Esempio n. 1
        protected IEnumerable <Row> CreateRows(DbSetInfo dbSetInfo, IEnumerable <object> dataSource, int rowCount)
            var fields    = dbSetInfo.fieldInfos.Where(f => f.isIncludeInResult()).OrderBy(f => f._ordinal).ToArray();
            int fieldsCnt = fields.Length;

            FieldInfo[] pkInfos = dbSetInfo.GetPKFieldInfos();
            Row[]       rows    = new Row[rowCount];

            int counter = 0;

            foreach (object entity in dataSource)
                Row      row = new Row();
                string[] pk  = new string[pkInfos.Length];
                row.values = new string[fieldsCnt];
                for (int i = 0; i < fieldsCnt; ++i)
                    string    fv  = null;
                    FieldInfo fld = fields[i];

                    fv = this.DataHelper.GetFieldValueAsString(entity, fld.fieldName);

                    int keyIndex = Array.IndexOf(pkInfos, fld);
                    if (keyIndex > -1)
                        pk[keyIndex] = fv;
                    row.values[i] = fv;
                row.key       = string.Join(";", pk);
                rows[counter] = row;
Esempio n. 2
        private void CreateIncludedResult(DbSetInfo dbSetInfo, IEnumerable <object> inputEntities, string propertyName, string[] nextParts, Dictionary <string, IncludedResult> visited)
            var       metadata        = this.EnsureMetadataInitialized();
            bool      isChildProperty = false;
            DbSetInfo nextDbSetInfo   = null;
            var       assoc           = metadata.associations.Values.Where(a => a.parentDbSetName == dbSetInfo.dbSetName && a.parentToChildrenName == propertyName).FirstOrDefault();

            if (assoc != null)
                isChildProperty = true;
                nextDbSetInfo   = metadata.dbSets[assoc.childDbSetName];
                assoc = metadata.associations.Values.Where(a => a.childDbSetName == dbSetInfo.dbSetName && a.childToParentName == propertyName).FirstOrDefault();
                if (assoc == null)
                    throw new DomainServiceException(string.Format(ErrorStrings.ERR_INCL_NAVIG_INVALID, propertyName + (nextParts.Length > 0?("." + string.Join(".", nextParts)):"")));

                nextDbSetInfo = metadata.dbSets[assoc.parentDbSetName];
            if (visited.ContainsKey(nextDbSetInfo.dbSetName + "." + propertyName))

            int    rowCount = 0;
            object propValue;
            LinkedList <object> resultEntities = new LinkedList <object>();

            foreach (object entity in inputEntities)
                propValue = this.DataHelper.GetProperty(entity, propertyName);
                if (isChildProperty && propValue is IEnumerable)
                    foreach (object childEntity in (IEnumerable)propValue)
                else if (!isChildProperty && propValue != null)

            //create temporary result without rows
            //fills rows at the end of the method
            IncludedResult current = new IncludedResult {
                dbSetName = nextDbSetInfo.dbSetName, rows = new Row[0], names = nextDbSetInfo.fieldInfos.Where(f => f.isIncludeInResult()).OrderBy(f => f._ordinal).Select(fi => fi.fieldName)

            visited.Add(nextDbSetInfo.dbSetName + "." + propertyName, current);

            if (nextParts.Length > 0)
                this.CreateIncludedResult(nextDbSetInfo, resultEntities, nextParts[0], nextParts.Skip(1).ToArray(), visited);

            //map rows by PK
            Dictionary <string, Row> rows = new Dictionary <string, Row>(rowCount);
            var fields   = nextDbSetInfo.fieldInfos.Where(f => f.isIncludeInResult()).OrderBy(f => f._ordinal).ToArray();
            int fieldCnt = fields.Length;

            FieldInfo[] pkInfos = nextDbSetInfo.GetPKFieldInfos();
            int         counter = 0;

            foreach (object entity in resultEntities)
                Row      row = new Row();
                string[] pk  = new string[pkInfos.Length];
                row.values = new string[fieldCnt];
                for (int i = 0; i < fieldCnt; ++i)
                    string    fv  = null;
                    FieldInfo fld = fields[i];

                    fv = this.DataHelper.GetFieldValueAsString(entity, fld.fieldName);

                    int keyIndex = Array.IndexOf(pkInfos, fld);
                    if (keyIndex > -1)
                        pk[keyIndex] = fv;
                    row.values[i] = fv;
                row.key = string.Join(";", pk);
                //here we filter out repeated rows
                if (!rows.ContainsKey(row.key))
                    rows.Add(row.key, row);

            current.rows     = rows.Values;
            current.rowCount = counter;