public static bool OpenChest(GameScreen gs, TileBlock b) { Item i = GameScreen.Items[ItemId.Gold].Clone(); i.addToStack(ScreenManager.Rand.Next(6, 24)); b.setTile(TileBlock.OPEN_CHEST); gs.TileMap.dropItem(i, gs.Player); return true; }
public static bool NewTreasureRoom(GameScreen gs, TileBlock b) { if (gs.Player.Alive) { gs.setRoom(new TileMap(20, 5, MapType.Treasure, gs, gs.TileMap)); gs.Player.moveTo(new Vector2(0, TileMap.SPRITE_SIZE * 3)); } return true; }
public static bool WallHeal(GameScreen gs, TileBlock b) { if (gs.Player.Stats.HpPercent != 1) { gs.Player.heal((int) (gs.Player.Stats.MaxHp * 0.1)); b.setTile(TileBlock.EMPTYMAGIC_WALL); } return true; }
public static bool MapGoBack(GameScreen gs, TileBlock b) { if (gs.TileMap.OldMap != null) { gs.setRoom(gs.TileMap.OldMap); gs.Player.moveTo(gs.TileMap.LeavePoint); } else { gs.newMainRoom(); } return true; }
public Player(GameScreen screen, int x, int y, String name, Sprite s) : base(screen, x, y, s, null, 90, 1) { this.xp = 0; this.Name = name; this.RoomCount = 0; myAttacks = new List<Attack>(); items = new List<Item>(12); }
public static Entity Wraith(int x, int y, GameScreen screen, float scalar=1) { return new Entity(screen, x, y, screen.SprEntity[EntitySpriteId.Wraith], EntityAIs.Wraith, (int) (45 * scalar), 0.9 * scalar, (int) (8 * scalar), 0.85f, new PossibleDrop[] { new PossibleDrop(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.SmallPotion], 0.05), new PossibleDrop(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.Key], 0.01), new PossibleDrop(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.BronzeBody], 0.03), new PossibleDrop(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.Gold], 0.25) }); }
public static Entity Warlock(int x, int y, GameScreen screen, float scalar=1) { return new Entity(screen, x, y, screen.SprEntity[EntitySpriteId.Warlock], EntityAIs.Basic, (int) (60 * scalar), 0.9 * scalar, (int) (6 * scalar), 1f, new PossibleDrop[] { new PossibleDrop(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.SmallPotion], 0.05), new PossibleDrop(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.BronzeHead], 0.03), new PossibleDrop(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.BronzeLegs], 0.03), new PossibleDrop(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.Gold], 0.25) }); }
public static bool NewMainRoom(GameScreen gs, TileBlock b) { int idx = gs.Player.getItemIndex(ItemId.Key); if (gs.Player.Alive && idx >= 0) { gs.Player.addXP(20); gs.Player.heal(10); gs.Player.removeItem(idx); gs.newMainRoom(); } return true; }
public static Entity Skeleton_King(int x, int y, GameScreen screen, float scalar=1) { String name = RName.newCoolName(); Entity e = new Entity(screen, x, y, screen.SprEntity[EntitySpriteId.Skeleton_King], EntityAIs.Skeleton_King, 120, 1.5, 20, 1.1f, new PossibleDrop[] { new PossibleDrop(new Item(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.IronHead], name + "'s Helm"), 0.1), new PossibleDrop(new Item(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.IronBody], name + "'s Platebody"), 0.1), new PossibleDrop(new Item(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.IronLegs], name + "'s Legs"), 0.1), new PossibleDrop(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.SmallPotion], 0.33), new PossibleDrop(GameScreen.Items[ItemId.Gold], 0.5) }); e.Name = name; return e; }
public TileMap(int width, int height, MapType type, GameScreen screen, TileMap oldMap) { this.GScreen = screen; this.Width = width; this.Height = height; this.OldMap = oldMap; // Init numEntities = 0; DeadEntities = new List<Entity>(); Map = new List<TileBlock>(); Entities = new List<Entity>(); GameObjects = new List<GameObject>(); Attacks = new List<Attack>(); HitTexts = new List<HitText>(); switch (type) { case MapType.Treasure: setBackground(GameScreen.Backgrounds[BackgroundId.Cave1]); for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) { for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { if (h == height - 2 && w == 0) { Map.Add(TileBlock.IRON_DOOR.Clone().addEvent(TileBlockEvent.MapGoBack)); } else if (h == 0 || h == height - 1) { Map.Add(TileBlock.STONE_WALL.Clone()); } else if (w > 2 && w < width - 2 && h == height - 2 && ScreenManager.Rand.Next(width / 3) == 0) { Map.Add(TileBlock.CLOSED_CHEST.Clone()); } else { Map.Add(TileBlock.NONE.Clone()); } } } break; case MapType.Hall: default: // Hall Way setBackground(GameScreen.Backgrounds[BackgroundId.Cave1]); int specialCount = 0; for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { if (h == height - 2 && w == width - 1) { Map.Add(TileBlock.DOOR.Clone()); addRandomEntity(w * SPRITE_SIZE, h * SPRITE_SIZE, screen); } else if (h == 0 || h == height - 1) { Map.Add(TileBlock.STONE_WALL.Clone()); } else if (w > 3 && w < width - 2 && h == height - 2 && ScreenManager.Rand.Next(25) == 0) { Map.Add(TileBlock.STONE_WALL.Clone()); } else if (w > 3 && w < width - 2 && h == height - 2 && ScreenManager.Rand.Next(25) == 0) { Map.Add(TileBlock.STONE2_WALL.Clone()); } else if (specialCount == 0 && w > 2 && h == height - 2 && ScreenManager.Rand.Next(150) == 0) { specialCount++; Map.Add(TileBlock.HPPOOL.Clone()); } else if (specialCount == 0 && w > 2 && h == height - 2 && ScreenManager.Rand.Next(200) == 0) { specialCount++; Map.Add(TileBlock.IRON_DOOR.Clone().addEvent(TileBlockEvent.NewTreasureRoom)); } else { Map.Add(TileBlock.NONE.Clone()); if (h == height - 2 && w > 4 && ScreenManager.Rand.Next(12) == 0) addRandomEntity(w * SPRITE_SIZE, h * SPRITE_SIZE, screen); } } break; } }
public void addRandomEntity(int x, int y, GameScreen screen) { Entity e; int rand = ScreenManager.Rand.Next(500); if (rand < 10) e = EntityFactory.Skeleton_King(x, y, screen, 1 + (screen.Player.RoomCount/30f)); // After 30 rooms twice as hard else if (rand < 255) e = EntityFactory.Wraith(x, y, screen, 1 + (screen.Player.RoomCount/30f)); else e = EntityFactory.Warlock(x, y, screen, 1 + (screen.Player.RoomCount/30f)); addEntity(e); }
public static bool Nothing(GameScreen gs, TileBlock b) { return false; }
public void interact(GameScreen gs) { // Give player all items on this tile foreach (GameObject o in gameObjects) { if (o is EItem) { bool added = gs.Player.addItem(((EItem) o).Item); if (added) { o.SlatedToRemove = true; } } } var rmnEvents = new Queue<Func<GameScreen,TileBlock,bool>>(intEvents.Count); // Run the last event added first foreach (var evnt in intEvents) { bool remove = evnt(gs, this); if (!remove) { rmnEvents.Enqueue(evnt); } } // Set the events to the remaining events intEvents = rmnEvents; // Remove game objects marked for removal clearObjects(new Predicate<GameObject>(TileMap.DoRemoveGameObject)); }
public Entity(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext cntxt) : base(info, cntxt) { Name = (string) info.GetValue("Entity_Name", typeof(string)); Equipment = (Equipment) info.GetValue("Entity_Equipment", typeof(Equipment)); Stats = (EntityStats) info.GetValue("Entity_Stats", typeof(EntityStats)); XPValue = (int) info.GetValue("Entity_XPValue", typeof(int)); facing = (Direction) info.GetValue("Entity_Facing", typeof(Direction)); MAX_SPEED = (float) info.GetValue("Entity_MaxSpeed", typeof(float)); msVel = (Vector2) info.GetValue("Entity_MsVel", typeof(Vector2)); bounds = (EntityBounds) info.GetValue("Entity_EBounds", typeof(EntityBounds)); State = (EntityState) info.GetValue("Entity_State", typeof(EntityState)); // Init entity in loaded classes Stats.setEntity(this); EBounds.setEntity(this); Equipment.setEntity(this); // Un-saved values GScreen = (GameScreen) ScreenManager.getScreen(ScreenId.Game); lastHitPart = EntityPart.Body; jumpDelay = attackDelay = showHpTicks = 0; speedMultiplier = MAX_SPEED; pDrops = new PossibleDrop[0]; sprite.setFrame(250, 3); }
public Entity(GameScreen screen, int x, int y, Sprite s, Func<Entity, TileMap, bool> ai, int hp=75, double ap=1, int xp=6, float speed=1, PossibleDrop[] pDrops=null) : base(s, x, y) { = ai; GScreen = screen; Name = RName.newName(); bounds = new EntityBounds(this, x, y, (int) TileMap.SPRITE_SIZE, 12, 14, 6, 24); State = EntityState.Standing; msVel = new Vector2(0, 0); facing = Direction.Right; jumpDelay = attackDelay = showHpTicks = 0; MAX_SPEED = speedMultiplier = speed; XPValue = xp; // Stats Equipment = new Equipment(this); Stats = new EntityStats(this, hp, (float) ap); // Initialize drops, if none given empty array this.pDrops = (pDrops == null) ? new PossibleDrop[0] : pDrops; // Due to a quirk in the code the frame count here must be one more than actual sprite.setFrame(250, 3); if (!sprite.hasSpriteParts(SpriteParts.Entity)) throw new ArgumentException("The sprite passed is not an Entity sprite"); }