public TourViewController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)
			loadedObjects = new AppDelegate ();
			rok_Library = loadedObjects.getManager ();
			mainDisplay  = new UIButton[26][];
			isInSectionView = true;
			current_Section = 1;
			current_Pannel = 0;
			hotSpotBtn_Stack = new Stack ();
			hotSpot_size_large = 70f;
			hotSpot_size_small = 30f;
        public DisplayInfoView(object reciever,WindowManager wmr)
            //Link xib file to view.
            var arr = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib("DisplayInfoView", this, null);
            var v = Runtime.GetNSObject (arr.ValueAt (0)) as UIView;
            v.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect (0,0,Frame.Width,Frame.Height);

            //Button Sync
            btn_exitTOP.TouchUpInside += Btn_exit_TouchUpInside;
            btn_extBOT.TouchUpInside += Btn_exit_TouchUpInside;

            hideAllImageViews ();

            handler = reciever;
            windowManager_reference = wmr;

            //Extra fixes
            txt_Description.Editable = false;

            loadInfoInView ();

            AddSubview (v);
 /// <summary>
 /// Name: getManager
 /// Purpose: Returns the loaded instance of the window manager
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The manager.</returns>
 public WindowManager getManager()
     WindowManager wm = new WindowManager ();
     wm = windowManager;
     return wm;