225: // Armadyl range hitDelay = 1200; if (prayer == PrayerData.RANGE) { damage = 0; } ((Player)target).getPackets().sendProjectile(npc.getLocation(), target.getLocation(), 32, 1190, 50, 20, 27, 70, target); break; } if (animation != 65535) { npc.setLastAnimation(new Animation(animation)); } target.setLastAttacked(Environment.TickCount); npc.setLastAttack(Environment.TickCount); target.setAttacker(npc); npc.resetCombatTurns(); if (damage > target.getHp()) { damage = target.getHp(); } int hit = damage; Event attackEvent = new Event(hitDelay); attackEvent.setAction(() => { attackEvent.stop(); if (npc.getId() == 6263) { target.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(hit > 0 ? 166 : 85, 0, 100)); } else if (npc.getId() == 6260) { if (special) { target.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(hit > 0 ? 160 : 65535, 0, 100)); } } else if (npc.getId() == 6247) { if (special) { if (hit < 1) { return; } else { target.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(1207, 0, 100)); npc.setCombatTurns(npc.getAttackSpeed() * 2); } } } else if (npc.getId() == 6208) { if (hit == 0) { target.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(85, 0, 100)); } } else if (npc.getId() == 6222) { if (special) { target.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(hit == 0 ? 85 : 65535, 0, 100)); } } if ((target.getCombatTurns() > 2 || target.getCombatTurns() < 0)) { target.setLastAnimation(new Animation(target.getDefenceAnimation())); } target.hit(hit); }); Server.registerEvent(attackEvent); }